The tragedy in the subway
(Just note that this is just my arguments and my thoughts! And no I do not impose!)
And essho: I'm not a master, and no technician, technical language studied for a long time! In this story, I use the words and phrases that I use in life! If the techies who are more literate than me, will find in my story have moments that I misunderstood and described here- please understand and forgive, and if possible to correct COMMENT!
Tuesday morning started with the fact that I was awakened by a phone call:
You're alive?
You're alive say?
Yeah, but what?
-sednya work?
Yes, with two hours ...
-aaa, well and good, but you did not hear chtol?
-I only opened his eyes, what happened?
-TV included ... (beeps on the wire)
Continued under the cut ...
I turn on the telly and see: & quot; ... on the submarine emergency, it was a train wreck ... & quot ;, will not disrupt the collegiate all drivers and driver assistants Premier League Tuesday morning began just like that! All day in the calls and messages, "you're alive?"; "you worked?"; "What happened?"; "Who is to blame?" ... And a thousand and tens of thousands on the similarity of issues each employee Pokrovskaya line all day!
We do not dwell on this issue!
Looked news, see w * pa! And the first thing that catches the eye, and that is clearly the cause of the accident is smeshit-! In the morning, the media began to drool !!! The first thing you hear something in the air!
(they understand what a difficult profession of the media and a lot of information to give the passengers who were there or were close ... these same passengers, after watching the movie "Underground", and gave rise to the first cause of the tragedy - the descent because of emergency braking! And in the heat of passion people leaving the place accident say everything that they saw and what they thought, and of course a little embellishment!) there, and all these stupid rumors and crazy version of the tragedy! And the media believes it! Well, that's okay too, they can understand: the metro council is silent witness to the events and talk! But I was most surprised by MOE-ship! I did not think that they are in this whole nonsense will check and even officially on the camera on TV will repeat the same thing a few hours !!!
I listen and watch more ... once again amazed and turn off the telly!
I began to ask their colleagues ... they are just as many that heard on TV but they did not see! And then slowly begin to appear the first reliable information from colleagues who at that time were at work! I heard the story of the fellow who stepped replaced at the same time the most machinist! I heard the story of the driver who passed the same train that same train driver! This is all I will tell later!
I decided to once again turn the telly and I hear that there were the first victims ... "Mdaaaa ..." I think ... bad thing is probably all very seriously! I began to write, to communicate, to learn ... (as well as many of my colleagues) ... the phone does not stop, yelling telly, and more and more terrible news! And then I see for Russia 24 cool movie where you can see how the smoke in the car (rented passengers), and the first thing that catches your eyes-wagons "license" rather than "Rusich"! Colleagues shocked and laugh at this video, and I bomblyu #lenta_offical # infomoscow24 ceased to scare people and show videos that have no relationship to this tragedy! Thank God some time longer!
We communicate with the guys on, we watch telly! And then writes driver who goes to the scene! Upon returning one wrote: "The guys there pi * dec!" ... All becomes clear!
I ask:
- (I will not reveal the name) Where it geographically?
-in the first district / new arrows!
And I understand what happened !!!
Here is what happened:
Machinist Sergei Osipov atonement replaced on Tuesday July 15 at 5mu route ... and communicate with colleagues, he went to the first way station Kiev to meet fifth train route ... 8:30 train arrived section 0210 -...- 0211 driver passed on the information the train that the train is good, there are no comments! Serge performing standard duties, closed the door and drove off in a train in the tunnel before reaching the ... Victory Park, open / close the door as it should be translated handle controller driver in the "Progress-4"! catching up with the speed of a traffic light PP-163m which is 60-67 km / h and suddenly (I think so), before it wit a few millimeters is suitable to the frame rail (enough at these speeds!) car throws and he "breaks the loop» / applying emergency braking ... (which marked the passengers!), but too close to the wall! The train is derailed, bites into the cabin wall, it cuts almost by sex,
Serge takes off from the windshield (I think) driver's cab if flows on the wall, the second section of the first car breaks and breaks the train, the first section of the second car finishes is ahead and it unfolds, the second section of the second car gets on the front section of cars ... and so more ... the third and fourth car remained intact (sort of)! Just because it happened in such a short stretch that the more there is nothing but 3 sections, and does not fit ... the tail of the train did not go for a traffic light, the testimony of ADR do not give back a moving train 6th route to enter the station, DTSH begins to cause the driver 5th route, but in response to silence ... Manager (It should be noted!) starts competent work: exposure at stations, calls drivers, running across the line! Machinist 6th route calls dispatcher and report that to enter the station can not because of testimony ARS, he was sent to find out what happened to the fifth route (from dtsh not worth the cameras in the tunnels, and it is difficult to understand why stopping the convoy in the tunnel and did not answer the call manager)! The driver approached the train, passing through the cars understand what happened! But the passengers of passion and panic: run, hit the glass, yelling and crying ... and the driver pulled the 6th route! Nevertheless driver reported DTSH situation, the evacuation of passengers! Then you know ...
(Bad guy here described ru-metro.livejournal.com/3815412.html )
Panicked passengers ran out of the tunnel, in the heat of passion is said that out of the Slavic Boulevard, in fact from the Victory Park (there is 200-300 meters from the station), saying that the driver goes there does not help, and in fact saw a blue shirt !!!
In general, everything is sad, but let us understand in order!
1 Is there a fault driver?
Definitely not! The man in the morning at the time of atonement, worked only 7-8 minutes and no human factors are not entitled to attribute even to think about it is not entitled to the prosecutor's office! The driver did everything in his power!
2 who is to blame? Who is to blame?
But this is a big and difficult question!
We will be consistent!
The first thing I asked where it was an emergency, because the first thought were associated with this arrow!
Here the arrow began to pack already from the 8th or 9th of:
These photos I did on the 9th of pity that the pictures taken at high speed!
The first thing that strikes: this coverage arrows!
That's how it is illuminated
(Average barreled / working lights!)
But raiway lighting (by the way the arrow (we conditionally call it the number 3) following the tragic of the arrow (we conditionally call it number 1))!)
We investigated further!
That arrow # 1 the day before the tragedy!
More photos
More photos
And pictures of close to deadlock
But the arrow # 3
Or an arrow # 2 at the station Strogino
Again illuminated arrow strikes! Diverters # 3 Victory Park and # 2 on the Strogino visible and has all the basic details: thrust; Bookmark and spare parts for turnouts! In the same direction # 1 Victory Park do not have anything like this! And that's why I first thought that the cause of the crash served turnout # 1 on the park of victory!
What about him here to say:
-osveschenie poor;
-strelka not electrified;
-The main parts, no, I did not mention the replacement (as in the example of the arrow # 3 and # 2);
-No than not fixed in one position!
s most basic: This turnouts leads to nowhere! Especially hand than not controlled and even cameras (aimed at arrow) not installed !!!
And first of all need to ask management to underground: why the arrow decided to put, not the master of the way! These employees subway track service, which is now all over the accused, how do you they had to fix this arrow? Hands hold? A site can not be closed, the loss of money for the subway! No items! And the arrow is not needed! Think Puteets with years of experience on so many stupid that was a sign to myself a prison sentence ?! It may be worth it to ask him why and what happened that night ?! Perhaps best to punish its leaders and leadership better management?
Go further!
In the briefing that we know obyazovali:
There in black and white of the blasting at work (and will in the days!)! It is normal?
Train drivers are sitting in reserve at the Kalinin-Solntsevo line (KSL) or repeatedly drawn attention to the strong explosions and tremors!
Next, here's a photo with an interesting book called The technical operation of subways (PTE):
I want to draw attention to the phrase "to increase the capacity of superior orders UNDERGROUND maneuvers on a straight section of the path is allowed no more than 60 km / h ..." and we have there the rate of 80! (Yes there shunting movement, but still I did not believe that the movement to the right path of turnouts in the direction protivosherstnom permitted maximum speed!)
As a result, what happens? (As it was, my eyes)
Master, experienced Puteets, intrudes to work, familiarize with the plan of work at night window, sees a new arrow, which is working with her, no details ... miracle for two days is no accident! Again, no details! How to fix it? Moreover, the electricity cut off in the 2: 30-2: 50, and it is necessary to finish work an hour before supply the high voltage (5: 20-5: 10 somewhere), that photo with PTE
(And after all work on turnouts master is obliged to issue a request for the issuance of written warnings to drivers!) Bottom line: all the time for all works 1:30 somewhere!
Here on TV is now considered such an assumption is that the arrow shook their 3 mm wire! I can not understand that, or do not remember, but I know in the switch point is strictly prohibited any cracks and holes even more, because it is at wits are huge load! And if these holes (bolt, or even for something) not, how putejtsy wire secured to the frame rail wit (main rail on which the train rides)? On top? Well there tech trains ran 3:00 (from 5:30 to 8:36) !!!
It turns out it's a lie?
Even if we assume that they are a miracle of its wire tightened, the main question is why? Why is our leadership in order to permit the experienced railway engineers find a way out for the safety of high-speed trains on the site pretty loaded line in the absence of the main items on turnouts !!! ???
These questions should most excite the media !!!
The question of:
Why Besedin friend receives a monthly salary of $ 1200000 rubles (this info I received from the employee to control underground) and said indexing wages lower ranks !?
Why Comrade Besedin returned from vacation just after the phrase to dismiss him from his post ?!
Why after such a terrible accident, we first see the comments of our mayor, emergency workers, and the Vice Chief of the subway is not seen or heard ?!
Why does the subway requires that each technical office of each depot was light and during the technical training of drivers, the sudden ignition of the red light, all of them riding obliged to shout the word "red" !!! And if there is no traffic light, when suddenly picked up a red folder, and then the handle or some thread garbage red !!! We are like monkeys ??? Why does the metro cares about it, not about how to improve the subway! How to improve rolling stock!
And they think about how to introduce into the structure of the subway train with automatic driving a train! DO NOT MAKE ME LAUGH! This is in a city where such a high pairing trains! In the city where the subway can not cope with such a huge passenger flow! Where ranges of 70-80 seconds at peak times! Yes, yes 1 minute 15 seconds on average between trains at the departure of the train from the station !!! Imagine what would have happened if that driver did not apply to emergency braking, and at full speed to the position of the handle of the controller driver "Progress-4", when the engine is accelerating, he flew to a concrete wall! (And in fact the computer-automatic driving This would not see what he saw the driver!)
These questions a thousand !!! And they are not the staff of Metro, which among other things showed the highest professionalism in an emergency, and they are all our RZD-shnomu management subway! You just look how many failures have already occurred this year! And they take off all the blame on those who have so clearly and responsibly fulfill all their duties!
Metro Guide puts that perform tasks not force! Occupy is not to improve the quality and standards of service for passengers, as well as improving working conditions for their employees, to increase the incentive and the desire to work from their employees and are committed to: how to and where to cut back on salaries / bonuses from employees as to intimidate and threatened its employees of stupid orders and briefings! They are looking for opportunities to build out their friends / relatives and former colleagues for a good position, by increasing the deputies and auditors! they think about how to fill their pockets and purses of money, how to relax in the Maldives! Why did Metro work properly with less than now STATE CHIEFS ???
Maybe because in the manual were metropolitenovtsy Metro and Railways not-Schnick !?
This is all you can argue long, our business remains prostym- wait!
In place of the driver could be any of us (drivers)! We understand this! Our management understands the depot! We're on the side of our colleague and friend at work and sincere condolences to the families of those killed in this tragedy! We hope that at least now we hear! US those who know the whole inside of the kitchen!
If this run again dismiss it something could happen again!
P.s. Unfortunately I do not have photos of the instruction speed limit on the stretch of Victory Park Kiev both ways, due to the large reruns at the site paths! The station Victory Park was opened on 6 May 2003, the rate on the stretch PP-CI both ways-maximum 80 km / h! Way out there still has not changed! Hence, the re-run! You as an ordinary passenger can see that on this stretch terrible roar and strongly shakes the composition!
(For comparison: the stage area of the Kursk-revolution, too straight and too the maximum speed, but there is no such!)
Trains travel to the Premier League at the last gasp! Reserve parts at repair is not! This (not my photo)
(That hand can be used to move between the doors stick) occurs pretty often!
The new tunnels are being built so that the quicksands poured right on the cab driver stumped!
Think about it: can repeat the tragedy in the Moscow subway, when the roads do not change (they directly visible wave!) On the construction of stations and tunnels to save money (all tenders metro win God knows what companies! Even repairs on KSL already private!) when half-dead convoys travel at maximum speeds, with minimal intervals, when passenger traffic is increasing every day (Moscow grows!) when the repair and change of planning the details nothing !!! Think about it, as we all know, but we are forced to remain silent!
Posted in [mergetime] 1405548462 [/ mergetime]
I finished the original - korrus1988.livejournal.com/6096.html
And essho: I'm not a master, and no technician, technical language studied for a long time! In this story, I use the words and phrases that I use in life! If the techies who are more literate than me, will find in my story have moments that I misunderstood and described here- please understand and forgive, and if possible to correct COMMENT!
Tuesday morning started with the fact that I was awakened by a phone call:
You're alive?
You're alive say?
Yeah, but what?
-sednya work?
Yes, with two hours ...
-aaa, well and good, but you did not hear chtol?
-I only opened his eyes, what happened?
-TV included ... (beeps on the wire)
Continued under the cut ...

I turn on the telly and see: & quot; ... on the submarine emergency, it was a train wreck ... & quot ;, will not disrupt the collegiate all drivers and driver assistants Premier League Tuesday morning began just like that! All day in the calls and messages, "you're alive?"; "you worked?"; "What happened?"; "Who is to blame?" ... And a thousand and tens of thousands on the similarity of issues each employee Pokrovskaya line all day!
We do not dwell on this issue!
Looked news, see w * pa! And the first thing that catches the eye, and that is clearly the cause of the accident is smeshit-! In the morning, the media began to drool !!! The first thing you hear something in the air!
(they understand what a difficult profession of the media and a lot of information to give the passengers who were there or were close ... these same passengers, after watching the movie "Underground", and gave rise to the first cause of the tragedy - the descent because of emergency braking! And in the heat of passion people leaving the place accident say everything that they saw and what they thought, and of course a little embellishment!) there, and all these stupid rumors and crazy version of the tragedy! And the media believes it! Well, that's okay too, they can understand: the metro council is silent witness to the events and talk! But I was most surprised by MOE-ship! I did not think that they are in this whole nonsense will check and even officially on the camera on TV will repeat the same thing a few hours !!!
I listen and watch more ... once again amazed and turn off the telly!
I began to ask their colleagues ... they are just as many that heard on TV but they did not see! And then slowly begin to appear the first reliable information from colleagues who at that time were at work! I heard the story of the fellow who stepped replaced at the same time the most machinist! I heard the story of the driver who passed the same train that same train driver! This is all I will tell later!
I decided to once again turn the telly and I hear that there were the first victims ... "Mdaaaa ..." I think ... bad thing is probably all very seriously! I began to write, to communicate, to learn ... (as well as many of my colleagues) ... the phone does not stop, yelling telly, and more and more terrible news! And then I see for Russia 24 cool movie where you can see how the smoke in the car (rented passengers), and the first thing that catches your eyes-wagons "license" rather than "Rusich"! Colleagues shocked and laugh at this video, and I bomblyu #lenta_offical # infomoscow24 ceased to scare people and show videos that have no relationship to this tragedy! Thank God some time longer!
We communicate with the guys on, we watch telly! And then writes driver who goes to the scene! Upon returning one wrote: "The guys there pi * dec!" ... All becomes clear!
I ask:
- (I will not reveal the name) Where it geographically?
-in the first district / new arrows!
And I understand what happened !!!
Here is what happened:
Machinist Sergei Osipov atonement replaced on Tuesday July 15 at 5mu route ... and communicate with colleagues, he went to the first way station Kiev to meet fifth train route ... 8:30 train arrived section 0210 -...- 0211 driver passed on the information the train that the train is good, there are no comments! Serge performing standard duties, closed the door and drove off in a train in the tunnel before reaching the ... Victory Park, open / close the door as it should be translated handle controller driver in the "Progress-4"! catching up with the speed of a traffic light PP-163m which is 60-67 km / h and suddenly (I think so), before it wit a few millimeters is suitable to the frame rail (enough at these speeds!) car throws and he "breaks the loop» / applying emergency braking ... (which marked the passengers!), but too close to the wall! The train is derailed, bites into the cabin wall, it cuts almost by sex,
Serge takes off from the windshield (I think) driver's cab if flows on the wall, the second section of the first car breaks and breaks the train, the first section of the second car finishes is ahead and it unfolds, the second section of the second car gets on the front section of cars ... and so more ... the third and fourth car remained intact (sort of)! Just because it happened in such a short stretch that the more there is nothing but 3 sections, and does not fit ... the tail of the train did not go for a traffic light, the testimony of ADR do not give back a moving train 6th route to enter the station, DTSH begins to cause the driver 5th route, but in response to silence ... Manager (It should be noted!) starts competent work: exposure at stations, calls drivers, running across the line! Machinist 6th route calls dispatcher and report that to enter the station can not because of testimony ARS, he was sent to find out what happened to the fifth route (from dtsh not worth the cameras in the tunnels, and it is difficult to understand why stopping the convoy in the tunnel and did not answer the call manager)! The driver approached the train, passing through the cars understand what happened! But the passengers of passion and panic: run, hit the glass, yelling and crying ... and the driver pulled the 6th route! Nevertheless driver reported DTSH situation, the evacuation of passengers! Then you know ...
(Bad guy here described ru-metro.livejournal.com/3815412.html )
Panicked passengers ran out of the tunnel, in the heat of passion is said that out of the Slavic Boulevard, in fact from the Victory Park (there is 200-300 meters from the station), saying that the driver goes there does not help, and in fact saw a blue shirt !!!
In general, everything is sad, but let us understand in order!
1 Is there a fault driver?
Definitely not! The man in the morning at the time of atonement, worked only 7-8 minutes and no human factors are not entitled to attribute even to think about it is not entitled to the prosecutor's office! The driver did everything in his power!
2 who is to blame? Who is to blame?
But this is a big and difficult question!
We will be consistent!
The first thing I asked where it was an emergency, because the first thought were associated with this arrow!
Here the arrow began to pack already from the 8th or 9th of:




These photos I did on the 9th of pity that the pictures taken at high speed!
The first thing that strikes: this coverage arrows!
That's how it is illuminated

(Average barreled / working lights!)
But raiway lighting (by the way the arrow (we conditionally call it the number 3) following the tragic of the arrow (we conditionally call it number 1))!)

We investigated further!
That arrow # 1 the day before the tragedy!

More photos

More photos

And pictures of close to deadlock

But the arrow # 3

Or an arrow # 2 at the station Strogino

Again illuminated arrow strikes! Diverters # 3 Victory Park and # 2 on the Strogino visible and has all the basic details: thrust; Bookmark and spare parts for turnouts! In the same direction # 1 Victory Park do not have anything like this! And that's why I first thought that the cause of the crash served turnout # 1 on the park of victory!
What about him here to say:
-osveschenie poor;
-strelka not electrified;
-The main parts, no, I did not mention the replacement (as in the example of the arrow # 3 and # 2);
-No than not fixed in one position!
s most basic: This turnouts leads to nowhere! Especially hand than not controlled and even cameras (aimed at arrow) not installed !!!
And first of all need to ask management to underground: why the arrow decided to put, not the master of the way! These employees subway track service, which is now all over the accused, how do you they had to fix this arrow? Hands hold? A site can not be closed, the loss of money for the subway! No items! And the arrow is not needed! Think Puteets with years of experience on so many stupid that was a sign to myself a prison sentence ?! It may be worth it to ask him why and what happened that night ?! Perhaps best to punish its leaders and leadership better management?
Go further!
In the briefing that we know obyazovali:

There in black and white of the blasting at work (and will in the days!)! It is normal?
Train drivers are sitting in reserve at the Kalinin-Solntsevo line (KSL) or repeatedly drawn attention to the strong explosions and tremors!
Next, here's a photo with an interesting book called The technical operation of subways (PTE):

I want to draw attention to the phrase "to increase the capacity of superior orders UNDERGROUND maneuvers on a straight section of the path is allowed no more than 60 km / h ..." and we have there the rate of 80! (Yes there shunting movement, but still I did not believe that the movement to the right path of turnouts in the direction protivosherstnom permitted maximum speed!)
As a result, what happens? (As it was, my eyes)
Master, experienced Puteets, intrudes to work, familiarize with the plan of work at night window, sees a new arrow, which is working with her, no details ... miracle for two days is no accident! Again, no details! How to fix it? Moreover, the electricity cut off in the 2: 30-2: 50, and it is necessary to finish work an hour before supply the high voltage (5: 20-5: 10 somewhere), that photo with PTE

(And after all work on turnouts master is obliged to issue a request for the issuance of written warnings to drivers!) Bottom line: all the time for all works 1:30 somewhere!
Here on TV is now considered such an assumption is that the arrow shook their 3 mm wire! I can not understand that, or do not remember, but I know in the switch point is strictly prohibited any cracks and holes even more, because it is at wits are huge load! And if these holes (bolt, or even for something) not, how putejtsy wire secured to the frame rail wit (main rail on which the train rides)? On top? Well there tech trains ran 3:00 (from 5:30 to 8:36) !!!
It turns out it's a lie?
Even if we assume that they are a miracle of its wire tightened, the main question is why? Why is our leadership in order to permit the experienced railway engineers find a way out for the safety of high-speed trains on the site pretty loaded line in the absence of the main items on turnouts !!! ???
These questions should most excite the media !!!
The question of:
Why Besedin friend receives a monthly salary of $ 1200000 rubles (this info I received from the employee to control underground) and said indexing wages lower ranks !?
Why Comrade Besedin returned from vacation just after the phrase to dismiss him from his post ?!
Why after such a terrible accident, we first see the comments of our mayor, emergency workers, and the Vice Chief of the subway is not seen or heard ?!
Why does the subway requires that each technical office of each depot was light and during the technical training of drivers, the sudden ignition of the red light, all of them riding obliged to shout the word "red" !!! And if there is no traffic light, when suddenly picked up a red folder, and then the handle or some thread garbage red !!! We are like monkeys ??? Why does the metro cares about it, not about how to improve the subway! How to improve rolling stock!
And they think about how to introduce into the structure of the subway train with automatic driving a train! DO NOT MAKE ME LAUGH! This is in a city where such a high pairing trains! In the city where the subway can not cope with such a huge passenger flow! Where ranges of 70-80 seconds at peak times! Yes, yes 1 minute 15 seconds on average between trains at the departure of the train from the station !!! Imagine what would have happened if that driver did not apply to emergency braking, and at full speed to the position of the handle of the controller driver "Progress-4", when the engine is accelerating, he flew to a concrete wall! (And in fact the computer-automatic driving This would not see what he saw the driver!)
These questions a thousand !!! And they are not the staff of Metro, which among other things showed the highest professionalism in an emergency, and they are all our RZD-shnomu management subway! You just look how many failures have already occurred this year! And they take off all the blame on those who have so clearly and responsibly fulfill all their duties!
Metro Guide puts that perform tasks not force! Occupy is not to improve the quality and standards of service for passengers, as well as improving working conditions for their employees, to increase the incentive and the desire to work from their employees and are committed to: how to and where to cut back on salaries / bonuses from employees as to intimidate and threatened its employees of stupid orders and briefings! They are looking for opportunities to build out their friends / relatives and former colleagues for a good position, by increasing the deputies and auditors! they think about how to fill their pockets and purses of money, how to relax in the Maldives! Why did Metro work properly with less than now STATE CHIEFS ???
Maybe because in the manual were metropolitenovtsy Metro and Railways not-Schnick !?
This is all you can argue long, our business remains prostym- wait!
In place of the driver could be any of us (drivers)! We understand this! Our management understands the depot! We're on the side of our colleague and friend at work and sincere condolences to the families of those killed in this tragedy! We hope that at least now we hear! US those who know the whole inside of the kitchen!
If this run again dismiss it something could happen again!
P.s. Unfortunately I do not have photos of the instruction speed limit on the stretch of Victory Park Kiev both ways, due to the large reruns at the site paths! The station Victory Park was opened on 6 May 2003, the rate on the stretch PP-CI both ways-maximum 80 km / h! Way out there still has not changed! Hence, the re-run! You as an ordinary passenger can see that on this stretch terrible roar and strongly shakes the composition!
(For comparison: the stage area of the Kursk-revolution, too straight and too the maximum speed, but there is no such!)
Trains travel to the Premier League at the last gasp! Reserve parts at repair is not! This (not my photo)

(That hand can be used to move between the doors stick) occurs pretty often!
The new tunnels are being built so that the quicksands poured right on the cab driver stumped!

Think about it: can repeat the tragedy in the Moscow subway, when the roads do not change (they directly visible wave!) On the construction of stations and tunnels to save money (all tenders metro win God knows what companies! Even repairs on KSL already private!) when half-dead convoys travel at maximum speeds, with minimal intervals, when passenger traffic is increasing every day (Moscow grows!) when the repair and change of planning the details nothing !!! Think about it, as we all know, but we are forced to remain silent!
Posted in [mergetime] 1405548462 [/ mergetime]
I finished the original - korrus1988.livejournal.com/6096.html
