Why math
Many people often wonder why math?.. Often, the very fact that this discipline is included in the compulsory program of universities and schools, putting people in confusion. This confusion is expressed in the following Saying, which I, a man whose future (or current) profession is not connected with the conduct of the calculations and application of mathematical methods to know math?
What I do is useful in your life? Thus a large number of people do not see any sense to themselves to learn the science, even at an elementary basis. But I am sure that mathematics, more mathematical thinking skills needed to everyone. In this article I will explain why I'm so sure of that. I will first explain why this discipline as the scientific knowledge and methods needed at all and where is its place in the system of science and how it is applied in practice.
If you know it is so, but I still wonder what is angering the discipline that is necessary for you personally, then go directly to the second part of the article. There I will talk about what personal qualities helps develop math, and what you lose, if you refuse to develop this subject, at least at a basic level.
The place of mathematics in the Sciences
Mathematics is the fundamental science, methods which are used extensively in many natural disciplines, such as physics, chemistry and even biology. By itself, this area of expertise operates abstract relationships and interactions, that is, those entities, which are not something real.
Nevertheless, it is only necessary to enter math to any science about the world she once embodied in the description, modelling and prediction of quite a specific and real natural processes. Here she takes on flesh and blood, leaving under the cover of idealized and divorced from life formulas and calculations.
Mathematics — a tool for understanding the world
It is a precise science, do not tolerate the arbitrary interpretation and different speculations. It is the embodiment of order and rigid logic. It helps to understand the world around us, to learn more about its laws, as these laws are subject to the same order that reigns in mathematics!
The language spoken by nature, we can successfully translate the language of mathematics and understand the structure relationships of a phenomenon. And, after we formalize these relationships, we can build models to predict future States of the phenomena that these models described only on paper or inside memory of computing machines!
Einstein, in response to the question, where is his laboratory, he smiled and pointed to a pencil and sheet of paper.
His formula of relativity has become an important step towards cognition of the universe in which we live. And it happened before people started to explore the space and only then experimentally confirmed the correctness of the equations of the great scientist!
Applications in modeling and projections
Due to the application of mathematics we do not need to carry out costly and life-threatening experiments before to implement any complex project, for example, in space exploration. We can pre-calculate the orbital parameters of a spacecraft launched from earth to deliver astronauts to the space station. Mathematical calculations will not risk my people's lives, and to estimate in advance all the necessary to launch the rocket parameters, ensuring safe flight.
Of course the model of it to the model that may not account for all possible variables, so the disaster happen, but it still provides a fairly reliable forecasts.
The embodiment of the mathematical calculation you can see everywhere: in the car, which drive in your computer or a portable device, which is now reading this article. All the buildings, the buildings do not collapse under their own weight due to the fact that all the data necessary for the construction of pre-calculated formulas.
Medicine and health care — also exists because of the mathematics that is used first when designing medical devices, and secondly, when analyzing data about the effectiveness of any treatment.
Even the weather forecast is not complete without the use of mathematical models.
In short, thanks to math we have all of our technology today, do not expose our life is meaningless danger, build cities, explore space and develop a culture! Without it, the world would be quite different.
Why math person? What abilities it develops?
So, we found that mathematics is one of the most important achievements of culture and civilization. Without it, the development of technology and the knowledge of nature would have been unthinkable things! Well, you say, let's say, this exact science is indeed very important to mankind in General, but why is it for me personally? What does it give me?
Maths develops mental abilities
Mathematics allows us to develop some important mental qualities. It is analytical, deductive (ability to generalize), critical, predictive (ability to predict, to think several steps ahead) capacity.
Also, the discipline improves the ability of abstract thinking (because it is an abstract science), the ability to concentrate, trains memory and enhances the speed of thought. That's how much you get! But at the same time you or your children have a lot to lose if you fail to give this subject proper attention.
In more detail, and operate with specific skills, the math will help the individual to develop the following intellectual abilities
Here I'm not just talking about math as a concrete science, but rather about all the areas of knowledge, which applies the mathematical method and dominates the precision, order and logic. So for some of the qualities of intelligence approach the study of the exact Sciences, logical puzzle solving and even some mind games.
Take something that is closer to you and more interesting, there is no need to force myself to study boring textbooks, most importantly, to work head to assignments require you to search for innovative solutions and accuracy analysis. Just writing about it, so it was clear what it was about.
Mathematics is essential for a child's development!
Mathematics is particularly important for child development! It sets standards for the correct, rational thinking for a lifetime! It gives a huge boost to mental development.
I don't even know what other school subject is capable enough to raise the intellectual level of the younger individual and so serve as a good tool for intellectual development later, at a Mature age. I don't mean the math only as a subject, algebra, or arithmetic, I'm talking about the application of mathematical methods in General, including physics, geometry, Informatics etc.
Mathematics organizes, manages and optimizes your thinking
I'll start this paragraph with the famous dictum of Lomonosov, a great scientist who achieved success on the basis of natural Sciences and Humanities disciplines — a rare case of universal mind. He said: "Mathematics should be taught only then that she mind in order."
Mathematics trains such mental qualities, which form the skeleton and the skeleton of all your thinking! It is, first and foremost, logic. It's something that will organize all your thoughts into a coherent system of concepts and ideas and relationships between them.
Mathematics itself is the epitome of the natural order and there is nothing surprising in the fact that it organizes your mind. And without the notorious logic in the head people are not able to make proper inferences, to compare different kinds of concepts, he loses the ability to sound analysis and reasoning. What can cause the phenomenon of "porridge in the head", confusion in thinking and reasoning, the vagueness argument.
Such a person is easily fooled, what actually usually happens, as he is not able to identify a clear violation of logic in the claims of all sorts of schemers and charlatans (for the second plachenov experience with financial pyramids in our country suggests that a huge portion of people believed that mathematics does not need them). Knowledge of mathematics does not allow you to cheat!
So it's not just calculations and formulas, it is primarily the logic and order! Is a set of rules and functions that make your mindset consistent and logical. This is reflected in your ability to reason, to formulate ideas, to keep in mind the complex concepts and build ornate relationship.
What humanitarians need math?
That will surely help you, even if you are going to succeed on the basis of any Humanities discipline, as the logic skills of systems thinking and ability to formulate complex theories are very need and there. Without this, it will be not a science, and verbiage.
I heard about the brilliant lawyers who in addition to the legal education received, in addition, physics and mathematics. It helped them, like good chess players, to build complex combinations of defenses in court or to invent clever ways of interacting with the legal framework and come up with all sorts of clever and complex solutions.
Of course, to specially a specialized education in math is not necessarily even, in my opinion, is redundant if you are going to work in this field. But to master this discipline at the basic level of schooling and initial University courses, I believe, should and can every.
Do not think that you from nature is not given that your vocation is the Humanities and the exact subjects you study not. When someone says that he has a liberal arts mindset and, therefore, to count, to read and formulas to solve problems he can not, in principle, as would not then know that this is a delicate attempt to justify the lack of development of mathematical abilities. Not their absence! But just the fact that these skills, for whatever reason, has not received proper development.
The human mind is a universal thing, designed to solve a variety of problems. Of course, this assertion has its limits: one due to the peculiarities of their innate and acquired properties of thinking has a certain tendency to the development of different Sciences. Besides, specialization often requires knowledge of one thing: it's hard to be a great mathematician, chemist, lawyer, teacher in one (not all of us University). Always have something to choose.
But the basic skills of mathematical thinking are able to master each! For some it's just going to be harder, for someone easier. But it under force to everyone. And as I said, it is necessary for the balanced development of your mind. From what you are interested in, for example, literature or psychology, it should not be something that you do not need math and you just are not naturally capable of it though as-that to master!
One does not exclude, but rather complements. "Humanitarian mindset" in the context of the impossibility of mastering the exact Sciences — it's just one big nonsense and an attempt to justify an unwillingness to learn the skills which are given with great difficulty than others.
Why do we need maths in life and work?
Mathematics is useful in business. But maybe it is a profession that you are considering as your next call will not be connected with calculations, formulae, computer science, or Analytics. Or you are using this in their current job.
But still, this does not mean that it will always be. Maybe you want to change your profession. Or you are so tired of mercenary work that you decide to organize your own business (and this happens quite often). The organization of independent companies always requires calculation, forecasting and analysis. You, as the head of the new business will need to possess the appropriate skills, not all may be delegated to the employees of their work in any way needs to be controlled.
Without support in the form of mathematical methods of forecasting, modeling, and analysis (at least at a primitive level, depends on what you have a business) success in starting one's own business is difficult to achieve. Based on personal statistics, I can say that the greatest success in business achieve usually graduates of technical, mathematical higher education institutions.
It is not only the knowledge of any special methods of calculations, it is never too late to learn if necessary. The key to a specific organization of the mind. Business is a highly ordered system, the construction of which requires of its Creator with certain intellectual skills, structured thinking, ability to synthesize and output relationship. The study of the exact Sciences, as we know — developing these skills.
Mathematics and other Sciences are very important for the development of humanity as a whole, and for the intellectual improvement of a particular individual. Of course, a balanced mental development of a person involves the development of not only the subjects but also the Humanities. Reading quality literature, for example, it is also necessary for you if you want to develop.
But this is not enough. I would like to Supplement the wording of this statement: "if you want to be smart you need to read a lot", adding to this "- and do math." Otherwise the effect from the mere reading of books is like a body without a skeleton or a building without a frame. One without the other is difficult.
That is why many humanists, however well versed in their subject area, suffer from confused thinking and lack of sober judgment, and a mathematics and avid techies closed world of abstract formulas and calculations, losing touch with the real world.
The Golden rule — everything in moderation, harmoniously developed intelligence, versatility at a very basic level! All together, the books and math! This is not a sermon in praise of dilettantism, no, in your expertise you need to be a professional and a specialist, an expert in their field. But as far as the base of your erudition and knowledge, there should be a little of everything.
The ENERGY of MONEY: whether to give or to take money in debt12 exercises for development of concentration 1918
I think that the idea of school education and teaching of initial courses of Universities, meets this principle of universality (only an idea, about how this is implemented in practice, I am not going to argue). I would be extremely negatively reacted to the increasing specialization of primary and secondary education, believing that the younger the individual must give more from different fields, and when he gets it, let chooses what he is closer! published
Author: Nikolai Perov
Source: nperov.ru/razum/zachem-nuzhna-matematika/
What I do is useful in your life? Thus a large number of people do not see any sense to themselves to learn the science, even at an elementary basis. But I am sure that mathematics, more mathematical thinking skills needed to everyone. In this article I will explain why I'm so sure of that. I will first explain why this discipline as the scientific knowledge and methods needed at all and where is its place in the system of science and how it is applied in practice.

If you know it is so, but I still wonder what is angering the discipline that is necessary for you personally, then go directly to the second part of the article. There I will talk about what personal qualities helps develop math, and what you lose, if you refuse to develop this subject, at least at a basic level.
The place of mathematics in the Sciences
Mathematics is the fundamental science, methods which are used extensively in many natural disciplines, such as physics, chemistry and even biology. By itself, this area of expertise operates abstract relationships and interactions, that is, those entities, which are not something real.
Nevertheless, it is only necessary to enter math to any science about the world she once embodied in the description, modelling and prediction of quite a specific and real natural processes. Here she takes on flesh and blood, leaving under the cover of idealized and divorced from life formulas and calculations.
Mathematics — a tool for understanding the world
It is a precise science, do not tolerate the arbitrary interpretation and different speculations. It is the embodiment of order and rigid logic. It helps to understand the world around us, to learn more about its laws, as these laws are subject to the same order that reigns in mathematics!
The language spoken by nature, we can successfully translate the language of mathematics and understand the structure relationships of a phenomenon. And, after we formalize these relationships, we can build models to predict future States of the phenomena that these models described only on paper or inside memory of computing machines!
Einstein, in response to the question, where is his laboratory, he smiled and pointed to a pencil and sheet of paper.
His formula of relativity has become an important step towards cognition of the universe in which we live. And it happened before people started to explore the space and only then experimentally confirmed the correctness of the equations of the great scientist!
Applications in modeling and projections
Due to the application of mathematics we do not need to carry out costly and life-threatening experiments before to implement any complex project, for example, in space exploration. We can pre-calculate the orbital parameters of a spacecraft launched from earth to deliver astronauts to the space station. Mathematical calculations will not risk my people's lives, and to estimate in advance all the necessary to launch the rocket parameters, ensuring safe flight.
Of course the model of it to the model that may not account for all possible variables, so the disaster happen, but it still provides a fairly reliable forecasts.
The embodiment of the mathematical calculation you can see everywhere: in the car, which drive in your computer or a portable device, which is now reading this article. All the buildings, the buildings do not collapse under their own weight due to the fact that all the data necessary for the construction of pre-calculated formulas.
Medicine and health care — also exists because of the mathematics that is used first when designing medical devices, and secondly, when analyzing data about the effectiveness of any treatment.
Even the weather forecast is not complete without the use of mathematical models.
In short, thanks to math we have all of our technology today, do not expose our life is meaningless danger, build cities, explore space and develop a culture! Without it, the world would be quite different.
Why math person? What abilities it develops?
So, we found that mathematics is one of the most important achievements of culture and civilization. Without it, the development of technology and the knowledge of nature would have been unthinkable things! Well, you say, let's say, this exact science is indeed very important to mankind in General, but why is it for me personally? What does it give me?
Maths develops mental abilities
Mathematics allows us to develop some important mental qualities. It is analytical, deductive (ability to generalize), critical, predictive (ability to predict, to think several steps ahead) capacity.
Also, the discipline improves the ability of abstract thinking (because it is an abstract science), the ability to concentrate, trains memory and enhances the speed of thought. That's how much you get! But at the same time you or your children have a lot to lose if you fail to give this subject proper attention.
In more detail, and operate with specific skills, the math will help the individual to develop the following intellectual abilities
- The ability to generalize. To be considered a private event as a manifestation of the total order. The ability to find the role of the private in General.
- The ability to analyze difficult situations, the ability to make the right decision problems and determined in the conditions of difficult choices.
- The ability to find patterns.
- The ability to think logically and to reason intelligently and clearly articulate thoughts, to make the correct inferences.
- The ability to think quickly and make decisions.
- The skill of planning ahead, the ability to keep in mind a few sequential steps.
- Skills conceptual and abstract thinking: the ability to consistently and logically build complex concepts or operations to keep them in mind.
Here I'm not just talking about math as a concrete science, but rather about all the areas of knowledge, which applies the mathematical method and dominates the precision, order and logic. So for some of the qualities of intelligence approach the study of the exact Sciences, logical puzzle solving and even some mind games.
Take something that is closer to you and more interesting, there is no need to force myself to study boring textbooks, most importantly, to work head to assignments require you to search for innovative solutions and accuracy analysis. Just writing about it, so it was clear what it was about.

Mathematics is essential for a child's development!
Mathematics is particularly important for child development! It sets standards for the correct, rational thinking for a lifetime! It gives a huge boost to mental development.
I don't even know what other school subject is capable enough to raise the intellectual level of the younger individual and so serve as a good tool for intellectual development later, at a Mature age. I don't mean the math only as a subject, algebra, or arithmetic, I'm talking about the application of mathematical methods in General, including physics, geometry, Informatics etc.
Mathematics organizes, manages and optimizes your thinking
I'll start this paragraph with the famous dictum of Lomonosov, a great scientist who achieved success on the basis of natural Sciences and Humanities disciplines — a rare case of universal mind. He said: "Mathematics should be taught only then that she mind in order."
Mathematics trains such mental qualities, which form the skeleton and the skeleton of all your thinking! It is, first and foremost, logic. It's something that will organize all your thoughts into a coherent system of concepts and ideas and relationships between them.
Mathematics itself is the epitome of the natural order and there is nothing surprising in the fact that it organizes your mind. And without the notorious logic in the head people are not able to make proper inferences, to compare different kinds of concepts, he loses the ability to sound analysis and reasoning. What can cause the phenomenon of "porridge in the head", confusion in thinking and reasoning, the vagueness argument.
Such a person is easily fooled, what actually usually happens, as he is not able to identify a clear violation of logic in the claims of all sorts of schemers and charlatans (for the second plachenov experience with financial pyramids in our country suggests that a huge portion of people believed that mathematics does not need them). Knowledge of mathematics does not allow you to cheat!
So it's not just calculations and formulas, it is primarily the logic and order! Is a set of rules and functions that make your mindset consistent and logical. This is reflected in your ability to reason, to formulate ideas, to keep in mind the complex concepts and build ornate relationship.
What humanitarians need math?
That will surely help you, even if you are going to succeed on the basis of any Humanities discipline, as the logic skills of systems thinking and ability to formulate complex theories are very need and there. Without this, it will be not a science, and verbiage.
I heard about the brilliant lawyers who in addition to the legal education received, in addition, physics and mathematics. It helped them, like good chess players, to build complex combinations of defenses in court or to invent clever ways of interacting with the legal framework and come up with all sorts of clever and complex solutions.
Of course, to specially a specialized education in math is not necessarily even, in my opinion, is redundant if you are going to work in this field. But to master this discipline at the basic level of schooling and initial University courses, I believe, should and can every.
Do not think that you from nature is not given that your vocation is the Humanities and the exact subjects you study not. When someone says that he has a liberal arts mindset and, therefore, to count, to read and formulas to solve problems he can not, in principle, as would not then know that this is a delicate attempt to justify the lack of development of mathematical abilities. Not their absence! But just the fact that these skills, for whatever reason, has not received proper development.
The human mind is a universal thing, designed to solve a variety of problems. Of course, this assertion has its limits: one due to the peculiarities of their innate and acquired properties of thinking has a certain tendency to the development of different Sciences. Besides, specialization often requires knowledge of one thing: it's hard to be a great mathematician, chemist, lawyer, teacher in one (not all of us University). Always have something to choose.
But the basic skills of mathematical thinking are able to master each! For some it's just going to be harder, for someone easier. But it under force to everyone. And as I said, it is necessary for the balanced development of your mind. From what you are interested in, for example, literature or psychology, it should not be something that you do not need math and you just are not naturally capable of it though as-that to master!
One does not exclude, but rather complements. "Humanitarian mindset" in the context of the impossibility of mastering the exact Sciences — it's just one big nonsense and an attempt to justify an unwillingness to learn the skills which are given with great difficulty than others.

Why do we need maths in life and work?
Mathematics is useful in business. But maybe it is a profession that you are considering as your next call will not be connected with calculations, formulae, computer science, or Analytics. Or you are using this in their current job.
But still, this does not mean that it will always be. Maybe you want to change your profession. Or you are so tired of mercenary work that you decide to organize your own business (and this happens quite often). The organization of independent companies always requires calculation, forecasting and analysis. You, as the head of the new business will need to possess the appropriate skills, not all may be delegated to the employees of their work in any way needs to be controlled.
Without support in the form of mathematical methods of forecasting, modeling, and analysis (at least at a primitive level, depends on what you have a business) success in starting one's own business is difficult to achieve. Based on personal statistics, I can say that the greatest success in business achieve usually graduates of technical, mathematical higher education institutions.
It is not only the knowledge of any special methods of calculations, it is never too late to learn if necessary. The key to a specific organization of the mind. Business is a highly ordered system, the construction of which requires of its Creator with certain intellectual skills, structured thinking, ability to synthesize and output relationship. The study of the exact Sciences, as we know — developing these skills.
Mathematics and other Sciences are very important for the development of humanity as a whole, and for the intellectual improvement of a particular individual. Of course, a balanced mental development of a person involves the development of not only the subjects but also the Humanities. Reading quality literature, for example, it is also necessary for you if you want to develop.
But this is not enough. I would like to Supplement the wording of this statement: "if you want to be smart you need to read a lot", adding to this "- and do math." Otherwise the effect from the mere reading of books is like a body without a skeleton or a building without a frame. One without the other is difficult.
That is why many humanists, however well versed in their subject area, suffer from confused thinking and lack of sober judgment, and a mathematics and avid techies closed world of abstract formulas and calculations, losing touch with the real world.
The Golden rule — everything in moderation, harmoniously developed intelligence, versatility at a very basic level! All together, the books and math! This is not a sermon in praise of dilettantism, no, in your expertise you need to be a professional and a specialist, an expert in their field. But as far as the base of your erudition and knowledge, there should be a little of everything.
The ENERGY of MONEY: whether to give or to take money in debt12 exercises for development of concentration 1918
I think that the idea of school education and teaching of initial courses of Universities, meets this principle of universality (only an idea, about how this is implemented in practice, I am not going to argue). I would be extremely negatively reacted to the increasing specialization of primary and secondary education, believing that the younger the individual must give more from different fields, and when he gets it, let chooses what he is closer! published
Author: Nikolai Perov
Source: nperov.ru/razum/zachem-nuzhna-matematika/
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