News of the year
Freak of nature
Tina Hughes Sniski looking doll of her childhood among the ruins of her parents' house in Prettville (Prattville), Alabama. The tornado demolished or seriously damaged 200 homes, 30 people were injured, told the press Mayor of Jim Beard. The tornado also damaged power lines, because of this, about 9,000 residential and office buildings in Prettvile were without electricity.
A woman is holding a kitten that was born in the trash in Amarillo, Texas.
A woman is holding a kitten that was born in the trash in Amarillo, Texas. & Quot; title = «Janus
A woman is holding a kitten that was born in the trash in Amarillo, Texas. »& Gt;
Flooded Ecuador
Local resident on a flooded street in Puerto Inca (Puerto Inca), Ecuador. Ecuador's President Rafael Correa declared a state of emergency throughout the country in response to the floods, which killed three people. More than 50,000 Ecuadorians lost their homes and evacuated to safe places, the national economy suffered multimillion-dollar losses. In late January, a state of emergency was introduced in 9 provinces on the Pacific coast of Ecuador, but heavy rains do not stop until today.
Local resident on a flooded street in Puerto Inca (Puerto Inca), Ecuador. Ecuador's President Rafael Correa declared a state of emergency throughout the country in response to the floods, which killed three people. More than 50,000 Ecuadorians lost their homes and evacuated to safe places, the national economy suffered multimillion-dollar losses. In late January, a state of emergency was introduced in 9 provinces on the Pacific coast of Ecuador, but heavy rains do not stop until today. & Quot; title = «Flooded Ecuador
Local resident on a flooded street in Puerto Inca (Puerto Inca), Ecuador. Ecuador's President Rafael Correa declared a state of emergency throughout the country in response to the floods, which killed three people. More than 50,000 Ecuadorians lost their homes and evacuated to safe places, the national economy suffered multimillion-dollar losses. In late January, a state of emergency was introduced in 9 provinces on the Pacific coast of Ecuador, but heavy rains do not stop until today. »& Gt;
Activation of the Taliban
A police officer stands on the site of terrorist attacks in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar. This attack - the bloodiest in Afghanistan for the last 7 years, as a result of it, according to the latest killing about 100 people.
On Sunday, the terrorist detonated on a "suicide belt" around Bagbal seventh municipal district of Kandahar - the administrative center of the homonymous southern Afghan province at a time when people gathered for the festivities, as well as watch the fights of fighting dogs.
After the explosion in Kandahar provincial government introduced "draconian" measures to restore order and discipline in the ranks of the police. Kandahar governor Asadullah Khalid fired nearly 200 law enforcement officers from the ranks of the traffic police, which guarded the road to Kandahar-Herat.
Dog competitions attended by law enforcement officers, who arrived there on several police pickup trucks "Ford Ranger", as well as citizens who arrived in Bagbal by private car.
A police officer stands on the site of terrorist attacks in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar. This attack - the bloodiest in Afghanistan for the last 7 years, as a result of it, according to the latest killing about 100 people.
On Sunday, the terrorist detonated himself on the & quot; & gt; After the explosion in Kandahar provincial government introduced "draconian" measures to restore order and discipline in the ranks of the police. Kandahar governor Asadullah Khalid fired nearly 200 law enforcement officers from the ranks of the traffic police, which guarded the road to Kandahar-Herat.
Dog competitions attended by law enforcement officers, who arrived there on several police pickup trucks "Ford Ranger", as well as citizens who arrived in Bagbal private cars. & Quot; title = «Activation Taliban
A police officer stands on the site of terrorist attacks in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar. This attack - the bloodiest in Afghanistan for the last 7 years, as a result of it, according to the latest killing about 100 people.
On Sunday, the terrorist detonated himself on "suicide belt" in the area Bagbal seventh municipal district of Kandahar - the administrative center of the homonymous southern Afghan province at a time when people gathered for the festivities, as well as watch the fights of fighting dogs.
After the explosion in Kandahar provincial government introduced "draconian" measures to restore order and discipline in the ranks of the police. Kandahar governor Asadullah Khalid fired nearly 200 law enforcement officers from the ranks of the traffic police, which guarded the road to Kandahar-Herat.
Dog competitions attended by law enforcement officers, who arrived there on several police pickup trucks "Ford Ranger", as well as citizens who arrived in Bagbal by private car. »& Gt;
Kosovo's independence from Serbia
The rally in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, in support of Kosovo's independence. All probably already know, the international political conflict of the month: today's announcement of Kosovo's independence.
The Parliament of Kosovo declared its independence unilaterally. Acts against the secession of Kosovo, in particular, Russia. Vladimir Putin said that the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo would be a violation of the principles of international law.
At an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on February 15 five countries (the United States and the European Union) of the 15 members of the Security Council in favor of Kosovo's independence. Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation Vitaly Churkin said:
"Without a new decision of the Security Council, no one can arbitrarily replace the UN in Kosovo, arbitrarily change the nature, structure and functions of the international civil presence in Kosovo. Any arbitrary steps bypassing the UN Security Council to change the mandate of the international presence ... would be contrary to international law, primarily the UN Charter and universally recognized norms of peacekeeping. »
Serbia will never recognize the independence of Kosovo and considers it a false public education, said referring to the nation, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica.
He promised to return to Kosovo and Metohija into Serbia.
The rally in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, in support of Kosovo's independence. All probably already know, the international political conflict of the month: today's announcement of Kosovo's independence.
The Parliament of Kosovo declared its independence unilaterally. Acts against the secession of Kosovo, in particular, Russia. Vladimir Putin said that the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo would be a violation of the principles of international law.
At an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on February 15 five countries (the United States and the European Union) of the 15 members of the Security Council in favor of Kosovo's independence. Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation Vitaly Churkin said:
& Quot; & gt; Serbia will never recognize the independence of Kosovo and considers it a false public education, said referring to the nation, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica.
He promised to return to Kosovo and Metohija into Serbia. & Quot; title = «The independence of Kosovo from Serbia
The rally in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, in support of Kosovo's independence. All probably already know, the international political conflict of the month: today's announcement of Kosovo's independence.
The Parliament of Kosovo declared its independence unilaterally. Acts against the secession of Kosovo, in particular, Russia. Vladimir Putin said that the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo would be a violation of the principles of international law.
At an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on February 15 five countries (the United States and the European Union) of the 15 members of the Security Council in favor of Kosovo's independence. Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation Vitaly Churkin said:
"Without a new Security Council resolution, no one can arbitrarily replace the UN in Kosovo, arbitrarily change the nature, structure and functions of the international civil presence in Kosovo. Any arbitrary steps bypassing the UN Security Council to change the mandate of the international presence ... would be contrary to international law, primarily the UN Charter and universally recognized norms of peacekeeping. & Quot;
Serbia will never recognize the independence of Kosovo and considers it a false public education, said referring to the nation, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica.
He promised to return to Kosovo and Metohija into Serbia. & Quot; & gt;
Alternative energy sources
One of the first experimental solar power plants in Spain, located in Sanlúcar la Mayor (Sanlúcar la Mayor). This is the largest solar power plant in Europe at the moment, is capable of producing 11 megawatts of electricity. Still ahead.
One of the first experimental solar power plants in Spain, located in Sanlúcar la Mayor (Sanlúcar la Mayor). This is the largest solar power plant in Europe at the moment, is capable of producing 11 megawatts of electricity. Still to come. & Quot; title = «Alternative energy sources
One of the first experimental solar power plants in Spain, located in Sanlúcar la Mayor (Sanlúcar la Mayor). This is the largest solar power plant in Europe at the moment, is capable of producing 11 megawatts of electricity. Still to come. »& Gt;
Labor protection rules
Students supporting the construction workers during clashes with police in the capital of Panama. Panamanian construction workers in favor of fundamental overhaul of safety rules after the death of 25 workers in 2007.
Students supporting the construction workers during clashes with police in the capital of Panama. Panamanian construction workers in favor of fundamental overhaul of safety rules after the death of 25 workers in 2007. & Quot; title = «Rules of occupational safety
Students supporting the construction workers during clashes with police in the capital of Panama. Panamanian construction workers in favor of fundamental overhaul of safety rules after the death of 25 workers in 2007. »& Gt;
National Treasure disappeared
Hot South Korean national treasure №1 - South Gate, Sunnemun (Namdaemun), Seoul, South Korea. The oldest architectural monument in Seoul, built in 1398.
On the night of 10 to 11 February at the wooden part of the building was a fire. More than 300 firefighters within 3 hours unsuccessfully tried to extinguish the fire, but the wooden part of the monument burned to the ground. Police speculated that the cause of the fire could be arson. February 12, 2008, was arrested an elderly Korean man (65 years old), who confessed that he had committed arson facilities due to anger at the local authorities, which did not help him to understand the issue to obtain financial compensation from the company-builder. They received compensation for the land belonged to him it was not enough.
In the evening he got on the second floor of the gate, they poured pripasёnny solvent and set fire with a lighter. Earlier, the same man committed arson in other architectural monuments of Seoul - Changgyeonggung Palace.
Korean government spokesman said that within three years the monument will be restored, and for this purpose allocated 21 million dollars.
Good place for $ 21 million?
Hot South Korean national treasure №1 - South Gate, Sunnemun (Namdaemun), Seoul, South Korea. The oldest architectural monument in Seoul, built in 1398.
On the night of 10 to 11 February at the wooden part of the building was a fire. More than 300 firefighters within 3 hours unsuccessfully tried to extinguish the fire, but the wooden part of the monument burned to the ground. Police speculated that the cause of the fire could be arson. February 12, 2008, was arrested an elderly Korean man (65 years old), who confessed that he had committed arson facilities due to anger at the local authorities, which did not help him to understand the issue to obtain financial compensation from the company-builder. They received compensation for the land belonged to him it was not enough.
In the evening he got on the second floor of the gate, they poured pripasёnny solvent and set fire with a lighter. Earlier, the same man committed arson in other architectural monuments of Seoul - Changgyeonggung Palace.
Korean government spokesman said that within three years the monument will be restored, and for this purpose allocated 21 million dollars.
Good place for $ 21 million? & Quot; title = «disappeared treasure of the nation
Hot South Korean national treasure №1 - South Gate, Sunnemun (Namdaemun), Seoul, South Korea. The oldest architectural monument in Seoul, built in 1398.
On the night of 10 to 11 February at the wooden part of the building was a fire. More than 300 firefighters within 3 hours unsuccessfully tried to extinguish the fire, but the wooden part of the monument burned to the ground. Police speculated that the cause of the fire could be arson. February 12, 2008, was arrested an elderly Korean man (65 years old), who confessed that he had committed arson facilities due to anger at the local authorities, which did not help him to understand the issue to obtain financial compensation from the company-builder. They received compensation for the land belonged to him it was not enough.
In the evening he got on the second floor of the gate, they poured pripasёnny solvent and set fire with a lighter. Earlier, the same man committed arson in other architectural monuments of Seoul - Changgyeonggung Palace.
Korean government spokesman said that within three years the monument will be restored, and for this purpose allocated 21 million dollars.
Good place for $ 21 million? »& Gt;
Whirlwind death
The same tornado in Atkins, Arkansas. 15 people were killed and wounded - a hundred times more ...
The same tornado in Atkins, Arkansas. 15 people were killed and wounded - a hundred times more ... & quot; title = «Whirlwind death
The same tornado in Atkins, Arkansas. 15 people were killed and wounded - a hundred times more ... »& gt;
Storm in England
A man goes to a beached cargo ferry «Riverdance» Blackpool, northern England.
The vessel, which was carrying 23 people, suffered distress in the Irish Sea. The ferry caught in a storm 13 kilometers west of the port city of Fleetwood (Fleetwood) in the northwest of the UK. Under the blows of the powerful waves of seven meters high steam banked at 45 degrees. On board the 150-meter ferry were 19 crew members and four passengers. In two passes they were brought ashore by helicopter.
A man goes to a beached cargo ferry & quot; & gt; A vessel which was carrying 23 people, suffered distress in the Irish Sea. The ferry caught in a storm 13 kilometers west of the port city of Fleetwood (Fleetwood) in the northwest of the UK. Under the blows of the powerful waves of seven meters high steam banked at 45 degrees. On board the 150-meter ferry were 19 crew members and four passengers. In two passes they were brought ashore by helicopter. & Quot; title = «Storm in England
A man goes to a beached cargo ferry "Riverdance" in Blackpool, northern England.
The vessel, which was carrying 23 people, suffered distress in the Irish Sea. The ferry caught in a storm 13 kilometers west of the port city of Fleetwood (Fleetwood) in the northwest of the UK. Under the blows of the powerful waves of seven meters high steam banked at 45 degrees. On board the 150-meter ferry were 19 crew members and four passengers. In two passes they were brought ashore by helicopter. »& Gt;
Ice storm in Kentucky
A team of electricians removes fallen because of Hurricane tree in Paducah, Kentucky. Winter storms in the US - a terrible thing.
A team of electricians removes fallen because of Hurricane tree in Paducah, Kentucky. Winter storms in the US - a terrible thing. & Quot; title = «ice storm in Kentucky
A team of electricians removes fallen because of Hurricane tree in Paducah, Kentucky. Winter storms in the US - a terrible thing. »& Gt;
Unprecedented unrest in Chad
Women go near the destroyed central market of N'Djamena in Chad. Collisions rebels and government troops forced thousands of people to become refugees in Chad. In Chad, the state of emergency. The fighting in the Chadian capital N'Djamena began on February 2, when the rebels demanding the overthrow of President Idriss Deby, broke into the city and laid siege to the presidential palace.
Chad - a former French colony in central Africa, having achieved independence in 1960. Since 2005, the Chadian rebels make sporadic forays.
Throughout the Chad began operating state of emergency, the introduction of which on Thursday night said President Idriss Deby. "These are exceptional measures, but I have to go to them for the sake of stability in the country, urged President Déby citizens from all television channels.
& Quot; »& Gt;
via rykun
Tina Hughes Sniski looking doll of her childhood among the ruins of her parents' house in Prettville (Prattville), Alabama. The tornado demolished or seriously damaged 200 homes, 30 people were injured, told the press Mayor of Jim Beard. The tornado also damaged power lines, because of this, about 9,000 residential and office buildings in Prettvile were without electricity.

A woman is holding a kitten that was born in the trash in Amarillo, Texas.

A woman is holding a kitten that was born in the trash in Amarillo, Texas. & Quot; title = «Janus
A woman is holding a kitten that was born in the trash in Amarillo, Texas. »& Gt;
Flooded Ecuador
Local resident on a flooded street in Puerto Inca (Puerto Inca), Ecuador. Ecuador's President Rafael Correa declared a state of emergency throughout the country in response to the floods, which killed three people. More than 50,000 Ecuadorians lost their homes and evacuated to safe places, the national economy suffered multimillion-dollar losses. In late January, a state of emergency was introduced in 9 provinces on the Pacific coast of Ecuador, but heavy rains do not stop until today.

Local resident on a flooded street in Puerto Inca (Puerto Inca), Ecuador. Ecuador's President Rafael Correa declared a state of emergency throughout the country in response to the floods, which killed three people. More than 50,000 Ecuadorians lost their homes and evacuated to safe places, the national economy suffered multimillion-dollar losses. In late January, a state of emergency was introduced in 9 provinces on the Pacific coast of Ecuador, but heavy rains do not stop until today. & Quot; title = «Flooded Ecuador
Local resident on a flooded street in Puerto Inca (Puerto Inca), Ecuador. Ecuador's President Rafael Correa declared a state of emergency throughout the country in response to the floods, which killed three people. More than 50,000 Ecuadorians lost their homes and evacuated to safe places, the national economy suffered multimillion-dollar losses. In late January, a state of emergency was introduced in 9 provinces on the Pacific coast of Ecuador, but heavy rains do not stop until today. »& Gt;
Activation of the Taliban
A police officer stands on the site of terrorist attacks in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar. This attack - the bloodiest in Afghanistan for the last 7 years, as a result of it, according to the latest killing about 100 people.
On Sunday, the terrorist detonated on a "suicide belt" around Bagbal seventh municipal district of Kandahar - the administrative center of the homonymous southern Afghan province at a time when people gathered for the festivities, as well as watch the fights of fighting dogs.
After the explosion in Kandahar provincial government introduced "draconian" measures to restore order and discipline in the ranks of the police. Kandahar governor Asadullah Khalid fired nearly 200 law enforcement officers from the ranks of the traffic police, which guarded the road to Kandahar-Herat.
Dog competitions attended by law enforcement officers, who arrived there on several police pickup trucks "Ford Ranger", as well as citizens who arrived in Bagbal by private car.

A police officer stands on the site of terrorist attacks in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar. This attack - the bloodiest in Afghanistan for the last 7 years, as a result of it, according to the latest killing about 100 people.
On Sunday, the terrorist detonated himself on the & quot; & gt; After the explosion in Kandahar provincial government introduced "draconian" measures to restore order and discipline in the ranks of the police. Kandahar governor Asadullah Khalid fired nearly 200 law enforcement officers from the ranks of the traffic police, which guarded the road to Kandahar-Herat.
Dog competitions attended by law enforcement officers, who arrived there on several police pickup trucks "Ford Ranger", as well as citizens who arrived in Bagbal private cars. & Quot; title = «Activation Taliban
A police officer stands on the site of terrorist attacks in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar. This attack - the bloodiest in Afghanistan for the last 7 years, as a result of it, according to the latest killing about 100 people.
On Sunday, the terrorist detonated himself on "suicide belt" in the area Bagbal seventh municipal district of Kandahar - the administrative center of the homonymous southern Afghan province at a time when people gathered for the festivities, as well as watch the fights of fighting dogs.
After the explosion in Kandahar provincial government introduced "draconian" measures to restore order and discipline in the ranks of the police. Kandahar governor Asadullah Khalid fired nearly 200 law enforcement officers from the ranks of the traffic police, which guarded the road to Kandahar-Herat.
Dog competitions attended by law enforcement officers, who arrived there on several police pickup trucks "Ford Ranger", as well as citizens who arrived in Bagbal by private car. »& Gt;
Kosovo's independence from Serbia
The rally in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, in support of Kosovo's independence. All probably already know, the international political conflict of the month: today's announcement of Kosovo's independence.
The Parliament of Kosovo declared its independence unilaterally. Acts against the secession of Kosovo, in particular, Russia. Vladimir Putin said that the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo would be a violation of the principles of international law.
At an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on February 15 five countries (the United States and the European Union) of the 15 members of the Security Council in favor of Kosovo's independence. Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation Vitaly Churkin said:
"Without a new decision of the Security Council, no one can arbitrarily replace the UN in Kosovo, arbitrarily change the nature, structure and functions of the international civil presence in Kosovo. Any arbitrary steps bypassing the UN Security Council to change the mandate of the international presence ... would be contrary to international law, primarily the UN Charter and universally recognized norms of peacekeeping. »
Serbia will never recognize the independence of Kosovo and considers it a false public education, said referring to the nation, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica.
He promised to return to Kosovo and Metohija into Serbia.

The rally in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, in support of Kosovo's independence. All probably already know, the international political conflict of the month: today's announcement of Kosovo's independence.
The Parliament of Kosovo declared its independence unilaterally. Acts against the secession of Kosovo, in particular, Russia. Vladimir Putin said that the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo would be a violation of the principles of international law.
At an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on February 15 five countries (the United States and the European Union) of the 15 members of the Security Council in favor of Kosovo's independence. Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation Vitaly Churkin said:
& Quot; & gt; Serbia will never recognize the independence of Kosovo and considers it a false public education, said referring to the nation, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica.
He promised to return to Kosovo and Metohija into Serbia. & Quot; title = «The independence of Kosovo from Serbia
The rally in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, in support of Kosovo's independence. All probably already know, the international political conflict of the month: today's announcement of Kosovo's independence.
The Parliament of Kosovo declared its independence unilaterally. Acts against the secession of Kosovo, in particular, Russia. Vladimir Putin said that the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo would be a violation of the principles of international law.
At an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on February 15 five countries (the United States and the European Union) of the 15 members of the Security Council in favor of Kosovo's independence. Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation Vitaly Churkin said:
"Without a new Security Council resolution, no one can arbitrarily replace the UN in Kosovo, arbitrarily change the nature, structure and functions of the international civil presence in Kosovo. Any arbitrary steps bypassing the UN Security Council to change the mandate of the international presence ... would be contrary to international law, primarily the UN Charter and universally recognized norms of peacekeeping. & Quot;
Serbia will never recognize the independence of Kosovo and considers it a false public education, said referring to the nation, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica.
He promised to return to Kosovo and Metohija into Serbia. & Quot; & gt;
Alternative energy sources
One of the first experimental solar power plants in Spain, located in Sanlúcar la Mayor (Sanlúcar la Mayor). This is the largest solar power plant in Europe at the moment, is capable of producing 11 megawatts of electricity. Still ahead.

One of the first experimental solar power plants in Spain, located in Sanlúcar la Mayor (Sanlúcar la Mayor). This is the largest solar power plant in Europe at the moment, is capable of producing 11 megawatts of electricity. Still to come. & Quot; title = «Alternative energy sources
One of the first experimental solar power plants in Spain, located in Sanlúcar la Mayor (Sanlúcar la Mayor). This is the largest solar power plant in Europe at the moment, is capable of producing 11 megawatts of electricity. Still to come. »& Gt;
Labor protection rules
Students supporting the construction workers during clashes with police in the capital of Panama. Panamanian construction workers in favor of fundamental overhaul of safety rules after the death of 25 workers in 2007.

Students supporting the construction workers during clashes with police in the capital of Panama. Panamanian construction workers in favor of fundamental overhaul of safety rules after the death of 25 workers in 2007. & Quot; title = «Rules of occupational safety
Students supporting the construction workers during clashes with police in the capital of Panama. Panamanian construction workers in favor of fundamental overhaul of safety rules after the death of 25 workers in 2007. »& Gt;
National Treasure disappeared
Hot South Korean national treasure №1 - South Gate, Sunnemun (Namdaemun), Seoul, South Korea. The oldest architectural monument in Seoul, built in 1398.
On the night of 10 to 11 February at the wooden part of the building was a fire. More than 300 firefighters within 3 hours unsuccessfully tried to extinguish the fire, but the wooden part of the monument burned to the ground. Police speculated that the cause of the fire could be arson. February 12, 2008, was arrested an elderly Korean man (65 years old), who confessed that he had committed arson facilities due to anger at the local authorities, which did not help him to understand the issue to obtain financial compensation from the company-builder. They received compensation for the land belonged to him it was not enough.
In the evening he got on the second floor of the gate, they poured pripasёnny solvent and set fire with a lighter. Earlier, the same man committed arson in other architectural monuments of Seoul - Changgyeonggung Palace.
Korean government spokesman said that within three years the monument will be restored, and for this purpose allocated 21 million dollars.
Good place for $ 21 million?

Hot South Korean national treasure №1 - South Gate, Sunnemun (Namdaemun), Seoul, South Korea. The oldest architectural monument in Seoul, built in 1398.
On the night of 10 to 11 February at the wooden part of the building was a fire. More than 300 firefighters within 3 hours unsuccessfully tried to extinguish the fire, but the wooden part of the monument burned to the ground. Police speculated that the cause of the fire could be arson. February 12, 2008, was arrested an elderly Korean man (65 years old), who confessed that he had committed arson facilities due to anger at the local authorities, which did not help him to understand the issue to obtain financial compensation from the company-builder. They received compensation for the land belonged to him it was not enough.
In the evening he got on the second floor of the gate, they poured pripasёnny solvent and set fire with a lighter. Earlier, the same man committed arson in other architectural monuments of Seoul - Changgyeonggung Palace.
Korean government spokesman said that within three years the monument will be restored, and for this purpose allocated 21 million dollars.
Good place for $ 21 million? & Quot; title = «disappeared treasure of the nation
Hot South Korean national treasure №1 - South Gate, Sunnemun (Namdaemun), Seoul, South Korea. The oldest architectural monument in Seoul, built in 1398.
On the night of 10 to 11 February at the wooden part of the building was a fire. More than 300 firefighters within 3 hours unsuccessfully tried to extinguish the fire, but the wooden part of the monument burned to the ground. Police speculated that the cause of the fire could be arson. February 12, 2008, was arrested an elderly Korean man (65 years old), who confessed that he had committed arson facilities due to anger at the local authorities, which did not help him to understand the issue to obtain financial compensation from the company-builder. They received compensation for the land belonged to him it was not enough.
In the evening he got on the second floor of the gate, they poured pripasёnny solvent and set fire with a lighter. Earlier, the same man committed arson in other architectural monuments of Seoul - Changgyeonggung Palace.
Korean government spokesman said that within three years the monument will be restored, and for this purpose allocated 21 million dollars.
Good place for $ 21 million? »& Gt;
Whirlwind death
The same tornado in Atkins, Arkansas. 15 people were killed and wounded - a hundred times more ...

The same tornado in Atkins, Arkansas. 15 people were killed and wounded - a hundred times more ... & quot; title = «Whirlwind death
The same tornado in Atkins, Arkansas. 15 people were killed and wounded - a hundred times more ... »& gt;
Storm in England
A man goes to a beached cargo ferry «Riverdance» Blackpool, northern England.
The vessel, which was carrying 23 people, suffered distress in the Irish Sea. The ferry caught in a storm 13 kilometers west of the port city of Fleetwood (Fleetwood) in the northwest of the UK. Under the blows of the powerful waves of seven meters high steam banked at 45 degrees. On board the 150-meter ferry were 19 crew members and four passengers. In two passes they were brought ashore by helicopter.

A man goes to a beached cargo ferry & quot; & gt; A vessel which was carrying 23 people, suffered distress in the Irish Sea. The ferry caught in a storm 13 kilometers west of the port city of Fleetwood (Fleetwood) in the northwest of the UK. Under the blows of the powerful waves of seven meters high steam banked at 45 degrees. On board the 150-meter ferry were 19 crew members and four passengers. In two passes they were brought ashore by helicopter. & Quot; title = «Storm in England
A man goes to a beached cargo ferry "Riverdance" in Blackpool, northern England.
The vessel, which was carrying 23 people, suffered distress in the Irish Sea. The ferry caught in a storm 13 kilometers west of the port city of Fleetwood (Fleetwood) in the northwest of the UK. Under the blows of the powerful waves of seven meters high steam banked at 45 degrees. On board the 150-meter ferry were 19 crew members and four passengers. In two passes they were brought ashore by helicopter. »& Gt;
Ice storm in Kentucky
A team of electricians removes fallen because of Hurricane tree in Paducah, Kentucky. Winter storms in the US - a terrible thing.

A team of electricians removes fallen because of Hurricane tree in Paducah, Kentucky. Winter storms in the US - a terrible thing. & Quot; title = «ice storm in Kentucky
A team of electricians removes fallen because of Hurricane tree in Paducah, Kentucky. Winter storms in the US - a terrible thing. »& Gt;
Unprecedented unrest in Chad
Women go near the destroyed central market of N'Djamena in Chad. Collisions rebels and government troops forced thousands of people to become refugees in Chad. In Chad, the state of emergency. The fighting in the Chadian capital N'Djamena began on February 2, when the rebels demanding the overthrow of President Idriss Deby, broke into the city and laid siege to the presidential palace.
Chad - a former French colony in central Africa, having achieved independence in 1960. Since 2005, the Chadian rebels make sporadic forays.
Throughout the Chad began operating state of emergency, the introduction of which on Thursday night said President Idriss Deby. "These are exceptional measures, but I have to go to them for the sake of stability in the country, urged President Déby citizens from all television channels.
& Quot; »& Gt;
via rykun