Big Euro trip. 2013.
Greetings to you, dearly beloved YaPovtsy!
We decided last summer to stir up the trip of your dreams - namely, to go on the machines in Europe. And most importantly, scrolling through a bunch of forums and watching videos on this bill, we realized that there were no data for this journey there.
That is why it appeared this report. I'd like to make it useful for the same guys we.
As usual, the route and the idea of the trip were born in the kitchen gatherings. It looked like this - СПб-Таллин-Латвия-Литва-Польша-Словакия-Венгрия-Словения-Италия-Австрия-Германия-Чешская Republic-Poland-Lithuania-Latvia-SPb. Dates: 10.08.2013-24.08.2013
So, let's begin! Please do not break! Post a long, patient, more interesting
100 photos, 4 videos, letters
The main idea was to travel as much as possible for less money, and as much as possible with great pleasure.
And the creation of the full report - a special idea, because before the trip, we did not find any written or video statement that we have to go.
We decided to buy a tent and all this due, to freely travel the five of us (two cars), and the maximum saving on hotels, dwell only in campsites (as we sadly mistaken).
Before leaving we had a task - to pick up one of the cars from service, where it is held before the trip and pokleit "war paint" in the car.
Luckily we came across the coolest guys Tuning-Lite.ru, who lit up our idea, and not only helped to paste the entire professional vinyl, but also made a complete tightening of the hood in the "armor"
And that's how it looked at the end of - the transition can not be distinguished.
The final photo in full war paint and with the logo of your favorite Yap on board.
If you need a car obtyanut film (at least color, though defensive) - it is to them. Are on the way KONDRATIEVSKY 6/8 (this is in St. Petersburg)
It turned out not to leave so early, as planned, because there were problems with the documents on one of the machines, but we are pleased to have come to the Pskov. Evroputeshestvie had yet, so everyone was in the right condition
Guided by European rules, we bought in the tape reflective vest (which is not useful even once), and all sorts of characters (we could go to Russia neater).
After that, it was decided to cross the border in Estonia, as it was necessary to engage the Estonian ATM.
In the end, we went in the direction of Pskov near 16:00.
The road to Pskov took quite standard, the first half was even similar to Europe - wide strips and fairly flat trail.
These 300-plus kilometers walked quickly enough, and that we were standing on the border.
Last refueling in Russia, which we fuel burst into the eyeballs and season 2 cans - "rainy day»
By the way, problems with trafficking cans did not have, and, frankly, we are very nobody checked any of Russia or Estonia.
The border checkpoint "Shumilkino" of the past quickly and easily - no queues, no need for written, both at the border in Ivangorod / Narva.
I had to make a detour and stop in Vory, buy products on the road (well, me personally favorite Saku Dublin)
We have long urged our Garmin (then we called him Herman, Herman A. sometimes), we pave the way straight through Daugavpils to the Lithuanian border, but he stubbornly kept us via Riga.
There was nothing, and we had an overnight trip in the pouring rain to the side of the Latvian capital.
By the way, for the first time, we saw hundreds of frogs jump out onto the road and constantly crunching under the wheels. At first they thought it was the leaves and rubbish, but then realized that the debris can not jump as high pulling lapy
Overall, not a pleasant sight, even the girls became ill.
That way the same rain that we have in the dark and covered.
Returning to Herman A. - to call in some Latvian village we have long strayed because of digging up roads and the lack of precise navigation on Human Settlements. VERY important, going on a journey to upload detailed maps of all, or at least carry a paper version. Often we poked like blind kittens, lost time and effort, but in the end it was somehow fun))
Finally, before reaching Riga, we somehow find a free hotel room and lay down there. By the way - in Latvia still has its own currency - Plate. At that time, the course was LVL 1 - 55 p.
Toll roads on the way was not, so we arrived budget.
Sleep, moved into Lithuanian Kaunas Panevezys through directly to the Polish border town with a funny name Suwalki. Under cover of darkness easily find Euro Camping, the masters of which was a sweet couple who welcome us took. By the way, speak in Russian is quite so good.
Here this card camping with mobile phones and for those who decide to repeat the route.
Quickly they bungled currently grilled meat, took a sleepy dose of local beer, frozen at 15 degrees and climbed to the tents. 2 cars and 2 large tents charged us 36 euros, including morning coffee and tea.
In the morning, our tent turned into a greenhouse and we had to quickly retreat from there. Gathered, went to Warsaw.
The road of Poland is flat, but narrow - only two bands, so always have to overtake the truck.
Plus, she always goes through the villages in consequence of that restriction of 50-70 km and permanent photoradar.
But it was time to shoot video and take photos environment.
More photos Beauty
Finally in the evening we arrived in Warsaw.
That is the building which gave the Soviet people to the Polish.
Warsaw is very beautiful, and the few hours that it stood out - certainly not enough. Armed with photographic and video equipment and stomped into the old town
More photos main square
In Warsaw, we are slightly delayed, so (attention!) In a town called Krakow we were 3-4 hours in the morning. If you're still reading this bunch of beeches and fall asleep, if you're looking at his fifth adventure - Go to Krakow! After talking with the local admins at the reception at the hotel we realized that we did not wait for the hospitality.
We met quite a drunk man who in the course of our efforts to the settlement began to speak (in Polish, but the part we have understood) something like: "Damn the Bolsheviks", "you are in Poland - speak Polish," "stinking Russian" and their favorite "whore».
With anger in his eyes, we have canceled your reservation and decided in principle to send a dick do not leave money in Poland and Slovakia to take off.
The closer we are to the border, it was the twisty serpentine, and the more we cut down.
A couple of times went into the oncoming lane and it was decided to wake the passengers on this case bother cage, which is quite a comfortably settled, because the neck was beginning to flow.
Before driving to Slovakia, we have decorated windshields vignettes (pass to toll roads). Incidentally, it was the first country where there are toll roads.
It cost us 11 euros. Buy nakleechki available at any gas station.
With red eyes and pale face, we got to Slovakia v
Before us is a beautiful scenery - empty straight road, a thick forest in the hilly terrain and the lovely little town.
By the way, Slovakia is full of slopes for skiing and snowboarding.
We are very pleased with this country for its hospitality and excellent relations to the Russian.
We settled into the first hotel Penzion Fortuna in the border town of Tvrdosin.
At first we laughed at the word pension, but then realized that the so-called hotels, and in other countries too.
The friendly owner of the hotel reception made us realize, "This is paradise!» especially pleased with the price - 68 euros for the room and 31 euros for a delicious homemade dinner. All this and divide by five udivlyaemsya
At 6 am the next day we still overcame the desire to stay in a lovely cheap Slovakia to Budapest and went through the Slovak city of Banska Bystrica.
The roads here are so beautiful - go through the mountains and tunnels start to come across the famous and beautiful city - that the camera just did not want to clean up.
Funny signs before and after the dangerous areas (well, it's because we understand)
Joyful sign :)
And enjoying the beauty, we unconsciously, we stopped in Hungary.
Here our eyes appeared Budapest - a beautiful city on the two banks of the Danube, the birthplace of Ikarus (which, by the way, to this day, there are widely used)
Icarus By the way, as you can see, even the official bus for the City tour
As a result, finding parking one half of the crew went to conquer shopping centers in search Pribluda for the camera, and the other half is, quite frankly, thump on the tour boat on the Danube, enjoying the sights of the Hungarian capital.
Beauty Budapest
Another little
Hungarian Parliament building (a little in the woods, waterfront shift)
Way bridge, which was built by the agency "Eifel" - as well as the Trinity in St. Petersburg.
The tour for three cost 24 euros, and a bottle of sparkling wine and a small bottle of foam cost us 7 euros (by the way almost everywhere accept the euro is the national currency in the presence of Forint). In general, here catch our happy faces
Budapest left in the dark and found him in the lights and illumination.
Photos from the bridge
At the general meeting it was decided not to pass by the incredible Lake Balaton. This resort town, where the local and tusy openeyry.
That's the way the poster of one of them (the most important). The scope is impressive.
Balaton from all over Europe, especially many Germans. It is for this reason was very difficult to find a place to sleep overnight. Hour search - and we ran into someone's family house in which apartments were rented. 80 euros - 5 and our tired bodies basking in their beds. That's the way our home and
Utrechka 12 days, it was decided pomochit feet in the local sea lake.
Color of Lake Balaton, and surf - just like the sea.
Madly wanted to undress and join sunbathing and swimming, but we are waiting for a real salty Adriatic, so without much regret we left the Balaton and headed towards Slovenia.
Smooth Highway quickly led us to the border with Slovenia.
Again we stopped at the gas station and bought a new vignette (15 euros per week).
In the photo - the one that bluish.
Expensive - you say? Flat road and the speed limit of 140 km / h will tell you otherwise.
Given that Slovenia, in our opinion, was the most scenic stretch of road.
Sunsets on the road, we met often
We met on the road a family of bikers - they smiled at us a long time to respond to our survey
Check out boots
And by the way - the constant control of video vignettes - almost every 50-100 km. So the idea to ride "hare" in Slovenia is better to leave at once.
Prior to the final point of our trip - the sea, and Italy - had nothing.
We are prudently used the Hungarian guest vayfay and booked in advance in camping.
Camping located in the town of Monfalcone, and called Villagio Turistico "Albatros" and had as much as 4 stars. By the way - this is a camping site - www.villaggioalbatros.com
We arrived at very close (open until 23:00 on the territory did not get).
Fairly podzamuchalis with the installation of tents in the dark, but it was fun.
Entertained as they could
All the same, the final point was reached, and on the occasion of this we decided a little sip of the famous Italian brand - STOCK;)
And now Lambrusco, which costs so much that even ashamed
The machine has been wound about 3,400 km (despite the fact that it was purchased a month ago and at the time had run out to 800 km)
Satisfied asses our cars in the parking lot in front of the reception.
By the way what is brought before our eyes in the morning, slightly plunged us into shock.
Now we know exactly what a real camping.
People managed to come with all the things from the house
Remove we have forgotten, but there were whole garden - with a terrace built to the motorhome, and the portion of green squares laid out soft rubber coating. With dogs and cats, with flowers and fence. With a fridge and satellite TV / internet. Moved "local" campers only bikes, what we dreamed of at the end. Constantly I had to run to the shower and toilet (a huge public, designed for the whole camp).
In general, here are the pictures, which we managed to do. The remaining time was spent in the sea, pool, beer and beer.
In the shade we rested from the fumes :)
At night it was very cold, but we took the precaution sleeping. In the morning we woke infernal heat and the German camp, which is in the background. In the end, we cursed them
Standard view Euro-camper.
In short, we feel complete greenhorns in the auto-journeys. Gathered, ate, went.
Total: 4 days, 5 people, 300 euros. Map AllAirlines we also earn miles, which we spent in Prague (but more on that later)
pysy: Open a free card + 2000 miles then www.tcsbank.ru/credit/form/aa/allairlineseurotrip/
Pretty tired of rest, at a general meeting of our crews have decided to catch and Venice. The road from Trieste to Venice cost us 6, 5 euros per car. But as in Italy superneponyatnye signs on the roads, we paid 2 times, because somewhere a wrong turn
After losing 30 minutes of time, we still got to Venice. There's a place there are several parking lots in front of the city. Their cost depends on the distance to the city. We threw the car on the roof of one of them, since it was the free parking. The day gave parking 21 euro / car.
Our movement in Venice began with the monorail (EUR 1). We went exactly 3 minutes and we finally can not quite caught up with what we have not got there because further we drank on their two to St. Mark's Square.
As they walked-hungry. Then WARNING! Forget those huge portions of all restaurants in Europe. For 8 euros you get a huge plate, which will be neatly stacked 6 pieces of vegetables on the grill. For something with a view of the Canal Grande
Realizing that the whole day in front of the beautiful Venice, centered on the 118 islands of the Venetian lagoon, we unanimously decided to ride on a gondola!
Our style company
Bypass 118 islands, 400 bridges and swim 150 channels 1 day we failed, but we were able to see and shop masks and a lot of shopping with them
... And shipyard San Trovaso. It is a small team of artisans who make and repair gondolas in accordance with age-old traditions.
Reaching the central Piazza San Marco, we spent little time in fotochek Insta, imbued with the beauty and fragility of Venice.
Interesting fact - Venice is on millions of piles of larch Perm. And the famous Rialto Bridge is 20 thousand. Such.
By the evening of the most worn knees legs put us on the vaporetto (water bus) to the parking lot. 7 euros.
Toll roads. Venice Verona 10 euros. Verona-Brenner (Austrian border), 16, 9 euros. Brenner-Innsbruck 8, 30 euros. Expensive for something quick. Uneconomical traveled at a speed of 120 km / h 40,746,752
90. naively believing to find a campsite or a hotel at 9 pm in Innsbruck (it was closed on a shovel), we accidentally drove after all of Austria. What spared the rest of the trip. I remember the great differences in elevation (some places we drove through the clouds), the noise of the mountain rivers, deer on the roads, crazy landscapes (though the night was nothing to be seen, but imagination has done its job), and a hell of a cold (in shorts and skirts at 15 degrees). No pictures, it was dark
On the way to Germany, our cars 3 hours turned into a bed. Wrinkled, but sleep, we arrived in Munich. Free and fast - no vignettes or toll roads, we have not got.
For some reason, we in Germany would not be one. Friends who live in Munich, went to Russia and a free tour, we did not get. Purchased at a gas station next vignette 6 euros.
On the roads of the Czech Republic, too, need a vignette - 16 euros. To compensate the omission from Austria and Germany, we have decided in Prague. 3 days in the hostel Dakura (former hospital) at a cost of 8000 p. 5-x. Time stood still there somewhere in the 80s)), but the rooms are quite adequate.
At the souvenir shop in the old town of the seller advised us «The PUB» (most of you will drink the pub pays). Here cranes, through which we were filled and ordered food)) is amazing, but inside there is a smoking area, but we do not smoke, do not do not!
In the Czech Republic a lot of Russian (in general, as well as everywhere). For them, and stores are organized with instant noodles, dumplings, pickled cucumbers and vanilla Sundae.
After long walks we hit the Ice Bar for 15 minutes in 8-degree cold. In the hands of an ice glass with a strong cocktail around music, fun - all for 680 p. for two. Then he had to raise the body temperature of the sun on the Charles Bridge
The last photo.
We decided last summer to stir up the trip of your dreams - namely, to go on the machines in Europe. And most importantly, scrolling through a bunch of forums and watching videos on this bill, we realized that there were no data for this journey there.
That is why it appeared this report. I'd like to make it useful for the same guys we.
As usual, the route and the idea of the trip were born in the kitchen gatherings. It looked like this - СПб-Таллин-Латвия-Литва-Польша-Словакия-Венгрия-Словения-Италия-Австрия-Германия-Чешская Republic-Poland-Lithuania-Latvia-SPb. Dates: 10.08.2013-24.08.2013
So, let's begin! Please do not break! Post a long, patient, more interesting
100 photos, 4 videos, letters

The main idea was to travel as much as possible for less money, and as much as possible with great pleasure.
And the creation of the full report - a special idea, because before the trip, we did not find any written or video statement that we have to go.
We decided to buy a tent and all this due, to freely travel the five of us (two cars), and the maximum saving on hotels, dwell only in campsites (as we sadly mistaken).
Before leaving we had a task - to pick up one of the cars from service, where it is held before the trip and pokleit "war paint" in the car.
Luckily we came across the coolest guys Tuning-Lite.ru, who lit up our idea, and not only helped to paste the entire professional vinyl, but also made a complete tightening of the hood in the "armor"

And that's how it looked at the end of - the transition can not be distinguished.

The final photo in full war paint and with the logo of your favorite Yap on board.

If you need a car obtyanut film (at least color, though defensive) - it is to them. Are on the way KONDRATIEVSKY 6/8 (this is in St. Petersburg)

It turned out not to leave so early, as planned, because there were problems with the documents on one of the machines, but we are pleased to have come to the Pskov. Evroputeshestvie had yet, so everyone was in the right condition

Guided by European rules, we bought in the tape reflective vest (which is not useful even once), and all sorts of characters (we could go to Russia neater).

After that, it was decided to cross the border in Estonia, as it was necessary to engage the Estonian ATM.
In the end, we went in the direction of Pskov near 16:00.
The road to Pskov took quite standard, the first half was even similar to Europe - wide strips and fairly flat trail.

These 300-plus kilometers walked quickly enough, and that we were standing on the border.
Last refueling in Russia, which we fuel burst into the eyeballs and season 2 cans - "rainy day»

By the way, problems with trafficking cans did not have, and, frankly, we are very nobody checked any of Russia or Estonia.
The border checkpoint "Shumilkino" of the past quickly and easily - no queues, no need for written, both at the border in Ivangorod / Narva.

I had to make a detour and stop in Vory, buy products on the road (well, me personally favorite Saku Dublin)

We have long urged our Garmin (then we called him Herman, Herman A. sometimes), we pave the way straight through Daugavpils to the Lithuanian border, but he stubbornly kept us via Riga.

There was nothing, and we had an overnight trip in the pouring rain to the side of the Latvian capital.
By the way, for the first time, we saw hundreds of frogs jump out onto the road and constantly crunching under the wheels. At first they thought it was the leaves and rubbish, but then realized that the debris can not jump as high pulling lapy
Overall, not a pleasant sight, even the girls became ill.
That way the same rain that we have in the dark and covered.

Returning to Herman A. - to call in some Latvian village we have long strayed because of digging up roads and the lack of precise navigation on Human Settlements. VERY important, going on a journey to upload detailed maps of all, or at least carry a paper version. Often we poked like blind kittens, lost time and effort, but in the end it was somehow fun))

Finally, before reaching Riga, we somehow find a free hotel room and lay down there. By the way - in Latvia still has its own currency - Plate. At that time, the course was LVL 1 - 55 p.

Toll roads on the way was not, so we arrived budget.
Sleep, moved into Lithuanian Kaunas Panevezys through directly to the Polish border town with a funny name Suwalki. Under cover of darkness easily find Euro Camping, the masters of which was a sweet couple who welcome us took. By the way, speak in Russian is quite so good.
Here this card camping with mobile phones and for those who decide to repeat the route.

Quickly they bungled currently grilled meat, took a sleepy dose of local beer, frozen at 15 degrees and climbed to the tents. 2 cars and 2 large tents charged us 36 euros, including morning coffee and tea.

In the morning, our tent turned into a greenhouse and we had to quickly retreat from there. Gathered, went to Warsaw.
The road of Poland is flat, but narrow - only two bands, so always have to overtake the truck.
Plus, she always goes through the villages in consequence of that restriction of 50-70 km and permanent photoradar.

But it was time to shoot video and take photos environment.

More photos Beauty

Finally in the evening we arrived in Warsaw.

That is the building which gave the Soviet people to the Polish.

Warsaw is very beautiful, and the few hours that it stood out - certainly not enough. Armed with photographic and video equipment and stomped into the old town

More photos main square

In Warsaw, we are slightly delayed, so (attention!) In a town called Krakow we were 3-4 hours in the morning. If you're still reading this bunch of beeches and fall asleep, if you're looking at his fifth adventure - Go to Krakow! After talking with the local admins at the reception at the hotel we realized that we did not wait for the hospitality.
We met quite a drunk man who in the course of our efforts to the settlement began to speak (in Polish, but the part we have understood) something like: "Damn the Bolsheviks", "you are in Poland - speak Polish," "stinking Russian" and their favorite "whore».
With anger in his eyes, we have canceled your reservation and decided in principle to send a dick do not leave money in Poland and Slovakia to take off.

The closer we are to the border, it was the twisty serpentine, and the more we cut down.

A couple of times went into the oncoming lane and it was decided to wake the passengers on this case bother cage, which is quite a comfortably settled, because the neck was beginning to flow.

Before driving to Slovakia, we have decorated windshields vignettes (pass to toll roads). Incidentally, it was the first country where there are toll roads.
It cost us 11 euros. Buy nakleechki available at any gas station.

With red eyes and pale face, we got to Slovakia v

Before us is a beautiful scenery - empty straight road, a thick forest in the hilly terrain and the lovely little town.

By the way, Slovakia is full of slopes for skiing and snowboarding.

We are very pleased with this country for its hospitality and excellent relations to the Russian.

We settled into the first hotel Penzion Fortuna in the border town of Tvrdosin.

At first we laughed at the word pension, but then realized that the so-called hotels, and in other countries too.
The friendly owner of the hotel reception made us realize, "This is paradise!» especially pleased with the price - 68 euros for the room and 31 euros for a delicious homemade dinner. All this and divide by five udivlyaemsya
At 6 am the next day we still overcame the desire to stay in a lovely cheap Slovakia to Budapest and went through the Slovak city of Banska Bystrica.

The roads here are so beautiful - go through the mountains and tunnels start to come across the famous and beautiful city - that the camera just did not want to clean up.

Funny signs before and after the dangerous areas (well, it's because we understand)

Joyful sign :)

And enjoying the beauty, we unconsciously, we stopped in Hungary.

Here our eyes appeared Budapest - a beautiful city on the two banks of the Danube, the birthplace of Ikarus (which, by the way, to this day, there are widely used)


Icarus By the way, as you can see, even the official bus for the City tour

As a result, finding parking one half of the crew went to conquer shopping centers in search Pribluda for the camera, and the other half is, quite frankly, thump on the tour boat on the Danube, enjoying the sights of the Hungarian capital.

Beauty Budapest

Another little

Hungarian Parliament building (a little in the woods, waterfront shift)

Way bridge, which was built by the agency "Eifel" - as well as the Trinity in St. Petersburg.

The tour for three cost 24 euros, and a bottle of sparkling wine and a small bottle of foam cost us 7 euros (by the way almost everywhere accept the euro is the national currency in the presence of Forint). In general, here catch our happy faces

Budapest left in the dark and found him in the lights and illumination.

Photos from the bridge

At the general meeting it was decided not to pass by the incredible Lake Balaton. This resort town, where the local and tusy openeyry.
That's the way the poster of one of them (the most important). The scope is impressive.

Balaton from all over Europe, especially many Germans. It is for this reason was very difficult to find a place to sleep overnight. Hour search - and we ran into someone's family house in which apartments were rented. 80 euros - 5 and our tired bodies basking in their beds. That's the way our home and

Utrechka 12 days, it was decided pomochit feet in the local sea lake.

Color of Lake Balaton, and surf - just like the sea.
Madly wanted to undress and join sunbathing and swimming, but we are waiting for a real salty Adriatic, so without much regret we left the Balaton and headed towards Slovenia.

Smooth Highway quickly led us to the border with Slovenia.

Again we stopped at the gas station and bought a new vignette (15 euros per week).
In the photo - the one that bluish.

Expensive - you say? Flat road and the speed limit of 140 km / h will tell you otherwise.
Given that Slovenia, in our opinion, was the most scenic stretch of road.

Sunsets on the road, we met often

We met on the road a family of bikers - they smiled at us a long time to respond to our survey

Check out boots

And by the way - the constant control of video vignettes - almost every 50-100 km. So the idea to ride "hare" in Slovenia is better to leave at once.
Prior to the final point of our trip - the sea, and Italy - had nothing.

We are prudently used the Hungarian guest vayfay and booked in advance in camping.
Camping located in the town of Monfalcone, and called Villagio Turistico "Albatros" and had as much as 4 stars. By the way - this is a camping site - www.villaggioalbatros.com

We arrived at very close (open until 23:00 on the territory did not get).
Fairly podzamuchalis with the installation of tents in the dark, but it was fun.

Entertained as they could

All the same, the final point was reached, and on the occasion of this we decided a little sip of the famous Italian brand - STOCK;)
And now Lambrusco, which costs so much that even ashamed

The machine has been wound about 3,400 km (despite the fact that it was purchased a month ago and at the time had run out to 800 km)

Satisfied asses our cars in the parking lot in front of the reception.

By the way what is brought before our eyes in the morning, slightly plunged us into shock.
Now we know exactly what a real camping.

People managed to come with all the things from the house

Remove we have forgotten, but there were whole garden - with a terrace built to the motorhome, and the portion of green squares laid out soft rubber coating. With dogs and cats, with flowers and fence. With a fridge and satellite TV / internet. Moved "local" campers only bikes, what we dreamed of at the end. Constantly I had to run to the shower and toilet (a huge public, designed for the whole camp).

In general, here are the pictures, which we managed to do. The remaining time was spent in the sea, pool, beer and beer.

In the shade we rested from the fumes :)

At night it was very cold, but we took the precaution sleeping. In the morning we woke infernal heat and the German camp, which is in the background. In the end, we cursed them

Standard view Euro-camper.

In short, we feel complete greenhorns in the auto-journeys. Gathered, ate, went.
Total: 4 days, 5 people, 300 euros. Map AllAirlines we also earn miles, which we spent in Prague (but more on that later)
pysy: Open a free card + 2000 miles then www.tcsbank.ru/credit/form/aa/allairlineseurotrip/

Pretty tired of rest, at a general meeting of our crews have decided to catch and Venice. The road from Trieste to Venice cost us 6, 5 euros per car. But as in Italy superneponyatnye signs on the roads, we paid 2 times, because somewhere a wrong turn

After losing 30 minutes of time, we still got to Venice. There's a place there are several parking lots in front of the city. Their cost depends on the distance to the city. We threw the car on the roof of one of them, since it was the free parking. The day gave parking 21 euro / car.

Our movement in Venice began with the monorail (EUR 1). We went exactly 3 minutes and we finally can not quite caught up with what we have not got there because further we drank on their two to St. Mark's Square.

As they walked-hungry. Then WARNING! Forget those huge portions of all restaurants in Europe. For 8 euros you get a huge plate, which will be neatly stacked 6 pieces of vegetables on the grill. For something with a view of the Canal Grande

Realizing that the whole day in front of the beautiful Venice, centered on the 118 islands of the Venetian lagoon, we unanimously decided to ride on a gondola!

Our style company

Bypass 118 islands, 400 bridges and swim 150 channels 1 day we failed, but we were able to see and shop masks and a lot of shopping with them


... And shipyard San Trovaso. It is a small team of artisans who make and repair gondolas in accordance with age-old traditions.


Reaching the central Piazza San Marco, we spent little time in fotochek Insta, imbued with the beauty and fragility of Venice.

Interesting fact - Venice is on millions of piles of larch Perm. And the famous Rialto Bridge is 20 thousand. Such.

By the evening of the most worn knees legs put us on the vaporetto (water bus) to the parking lot. 7 euros.

Toll roads. Venice Verona 10 euros. Verona-Brenner (Austrian border), 16, 9 euros. Brenner-Innsbruck 8, 30 euros. Expensive for something quick. Uneconomical traveled at a speed of 120 km / h 40,746,752

90. naively believing to find a campsite or a hotel at 9 pm in Innsbruck (it was closed on a shovel), we accidentally drove after all of Austria. What spared the rest of the trip. I remember the great differences in elevation (some places we drove through the clouds), the noise of the mountain rivers, deer on the roads, crazy landscapes (though the night was nothing to be seen, but imagination has done its job), and a hell of a cold (in shorts and skirts at 15 degrees). No pictures, it was dark

On the way to Germany, our cars 3 hours turned into a bed. Wrinkled, but sleep, we arrived in Munich. Free and fast - no vignettes or toll roads, we have not got.

For some reason, we in Germany would not be one. Friends who live in Munich, went to Russia and a free tour, we did not get. Purchased at a gas station next vignette 6 euros.

On the roads of the Czech Republic, too, need a vignette - 16 euros. To compensate the omission from Austria and Germany, we have decided in Prague. 3 days in the hostel Dakura (former hospital) at a cost of 8000 p. 5-x. Time stood still there somewhere in the 80s)), but the rooms are quite adequate.

At the souvenir shop in the old town of the seller advised us «The PUB» (most of you will drink the pub pays). Here cranes, through which we were filled and ordered food)) is amazing, but inside there is a smoking area, but we do not smoke, do not do not!

In the Czech Republic a lot of Russian (in general, as well as everywhere). For them, and stores are organized with instant noodles, dumplings, pickled cucumbers and vanilla Sundae.

After long walks we hit the Ice Bar for 15 minutes in 8-degree cold. In the hands of an ice glass with a strong cocktail around music, fun - all for 680 p. for two. Then he had to raise the body temperature of the sun on the Charles Bridge

The last photo.