Do not watch the news

They suppress thinking, make us passive, kills creativity. "Do not read Soviet newspapers before dinner." The famous quotation from Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog" is almost a hundred years. Well, except that just a little, so as not to fall completely from what is happening around us. Otherwise, we will not have any time to work, or to communicate or to work.
Do not consume news shows The Guardian. Here's why:
- News harmful to your health
- News does not matter
- News toxic to your body
- News distort the real facts
- News inhibit thinking
- News Work as a drug
- news make us passive
- News kill creativity
Original - The Guardian,
translation - Krestina Sikidina
via muz4in.net/news/nauchnoe_otkrytie_novosti_vredny_dlja_vashego_zdorovja_i_otkaz_ot_ikh_chtenija_sdelaet_vas_schastlivee/2013-04-30-32464
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