How to move to Bangkok, and why not on the island

In Bangkok, I live in the past 5 years. If we denote my career short, I am an artist and designer. I do my own art projects, my artistic activity has several directions, at the moment the most important of them - this is my brand jewelry KUSYA, in which I and my little creative team create and produce a collection of conceptual, stylish jewelry.

Why Bangkok
Thailand usually associated at all with the sea and the beach, I live quite far away from these places. In Bangkok, there is no sea. This is a huge metropolis, by the way, on the territory of the superior Moscow. For example, I can not imagine how one can live for years on the island. Island - it is, in fact, a village with all the ensuing consequences. I love the big city, space and diversity, and it's all there in Bangkok. And on the island I'm happy to go on vacation.

Before I was in Bangkok, I lived in Moscow. One morning I woke up, drank coffee and decided to leave their creative work, which is still revolved around the office, and decided to go to Bangkok. This idea to me was enough to finish all the work, buy tickets and collect things for a few days. I did not plan my trip for months and years, not ready for it, I just took it and went absolutely no idea what the outcome of this adventure. City I chose almost by accident, intuitive, and no mistake.

Bangkok - a city for work, and it's one of the reasons why I live here. Bangkok is very diverse, there are many hidden very interesting atmospheric place, but it is better to know in advance where you are going. In Bangkok, you can walk an hour and did not meet on the way.
Come here every day a lot of foreigners, so the city has already become international: here it is possible to observe a mixture of different Asian cultures, as well as the influence of America, so places like Bangkok to Hong Kong, New York and even to Europe.
In Thailand, English is spoken by no means all. Of course, in the tourist areas this will not have big problems, but if you are interested in not only the standard tourist routes, if you want to discover the "real Bangkok" and deeply feel the culture of the country, in this case without the knowledge of even the basics of everyday Thai language is not do.
At the moment, I'm pretty fluent in Thai, gradually learning the language while living here. Knowledge of the Thai language opens up many previously closed doors, in particular this applies to the creation of domestic comfort and avoid unnecessary spending.

How much is a life in Bangkok
Of course, this question can not be answered unequivocally - each has its own standards, needs and opportunities. I think you can live in Bangkok and at $ 300, but the quality of life will fit the budget, as well as in any other country and the city.
If you still need to determine a budget for life, then I advise everyone to focus on its usual budget. If a person is living in Russia, had a budget of $ 2,000 per month, then in Bangkok is likely to have to live under the same budget, and the bonus will be a slight increase in living standards and opportunities.

Nutrition and average check per month
Surely everyone has heard about Thai street food. Thais have no culture of home cooking. Much more convenient and sometimes cheaper to buy ready-made food on the street. The first year of life in Thailand, I looked tasted Thai street food. In addition to Thai food in Bangkok, you can find many other authentic cuisines of the world, for example, I love Indian food, Lebanese, Himalayan and Korean. In addition, Bangkok is home to many Europeans who have opened their own restaurants, so you can eat divinely in Italian, French or home restaurant. The average bill in good authentic restaurant listed will be about 1, 5 thousand. Rub. for two.

In Bangkok, an incredible number of restaurants, and I am constantly discovering new culinary delights, even given the fact that more than 15 years, I do not eat meat. Therefore, a separate point, I note that for vegetarians Bangkok - a gastronomic paradise.

In addition to restaurants, of course, you can cook at home. Prices for European products (cheese, dairy products, vegetables, European, etc.) are approximately equal to Moscow. Usually, thoroughly familiar to purchase food, I go out of the supermarket with an average check at 2, 5-3 thousand. Rub. You can also order food delivery from any restaurant back home. It is very convenient, and I often use it when there is no time to think about food.
At the same time in Bangkok, you can spend very little money for food, if you eat that is usually eaten Thais. The first time I intensely studied Thai cuisine. On the street or in Thai inexpensive restaurant for lunch 100-200 rubles. But now the Thai food is included in my daily diet on mood and not so often.

Rental housing
Housing prices - both for rental and for purchase - is much lower than in Moscow, they can be compared with the prices in small Russian cities. Oddly enough, if we consider the prices in Thailand as a whole, much, including property prices, lower in the capital. Before I found an apartment of your dreams, I had to go through fire, water and copper pipes. The very first apartment in Bangkok, where I stayed, as I now understand it, was terrible. It was an old multi-storey building, which, as it turned out in the end, it was inhabited by only a few apartments. In general, this house still reminds me of Japanese horror films and causes a shudder.
Then each of my apartment getting better and cheaper. It happened just as how when searching for an apartment, I was able to use the Thai language. The best proposals for purchase and rental apartments are located in the Thai language and designed to Thais, which, in general, very logical and understandable.
But even without knowing the Thai language, it is realistic to find a good studio in European style with swimming pool near the center for 20-30 thousand. Rub. month. If you talk about housing in Thai style, you can find options and 5-6 thousand. Rub. Most likely, it will be a very small room without a kitchen, which is no different European comfort. But this option for those who are not spoiled and ready to learn the standard of living of the Thai people, who came to Bangkok to work from the provinces, middle- and low-income.

In Bangkok, one of the most comfortable and cheap taxis in the world. Taxi constitute at least 30% of all vehicles on the road. For instance, if you are on the road for 40 minutes, the score for a taxi will be 100-120 rubles., All the taxi ride over the counter. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to rent a car in Bangkok. For me it was a taxi is the most convenient and frequently used means of transportation. But, in addition to cheap taxi, Bangkok is also famous for very large mirrors. In such cases, the aid comes BTS (ground station) and MRT (underground subway). Using these lines, trains and combining them pretty quickly you can get anywhere in the city.
In addition, in Bangkok are many shuttle buses. Also, there are alternative ways of movement - is a motorbike-taxis and the so-called here-tuk. The first means of transportation like to use many nepuganye tourists, I strongly advise not to ride on motorbikes or as a passenger, even more so as a driver. Many tourists, being in a state of euphoria, do not feel the danger posed by motorbike. Nevertheless, we should not forget that in Bangkok mortality on roads as a result of the accident one of the highest. Once I became personally witnessed such terrible accident, I do not get tired of repeating that riding a motorbike - a fatal number. Besides the cost of travel by motorbike-taxi is the same as a taxi.
This is where the fat - is a cross between a motorbike and a taxi home-made machine. I was lucky enough to ride on this miracle of manual assembly of local craftsmen only once, and it was my very first day in Bangkok. This is where the fat - rather, it is not a means of transportation, and tourist attraction. Many people are surprised to learn that a trip to the tuk-tuk can often cost more formal taxi.
Driving license
With a strong desire in Bangkok you can buy or rent a car, you need to have international law. This makes sense if you live in Bangkok for many years and want to have complete freedom of movement. In all other cases, it makes no sense to think about this question, as in Asia is not the best situation on the roads, and this can be dangerous for the unprepared person.

Internet, mobile communication
Bangkok - this is a huge, well-developed city, and so there are no problems with the internet and communication. Almost all cafes, restaurants and shopping centers have free Wi-Fi.
In what area to stay
In Bangkok, a lot of areas, there is no center of the city itself. Conditionally to the center include:
Siam area - in this area is concentrated set of large shopping centers, there is an area of the same name.
Asok area - can be called a business center, where you can find luxury hotels or guesthouses average for the price.
Silom Sathorn - this is an area where also a lot of business centers and luxury apartments.
Khaosan area - there is the notorious concentration of bars, entertainment and cheap guesthouses. This area is perfect for lovers of parties and bars.
Nana area - Arab quarter, where for some reason like to stop Russian.
Thong Lo area - very comfortable Japanese area with developed infrastructure, also love Russian expats.
I have listed the most popular areas where you can find guaranteed a hotel or guest house, on the basis of any budget. It is in these areas is likely to lead all the way those who decided to stay in Bangkok for a while. But also cheap guesthouses can be found in almost any area.

For the citizens of Russia at the entrance to Thailand put a stamp free for 30 days, that is in Thailand without a visa problems and can spend a month. If you have a desire to stay longer, then it is necessary to solve the visa issue. Alternatively, you can combine business with pleasure: to go on language courses and get an opportunity to live in Thailand up to 3 years without having to leave the country (annual course in English or Thai language is worth about 25-30 thousand. Rub. Per year). You can also go to college or start a business.
What time of year to go
In Bangkok, a few seasons and almost always equally hot. The most cool season - is December-February. Perhaps this is the best time to visit Bangkok, because you can walk around the city during the day without getting heat stroke. Only this time, you can feel something like cool, but it is fun quickly ends, and begins again the usual heat. However, the heat - it's not a big problem, as everywhere, even in the smallest store in a taxi or the subway, there is always a very powerful air conditioning. In Bangkok, many beautiful parks and small ponds, where you can walk in the shade.
There is also the rainy season, which does not bring any special inconvenience. Tropical rain suddenly begin and end quickly dry up even faster.
A total of 3 seasons in Thailand. On this account the Thais have a joke: the hot season, very hot and very, very hot.
You can see in the guidebooks, when it starts is the peak season, and do the opposite - to arrive in Bangkok in the off-season. Will be all the same, except that you can enjoy the lack of a large number of tourists. In contrast to the islands and tourist destinations, prices in Bangkok do not depend on the seasons.

Pros and cons of
For me, a great advantage is that Bangkok - a city for people. Here soars inspiration, there is every possibility to implement any creative ideas. You can work in the library of Arts and drink coffee in the atmospheric Arab quarter, close encounter with a variety of different cultures and to experience each of them.
Bangkok - it's very interesting, dynamic and stylish city, but it did not notice anything. Someone, for example, feels there is only sewage stench. Relatively odor, by the way, I can say that this is just a habit. Over time, what is called a stink, is divided into a plurality of separate and wonderful smells, such as the smell of flowers, fried rice and exotic fruits.
With regard to domestic moments in Bangkok has all and any request. Here you can live very cheap and very expensive, quite different conditions. The main thing - in Bangkok has everything to create your comfortable world, so what is needed for you.
Strict visa regime, if it is a long stay. For citizenship in Thailand at least need to master the language before the commission and sing the national and royal anthems. Naturally, in the Thai language into the microphone.
If you decide to officially open a business in Thailand, you need to be prepared for the fact that a foreigner in the company must operate at least 5 Thais. In addition there is a large list of occupations that are prohibited for foreigners.
The temperature never drops below +30 ° C.

Source: lifehacker.ru