26 facts about Thailand

We offer you a selection of interesting facts about Thailand.
1. In Thai, the name of this country sounds Prathet Thai, meaning "land of liberty." It is the only Southeast Asian country that has never been a colony of a European country.
2. For centuries, the country's name changed several times. Several times she was called by name of the dominant cities such as Sukhothai, Ayutthaya and Thonburi. From 1800, the year he alternately called it Siam is Thailand.
3. Thailand borders with four countries: Myanmar (formerly Burma) to the north and west, Laos in the north and the east, Cambodia to the south-east and Malaysia to the south.
4. In Thailand is the largest statue (a little less than 3 m tall) golden Buddha, the world's largest crocodile farm, the largest restaurant, the longest single-span suspension bridge and the highest hotel in the world.
5. In the past, every young Thai man, including the king, before reaching 20 years was to become a Buddhist monk at least for a short time. Today, this tradition is observed, not all Thais.
6. The smallest mammal in the world Craseonycteris thonglongyai (bat) lives in Thailand.
7. Off the coast of Thailand lives the world's largest 12-meter fish Rhincodon typus, known as the whale shark.
8. In 1996, two rare "emerald cat's eyes" Phet and Ploy were considered "legal marriage", and "got married" unimaginable for 16,421 dollars. This Thai wedding has become the most expensive pet wedding of all time.
9. In 1999, 30 veterinarians rescued 38-year-old elephant foot, which she injured her, stepped on a land mine in Thailand. It was a world record for the number of veterinarians who attended the same operation.
10. In 1999 th, a group of 282 paratroopers set a record for the number of skydivers who visited at the same time with a free flight over Rachathani Ubon in Thailand. They held hands clasped for 7, 11 seconds.
11. Thailand - this is the 51st largest country in the world territory. 75% percent of the population Thais, 14% - 11% of the Chinese and - representatives of other nationalities.
12. The main religion in Thailand - Buddhism, he confesses about 94, 6% believing the country's population, Muslims are 4, 6%, Christians - 0, 7%, and representatives of other religious confessions - 0.1%. < br />
13. April 9, 2010 Thailand set a record and the longest runway in the world. To the international fashion week in Pattaya it was built runway length 1584 meters.
14. The highest point of Thailand is at an altitude of 2595 meters above sea level. It is a mountain of Doi Inthanon, popular among tourists. An estimated 12,000 people visit the summit of this mountain in the New Year.
15. The longest place name of the village in the world - is the full name of the capital of Thailand Bangkok: Krungthepma hanakhon Amonratta nakosin Mahintha rayutthaya Mahadilok phop Noppharatratc hathaniburirom Udomratchaniw etmahasathan Amonphimana watansathit Sakkathattiyawitsa nukamprasit. It means "City of Angels, Great haven immortal, the great city of nine jewelry throne for the king, the royal city of palaces, House divine incarnation, built on the orders of Vishvakarmanom Indra».
16. A century ago, northern Thailand was covered by dense forests of solid hardwood. Today, only a quarter of the country's forested. Thailand - it is the second degree of the loss of forest country in Southeast Asia. Only Singapore lost more. Today logging in Thailand is completely forbidden.
17. The official language of Thailand called Thai, and many scientists believe that it is a form of the Chinese language, which gradually was brought to the area in the period from 7th of 13th century. Key Thai language is very wide - it has 32 vowels and 44 consonants.
18. Once in Bangkok called the Venice of the East, due to the fact that many of its buildings standing on stilts in the middle of the Chao Phraya River. Over time, with the growth of the city most of the channels were covered and paved.
19. Prostitution is technically illegal in Thailand, but the law in this area can be easily bypassed. According to various estimates, the number of sex workers here ranges from 30 thousand to a million people.
20. in Thai forests grow more than 1, 5 thousand species of orchids. In Thailand the export of these colors is in first place in the world.
21. Thailand is home to perhaps the world's longest snake, reticulated python. The longest ever caught pythons and measured was 11 meters from the tip of the tail to the head.
22. Thailand also the habitat of the largest poisonous snake. King Cobra, who lives in the remnants of these forests, can kill an elephant and their bite is almost 5, 5 meters in length.
23. lived in Thailand and the largest lizard on earth Varano. Thailand lizard can grow up to 2 m 10 cm in length.
24. Approximately 10% of all known bird species lives in Thailand. This proportion is higher than in Europe or North America.
25. in the Mekong River, which is part of the eastern border of Thailand is found more than 1,300 species of fish. It is home to several species of the world's largest freshwater fish, including giant rays, which can reach a length of three meters and a weight of 300 kilograms.
26. in Thai waters lives the legendary mudskipper - fish that can climb trees.
via factroom.ru
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