We move to Bulgaria: 4 years in a different country
It has long been asked to write about my life in Bulgaria, ways of generating income and quality of life. It's been 4 years since I came here, I have formed a clear idea about the country and its features, I decided to share with the community.
My post for those who are thinking of moving and still does not know where.
Why Bulgaria? We had to move out from their parents, but to afford an apartment in Moscow was unreal, now with the mortgage%, and even more so. Yes, and in the regions housing prices comparable with the cost of property in Europe, so why not explore the market offer, the more work is removed, and, in principle, no matter you are in any part of the world.
BolgariiRaboty Jobs in Bulgaria for a foreigner there.. More and formal employment is very difficult. For local EUR 500 - it is considered a good salary. Come here only if you are a freelancer, startups, etc. with stable earnings or already retired. However, having lived a year or two, after studying the needs of the local market, if you wish, you can try to open a business. Fortunately minimal upfront investment. Offices for rent, places for shop are not comparable with the Moscow (from 100 euros). There is a story on the Peekaboo, as a family from Odessa successfully spins the chain (3 points) stores in Burgas.
People BolgariiMentalitet very similar to ours. The same values. The bulk of the people live quite modestly. However, one can see the development of the State, since 2012 the city has changed for the better. There is a construction of ice arenas, all made bikeways, develop velotranport.
With the cops better pretend boots, reprimanded and released a fine or send mail. Sense is not to give bribes. I was pleasantly surprised by the work of government agencies. Though it felt a kind of "Sov" in all, but the service and helpfulness in the first place. For example, when you register a car, the employees themselves attach a frame, put the numbers and tighten the screws.
To Russian are generally positive, always smiling, interested, they like to talk and joke.
It is like drinking strong black coffee, work, loaders, etc. always his offer and pour. They have it in my opinion is not very accepted, but they are sailing straight into a smile and relate directly to you much better.
The builders, repairers, however, can easily inflate the price, because you are a foreigner, so that the pre-ring up or invite several firms, make an estimate, contract, that all was clear and there was no deception. Work, by the way, carelessly and slowly. The Profile Wizard is already - the better his work. Or, find masters on the recommendations or ask neighbors who they did (if well done) and call them.
Local girls ugly, Sofia better. Come with his wife or girlfriend, or you will be doomed to constantly ride on Sunny Beach or Golden Sands resort for the institution of short novels with tourists.
AvtomobilyaPokupka Buying a car can only foreign firm or office. Therefore, care should be that the firm was already registered. Making about a week to 200-300 euros from local lawyers and accountants, to not to run around with bits of paper. Start-up capital - 1 euro, you can easily specify the legal address of your apartment. Later, ask an accountant to reflect on the balance of the car, when you take the annual report. There is also nothing complicated.
Since Bulgaria is in the EU, she has no any thresholds on import and unrealistic duty on used cars. Carry though mostly junk from Italy and Germany. The choice should be very careful and meticulous. More or less something you can only find in Sofia. Sofia is located in the depths of the Balkan Peninsula, 400 km from the coast. Late in the evening we take the bus early in the morning and you are already there. Select in advance that you want to buy, ask the price, write down the address of salons or markets (See. Cars.bg sites, mobile.bg), pre-book your car to travel around the car market to choose and bargain. Then as usual - coming from the seller to the nearest service for the diagnosis, and then arrange the sale and purchase of the traffic police (KAT) to remove from the register. Putting both in Russia and at the place of registration of the company. The older and voracious machine, so it is cheaper. I'm on the Russian habit bought a large SUV (Grand Cherokee) 2004 for diesel and machine (!) Of 250,000 rubles (according to the old rate of 5000 ~ 2012) including all fees.
In principle, for this money you can buy very fresh and sprightly hatchback or wagon is much more economical, many options. How to get to him more than three years in different countries, including 4 times traveled to Russia and back.
If you're a fan of some of the rare cars - here for you paradise, you can search and find nerzhavy instance in decent condition, which in Russia is almost not. I could not resist, and realized his childhood dream - Ford Probe bought for 1000 euros
Ironically, the year has great rides
Disadvantages predrassudki- and Gypsies -. Yes, they come across. Sometimes kopashatsya in the trash, the children are asked to change in shopping centers. No more trouble do not deliver. Bulgarians are driven all the time and yell at them. There gypsy village. Once for fun I stopped there - nothing happened to me, although very colorful
. - Not prestigious. Yes, tse all are not narrow-minded understanding in Europe. In many places they felt social balances. camp.
- The Black Sea is still clean, I like
. - Bulgarians love to litter, it is necessary to conduct explanatory conversations with neighbors, pristyzhat them and retrain. In my house 3 Russian family - the sly together accustomed to cleanliness and order
. It seems to be all
Prospects and vyvodyBolgariya -. Is the budget option of moving to the EU countries and further accommodation with the benefits of a good nature, sea, sun, and proper nutrition. Health because in the end the most important thing. I recommend for people on a budget or not ready to abandon their native home immediately.
Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians in Bulgaria is becoming more and more every year. Приглашаю и вас.
Альтернативные страны:Ниже выписал свои варианты, которые я рассматривал при поиске, и доводы, почему я к ним не был готов:
1. Черногория. Недвижимость дороже раза в два. Природа, пейзажи, море, конечно, лучше. Но не в ЕС. Самый близкий конкурент Болгарии.
2. Италия, Испания, Греция. Всё дороже раза в два. «Престижней». Сложно получить ВНЖ. Возможно, как следующая страна, после получения ПМЖ в Болгарии.
3. Латвия. Холодное море, климат, сложности с ВНЖ.
4. Кипр. Дороже раза в два. Остров, а значит на путешествиях на автомобиле можно поставить крест. (я не очень люблю самолёты).
5. Турция, Египет. Дешевле. Менталитет другой. Политическая непредсказуемость. Климат жаркий.
6. США. Можно получить визу на 3 года, и пожить, а дальше — как повезёт. Нужно решиться на такой дальний вояж, домой скорее всего часто не полетаешь. Менталитет на любителя.
7. Азиатские страны — совсем другой менталитет. Далеко.
Пишите ваши вопросы, насколько смогу, постараюсь дополнять и отвечать.
Источник: geektimes.ru/post/273378/

My post for those who are thinking of moving and still does not know where.
Why Bulgaria? We had to move out from their parents, but to afford an apartment in Moscow was unreal, now with the mortgage%, and even more so. Yes, and in the regions housing prices comparable with the cost of property in Europe, so why not explore the market offer, the more work is removed, and, in principle, no matter you are in any part of the world.
- < + Country is included in the Europeans Union is not the Schengen agreement and without currency, the euro, but the laws are respected, corruption is a struggle, no business does not spin, feel «European».
- + Despite the EU's mentality close to Russian, Slavic. The easiest way to communicate, to find a common language. Asian countries (Thailand, etc.) I had not considered due to personal discomfort surrounded by an alien culture and another climate. Plus you can also call the historical ties. Here positive about Russian as Tsar Alexander granted independence from the Turks.
- + Climate south, "Sochi" is, though Black, but the sea (in the summer), mountains (in winter). Originally wanted to leave the city, to live at the sea shore, as I was tired from the Moscow weather, poisoned air ... In winter there are frosts, but the weather is stable near 0, and sunshine rays pleasantly heated skin.
- + low property prices. However, the sharp drop in the ruble, of course, this figure is almost lined with suburban housing in Russia. Studio apartment can be, if you search, buy 10 000 euro. Kopeck piece from 20,000 homes in good condition by 40000. And all this in 15-20 minutes from the sea. Real estate for rent starting at 100 euros. For 300-400 can already find a very decent apartment in a good area.
- + Bulgaria is situated close to Russia, Ukraine already through Romania, and there to have at hand. 3 times I traveled by car to and from Russia via the Ukrainian route (even in 2014, but Bulgarian rooms) and 1 time European route via Poland, Belarus. Fly 2, 5-3, 5:00 to Moscow. There are regular flights in the summer is full of charters to many cities in Russia. Plane tickets depends on the season - from 15 (if it is in June to fly to Russia) to 200 euros (peak season) in one direction. On average, manage to find podgadat 250 round-trip.
Legal momenty.V Europe, and in many other countries, with the purchase or lease of property no right to live peacefully resolve on an ongoing basis . Maximum - multivisa that gives the right to live only 90 days in the first half. For permanent residence requires a number of conditions in order to get a residence permit (residence permit). Bulgaria is one of the easiest countries to obtain it. The reason is the opening of representations of foreign firms. Those. Ask friends who have a company make you their company's representative in Bulgaria. It is, of course, well run with papers, but treat it as an adventure, and all will be well. The preparation goes from 500 to 2000 euros (if himself or through intermediaries). Yes, in fact you create a fictitious company, however, it is perfectly legal. Pensioners even easier. Those. Alternatively, if you have a problem with housing, you can arrange your parents a good old age, with the consent relocate to Bulgaria. Of course, do not forget to visit them on multivisa to 90 days in the first half or the Schengen, which is also allowed.
Get Bulgarian multivisa quite simply through an agency (~ 4,000 rubles), simply by filling out the questionnaire. Without evidence, certificates and other red tape.
However, Bulgaria and even in the European Union, but not in the Schengen zone. So, to go somewhere else in Europe will still have to do other visas. When you have a residence permit - you can apply for a Schengen visa directly from Bulgaria, local embassies in Sofia. Bulgarian visa entitles you to visit Croatia, Romania and Cyprus. Next to visa-free Serbia and Turkey (very close to the metropolis - Istanbul). So for the Balkans will be able to travel without visas to the additional, vpechtaleny for the first time will suffice.
Status residence permit have to renew every year, the cost of all procedures around 600 euros. After 5 years, are eligible to receive permanent residence status - run with papers and extended then there will be no need. After another 5 years - can apply for citizenship (if not too lazy to learn the language)
are looking for accommodation in Bolgarii
Large snowflakes winter resorts are marked, but there are hills and close to the sea, it's not. such steep.
A little help: Bulgaria is the poorest country of the European Union, the average salary is about 300 euros. On the east by the Black Sea. Off the coast are only 2 major cities with international airports: Varna (400,000 inhabitants) and Burgas (200,000 inhabitants) + million summer tourists. Many resorts towns, including the largest of Golden Sands and Sunny Beach. Country sunny (300 days of sunshine a year), the rest of the winter, 0 + 5, and of the swimming season from early May to late September. Between Varna and Burgas 130 km, housing search range - between the two cities along the coast and 30-40 km inland, if you want to buy a house, not an apartment
. The algorithm was as follows - first to arrive just as a tourist voucher for 2-3 weeks and see what it is all over the country, as far as is comfortable, what prospects, quality of life, etc.
Advance in Russia look proposed options favorite apartments and houses keep favorites and print.
We are living in a 3 star hotel of the Soviet type in Sunny Beach. Take the car rental.
list of sites to search real estate homes.bg
and of the 3 largest agency, with whom I have had the experience:
Here is your first encounter with the language barrier. Bulgarian language, though similar to the Russian in text form, however, it is likely you will not understand, because the emphasis is very different, sounds like a mixture of Ukrainian Turkish. You will need to shut down a little introvert and speak in English or in Russian with the owners or agencies. Strong language barrier as such I did not feel. Young people learning English and the older generation remembers the Russian at the school level. Before the trip, buy and read Phrasebook Bulgarian - immediately becomes much clearer
features when buying a property: 1.. If you want to buy a house, you have to register a company but are not limited to the purchase of land. Since the land is not sold to the private sector to foreigners, but only legal. persons. Expenditures + 200-300 euros.
2. The quality of construction with few exceptions very mediocre. Be aware of this.
3. In Bulgaria it is rare where there is central heating and hot water. Heated all furnaces, fireplaces or just good powerful air conditioners. Water is heated by boilers.
4. If you buy an apartment in a gated house that you carry extra security costs, maintenance, etc. (200-1500 euros per year) and to abandon the burden is already very, very difficult. I tried this type of property is not considered.
5. The area is indicated taking into account all the walls, so it is really much less.
6. The entire transaction takes place rather quickly at the notary. Proof of ownership is the Notary Act.
Valuable alternative to buy a home and rent can be quite humane for 200-400 euros a month. Real, full, and in a crisis more actively sold, the same Russian, which give a very good discount, bargain.
Trains in the villages and villages, resort towns, I was finally convinced that I wanted to live in the city. The village is very similar to the south of Russia and Ukraine, there are bored and have nothing to do, there is a minimal probability of robbery Roma, if you leave for a long time empty. There will also be necessary to constantly go to the center in search of entertainment that quickly get tired.
Spa center of Sunny Beach and Golden Sands - is also not recommended. The atmosphere of this place is excellent transferred to x. / F. "Overgrown" or multiple clips on Youtube. This "budget Ibiza", where the summer flies provincial youth from all over Europe. But one thing zatusit there for a couple of weeks to visit the dj-sets Armin Van Buuren or FatBoy Slim right on the beach, and another - to live permanently in such a situation. Moreover, in winter, the number of residents there tends to zero, all the places and shops boarded up, the triumph of gloom.
Remain Burgas, Varna and their immediate surroundings - a permanent regional centers with a developed infrastructure and everything needed. Keep in mind that in the north-west at Bourgas is a major oil refinery Lukoil, better to choose a different part of the city. In Varna there are cases of large traffic jams in the center, although it is far Moscow.
Typical Burgas
Spend a country ride along the coast is better for at least 2 weeks. Also, if you are not inclined to take decisive action, I can advise to rent an apartment in a pleasing area and live there to understand - your or not. Only in this way you will form an understanding of the situation around you and you will take the final decision on what you want. I had enough 2 weeks, the choice was made quite hurried, but pretty good. As a result, my Smotrin, I bought 2 komnantuyu apartment in a remote from the center of Burgas region in the house built in 2009 with empty walls for finishing of 25,000 euros. For repairs, furniture and equipment had to spend about 12,000 euros more, but I got what I wanted. To the sea 20 minutes to go by bus or 10 by car. One can see the mountains, the lake and the sea from the window a bit. House with very friendly Bulgarian-residents. Last floor, and only 1 apartment with neighbors on the floor. On the registration of the transaction took only 1 day.
view from the terrace, poor houses of the socialist camp on the outskirts of
Life in Bulgaria generally, environment, people, life differ little from Russia, just add sun and the sea, because of this some slowness in behavior .
cost of living in Bulgaria local currency - Lev exchange rate tightly pegged to the euro, and never changes. (In the case of the collapse of the euro area probably only otvyazhut, as if such a safety net). 1 ~ 95 lev for 1 euro. For ease of understanding, will write the price in euros.
- The products are cheaper by 20-50%, and better quality, meat, fruit and vegetables in the summer break is not possible. According to my calculations, on the food from the supermarket takes 5-10 euro per day. Many vkusnyashek- "zapreschёnki" from Germany, France
BolgariiRaboty Jobs in Bulgaria for a foreigner there.. More and formal employment is very difficult. For local EUR 500 - it is considered a good salary. Come here only if you are a freelancer, startups, etc. with stable earnings or already retired. However, having lived a year or two, after studying the needs of the local market, if you wish, you can try to open a business. Fortunately minimal upfront investment. Offices for rent, places for shop are not comparable with the Moscow (from 100 euros). There is a story on the Peekaboo, as a family from Odessa successfully spins the chain (3 points) stores in Burgas.
People BolgariiMentalitet very similar to ours. The same values. The bulk of the people live quite modestly. However, one can see the development of the State, since 2012 the city has changed for the better. There is a construction of ice arenas, all made bikeways, develop velotranport.
With the cops better pretend boots, reprimanded and released a fine or send mail. Sense is not to give bribes. I was pleasantly surprised by the work of government agencies. Though it felt a kind of "Sov" in all, but the service and helpfulness in the first place. For example, when you register a car, the employees themselves attach a frame, put the numbers and tighten the screws.
To Russian are generally positive, always smiling, interested, they like to talk and joke.
It is like drinking strong black coffee, work, loaders, etc. always his offer and pour. They have it in my opinion is not very accepted, but they are sailing straight into a smile and relate directly to you much better.
The builders, repairers, however, can easily inflate the price, because you are a foreigner, so that the pre-ring up or invite several firms, make an estimate, contract, that all was clear and there was no deception. Work, by the way, carelessly and slowly. The Profile Wizard is already - the better his work. Or, find masters on the recommendations or ask neighbors who they did (if well done) and call them.
Local girls ugly, Sofia better. Come with his wife or girlfriend, or you will be doomed to constantly ride on Sunny Beach or Golden Sands resort for the institution of short novels with tourists.
AvtomobilyaPokupka Buying a car can only foreign firm or office. Therefore, care should be that the firm was already registered. Making about a week to 200-300 euros from local lawyers and accountants, to not to run around with bits of paper. Start-up capital - 1 euro, you can easily specify the legal address of your apartment. Later, ask an accountant to reflect on the balance of the car, when you take the annual report. There is also nothing complicated.
Since Bulgaria is in the EU, she has no any thresholds on import and unrealistic duty on used cars. Carry though mostly junk from Italy and Germany. The choice should be very careful and meticulous. More or less something you can only find in Sofia. Sofia is located in the depths of the Balkan Peninsula, 400 km from the coast. Late in the evening we take the bus early in the morning and you are already there. Select in advance that you want to buy, ask the price, write down the address of salons or markets (See. Cars.bg sites, mobile.bg), pre-book your car to travel around the car market to choose and bargain. Then as usual - coming from the seller to the nearest service for the diagnosis, and then arrange the sale and purchase of the traffic police (KAT) to remove from the register. Putting both in Russia and at the place of registration of the company. The older and voracious machine, so it is cheaper. I'm on the Russian habit bought a large SUV (Grand Cherokee) 2004 for diesel and machine (!) Of 250,000 rubles (according to the old rate of 5000 ~ 2012) including all fees.
In principle, for this money you can buy very fresh and sprightly hatchback or wagon is much more economical, many options. How to get to him more than three years in different countries, including 4 times traveled to Russia and back.
If you're a fan of some of the rare cars - here for you paradise, you can search and find nerzhavy instance in decent condition, which in Russia is almost not. I could not resist, and realized his childhood dream - Ford Probe bought for 1000 euros

Ironically, the year has great rides
Disadvantages predrassudki- and Gypsies -. Yes, they come across. Sometimes kopashatsya in the trash, the children are asked to change in shopping centers. No more trouble do not deliver. Bulgarians are driven all the time and yell at them. There gypsy village. Once for fun I stopped there - nothing happened to me, although very colorful
. - Not prestigious. Yes, tse all are not narrow-minded understanding in Europe. In many places they felt social balances. camp.
- The Black Sea is still clean, I like
. - Bulgarians love to litter, it is necessary to conduct explanatory conversations with neighbors, pristyzhat them and retrain. In my house 3 Russian family - the sly together accustomed to cleanliness and order
. It seems to be all
Prospects and vyvodyBolgariya -. Is the budget option of moving to the EU countries and further accommodation with the benefits of a good nature, sea, sun, and proper nutrition. Health because in the end the most important thing. I recommend for people on a budget or not ready to abandon their native home immediately.
Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians in Bulgaria is becoming more and more every year. Приглашаю и вас.
Альтернативные страны:Ниже выписал свои варианты, которые я рассматривал при поиске, и доводы, почему я к ним не был готов:
1. Черногория. Недвижимость дороже раза в два. Природа, пейзажи, море, конечно, лучше. Но не в ЕС. Самый близкий конкурент Болгарии.
2. Италия, Испания, Греция. Всё дороже раза в два. «Престижней». Сложно получить ВНЖ. Возможно, как следующая страна, после получения ПМЖ в Болгарии.
3. Латвия. Холодное море, климат, сложности с ВНЖ.
4. Кипр. Дороже раза в два. Остров, а значит на путешествиях на автомобиле можно поставить крест. (я не очень люблю самолёты).
5. Турция, Египет. Дешевле. Менталитет другой. Политическая непредсказуемость. Климат жаркий.
6. США. Можно получить визу на 3 года, и пожить, а дальше — как повезёт. Нужно решиться на такой дальний вояж, домой скорее всего часто не полетаешь. Менталитет на любителя.
7. Азиатские страны — совсем другой менталитет. Далеко.
Пишите ваши вопросы, насколько смогу, постараюсь дополнять и отвечать.
Источник: geektimes.ru/post/273378/