How to travel when in your pocket 30 thousand rubles

The idea
Nikita: From the very school to graduation, I heard that all that has to. I wanted to forget this feeling for a while, even sacrificing comfort. So I went including to work, bosses, managers and colleagues. Since the decision to travel and before the start of a whole year has passed. During this time I never doubted that it's worth it. That will happen in a couple of years, I was not even thinking.
Hannah: By the time we decided to go on a trip, I have not been abroad even once - even notorious Turkey and Egypt, only went hitchhiking in Russia and Ukraine. I wanted adventure and freedom. The idea of a world tour, probably the most enchanting idea of my life. It would be foolish to kill her.
Nikita: We just decided to see the world. But do not gradually getting out once a year for 28 days somewhere, and once, wholesale, from head to plunge into the unknown for a long time to forget about the house and test yourself seriously.
Hannah: We did not have the goal of becoming a better, wiser, I realized that something great and eternal, to achieve enlightenment. We were not looking and not looking for any philosophy.

Nikita: We met a couple of months before the start. At that moment I almost bought a ticket to Beijing. China had become the first country in the journey.

Hannah: I was just planning his own tour around the world. She worked two jobs, had been saving, think through the route and came across a group of Goodbye Normals «VKontakte". There Nikita wrote about his training, visas and so on. I was at that time interested in the Australian visa, and he, according to a recent post, it has received. I wrote nazadavala questions, and he offered to meet.

Nikita: The first meeting was a lot of fun. We talked a lot, telling everyone about his adventures in the past. There was virtually no breaks.
Hannah: One meeting was not limited to all. And in the fifth Nikita suggested that I go to tour around the world together. I planned to start only six months, and Nikita said, "Let's dismiss, to be vaccinated, the first couple of visas - and went." I agreed. February 1, 2013-SC, we boarded the plane Moscow - Beijing, and away we go.
Nikita: I had more time to prepare, so I made the advance visa to China, India, Australia, USA. Australian visa was the most difficult, but I helped friends from the mainland, made the invitation. Hannah was not allowed into Australia. We apply for a visa at the Australian Embassy in Bangkok, but failed, so it was postponed to later in the kangaroos.
Hannah: Before the trip, I received a visa to China and India, to be vaccinated against typhoid, hepatitis A, yellow fever and diphtheria. These four vaccinations cost me a thousand rubles. Nikita managed to make himself another vaccination against cholera, meningitis, hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis.
Once we made the annual medical insurance. Reason one: written everywhere that it is needed. While it that we never used. And not because he did not resort to the services of local doctors, but because in the countries of Asia and Africa is easier to pay 10 bucks, you call and deal with the insurance more than talking to spend. And if there is something serious, we will fly home. Africans, for example, we have more and fix a laptop not trust, not to mention your health, so it will not renew the insurance.
Nikita: My backpack at the time of departure from Moscow weighed 24 kilograms. There has been a lot of rubbish. Various adapters and wires in several copies. Even three packages with heating pads took to, if anything, to keep warm. For the first year I threw half of medicines bought in Moscow. They weighed a lot, and if necessary they could be bought anywhere. And one man told me: "It is foolish to carry a much medication is as bold aim to put the disease on themselves." Later, however, he added a tripod and a backpack back to the old weight.
Hannah: Cosmetics have been thrown out on the 14th day. To part with it was easy, it seemed like it all empty and minor stuff. A year later, however, it becomes too bored, so sometimes I buy something for beauty. Winter jackets we left Nikita in Nepal, because I do not know when they will come in handy the next time. Warm shoes have one pair, and she is still with us, as even in Africa is cool.

Route and visas
Nikita: I'm not going to go to Africa, Asia, Hannah did not plan to, so we went in Africa and Asia. We just decided to join our routes. In Asia, we traveled about eight months (China, Nepal, India, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore), Africa went to the ninth (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia). Now we are in Zambia, in Livingston, close to the Victoria Falls.

Hannah: We try to choose the country where it is not hard to get a visa. Well, or where it is not needed. In Asia, there are no problems at all. Visas are needed only in India and China. But getting them is not difficult. In Africa, more difficult: in many countries, visas are needed, cost an average of $ 50 per person. Get them no problem at the border. In Latin America, it has not yet been. Apparently, this continent for the Russians as friendly as Asia, in most countries a visa is not required, and a month you can be in the country for free.
With regard to the documents for visa: any document can be faked: help with the work, bank statement, any reservation on the internet. So even if you do not really have any plans, you will be able to convince the consul that you are all on schedule, and even has a return plane ticket.

Nikita: Really now few people are surprised by the fact that you travel across several continents, not just a couple of weeks came and sat in the hotel and flew back. For example, Asian hardly surprising information that you go from Thailand to Cambodia, and then Vietnam, then in Laos ... so that we do not hide the fact that we do not have a return ticket or official work.
Fears and stereotypes
Nikita: First, it was scary for the health. I met people who claimed that in Asian countries no concept of "pharmacy" and "medicine". On the forums I read that many in Asia still treated plantain and go to the reception to the shamans. I purchased medicines for the year ahead. In fact, at each point of the planet to which you have the strength to walk or drive, you will find all the necessary medicines. Believe me, you are not alone in this world, cough, suffer from diarrhea, headache, constipation and heartburn. This deals with the whole of humanity at once. So iodine, painkillers, plasters and other essential items can always buy on the spot.
The main thing is that we managed to find out - the world is not dangerous and not dangerous
Hannah: All as papers, visas, permits, etc. We are not afraid. They knew that a head like there is on the shoulders - a contract, right, razrulit. Africa feared. Now ashamed of, but we do not have any other sources of information other than the media. It seems that there is dangerous, wild animals everywhere, tribes, heat, disease, war.
The main thing is that we managed to find out - the world is not dangerous and not dangerous. In Africa, most worryingly, what we had to face - unlimited local curiosity, sometimes bordering on impudence. You wake up in the morning in the car, and the local crowd around you, to point the finger, laughing, discussing. It's a little annoying but not fatal.

Hannah: Life outside the comfort zone stimulates thinking, get out and move. It does not give you bored and constantly throws complexity. But over time, these challenges are beginning to be repeated and bored. You always save, worried. "There are still four days without a shower," "damn, once again we have rice, rice as well rice", "coolant for the engine - a little expensive, come on the water." The first part of the trip we no longer notice the positive side of life outside the comfort zone, but now the opposite is true.
This wildly oblomno - standing at Kilimanjaro and not climb it, simply because there is no money. Trekking to the highest mountain in Africa with human worth $ 1,300. With this money, we can live together 40 days.
Nikita: The worst thing - to break. After all the stress accumulated. To avoid this, I turn on the desire to bring everything to the end. After all, if I give up, will not be better. If this method does not work, I think of my work in the bank and struggled imagine how I wake up and go there.
Hannah is not passed, she loved her job because of her cheered as I can. We listen to him and, if you know that more unbearable, take a break in any possible way and give his nervous system to relax. Once we came back for a month in Astana to the parents of Hannah, and then continued the journey. But in Moscow, so you can not go back: they start and finish in the same place.

Hannah: Who in Africa eight days we are living in a car, and then two or three days in the guesthouse breath and spend the money saved. These are average figures. Here it is difficult to plan. You can tell yourself that tomorrow we will find a place to live, and not find it. Then one day in the car and without a soul. In general, do not wash a week becomes something of a norm. But we have a bucket that we filled with water every day at the gas station or from the column out of it and rinse. We sleep in a wheelbarrow. There is a mosquito net, so we open the windows, and we are not stuffy.
Nikita: Sometimes it happens that slept on the streets: in India, Vietnam, Malaysia. Feelings evolve. The first time you wake up and think: "Nishtyak, here we are tough, all uneasy." But then you try to avoid such things. Have to prove anything to anybody is not necessary. So we try harder not to spend the night on the street.
Physically difficult are constantly moving. In Vietnam, for example, the public bus is designed for 20 people, and go to him 40. You sit clamped on all sides, 7-10 hours. In Ethiopia, another attraction - the illegal taxis that at night (while sleeping police) going from the north to the capital. The terrain is mountainous, so the old supercharged estate, scurrying on an unlit road at a speed of 120 km / h, a little scary.
Hannah: In India, the train - just a song. Especially if you go without a ticket, and you sleep on the floor in the vestibule among the same "rich", but Hindus. But sometimes we come across steep comfortable buses - sliperbasy horizontal Seats, where you can lie down. The bus had air conditioning and a toilet. If you buy a night crossing, it replaces your hotel.

Nikita: I know what emotions the way there will be many. I wanted to share them, as far as possible. Six months before the trip I booked a YouTube-Channel and started a group of "VKontakte". Working with video, we learned in the course of travel. The length of the series has grown from 6 to 30 minutes, there were new gadgets (tripod taymlepser, lapel microphone). And the blog as a whole grew we started to add descriptions to the series, use playlists to affix tags.

Hanna: The whole of Asia insanely photogenic and not against, that we look at it through the lens. In Africa, people turn away, angry, asking why we're shooting. But we are used to.
The camera, by the way, we never tried to steal. It seems that this technique - not the most popular products in poor countries. We have stolen slippers in India tore the chain from her neck in Kenya, in Tanzania, in the morning, we missed the plastic bottles, which lay under the car. Although, of course, the camera unattended we never leave, in contrast to the sneakers and bottles.

Nikita: The most difficult - is to mount the video and pour it on YouTube. There are two problems - the socket and the Internet. In Asia, it was not easy as we thought. But once in Africa, we realized that there is worse. Internet is so slow that 1, 5 GB, we fall down 15, or even 25 hours. It can turn off the electricity at any time and as much as necessary.
On the joint journey
Nikita: Being together 24 hours a day for 16 months in a row - it's really easy. Of course, we fight. Sometimes often. Sometimes much. Just tired of each other, and the character and pride has not been canceled. But we have one house for two people, so get away from each other particularly nowhere. Sometimes one person stays at home, and the second is to walk. But Hannah Africa a safe walk - a lonely white girl here with a special look lustfully. I remember once she launched into one bin arrogant man. Stand up for yourself, it can, but it is better not to provoke such situations.

We can accept each other, or, or send to hell. We agree, we go to compromise, but basically our views converge.
Hannah: We have almost no secret left, it seems. Often we are told nothing. Conventional couples come home in the evening and tell each other about the day. And we have nothing to share with each other, because we see the same thing. If you are interested in the evolution of relations of friendship into something more, everything is simple: we were not friends any day.
Nikita: Our main income - 30 thousand rubles a month, which I get from renting one-room apartment in Moscow. Accumulation, which we had in the beginning, long gone. Periodically, subscribers of our group "VKontakte" throws us the money at stake, an average of 1,500 rubles per month.
In general, the proper level of economy we have enough money for food, accommodation, visa and al * bare. When you do not have a car, we spent more on travel now - for gasoline.
If you do not fit into the budget we go into "increased savings". This is when you sit in one place and do not buy anything other than food. In such cases usually save on meat and eat rice or pasta with vegetables. But it has only me as Hannah already vegetarian. Sometimes, subscribers, themselves not knowing, successfully rescued us with their 500 or 1000 rubles at a critical moment.
Hannah: We have no fear of being without money. However, even if this happens, we are not alone: Africa is full of people with no money. But seriously, we know that our friends, subscribers, and parents will be able to rescue us.
Stand in the middle of the city with a sign I need money for travel we can, then we do not need a lot of intelligence. But not nice to ask for money, giving nothing in return. If things get really bad, we stand on the street with a guitar, or the people will take pictures for $ 1 to get a little to justify an investment in us. In America, it might work. But here, and Africa, the conversation does not make sense, here we have half lives poorer.
Our budget from country to country does not change, but change the level of comfort that we can afford. Nepal and India - is the cheapest of all the countries where we were. After them, we were the money by the end of the month. The most expensive is possible to consider Zambia.
Now we move on the machine, so that at border crossings are paying not only for their visas, but also permit a wheelbarrow. So that was the border crossing for us twice as much.
Nikita: We thought about earnings on YouTube. Our video will bring a maximum of 15 bucks a month, each gaining an average of three thousand views. Many of the clips are not monetized due to the copyright to the music used in the video. But even if it was not such a problem, we would have earned $ 30 under the previous views. That figure out how to be popular, to earn at least 300-400 dollars per month
Hannah: Besides inquiry "journey" is not the most popular search engines. In the past month "trip around the world" to "Yandex" looking for 23,000 times, and, for example, the word "trick" - four million times. So, talking about travel, you will not become popular.
Nikita: Hitchhiking in Africa - it is very difficult. A public transport, as well as elsewhere in the world, you are lucky only from point A to point B. All that is between, behind the scenes. We wanted the car, and we thought about crowdfunding, "What if? Why not? "While we understand that even if you do not collect money for" Bumstartere "continue to travel around Africa, and without cars.
Hannah: Of course, you can collect money for all travelers. But it seemed strange and arrogant to ask for money for the journey - why should someone have to pay the embodiment of our dreams? Yes, and ask for money for a car, too, it was uncomfortable. I think we were annoying: crept into people's eyes, in his ears. They asked me to do the census, wrote in a personal, shot the video. It was a busy month. In the end we hardly, but have collected 150 thousand. We are pleased that in this case it ended successfully, but most of this trip we did not want to ask the people.
Nikita: Before the trip we were looking for partners and sponsors, sent letters to approximately 100 different organizations, companies, publishing houses, etc. Anything useful from them, we have not received.
The plans
Nikita: In the very beginning we felt that thrill of the trip depends on the minimum means. It was just a joy to find adventure and get out of them. We were happy to save on food and housing, just to continue on his way. Now these deprivations are beginning more and more annoying. Already there is the euphoria that before.