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Early 19th Century: The Black Rock was a ship carrying slaves crossing the Pacific. On this ship we transported a large range of magnetic minerals. Unexpectedly, the boat encounters the island. The island has unique magnetic properties, metallic materials on the boat were attracted by the magnetic forces of the island, and the boat is literally hoisted onto the island. The inhabitants of Black Rock become who we know as "other". Richard - one of their leaders. The boat, having strong levels of magnetism, creates a hole in the invisible bubble that surrounds the island - this hole - to coordinate "305", in which the team Daniel travels to get to the island. Once the Black Rock crashes, the leaders aboard the ship, including Alvar Hanso, begin studies of the magnetic aspects of the island. Their descendents ultimately form the DHARMA at the end of the 20th century. Next 1960s: DHARMA Initiative was established to improve the human race. It was originally conceived as a study of people, but had increased to a massive project that was designed to investigate the fate. At some point during DHARMA'S studies, someone managed to enhance the magnetic properties of the island to bend time and space - thus, a time machine was created.

Time Machine serves two different functions:

1. One of the machine is synchronized with the magnetic anomaly that covers the island. It is a way to send the entire island back in time - to the moment when the time machine was created. At the end of season 4, Ben turns the wheel to return to the island in time to the moment when the machine has been created.

2. The machine of time and - a physical device that can carry people last, until the time when the vehicle was designed.

In the initial stages of testing the time machine, DHARMA put tests on animals (namely, polar bears) to avoid any time-related catastrophes or paradoxes. The first tests were in a time machine to make sure that they can increase the life of the animal. They sent a polar bear back in time a few years ago and then changed its habitat to see if it can survive. When polar bears are back now, DHARMA saw that they were able to survive outside the island, and even in extreme climates (such as deserts), so it made them partially invincible. Realizing the power of this time machine, the leaders of DHARMA decided to hide it. Thus, many of the experiments on the island of Lost - only a cover to hide the true study of DHARMA.

Shortly after the experimentation with the polar bears, DHARMA starts sending people back in time. After a few years of experience with the time machine DHARMA becomes curious as to whether it is possible to change the course of history. To understand whether people can change a future that's already written, DHARMA starts to experiment with sending people back in time. Unfortunately, the people who were sent to the past could not do anything to change the future, it was already decided.

They are making desperate attempts to prove that there is at least some benefit from the time machine. DHARMA leaders decide to infect disease group of his men to put the test with time. Sending people in the past can cure them of a deadly virus? Without warning, DHARMA releases a virus on the island that infects humans. DHARMA Initiative convinces them that they can cure the disease with a special device, this device is a time machine. However, I do not know about guinea people - they just want to get cured, and think the time machine - a certain type of light vaccinations.
People are returning to the past, and are cured of the virus, but the fate of the prescribed way, then the smoke monster kill them as a monster - a natural destiny means that corrects the course of time. DHARMA seeing this monster realizes that this time the time machine serving no purpose whatsoever.
The only thing DHARMA has accomplished - rejected the part of its members.

Surviving the test becoming enemies of DHARMA, and subsequently referred to as the Other, Richard and Jacob - including.

1970-1985: Ben's mother gets a job in the Dharma, to start a study of the time machine. After several years of testing, it is also up on its abilities. She meets Richard - leader of the Others, and he tells her about the horrible experimentation that DHARMA puts on people. Ben's mom begins to hate DHARMA. She believes her destiny to bring down DHARMA, all because of the harm they have caused to innocent people in the name of science. She decides to kill two birds with one stone: instead of just leaving the island and possibly angering DHARMA at her departure, she decides to use the time machine to go back in time to the moment when she came to the island. She leaves the island and everything goes as if she had never been on the island. She goes back in time to relive 15 years of his life, during which she explored the island, a brilliant plan!

1970: Ben's mother comes back to 15 years ago, back in 1970, where she is in Oregon. She meets a guy, marries him, and gets pregnant. But she was childless in the alternate future that she lived on the island. Unfortunately for her, DHARMA had not yet discovered the connection between the dying children / mothers and time travel. (Remember when Juliet sees an x-ray of a woman who was only 26, but the 70-year-old womb? Apparently, a unique effect of time travel that will always be the queen of aging).

When it comes time to give birth, she dies, but gives birth to a boy. She died during the time TC has been corrected course of destiny, so to replace her with Ben. In a way, Ben - the embodiment of her, and was created so as to perform its function - Irritable DHARMA scientist who ultimately bring down the shady corporation. This is the role of Ben - find out how the fate and find a way how to make the time machine working without using DHARMA's methods.

1980: Soon after the death of the mother of Ben, their good friend Horace recommends that they went to the island. Horace probably works on dharma and was sent to watch over Ben's mother. After her death, he is satisfied with her husband and Ben to the island so that DHARMA could control them both. When they get to the island, it turns out that Ben's father need just as a worker for the DHARMA Initiative. Ben was the real reason that they came to the island. Ben's legacy to fulfill his mother's destiny.
Ben, unfortunately, is not aware of it at the time. He is trying to entertain himself, maybe his father was not very interested in it.

1981: After some piece on the island, Ben hears and sees his dead mother on the island. The reason he sees her is that in an alternate future, she is alive and working in the DHARMA on the island. However, in this new present she is dead and wants to help Ben understand his destiny, he was able to continue its business. Her appearance as a ghost Ben allows you to correct the course of history.

Then, in the jungle, Ben meets Richard, who tells him that he is not yet ready. Richard - time traveler and a DHARMA-hater. When Ben first encounter with Richard in the jungle, Richard has traveled back in time from 2007 to 1970. Thus, while Richard Ben occurs, it does not look grown old. Why did Richard go back in time, to get in contact with Ben? Recruit him.
Richard knew Ben's mother in the alternate timeline, so he knows that Ben is the embodiment of his mother, and that he is some type of miracle on the island. Since Richard and Ben live plotting how they ousted DHARMA, and use the time machine without involving people in mortal danger.

1988 Team Rousseau was the opposing force against the Dharma, but they were not associated with
Other. Meanwhile, they came to the island to investigate the shady experiments of DHARMA. They were associated with the virus, which is released in the DHARMA locals. Unfortunately then another and Ben have not yet created a plan to destroy the DHARMA.
In any case, they did not want to send their children to the experiments of the Dharma. Once Rousseau lost her baby, she set up the signal from the beacon. This lasted for many years on the island, but the signal is blocked by the mirror.

1981-2007: Ben grows up from 10 to 37, planning with Richard and Jacob plan to destroy the Dharma. Meanwhile, DHARMA continues to test other unique properties of the island to see if they can leverage the time machine for other purposes. DHARMA discovers the magnetic anomaly in the island via the SWAN station.
This magnetic anomaly - a bubble that encompasses the entire island. Unfortunately, DHARMA only does some basic tests on this anomaly, as they do not really know how to use it for something useful. At this time, both the others and DHARMA are trying to understand how they can make a time machine for the greater good.

By testing the time machine, DHARMA and the others make the following discoveries about time travel.
Note that there is no exact definition of time travel, time travel is simply used as a concept in the show, and the supernatural things that we see, this is the fate of the tools that are needed to preserve the future.

1. When someone enters the time machine, they can only go back in time, and only at that time when the machine is already working.

2. When you go back in time, you do not look younger. For example, if you go back 50 or 10 years ago, you do not receive your 40-year-old body. However, at that time as long as you re-live 10 years old, your body will not grow old, as long as you do not catch up with the original time, which included the car.

3. When you return to the past, you've saved hairstyle, tattoos, body organs, and memory. Nevertheless, for example, you were paralyzed, the fate of the need to make some adjustments in order to maintain the confidence that you can still play your past role in life. Time travel TEMPORARILY cure any physical ailments you may have had prior to entering the time machine. However, fate still finds a way to paralyze you again as soon as you reach this time. Maybe the first time you were paralyzed, because you were pushed out of the window. Since the universe has an interesting feature to adjust the second time you can be hit by a car.

4. When you go back in time, you can only change those things that did not impact on your destiny. In other words, if you went to church on a certain day, and then headed back to the past, not the fact that you go to church in your time. However, if you change the faith as a result of going to church vpervyj time, the fate finds a way to affect your faith. You might be on the verge of death, a mysterious woman will greet you in a jewelry store and tell you that you need to change your beliefs ... or perhaps fate just kill you if you do not find a way to influence the faith.

5. If you go back in time and die - you are not completely dead, because already there was a change of the universe where you were alive in the future. Thus, you get half dead until it is present. In other words, your presence may be known to some people but not to others. Your presence will be apparent only when you have to influence the destiny.

6. If you have never had a child, you can not go back and do it. Fate does not allow a new person to exist in the past where it originally did not exist. Thus, the fate of most will kill the mother, baby or both in order to course correct. UNLESS, fate decides to use no child or the mother, someone else has to replace the time-axis.

7. The basic rule of a time machine - is not subject to any definitions of time travel. Rules control the destiny, keeping the time axis. If you do something serious in the future tense, the fate will find any way to save it is possible, we have seen its instruments - the ghosts and monsters on the island of smoke. So the definition of time travel in the series, the fate really is amazing property to adjust.



2007: Filled with hatred, Ben, Richard and Jacob
looking for a way to steal a time machine and go back in time to 1996, to erase all of DHARMA on the island. Note that most of the time Ben from his birth to 2007, Oceanic 815 does not break on the island, and Ben did not fight with cancer.
The fact that Ben, Richard, and some others lived life until 2007, giving them some unique powers: they know that they physically remain alive until 2007, regardless of what happens (if fate does not deem their existence as not necessary for the preservation of their main path). It's one of the reasons for which Ben survives throughout the entire process of the struggle for power on the island in season 4, and the reason he suffers from severe beatings Lostovchan in almost every episode.

1996 (new timeline on the island) return to the past, they realize that many DHARMovtsy remain alive outside the island, others must quickly decide how to make so that Widmore found the island. Thus, Ben decides to put the entire island in a time loop. The loop will keep the island suspended in time in the past (in the year 1996) - thus preventing any outside DHARMA people find them on the island.
Once Ben and Richard create a time loop, they leave the locals on the island - these people ultimately grow to become DHARMA opponents - other.

To create a time loop, Ben, Richard and Michael are synchronized with the time machine in the Orchid magnetic anomaly that encompasses the island - thus represents an opportunity to send the entire island back in time. They set up a computer so that the pressing need every 108 minutes, in fact, it activates a time machine every 108 minutes. Thus other for many years to be able to stop on the island, resetting the time machine every 108 minutes.
Unfortunately, time continues to go around the rest of the world, it only stopped on the island.
Therefore, the island is in 1996, while real world time eventually reaches 2004 during crash. The only way to pass through the island time and real world time - use the special coordinate, which is referenced in Season 4. Remember in season 3, Ben tells Richard "Once we used to celebrate birthdays?" There is no reason to celebrate birthdays if the Others are repeating time every 108 minutes, and thus not aging.

1996-1996 (8 years occur on the island): While time is staying constant on the island, while others are now invisible to the outside world, continue tests in time travel. Others want to create a utopia on the island. They want to hold the island in the time loop forever. They believe that if time has stood still on the island, so the rules of fate will not apply. But there is a problem.
Since the other on the island understand that fate always kills mothers and babies, and they have to find a way to continue the family on the island. Thus, they recruit Juliet to explore the problem of pregnancy. They also decide that a privileged military officer (Kelvin) is able to press a button and make him think that he is saving the world. Meanwhile, the rest of the others, who do not aging (including Richard, Ben, and all the rest).

Because the island is hidden from the outside world, Ben and Richard have to be careful in the import and export of people from the island. In addition, the island is only accessible by special coordinates that Black Rock created over a century ago.
If you do not follow these coordinates, you can jump into the past, and to come back and survive will need to find a "constant" between island time and real world time. Conversely, if you get to the island from the future (do not use a special course), your consciousness is "stuck" between the island time and real world time - you also need to find a "permanent».

Jacob also traveled back in time with Richard and Ben; however, we do not see him alive. At some point after Jacob returned in time with Richard and Ben to start the time loop, he dies. However, maybe Jacob lived in the future tense of the island until 2007, his spirit lives on, to communicate with Ben and Richard.


1996-2004 (Off-Island Time): While the island is stuck in 1996, all the main characters of Lost live flashbacks. We see the beginnings of stories from their second recurrence to date. Keep in mind that when Ben, Richard and Jacob lived for the first time until 2007, the plane did not fall to the island.
