The cost of living in France
Approximately 60-70% of French people live rather modestly, and barely making ends meet. Many of me, for some reason, do not believe, and believe that I explicitly cry the blues ... For some reason ... In this connection, I am ready to "sort through" its financial component to on their personal example to show all the numbers. So you can imagine yourself firsthand the life of ordinary laborers in the West - namely in France.
So here - the list of payments that every month will automatically be deducted from my account:
1. Monthly maintenance of bank cards - 8, 85 euros.
2. Insurance FILIA-MAIF - 49, 11 euros.
3. General health insurance - 13, 21 euros.
4. The fee for an apartment (HLM, 78 square meters), including district heating - 465, 73 euros.
5. The fee for underground parking - 30, 92 euros.
6. Taxes on wages - 219, 00 euros.
7. The housing tax - 105, 00 euros.
8. The credit for the car - 98, 28 euros.
9. Mobile telephony - 17, 50 euros.
10. Internet, home phone and digital TV in one package - 36, 90 euros.
11. Gas - 5, 99 euros.
12. Electricity - 32, 25 euros.
So, it is easy to calculate that monthly with me remove nearly 1,100 euros. Plus, every month I send 100 euros to his son in Rossiyu.Dalee. My wife and I recently divorced, and the last four months, I live alone. So, in the morning for breakfast I spend about 4 euro - croissants, bread and so on. N. At lunchtime I spend about 7 euros more. In the evening, I do not spend anything - supper that there is in the refrigerator. So, during the working day, I spend about 11 euros. These 11 euros multiplied by 21 working days, and get a sum of 231 euros.
Further. Every Saturday I'm shopping in the supermarket, food supplies (and not only) for the whole week. On average, every Saturday in the supermarkets I leave for 45 euros. These EUR 45 multiplied by 4 weeks, and it turns out that month in the supermarkets I am leaving for about 180 euros.
So, recalculate again:
The monthly required payments - € 1,100.
Help her son - 100 euros.
Working breakfasts and lunches - 231 euros.
Current purchases in supermarkets - 180 euros.
Filling machines - 70 euros.
Total - about 1670 euros per month. And it is - not chic, but in a humble, believing every centime.
My salary for the last three months of August - 1985, 90 euros. September - 1841, 66 euros. October - 1617, 75 euros. Why in October I received so little? And because I have spent half of October home. The fact is that in recent months I have accumulated monstrous processing - about 600 hours. And watch for processed according to the law, we put a financial supplement, or compensatory time off. However, the time off - are not paid. So you're actually sitting at home at their own expense, but this time my boss my partly offset processing money, and partly - time off. That is why in October 1617, I received a total of euro. But he could get and less.
The salary in 1985, 90 euros - it is also rare for me. Such salary I used to get when I'm almost the entire month of travels on business trips. And this does not often happen.
So, my expenses for October amounted to approximately € 1670, while my salary october - 1617 €. That is, from the outset in my modest budget had a "minus" to 53 euros. However, in October, further removed from me 105 euros more - I received from the States of the Declaration with the recalculation of my property tax (taxe d'habitation). The amount of tax - 105 euros (underlined in red). And in November, with me still further remove 21 euros.
The current financial condition of my bank account today (Saturday, November 3). The balance in the account - 35 euro and 85 centimes. However, on Monday morning - 5 November - my account is in the "minus" because on Monday I will be removed from the first November payments in the amount of 62 euros and 32 centimes.
On Monday from my account automatically remove 13, 21 euros for additional insurance, and 49, 11 euros for the insurance FILIA-MAIF. That is, on Monday morning, I finally go to the "minus» ...
In principle, it is not yet fatal. According to the contract with my bank, I have the right to go to the "minus" to the sum of 200 euros. However, the bank with me for it removes interest. That is, in fact, it turns out short-term loan. A short-term loans, as you know, are the most expensive.
Moreover, if I were to exceed the "minus" limit of 200 euros at least one centime, and the bank block my bank card. To block the receipt of the money in my bank account. And do to my account, they can only from one single source - in the form of my salary. And when will come my salary? And my salary will come no earlier than November 10th. That is, a whole week - from 3rd to 10th of November - I will live "in the red". And in my estimation, at the time of receipt of the salary, my "minus" will be no less than 170 euros. Therefore, my long-awaited salary immediately reduced by 170 euros, which will take bank. Plus - bank interest.
By the way, on Friday evening, when I returned from work, I have to display the red light, signaling that the tank of my car is almost empty ... Of course, on Monday, I will not fill a full tank of his car and splash back liters of ten , not more. Otherwise, I could easily pass for a "minus" limit of 200 euros. And to fill the tank "to the eyeballs" I can only after the wages ... and more ... My job is just 25 kilometers from the house - not doydёsh foot, and buses do not go there. Without a car - nothing. In France, this all is simple: if there is no car, there is no work.
So, working on 12-13-14-15 hours a day, I could barely take my ends meet ... But in France, tens of millions of people live either in the same way as I, or worse of me! Meanwhile, in recent years in the Russian blogosphere is very active exaggerated obsession "fell from a dysfunctional Russian" to "full and fabulously rich West» ...
Well, well ... God help you, the flag in your hands, the drum around his neck, and the wind in the sails »
Source: Your text to link ...

So here - the list of payments that every month will automatically be deducted from my account:
1. Monthly maintenance of bank cards - 8, 85 euros.
2. Insurance FILIA-MAIF - 49, 11 euros.
3. General health insurance - 13, 21 euros.
4. The fee for an apartment (HLM, 78 square meters), including district heating - 465, 73 euros.
5. The fee for underground parking - 30, 92 euros.
6. Taxes on wages - 219, 00 euros.
7. The housing tax - 105, 00 euros.
8. The credit for the car - 98, 28 euros.
9. Mobile telephony - 17, 50 euros.
10. Internet, home phone and digital TV in one package - 36, 90 euros.
11. Gas - 5, 99 euros.
12. Electricity - 32, 25 euros.
So, it is easy to calculate that monthly with me remove nearly 1,100 euros. Plus, every month I send 100 euros to his son in Rossiyu.Dalee. My wife and I recently divorced, and the last four months, I live alone. So, in the morning for breakfast I spend about 4 euro - croissants, bread and so on. N. At lunchtime I spend about 7 euros more. In the evening, I do not spend anything - supper that there is in the refrigerator. So, during the working day, I spend about 11 euros. These 11 euros multiplied by 21 working days, and get a sum of 231 euros.
Further. Every Saturday I'm shopping in the supermarket, food supplies (and not only) for the whole week. On average, every Saturday in the supermarkets I leave for 45 euros. These EUR 45 multiplied by 4 weeks, and it turns out that month in the supermarkets I am leaving for about 180 euros.
So, recalculate again:
The monthly required payments - € 1,100.
Help her son - 100 euros.
Working breakfasts and lunches - 231 euros.
Current purchases in supermarkets - 180 euros.
Filling machines - 70 euros.
Total - about 1670 euros per month. And it is - not chic, but in a humble, believing every centime.
My salary for the last three months of August - 1985, 90 euros. September - 1841, 66 euros. October - 1617, 75 euros. Why in October I received so little? And because I have spent half of October home. The fact is that in recent months I have accumulated monstrous processing - about 600 hours. And watch for processed according to the law, we put a financial supplement, or compensatory time off. However, the time off - are not paid. So you're actually sitting at home at their own expense, but this time my boss my partly offset processing money, and partly - time off. That is why in October 1617, I received a total of euro. But he could get and less.
The salary in 1985, 90 euros - it is also rare for me. Such salary I used to get when I'm almost the entire month of travels on business trips. And this does not often happen.
So, my expenses for October amounted to approximately € 1670, while my salary october - 1617 €. That is, from the outset in my modest budget had a "minus" to 53 euros. However, in October, further removed from me 105 euros more - I received from the States of the Declaration with the recalculation of my property tax (taxe d'habitation). The amount of tax - 105 euros (underlined in red). And in November, with me still further remove 21 euros.
The current financial condition of my bank account today (Saturday, November 3). The balance in the account - 35 euro and 85 centimes. However, on Monday morning - 5 November - my account is in the "minus" because on Monday I will be removed from the first November payments in the amount of 62 euros and 32 centimes.
On Monday from my account automatically remove 13, 21 euros for additional insurance, and 49, 11 euros for the insurance FILIA-MAIF. That is, on Monday morning, I finally go to the "minus» ...
In principle, it is not yet fatal. According to the contract with my bank, I have the right to go to the "minus" to the sum of 200 euros. However, the bank with me for it removes interest. That is, in fact, it turns out short-term loan. A short-term loans, as you know, are the most expensive.
Moreover, if I were to exceed the "minus" limit of 200 euros at least one centime, and the bank block my bank card. To block the receipt of the money in my bank account. And do to my account, they can only from one single source - in the form of my salary. And when will come my salary? And my salary will come no earlier than November 10th. That is, a whole week - from 3rd to 10th of November - I will live "in the red". And in my estimation, at the time of receipt of the salary, my "minus" will be no less than 170 euros. Therefore, my long-awaited salary immediately reduced by 170 euros, which will take bank. Plus - bank interest.
By the way, on Friday evening, when I returned from work, I have to display the red light, signaling that the tank of my car is almost empty ... Of course, on Monday, I will not fill a full tank of his car and splash back liters of ten , not more. Otherwise, I could easily pass for a "minus" limit of 200 euros. And to fill the tank "to the eyeballs" I can only after the wages ... and more ... My job is just 25 kilometers from the house - not doydёsh foot, and buses do not go there. Without a car - nothing. In France, this all is simple: if there is no car, there is no work.
So, working on 12-13-14-15 hours a day, I could barely take my ends meet ... But in France, tens of millions of people live either in the same way as I, or worse of me! Meanwhile, in recent years in the Russian blogosphere is very active exaggerated obsession "fell from a dysfunctional Russian" to "full and fabulously rich West» ...
Well, well ... God help you, the flag in your hands, the drum around his neck, and the wind in the sails »
Source: Your text to link ...