Railways - most poezdatye train in the world?
In our recent autotravel Finland we decided to do part of the journey by rail. They travel by train, you can chat with your car!
And you, by the way, you know that recently Moscow has also become possible to come to Helsinki by train Railways? For some 664 euros you get a ticket for the transportation of the vehicle back and forth, the shelf 4-seater coupe without sockets and keys, with three unknown passengers not to miss on the road, and the dream of a soul at the end of the trip.
Asks: "Why should I return ticket?" Not decided on the exact date of the end of the trip? Or think to visit on the way back to my grandmother and uncle in St. Petersburg in Valdai, bring them a full trunk box and cloudberry Lapland cheese? Forget! Railways carefully save you from a tiring trip behind the wheel!
And give you a double refreshing night walk on icy aprons border stations Buslovskaya and Vainikkala, for inspection of your car guards that it is unlikely that there will find, as Russian Railways has taken care of all your stuff you obviously taken to the coupe, and inspection - it's just an excuse, well, just to breathe the air could, helpful, say, before bedtime. However, let everything in order, because I'm still going to tell you about the Finnish train!
I would like to remind you of a historical fact, maybe someone forgot it: the first railways in Finland appeared to feed the Russian side, because when the locomotive was invented, Finland was still part of the Russian empire, and therefore the width of the track there, as throughout Russia - 1520/1524 mm. After the revolution, when Finland became an independent country, laid on their territory became part of the Russian rail Finnish Railways. The Finns did not move to a European standard gauge of 1435 mm, and the Soviet Union until 1985 supplied them with electric locomotives built at Novocherkassk plant, they still ride our northern neighbors. The rest - how two once one network does not become similar to each other during this time!
Soviet locomotive at the station in Rovaniemi. By the way, I surprised that here they also perform the role of a shunting locomotive.
From Russia to Finland by train Railways, including the direct night train from Moscow to Helsinki, "Leo Tolstoy", as well as the recently launched high-speed train "Allegro" operating on the route Saint Petersburg - Helsinki. I have so far only experience dobiraniya there by train "Leo Tolstoy". Distance 1108 km the train overcomes in 14 hours, a ticket to the usual 4-seater coupe is 107 euros. In a compartment of the train, I did not find an electrical outlet to recharge your laptop, in addition, it was not possible, as in most Russian trains, go to the dining car (or even just in the toilet), closed compartments with a key. In that case, I have, of course, is "trёhgranka", but what to do with strangers neighbors coupe? I may be paranoid, I do not throw things. Fortunately, I usually go and no one can leave someone "out of a suitcase."
Once I had to go to some more modern car, there were provided and sockets, and even that's a miracle - a TV that really showed only noise. Even where there were automatic doors, vacuum toilets and other elements of civilization. However, as the saying goes, one added, another reason is removed: in this modern car no "lockers" (such drawers under the bottom bunks, threw the bag back and go to sleep myself to them quietly, one night on the quiet not soprёt). But the main thing - in those compartments were electronic locks! However, the keys are not given to them. The conductor said, almost all of them, or lost or stolen, a new factory does not deliver. Well, you understand, "nevertheless it is ours, our Russia".
Another time, I went from Moscow to Prague in evrovagonchikah, standard RIC. There's even the sink was in the compartment. But their main nedostaok lay in the fact that these compartments are triple and very close. As they say, no candle for god nor a poker hell, but if you go way, and thus not be very large, it is normal.
It looked like a coupe since:
About the reserved seat of the Russian Railways, I do not want to say, a hundred years they did not go, and the same number at least not going to. Especially after a trip in the "reserved seat" Finnish trains.
Someone I now have probably read, and say, well, well, very spoiled, the whole country in such trains more than half a century goes and nothing. And just such a glamorous, that's also a Railways wagons in which even the toilets with shower in the compartment! Yeah. Yes Yes. I know these cars.
Looks like this is a coupe:
There are a coupe seems to be on the train "Leo Tolstoy", Moscow, Helsinki, but it is a pleasure 23-something thousand. One way! However, for all compartments. Here dear reader exclaim, livid with irritation: "You're really snickering, Roma! You want comfort, pay grandmother! "Calmly, quietly, dear. Just breathe deeply and keep reading.
Finnish avtovagony.
Let us now recall the service of Russian Railways with the transportation vehicle. Wagons for the transport of cars, too, is now cling to the "Leo Tolstoy". In other areas of the service is not offered, even though I believe that it could be in great demand, I would have preferred to get to some of the city with a car on the train and on to have a full independent freedom of movement. If price is not the reality.
Wait, do not open the site rzd.ru, I have gathered all the data. Or not, open it in a new browser tab and look, and then suddenly I do not believe it. Oh, write me, how long did it take you from the opening of the site to detect this information? And then open the site vr.fi, and repeat the same procedure there. For the most advanced users - try to book your ticket here and there, especially in the format of "Coupe + Car" and share experiences.
Rovaniemi Station
Now I read in black and white on the site Railways: 450 euros for the transportation of the car back and forth. Plus 4 euros for reservation and transportation 0, 3 euros for every 100 euros of the declared value of the vehicle. Moreover, and this is very important: the passage of the vehicle can be issued only to and fro. That is, you need to determine in advance the length of the trip and the day of return. Do not ride, and then if you are planning to come back from Finland by car on their own. Incidentally, customs regulations, as far as I know, prohibits return from EU countries without a car, leaving her there, but she left on their own or by train, this clarification does not remember. Can Railways chudit and imposes its service?
Inside view of the Finnish avtovagonov.
Do you think this ends the inconvenience? Ha! They are just beginning. You will be required to pick up your bags from the trunk of the car and stomp them into the compartment. You must not lock your car and do not include signalization. In the car, you can leave only what he completed according to the SDA: first aid kit, fire extinguisher, tools, spare wheel, warning triangle, etc ... You could explain it to customs and border zamorochkami, except that the car inspection at the border still exactly foreseen ( and then you never know, you agree to the conductor and he closed his eyes to your minivan full of brim arms and drugs?).
Apparently, though I could be wrong, on the border you are pulled from any coupe warm in the cold, in the lead of sneakers and sweat pants icy platform to avtovagonu and will inspect your car. Why not organize all these formalities at the station during the loading of the car, and lock him in the same place in the end, for such little money?
In Finland: put the car in the car, you can leave things inside, lock the car or not - your business.
Let's say, it's been a border bureaucracy, and we put up with it as reconciled with still a necessary evil - obtaining Schengen visas, passports need to replace at the expiration of free pages, or its duration, and searches at airports and border crossings. Let's go back again to the beloved and native Railways.
Railways are pleased to offer you a shelf in 6-reserved seat, since you have not accumulated in the compartment with shower
It's price was only for the carriage of the vehicle! On top you will need to have to pay 107 euros for a place in the four-seater coupe, well, or those 23-something things, if you do not want to shake 14 hours on the train without a shower and a toilet in the corner of the bed. If we can not go back to the car under its own power, we multiply the sum by two. What there is incident to a minimum? 107 * 2 = 214, 214 + 450 = 664. The cost of the compartment with a shower do not want to even consider.
And that if you are traveling alone, and with the car, not including other fees. If we divide into two (at least when you travel with a car in Helsinki from Moscow is not available), you get 332 euros, for the money you dovezut one way, in the same compartment with three strangers, with the car at a distance of 1108 kilometers. The coupe will not be rosettes, shells, and in the car will not even shared shower. Incidentally, the book immediately and baggage car and coupe "one-click" as the Finns, the site Railways impossible do it all alone!
If dear reader mastered this far, he thought, and why am I here threw all these calculations and I'm so happily troll Railways. I do not break my dream thank you Varlamov and other bloggers-brawlers? So we got to the main now understand everything.
Advertising VR. Actively use the images of statues from the station Helsinki.
Applause, comes into play Finnish colleague and partner of Russian Railways - VR, in a white suit on svezhevyglazhennom greenbacks shirt. Fat Man Railways in gray-red sviterochke departs aside and nervously lit a cigarette first cigarette (from behind the scenes at this time looks Gennady Onishchenko, and shaking his finger reminds us that smoking kills).
So what do we VR offers? We drove about 900 kilometers from a small Rovaniemi to Turku, together with our blogermobilem. Well, not 1108, of course, but in today's world some 100 kilometers? 7-10 liters of gasoline in ordinary passenger cars? Hour path without traffic jams? Moscow from end to end in its current borders? Or Moscow still more, perhaps? In general, it does not matter in this context. But for all this, we gladly paid 245 euros! FOR TWO! With the car! And without a car is one place in a double coupe will cost 106 euros.
Railways tramples on the varnished toe Prada (if such fees it probably can not afford) the butt of the first cigarette, gets just two new and strike sharply cigarette lighter. What are you talking about, sir? Gray-red sweater with Prada - mauvais ton? Well, and rates him with a level of comfort, too, is somehow not tally, at least in comparison with the Finns.
And yes, I just wrote the word "pleasure". Maybe that's all I was so impressed because the first time I traveled on the European train? So what have we got for 245 euros? See pictures. Coupe, although it is called a berth (reserved seat).
Our "reserved seat" in the Finnish train. Yeah, I do not sealed, «berth» in English means "reserved seats" or "bed" under such term is spelled out on the website and in the VR ticket.
Three 220-volt outlet in the compartment, but still there are two separate alarm for each passenger. Sink. If necessary, if you are traveling with children or the company, two double compartments can be combined into one, provided the door between them.
Another liked branded bed linen. And there are normal duvet covers and sheets are not stupid, in which we must also somehow managed to wrap a blanket! Nothing needs to receive or take, to lay, and even more so to pay separately. He came into the compartment everything is clean, ironed, and has a bed ready for your arrival, as the hotel. A Railways? Beginner, huh?
I now want to imagine such a pillow, duvet covers and sheets! At full sereze! Where to order them?
Shower, shared the truth, but tell me in which cars Railways we have shared shower? Did you know that structurally it is in general provided, even in the very old "amendorfovskih" cars? Or maybe I rarely go anywhere and they still work?
From left to right: common shower in the car, shared, separate shared toilet for children (necessary in such cases hygiene certainly present).
The second shared toilet in the car for people with disabilities and passengers with children. It is more spacious, it has a handrail, folding table for swaddling children, pot, sink, necessary hygiene. The door to the toilet opens touch button, also offers contactless tap water (as well as in a conventional toilet) and poured liquid soap. All the toilets next to the toilet and there is a mini-shower, you know, for what purposes. This way all are available in all public toilets in Finland.
Compartment door lock key, two keys for passengers and one key to the shared shower. You can safely close the Coupe and go to the dining car, which we actually did. And at the same time we explored the Finnish train.
Keys to the coupe and soul
The second floor of the car. Here are arranged compartments with bathrooms (sleeping compartment). Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of a coupe. It is, of course, less pathetic than shown above similar Railways train compartment, a bit like the one in which we were traveling, including on the area, but there is still compact enough bathroom with a shower.
Do you know how much is a ticket to a "Majeure" compartment with shower and toilet in VR? Pause. Here at the end Railways cigarettes and lighter breaks, he spits on the floor and muttering something obscene leaves the stage under the whistling and hooting from the audience. So. It costs 266, 63 euros, also with trafficking in the car and also for two. At least, so says the website is now vr.fi. Count out there on the course 23-something thousand rubles for the same exclusive service Railways.
If you are traveling alone, pay 248 euros for a coupe, but for where we were going, - 179, 96. When traveling without a car (Autopack) fare in this coupe will be 116 euros per person and 233 euros for two .
By the way, I do not think that here the night at the station to you in the compartment upholstering doorframe suitcase podsyadet stranger and begin juicy slurp stockpiled in the way a hen. The "Leo Tolstoy", with almost empty car, it is in our compartment all the way somehow tucked new passengers. At the weekend, however, all of these prices are higher on average EUR 30. "That's the, you know, flourish," as used to say, once a Russian president.
The staircase to the second floor
By the way, in the Finnish sleeper no conductor, he is there as it is not needed: clothes of bed, wake you up - wake on speakerphone, or you can set yourself a built in alarm clock. And the tea? Tea in the dining car. Or you can make your if taken with a kettle or boiler - outlet there is.
Some wagon "Admin»
In the transition from one car to the other you can see the display with his number. Do not get lost. No, it's not a train of 70 wagons, it's just his "system" number.
Tambour. All automatic doors. Right - a toilet for the disabled and passengers with children, which I showed above.
Finally we got to the dining car, where drank beer and a bite.
Sedentary car
A third sitting of the car takes the luggage compartment.
We arrived in Turku
In Turku more traditional shunting locomotives.
The train went on to Helsinki, and cars with the machines of those who arrived in Turku, uncoupled and drove to the ramp for unloading.
Dumb men at work.
Further our blogermobil go on their own.
Finally, I thought. That's because like the WTO in the yard, in theory, open the door to all kinds of international competition. Is it time to shake the rest monopolistic Railways? If, with all there doychebanami is difficult, the track is different, and the farther they are from us, we would have run at least Finnish VR? With our reality, of course, you can only dream about this, but then, if not the price would be reduced, or at least increased comfort? And finally, the train Railways go to Finland, and in other European countries, why the European train does not go to us? Like the airlines. Here you have a healthy competition.
And yet it turns out unprofitable we travel with a car from Russia to Finland, for the money and the "hemorrhoids", which offer us the Railways can be at least two weeks, if not more, to ride on Finland in a rented the same car. And for 23 thousand in general on the plane can fly for half an hour there and back, instead of shaking in a compartment with a toilet at one end. The fact that Europe's common, basic comfort coupe two places, or even a compartment with a bathroom - RZD still belongs to the exclusive services "for the rich».
All ...
AKARoman Vukolov
And you, by the way, you know that recently Moscow has also become possible to come to Helsinki by train Railways? For some 664 euros you get a ticket for the transportation of the vehicle back and forth, the shelf 4-seater coupe without sockets and keys, with three unknown passengers not to miss on the road, and the dream of a soul at the end of the trip.
Asks: "Why should I return ticket?" Not decided on the exact date of the end of the trip? Or think to visit on the way back to my grandmother and uncle in St. Petersburg in Valdai, bring them a full trunk box and cloudberry Lapland cheese? Forget! Railways carefully save you from a tiring trip behind the wheel!
And give you a double refreshing night walk on icy aprons border stations Buslovskaya and Vainikkala, for inspection of your car guards that it is unlikely that there will find, as Russian Railways has taken care of all your stuff you obviously taken to the coupe, and inspection - it's just an excuse, well, just to breathe the air could, helpful, say, before bedtime. However, let everything in order, because I'm still going to tell you about the Finnish train!

I would like to remind you of a historical fact, maybe someone forgot it: the first railways in Finland appeared to feed the Russian side, because when the locomotive was invented, Finland was still part of the Russian empire, and therefore the width of the track there, as throughout Russia - 1520/1524 mm. After the revolution, when Finland became an independent country, laid on their territory became part of the Russian rail Finnish Railways. The Finns did not move to a European standard gauge of 1435 mm, and the Soviet Union until 1985 supplied them with electric locomotives built at Novocherkassk plant, they still ride our northern neighbors. The rest - how two once one network does not become similar to each other during this time!
Soviet locomotive at the station in Rovaniemi. By the way, I surprised that here they also perform the role of a shunting locomotive.


From Russia to Finland by train Railways, including the direct night train from Moscow to Helsinki, "Leo Tolstoy", as well as the recently launched high-speed train "Allegro" operating on the route Saint Petersburg - Helsinki. I have so far only experience dobiraniya there by train "Leo Tolstoy". Distance 1108 km the train overcomes in 14 hours, a ticket to the usual 4-seater coupe is 107 euros. In a compartment of the train, I did not find an electrical outlet to recharge your laptop, in addition, it was not possible, as in most Russian trains, go to the dining car (or even just in the toilet), closed compartments with a key. In that case, I have, of course, is "trёhgranka", but what to do with strangers neighbors coupe? I may be paranoid, I do not throw things. Fortunately, I usually go and no one can leave someone "out of a suitcase."

Once I had to go to some more modern car, there were provided and sockets, and even that's a miracle - a TV that really showed only noise. Even where there were automatic doors, vacuum toilets and other elements of civilization. However, as the saying goes, one added, another reason is removed: in this modern car no "lockers" (such drawers under the bottom bunks, threw the bag back and go to sleep myself to them quietly, one night on the quiet not soprёt). But the main thing - in those compartments were electronic locks! However, the keys are not given to them. The conductor said, almost all of them, or lost or stolen, a new factory does not deliver. Well, you understand, "nevertheless it is ours, our Russia".

Another time, I went from Moscow to Prague in evrovagonchikah, standard RIC. There's even the sink was in the compartment. But their main nedostaok lay in the fact that these compartments are triple and very close. As they say, no candle for god nor a poker hell, but if you go way, and thus not be very large, it is normal.
It looked like a coupe since:

About the reserved seat of the Russian Railways, I do not want to say, a hundred years they did not go, and the same number at least not going to. Especially after a trip in the "reserved seat" Finnish trains.
Someone I now have probably read, and say, well, well, very spoiled, the whole country in such trains more than half a century goes and nothing. And just such a glamorous, that's also a Railways wagons in which even the toilets with shower in the compartment! Yeah. Yes Yes. I know these cars.
Looks like this is a coupe:

There are a coupe seems to be on the train "Leo Tolstoy", Moscow, Helsinki, but it is a pleasure 23-something thousand. One way! However, for all compartments. Here dear reader exclaim, livid with irritation: "You're really snickering, Roma! You want comfort, pay grandmother! "Calmly, quietly, dear. Just breathe deeply and keep reading.
Finnish avtovagony.

Let us now recall the service of Russian Railways with the transportation vehicle. Wagons for the transport of cars, too, is now cling to the "Leo Tolstoy". In other areas of the service is not offered, even though I believe that it could be in great demand, I would have preferred to get to some of the city with a car on the train and on to have a full independent freedom of movement. If price is not the reality.
Wait, do not open the site rzd.ru, I have gathered all the data. Or not, open it in a new browser tab and look, and then suddenly I do not believe it. Oh, write me, how long did it take you from the opening of the site to detect this information? And then open the site vr.fi, and repeat the same procedure there. For the most advanced users - try to book your ticket here and there, especially in the format of "Coupe + Car" and share experiences.
Rovaniemi Station

Now I read in black and white on the site Railways: 450 euros for the transportation of the car back and forth. Plus 4 euros for reservation and transportation 0, 3 euros for every 100 euros of the declared value of the vehicle. Moreover, and this is very important: the passage of the vehicle can be issued only to and fro. That is, you need to determine in advance the length of the trip and the day of return. Do not ride, and then if you are planning to come back from Finland by car on their own. Incidentally, customs regulations, as far as I know, prohibits return from EU countries without a car, leaving her there, but she left on their own or by train, this clarification does not remember. Can Railways chudit and imposes its service?
Inside view of the Finnish avtovagonov.

Do you think this ends the inconvenience? Ha! They are just beginning. You will be required to pick up your bags from the trunk of the car and stomp them into the compartment. You must not lock your car and do not include signalization. In the car, you can leave only what he completed according to the SDA: first aid kit, fire extinguisher, tools, spare wheel, warning triangle, etc ... You could explain it to customs and border zamorochkami, except that the car inspection at the border still exactly foreseen ( and then you never know, you agree to the conductor and he closed his eyes to your minivan full of brim arms and drugs?).
Apparently, though I could be wrong, on the border you are pulled from any coupe warm in the cold, in the lead of sneakers and sweat pants icy platform to avtovagonu and will inspect your car. Why not organize all these formalities at the station during the loading of the car, and lock him in the same place in the end, for such little money?
In Finland: put the car in the car, you can leave things inside, lock the car or not - your business.

Let's say, it's been a border bureaucracy, and we put up with it as reconciled with still a necessary evil - obtaining Schengen visas, passports need to replace at the expiration of free pages, or its duration, and searches at airports and border crossings. Let's go back again to the beloved and native Railways.
Railways are pleased to offer you a shelf in 6-reserved seat, since you have not accumulated in the compartment with shower

It's price was only for the carriage of the vehicle! On top you will need to have to pay 107 euros for a place in the four-seater coupe, well, or those 23-something things, if you do not want to shake 14 hours on the train without a shower and a toilet in the corner of the bed. If we can not go back to the car under its own power, we multiply the sum by two. What there is incident to a minimum? 107 * 2 = 214, 214 + 450 = 664. The cost of the compartment with a shower do not want to even consider.
And that if you are traveling alone, and with the car, not including other fees. If we divide into two (at least when you travel with a car in Helsinki from Moscow is not available), you get 332 euros, for the money you dovezut one way, in the same compartment with three strangers, with the car at a distance of 1108 kilometers. The coupe will not be rosettes, shells, and in the car will not even shared shower. Incidentally, the book immediately and baggage car and coupe "one-click" as the Finns, the site Railways impossible do it all alone!
If dear reader mastered this far, he thought, and why am I here threw all these calculations and I'm so happily troll Railways. I do not break my dream thank you Varlamov and other bloggers-brawlers? So we got to the main now understand everything.
Advertising VR. Actively use the images of statues from the station Helsinki.

Applause, comes into play Finnish colleague and partner of Russian Railways - VR, in a white suit on svezhevyglazhennom greenbacks shirt. Fat Man Railways in gray-red sviterochke departs aside and nervously lit a cigarette first cigarette (from behind the scenes at this time looks Gennady Onishchenko, and shaking his finger reminds us that smoking kills).


So what do we VR offers? We drove about 900 kilometers from a small Rovaniemi to Turku, together with our blogermobilem. Well, not 1108, of course, but in today's world some 100 kilometers? 7-10 liters of gasoline in ordinary passenger cars? Hour path without traffic jams? Moscow from end to end in its current borders? Or Moscow still more, perhaps? In general, it does not matter in this context. But for all this, we gladly paid 245 euros! FOR TWO! With the car! And without a car is one place in a double coupe will cost 106 euros.
Railways tramples on the varnished toe Prada (if such fees it probably can not afford) the butt of the first cigarette, gets just two new and strike sharply cigarette lighter. What are you talking about, sir? Gray-red sweater with Prada - mauvais ton? Well, and rates him with a level of comfort, too, is somehow not tally, at least in comparison with the Finns.
And yes, I just wrote the word "pleasure". Maybe that's all I was so impressed because the first time I traveled on the European train? So what have we got for 245 euros? See pictures. Coupe, although it is called a berth (reserved seat).
Our "reserved seat" in the Finnish train. Yeah, I do not sealed, «berth» in English means "reserved seats" or "bed" under such term is spelled out on the website and in the VR ticket.

Three 220-volt outlet in the compartment, but still there are two separate alarm for each passenger. Sink. If necessary, if you are traveling with children or the company, two double compartments can be combined into one, provided the door between them.

Another liked branded bed linen. And there are normal duvet covers and sheets are not stupid, in which we must also somehow managed to wrap a blanket! Nothing needs to receive or take, to lay, and even more so to pay separately. He came into the compartment everything is clean, ironed, and has a bed ready for your arrival, as the hotel. A Railways? Beginner, huh?

I now want to imagine such a pillow, duvet covers and sheets! At full sereze! Where to order them?

Shower, shared the truth, but tell me in which cars Railways we have shared shower? Did you know that structurally it is in general provided, even in the very old "amendorfovskih" cars? Or maybe I rarely go anywhere and they still work?
From left to right: common shower in the car, shared, separate shared toilet for children (necessary in such cases hygiene certainly present).

The second shared toilet in the car for people with disabilities and passengers with children. It is more spacious, it has a handrail, folding table for swaddling children, pot, sink, necessary hygiene. The door to the toilet opens touch button, also offers contactless tap water (as well as in a conventional toilet) and poured liquid soap. All the toilets next to the toilet and there is a mini-shower, you know, for what purposes. This way all are available in all public toilets in Finland.


Compartment door lock key, two keys for passengers and one key to the shared shower. You can safely close the Coupe and go to the dining car, which we actually did. And at the same time we explored the Finnish train.
Keys to the coupe and soul

The second floor of the car. Here are arranged compartments with bathrooms (sleeping compartment). Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of a coupe. It is, of course, less pathetic than shown above similar Railways train compartment, a bit like the one in which we were traveling, including on the area, but there is still compact enough bathroom with a shower.

Do you know how much is a ticket to a "Majeure" compartment with shower and toilet in VR? Pause. Here at the end Railways cigarettes and lighter breaks, he spits on the floor and muttering something obscene leaves the stage under the whistling and hooting from the audience. So. It costs 266, 63 euros, also with trafficking in the car and also for two. At least, so says the website is now vr.fi. Count out there on the course 23-something thousand rubles for the same exclusive service Railways.
If you are traveling alone, pay 248 euros for a coupe, but for where we were going, - 179, 96. When traveling without a car (Autopack) fare in this coupe will be 116 euros per person and 233 euros for two .
By the way, I do not think that here the night at the station to you in the compartment upholstering doorframe suitcase podsyadet stranger and begin juicy slurp stockpiled in the way a hen. The "Leo Tolstoy", with almost empty car, it is in our compartment all the way somehow tucked new passengers. At the weekend, however, all of these prices are higher on average EUR 30. "That's the, you know, flourish," as used to say, once a Russian president.
The staircase to the second floor

By the way, in the Finnish sleeper no conductor, he is there as it is not needed: clothes of bed, wake you up - wake on speakerphone, or you can set yourself a built in alarm clock. And the tea? Tea in the dining car. Or you can make your if taken with a kettle or boiler - outlet there is.
Some wagon "Admin»

In the transition from one car to the other you can see the display with his number. Do not get lost. No, it's not a train of 70 wagons, it's just his "system" number.

Tambour. All automatic doors. Right - a toilet for the disabled and passengers with children, which I showed above.

Finally we got to the dining car, where drank beer and a bite.


Sedentary car


A third sitting of the car takes the luggage compartment.

We arrived in Turku


In Turku more traditional shunting locomotives.


The train went on to Helsinki, and cars with the machines of those who arrived in Turku, uncoupled and drove to the ramp for unloading.

Dumb men at work.


Further our blogermobil go on their own.

Finally, I thought. That's because like the WTO in the yard, in theory, open the door to all kinds of international competition. Is it time to shake the rest monopolistic Railways? If, with all there doychebanami is difficult, the track is different, and the farther they are from us, we would have run at least Finnish VR? With our reality, of course, you can only dream about this, but then, if not the price would be reduced, or at least increased comfort? And finally, the train Railways go to Finland, and in other European countries, why the European train does not go to us? Like the airlines. Here you have a healthy competition.
And yet it turns out unprofitable we travel with a car from Russia to Finland, for the money and the "hemorrhoids", which offer us the Railways can be at least two weeks, if not more, to ride on Finland in a rented the same car. And for 23 thousand in general on the plane can fly for half an hour there and back, instead of shaking in a compartment with a toilet at one end. The fact that Europe's common, basic comfort coupe two places, or even a compartment with a bathroom - RZD still belongs to the exclusive services "for the rich».
All ...
AKARoman Vukolov
