Optimization of expenditures (conversion into hours and back)

In the fall of 2014 I lacked time and left in a deep minus on loans. Then I have the problem: how can I learn to save time and money. The answer was simple: to save time and money at the same time. Indeed, it often happens that saving money — spend a lot of time or saving time — wasting money. Then needed to transfer money back and forth to optimize their consumption.
For ease of calculation we assume that we live in Moscow, our average salary per month is 100 000 roubles, which is always paid in full without delay. All figures will be rounded to 5. Also, we assume that there is some level of comfort that suits us.
So the 2 most obvious solutions:
To calculate how much you earn per hour. And for the transfer of money to use that number. In this case it would be:
100 000 (rubles per month) / 160 (working hours per month) = 625 (rubles per hour) to Take his salary for the month divided by the number of days in the month, and the number of hours in a day and get how much an hour of our time:
100 000 (rubles per month) / 30 (days in month) / 24 (hours in day) = 140 (rubles per hour) This formula is good for quick calculations, but they do not reflect the whole situation and almost 5 times are different from each other. In addition, they will not allow you to optimize your time and money.
To begin to understand how much time we generate income and how much time we spend.
Income is Considered to be that in an average month, 160 working hours is the time it takes us to the translation of time into money. Yes, working is what we translate time into money. If in the course of the year were premium — they increase the rate. If there were unpaid fines or processing — rate decreases.
For example, a bonus of 10% once a year increases the cost of nearly 1% (up to 630 rubles), and 13th salary by 8% (675 rubles). 1 hour of processing per week reduces the cost by 2.5% (up to 610 rubles per hour)
I used to work overtime for 4 hours a week and more, do not hesitate on these figures. But such a revision would not even cover the 13th salary.
What about holidays, business trips, hospital? Vacation usually do not affect the salary amount — it merely adds to the time for expenses, so consider them later. Travel and sick leave depend on each particular firm and of the person and can change income, so to change the time for expenses.
It would be possible to consider additional sources of income — business, investment, annuity, annual, dividends, etc. But it is beyond the scope of this article, because a lot of them and each source its own characteristics and algorithms.
And finally, there is such a thing as inflation. Since the early 2000s, it ranged from 6 to 20% per year. These percent every year reduces the purchasing power of money earned. For conversion you can use the inflation calculator(you can find the Internet). For example, using the calculator I figured that for 5 years my wages have decreased by 30% down below wages for a trial period. And in 8 years of living in Moscow wages generally on par with my first salary. But during this time my salary has increased 2.5 times — it was just an illusion and the salary has not changed.

Total General algorithm for income happened:
Roboticsupdate = 160; Identityclass = (Supremisist — Sextrafficked) / 12; Pererabatyvaya = Pererabatyvaya * 4; Goodmess = Zarplatomer + Identityclass Dohody = Goodmess / (Roboticsupdate + Pererabatyvaya); With income out. It's time to deal with the costs.
First look into how much time we have on costs. Just a month 30(days) * 24(hours in day) = 720 hours. While working we have no time to spend money, so they can subtract. Now think about the holiday. Under the legislation a person can calendar month to be on vacation. I.e. 160 hours a year instead of one will to relax, it is about 15 hours per month. Total we 720 — 160 + 15 = 575 hours per month. In rubles it will be 100 000 (rubles per month) / 575 (hours per month) = 175 (rubles per hour for costs)
And then the fun begins. We have fixed costs every month for wasting our time and money. Each may have its costs, so it is difficult to foresee everything. The biggest costs in Moscow — rent, therefore, will analyze every example of rent.
Suppose I rent a house for 40,000 rubles. How to understand a lot or a little? All depends on how you use it, how much time I spend, i.e., what crying? Basically what I'm doing at home — sleeping. It takes 6-8 hours per day, i.e. about 50 hours a week 200 hours a month.
It turns out that while I sleep the time spent turns into a 175 (per hour) * 200 (hours per month) = 35000 (rubles per month). It would seem that I overpaid 5,000 rubles a month for an apartment.
But the apartment I not only sleep. Every day an average of 2 hours sitting in Internet and 10 hours on the weekend, it turns out 30 hours per week or 120 hours per month. Get on the Internet I spend 120 (hours per month) * 175 (per hour) = 20400 (rubles per month) And another 600 rubles a month pay extra (because I need a good channel).
Total sleep + the Internet, I come (in terms of time money) to 56,000 rubles. Well, it turns out I'm saving as much as 20000 per month for the apartment. Really spend 320 hours a month on sleep and the Internet.
And how much to spend money on food? First you need to figure out how much money we have and time left.
575 (out of hours) 200 (hours of sleep) and 120 (hours online) = 225 (hours)
100 000 (rubles of income) — 40 000 (rubles per apartment) = 60 000 (rubles to the cost)
If you divide 60 000 by 225, we get about 260 rubles. But there's no rush. Personally, I have more loans, say, 20 000 rubles per month. In General, consults 10-20% of the salary a month delay is not unexpected expenses and savings. Therefore, from the remainder subtract 20% of the salary (i.e. 20 000)
Can now be considered: 40 000 (rubles per month) / 225 (hours per month) = 180 (per hour)
Lunch usually takes an hour, so the optimal price for lunch is 180 rubles.
If you count 3 meals a day, it is 540 rubles per day or 540 * 30 = 16200 (rubles per month). I only have 10 000 rubles per month is spent on food. This is due to the fact that making a home-cooked meal, we spend time cooking, but save the money.
Excellent food, everything is clear. How many do we have left?
225(hours) -3*30 (hours food) = 135 (hours per month)
40000 (rubles) — 10000 (rubles per meal) = 30 000 (rubles per month)
30 000 (rubles per month) / 135 (hours per month) = 225 (per hour)
The watch and money already to spend on everything else.
Here and deal with expenses. Actually costs more difficult — they are not as linear as it may seem. But this is only a basic model for ease of understanding. Next to each type of expense you can add a coefficient. Which eventually will change into a course (for example course rent to an hour of sleep). But let's not complicate things.
Total General algorithm for expenses turned out:
Masatsugu = 12;
Drawmaze = 30; Robotsindisguise = 160; Sigachyov = Masatsugu * Drawmaze; Svobodnyje = Sigachyov — Robotsindisguise + (Roboticsupdate / Masatsugu); Ostalosya = Svobodnyje; Asteroidea = Goodmusic — Reserve; foreach (Expense in Expenses) { Stomaticus = Ostrasizing / Ostalosya; Optionalactivities = Chasovskikh * Stomaticus; Asteroidea = Asteroidea — Stomatorrhagia; } In conclusion
In the mind of this algorithm is difficult to apply (although it would be possible to make an app for a smartphone, but not hunting to do). Therefore use a simplified model. I know how much I'm worth an hour of consumption. Comparing the price of any product or service — figure out how much time is going to use it. Perennial the duration of use in hours price hour flow — get the best price. Then it is compared with the real price and make conclusions.
Thank you for your attention. Let you will always have time and money on the most important thing! published
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/252543/
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