Banksy show in New York City
Exactly a month the legendary street artist painted the walls of New York. «None of the picture painted in the studio, will not be as good as the one that is drawn out of it». Em>
© Paul Cezanne em>
October 31 ended the show Banksy titled "Better outside than inside» (Better Out Than In), stirred the $ 20 million the city. It was like a detective show every night during the month of October street artist painted graffiti on one and puts his picture on the website dedicated to the show. And the day of his art fans rushed to search for the next masterpiece.
The work was different from the traditional cliches of provocation to the skilled-bogus. Next to each of them you can see the telephone number 1-800-656-4271. By calling it, anyone can hear the audio guide.
The police announced the hunt for the bully and once even prevented him to do the job. The press has published articles in a day of pranks Banksy, and even published a photo, which allegedly captured the elusive artist. Residents of the city is also not left behind: his works were photographed in different poses and a general izrisoval.
To add variety to the event, some days Banksy filmed video, instantly gaining millions of views. And on October 13 in Central Park has arranged the sale of replicas of his works for $ 60 dollars for each graffiti.
Website is the best work of street artist show. If you are lucky and now you're in New York, right after viewing can go on a tour.
October 1st. Manhetten
Street came into play.
October 3rd. Center
October 5th. All gorod
Banksy turned the delivery truck into a moving garden with a waterfall, rainbow and butterflies.
October 7th. Bruklin
October 9. Lower East Sayd
10th of October. East New York
October 12. Manhetten
Confession in concrete.
October 13. Sales in the Central Parke
October 14th. Kvins
What we do in life echoes in eternity is reflected.
15 October. Traybek
On October 16th. South Bronks
Sculpture Ronald McDonald for a week traveling from one to another McDonalds restaurant. And the poor man sitting at his feet, not by chance.
On 17 October. Vilyamsburg
On 18 October. 24th Western ulitsa
I enjoy going to the art galleries, but you dream about that instead of the floor beneath his feet there was a gravel? Then this temporary exhibition - especially for you. Of course, there are only two pictures, but there is a bench and free drinks.
On 20 October. Upper West Sayd
October 21. Bronks
October 24. Manhetten
Waiting in vain at the door of the club "Hell's Kitchen." For those who want to know whether the permission to drawing from the owners of the establishments, the answer is no, there was no resolution.
On October 28. Coney Aylend
October 29. 23th ulitsa
This picture of the autumn mountain landscape Banksy bought at the store of one of the charities for $ 50. He adds to the story of man sitting on a bench in the form of an SS officer, and then simply returned the painting to the store.
Changes to the canvas no one noticed, and it was re-posted in the window. Up until October 29 the artist did not show it on your website. Now the landscape that Banksy called "The banality of banality of evil» (The banality of the banality of evil), put up for auction the charitable organization Housing Works, to raise funds for the fight against AIDS. On the eve of the online auction for the painting we were willing to pay about 210 thousand dollars, but the final price may reach one million.
October, 30th. Stadium "Yankee"
October 31. Kvins
"That's all. Thank you for your patience. While ».
via # image1946255
© Paul Cezanne em>
October 31 ended the show Banksy titled "Better outside than inside» (Better Out Than In), stirred the $ 20 million the city. It was like a detective show every night during the month of October street artist painted graffiti on one and puts his picture on the website dedicated to the show. And the day of his art fans rushed to search for the next masterpiece.
The work was different from the traditional cliches of provocation to the skilled-bogus. Next to each of them you can see the telephone number 1-800-656-4271. By calling it, anyone can hear the audio guide.
The police announced the hunt for the bully and once even prevented him to do the job. The press has published articles in a day of pranks Banksy, and even published a photo, which allegedly captured the elusive artist. Residents of the city is also not left behind: his works were photographed in different poses and a general izrisoval.
To add variety to the event, some days Banksy filmed video, instantly gaining millions of views. And on October 13 in Central Park has arranged the sale of replicas of his works for $ 60 dollars for each graffiti.
Website is the best work of street artist show. If you are lucky and now you're in New York, right after viewing can go on a tour.
October 1st. Manhetten

Street came into play.
October 3rd. Center
October 5th. All gorod

Banksy turned the delivery truck into a moving garden with a waterfall, rainbow and butterflies.
October 7th. Bruklin

October 9. Lower East Sayd

10th of October. East New York

October 12. Manhetten

Confession in concrete.
October 13. Sales in the Central Parke

October 14th. Kvins

What we do in life echoes in eternity is reflected.
15 October. Traybek

On October 16th. South Bronks

Sculpture Ronald McDonald for a week traveling from one to another McDonalds restaurant. And the poor man sitting at his feet, not by chance.
On 17 October. Vilyamsburg

On 18 October. 24th Western ulitsa

I enjoy going to the art galleries, but you dream about that instead of the floor beneath his feet there was a gravel? Then this temporary exhibition - especially for you. Of course, there are only two pictures, but there is a bench and free drinks.
On 20 October. Upper West Sayd

October 21. Bronks

October 24. Manhetten

Waiting in vain at the door of the club "Hell's Kitchen." For those who want to know whether the permission to drawing from the owners of the establishments, the answer is no, there was no resolution.
On October 28. Coney Aylend

October 29. 23th ulitsa

This picture of the autumn mountain landscape Banksy bought at the store of one of the charities for $ 50. He adds to the story of man sitting on a bench in the form of an SS officer, and then simply returned the painting to the store.
Changes to the canvas no one noticed, and it was re-posted in the window. Up until October 29 the artist did not show it on your website. Now the landscape that Banksy called "The banality of banality of evil» (The banality of the banality of evil), put up for auction the charitable organization Housing Works, to raise funds for the fight against AIDS. On the eve of the online auction for the painting we were willing to pay about 210 thousand dollars, but the final price may reach one million.
October, 30th. Stadium "Yankee"

October 31. Kvins

"That's all. Thank you for your patience. While ».
via # image1946255