50 facts about the Moscow metro
MetroFan, they also metrofanaty - people selflessly keen on the subway, to study it in all possible forms, including magic. They are sure that the subway - a man-made version of the underworld, the other world.
1. Rats mutants
They are the size of a dog. Living in subway tunnels and gnaw through cables. The special forces are hunting them with flamethrowers. The rumor was born during the restructuring, but was extremely tenacious. Almaty subway construction only, and legends of the mutant rats have alarmed citizens.
2. Metro-2
Since the beginning of the 90s, there were rumors about the existence of secret subway. Allegedly, three or four branches leading from the Kremlin to the military installations in Moscow (Podolsk Chekhov Vnukovo-2). When the Americans dropped the atomic bomb on Moscow, the government will be able to evacuate to a safe place. According to some sources, this system called "Metro-2" on the other - "D-6».
3. Dogs metro
The underground lives of 500 individuals. Here they are heated in the winter and begging. Some dogs jostle in the lobbies of stations, while others ride the trains. How well oriented animals in the Moscow subway lines iperesadok, neizvestno.Odnako there are persistent rumors that many dogs live on some stations, but "on the job" go to the other.
4. The station «Soviet»
This station Zamoskvoretskaya line planned to build just under the building of the Moscow Soviet (now City Hall). They say that it is indeed built, but almost immediately closed, secretive, and now not even a trace to find: a tunnel as the tunnel. One thing is certain: from 1938 to 1979, until he discovered "Tver", between the "Mayakovskaya" and "Theater" has been a long haul non-stop.
In the middle of the station is closed transition. It is already built passenger station "Gagarin Square" Small Ring of the Moscow Railway. Someday there will organize passenger traffic, and the transition will come in handy.
6. Closing access to the "Novoyasenevskaya»
Private access to the city is also at the Kaluga-Riga line - end station "Novoyasenevskaya." In the late 80-ies in Bitsa planned to build a giant zoo c private access to it, but never built. There is only the portico and the portico - iron weathervane with images of animals and birds.
7. Disappeared station
Two metro stations are closed to all passengers. "May Day" (not to be confused with the current modern station of the same name) and "Kaluga" used to be finite and placed on the surface of the same name depo.Potom line extended, built new underground station and the old closed.
8. Metro with the king
The first projects of construction of the subway in Moscow are 1890. Lines planned to lay in tonnelyahi on the overpass. Curiously, metrovokzal had to be located on Red Square, approximately at the place where now there is the mausoleum. Buildings prevented cabs and the clergy.
9. Metro Mytishchi and Biryulyovo
Talking about the appearance of the subway in these areas are maintained so long that looked like a cruel shutku.Glava Moscow metro Dmitry Gayev recognized that Metro will not soon come into Mytishchi and Biryulyovo. Mytischintsev especially disappointing, because at one time in the cars were maps of the planned station "Chelobitevo».
10. Underground Kremlin
In 1934 was demolished white stone Serpukhov Kremlin. The stone from which it was built, the station went on the finish of the first stage - Sokolniki line from "Sokolniki" to "Park of Culture" and several stations Filevskaya linii.Govoryat that got a few stones and open in 1983, the station "Serpukhov».
11. Floods
In the 84th, at the opening of traffic on the site "Kashira" - "Nut" in one of the tunnels broke through Tsaritsyn pond water. On site restoration took two months. Major breakthroughs have occurred here in 2001 and 2003.
12. The cheerful cow
It is now the subway is not enough, and in 1960 it paves ahead: so, in 1963, opened to traffic on the section of "University" - "South West". During construction of the tunnel incident happened: a cow fell into the pit.
13. Driver-African
For years, rumors that in Moscow there is a black driver. Known story about Ethiopian Ilma Midekssa Tebeko, who came to Moscow to learn from the pilot, but was unable to return home because of the state perevorota.On electric drives on Zamoskvoretskaya line. Another version has it that the young man lived all his life in Moscow and half Russian.
14.Byuro finds
For the forgotten things in the subway go to the "University". Warehouse forgotten things is in the south vestibule (out of the center of the hall). If your property is not stolen homeless, have a chance to get it back.
15. Falling back on track
If you are caught on the tracks, go into a special tray between the rails - here you do not train zadenet.Ne climb onto the platform: you run the risk of stepping on a rail track, which involves 850 volts.
16. Metro Museum
The museum is located in the south lobby of the station "Sport" at street Khamovnicheskiy Val, d. 36. The most interesting exhibits - models of trains and stations.
17. As the first to enter the car
If you look at the platform of the station, it will show up for the white stripe-trodden path to the doors of the cars. Composition always stops at the same location. Stand in the middle of the light period, and the door will be opened to you.
18. Sex and the metro
To avoid prying eyes, better to choose a morning or night, when some cars are empty. The best option - tap Filevskaya line toward the "International." From the "Kiev" to "Business Center" train is 6 minutes. Wait for end of the year: new sites Pokrovskaya line will be long Stretches - 5, 7 km from the "Victory Park" to "Kuntsevo" and 6, 1 km away from "Krylatskoye" to "Strogino" .Then you will have 7-8 minutes .
19. Prehistoric animals subway
They can be found at any time on thirty stations - those that are lined with marble. Ammonites and Nautilus sea urchins and snails - all feel safe forever walled in marble. Find them at the stations entertaining, especially if you're waiting for someone.
20. laptop and mobile in the "Kiev»
The station "Kiev" Circle Line is covered with mosaics glorifying the friendship of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples. In 2004, during the "orange revolution" other wits noticed that the panel "The struggle for Soviet power in Ukraine" depicts a Red Army soldier with a laptop, talking on his cell phone. Bores argue that this is just an army radio.
21. Fountain subway
In the transition between the stations "Rome" and "Lenin Square" is a working fountain.
22. The record for Renaming
Most of all out of luck, "Alexander Garden". The station is called and "Comintern" and "Comintern" and "Street of the Comintern", from 1946 to 1990, he was called "Kalinin". In 1990, the station is just a few days called "Vozdvizhenka».
23. Station "Roman»
In Moscow there is metro station "Rome", but in Rome, "Moscow" no. But the station "Mossova" is in Milan. I named it in memory of the Milanese soldiers who participated in the Battle of Borodino, of course, on the side of Napoleon.
24. Cinema in Metro
Almost all advertising is where the action takes place in the metro, as well as movies and TV shows are shot on the idle second platform "Polezhaevskaya." Also, the needs of the movie a couple of times were tunnels of the central portion of the Lublin line. The tunnels between the future station "Marina Grove" and "Dostoevsky" filmed the scene of the film "Male season. Velvet Revolution ».
25. Russian slides
On the Circle Line to the station tunnel is slightly up on the road - a little vniz.Tak made it easier for trains to brake and accelerate.
26. Station "Fiztech»
In 1996, there were some cars circuit line, which was marked by the station under construction "Fiztech." It was located just outside the station "Altufievo." Meanwhile, pull the thread through the woods and fields to the MIPT, Dolgoprudny in the city, no one was going. It was just a joke Phystech students. Choose the appropriate font and color, the printer prints on expensive "advanced" scheme and send them stick on cars. According to the most boastful estimates, 600 people participated in the action, in a more realistic - 40. A few years station floated at various branches of the metro.
27. As in the subway trains are
The trains for the Moscow metro do in Mytishchi at "Metrovagonmash." Finished cars hooked to diesel locomotives and driven first by the Yaroslavl railway station "Northerner", out of the District to the intersection with a branch of the Riga direction and continue to the station "Moscow". Hence, there is a branch in the depot "Falcon". Scheme ways can be found at: www.metro.molot.ru/img/metro_all.gif.
28. Freight trains
Often during the day can be found in the underground freight trains. In the off-peak hours, they are transported from one depot to another electric motors and spare wheel. Freight trains made from conventional formulations to remove the roof of the cars to put to overall loads.
29. The number of cars
On Tagansko-Kpasnoppesnenskoy, Kaluga, Riga, Zamoskvopetskoy, Serpukhov-Timiryazevskaya - trains of eight cars. Filevskiy, Ring, Kakhovka - six, the rest - for seven. On Butovskaya iFilevskoy lines run new trains type "Skif", consisting of three double carriages.
30. Records building
For a long time speed record in tunnel construction in Moscow is 460 meters per month. It was installed in 1965 on the construction of haul "Kuzminki" - "Ryazan prospectus." This result was able to improve: in the construction of tunnels from the "Victory Park" to "Kuntsevo" workers in the past month took place 650 meters. The absolute world record belongs metrostroevtsy Petersburg. There 1970 were up to 1,200 meters per month. The speed of construction is determined by many factors, of which the main - the quality of the equipment, training of workers and engineers, the composition of the soil, through which penetrate the tunnel, and, of course, financing the construction.
31. The twins Pokrovskaya line and Filyovskaya
Many passengers are surprised that Pokrovskaya and Filyovskaya lines overlap. The fact that the first was built radius shallow. From the "Revolution Square" train going to "Alexander Garden", after the "Arbat" and "Smolenskaya" cross the Moskva River on the metro bridge and arrive at the "Kiev". However, during the war the tunnel broke through the bomb. Stalin ordered to dig deep foundations radius. In 1953, it opened a new station. Now, from the "Revolution Square" train followed the new "Arbat" and "Smolenskaya" cross the river through a tunnel and come to a new, deeper, "Kiev." Old site was closed, and there staged a warehouse for broken cars. But in 1958 we began to build a terrestrial branch towards the sirloin and it was then useful section from "Alexandrovsky Garden" to "Kiev". Since then, the line of overlapping, confusing visitors.
32. Coins, tokens and tickets
In 1935, in the subway pass on the special cardboard coupons, which operated a total of 35 minutes and the fare cost 50 kopecks. Turnstiles appeared in 1959, and in 1960, in connection with the monetary reform, travel began to cost 5 kopeek.Tak lasted until 1991, when the price rose to 15 cents. In 1992, there were plastic tokens in November - railways, which operated until February 1999. Obsolete Moscow subway tokens used in other cities, such as Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. In Moscow, is now only used magnetic tickets (since 1993) and contactless cards (from 1998).
33. Metro bridge
Sometimes subway lines come to the surface - usually in order to cross the river. Three bridges cross the Moskva River: Kiev on the Fili line Avtozavodskii on Zamoskvoretskaya and Luzhnetskaya station "Sparrow Hills" - at Sokolniki. In the north of the Sokolniki line there is also a small bridge over the Yauza. In all other cases metrotonneli pass under rivers and canals.
34. "Sparrow Hills»
The station, located at the two-story Luzhniki Metro Bridge, opened in 1959 and has become a favorite meeting place for lovers: a couple went for a walk in the park or up the escalators built near the top, to the top of the Sparrow (in those days Lenin) hills. Station was built in a hurry, in a hurry to the International Festival of Youth: As a result, the station and the bridge began to crumble. By the 80s the situation became critical. In 1983 the station was closed, and in 1986, the train started up on a specially laid a temporary detour routes. Reconstruction of the station was delayed and only in 2002 it opened zanovo.A escalators never recovered; however, their remains can still be seen on the left of the south exit.
35. "Revolution Square»
In the niches, arches station "Revolution Square" 76 bronze figures representing Soviet heroes. At the statue of a Red Army occasionally stealing a revolver: an average of weapons lost 3-4 times a year. But students prefer sculptural group "border guard with a dog." Superstition says that if you rub the nose watchdog, the exam will certainly be delivered successfully. As a result, a dog's nose shines like polished samovar well.
36. The most-line
The longest line - Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya (41 km) and the shortest - Kakhovskaya (only 3, 3 km). The most loaded line - Violet Metro, to the northwest of it fall into the center of Moscow residents Strogino and Mitino, and the southeast - the inhabitants of Lyubertsy, Zhukovsky and Ramenskoye. The oldest line - Sokolnicheskaya, its central section was opened in 1935. The newest line - "Butovskaya", it opened in 2003.
37. Cross-platform transplant
In Moscow, there are three stations with convenient cross-platform transfers when trains of different lines come to the same platform. This "China Town", "Tretyakov" and "Kashira". For direct convenient, but for meetings - not that many are confused, an appointment "at the first" or "the latter" car.
38. Exchange of trains
Same as in Moscow, working in the underground subway trains all over the CIS, as well as in Sofia, Budapest, Warsaw, Prague and Tehran.
39. "Victory Park»
It is the deepest station in Moscow - 84 m to the surface. However, the world is a station, and further: for example, Kiev "Dnipro" - 100 m. The "Victory Park" two rooms and four way - there had to be crossed Arbat-Pokrovskaya line and chord leading from Mitin in Butovo. It was also planned separate third station line Solntseve.No receives less funding Metrostroy barely mastered today's two halls and projects chords have disappeared by themselves.
40. The "Big Ring»
At the station "Kurskaya" There's a sign "Kursk big ring." The fact is that in the late 1940s when there was a project of the current Circle line was also conceived and Small Ring, passing under the boulevards. However, the project was never implemented. Now the big ring is called a line that may someday connect with each other sleeping areas. It will include modern Kakhovskaya line and plot line from Sokolniki "Cherkizovsky" to "Transfiguration Square».
41. Moscow monorail
Monorail in Moscow planned to build for a long time. First they gathered to hold a branch of "Kashira" in the area of Smith, then wanted to build a line from "VDNH" along the Yaroslavl highway, but understand that the monorail just can not cope with the passenger flow. But the idea of a monorail was realized in 2004. The line from the station "Timiryazevskaya" to the streets of Sergei Eisenstein is a fairly meaningless attraktsion.Proezd it costs 50 rubles, the compositions go every 25 minutes, passengers matter of unity, and the line of trailers and are designed so that in the event of a sudden stop in the middle or haul accident people can not get out of the train on their own and will have to wait for assistance at a height of 6-10 meters. The line had to be extended to the metro station "Botanical Garden", but these projects have not heard yet.
42. Suburban trains in the subway
In the late 40s there was a project to put commuter trains from Yaroslavsky Station in tunnels under the center of Moscow and dock them brought to the surface in the vicinity of the Taganka, that is to create a system of urban electric trains such as the German S-Bahn. This project remained unfulfilled.
43. The three-way station
In Moscow, there are two three-way station "Guerrilla" and "Polezhaevskaya." These are the remains unfulfilled plans. In the area of the current "Partisan" plans to build a huge stadium, and the third path made to increase the capacity of the station and to avoid the crush after the end of matches. There is also planned to organize a fork movement southern branch was to go along the Izmailovsky Avenue (just as it is now), the north - at Izmailovo Boulevard.
1. Rats mutants

They are the size of a dog. Living in subway tunnels and gnaw through cables. The special forces are hunting them with flamethrowers. The rumor was born during the restructuring, but was extremely tenacious. Almaty subway construction only, and legends of the mutant rats have alarmed citizens.
2. Metro-2

Since the beginning of the 90s, there were rumors about the existence of secret subway. Allegedly, three or four branches leading from the Kremlin to the military installations in Moscow (Podolsk Chekhov Vnukovo-2). When the Americans dropped the atomic bomb on Moscow, the government will be able to evacuate to a safe place. According to some sources, this system called "Metro-2" on the other - "D-6».
3. Dogs metro

The underground lives of 500 individuals. Here they are heated in the winter and begging. Some dogs jostle in the lobbies of stations, while others ride the trains. How well oriented animals in the Moscow subway lines iperesadok, neizvestno.Odnako there are persistent rumors that many dogs live on some stations, but "on the job" go to the other.
4. The station «Soviet»
This station Zamoskvoretskaya line planned to build just under the building of the Moscow Soviet (now City Hall). They say that it is indeed built, but almost immediately closed, secretive, and now not even a trace to find: a tunnel as the tunnel. One thing is certain: from 1938 to 1979, until he discovered "Tver", between the "Mayakovskaya" and "Theater" has been a long haul non-stop.

In the middle of the station is closed transition. It is already built passenger station "Gagarin Square" Small Ring of the Moscow Railway. Someday there will organize passenger traffic, and the transition will come in handy.
6. Closing access to the "Novoyasenevskaya»
Private access to the city is also at the Kaluga-Riga line - end station "Novoyasenevskaya." In the late 80-ies in Bitsa planned to build a giant zoo c private access to it, but never built. There is only the portico and the portico - iron weathervane with images of animals and birds.
7. Disappeared station
Two metro stations are closed to all passengers. "May Day" (not to be confused with the current modern station of the same name) and "Kaluga" used to be finite and placed on the surface of the same name depo.Potom line extended, built new underground station and the old closed.
8. Metro with the king
The first projects of construction of the subway in Moscow are 1890. Lines planned to lay in tonnelyahi on the overpass. Curiously, metrovokzal had to be located on Red Square, approximately at the place where now there is the mausoleum. Buildings prevented cabs and the clergy.
9. Metro Mytishchi and Biryulyovo
Talking about the appearance of the subway in these areas are maintained so long that looked like a cruel shutku.Glava Moscow metro Dmitry Gayev recognized that Metro will not soon come into Mytishchi and Biryulyovo. Mytischintsev especially disappointing, because at one time in the cars were maps of the planned station "Chelobitevo».
10. Underground Kremlin
In 1934 was demolished white stone Serpukhov Kremlin. The stone from which it was built, the station went on the finish of the first stage - Sokolniki line from "Sokolniki" to "Park of Culture" and several stations Filevskaya linii.Govoryat that got a few stones and open in 1983, the station "Serpukhov».
11. Floods

In the 84th, at the opening of traffic on the site "Kashira" - "Nut" in one of the tunnels broke through Tsaritsyn pond water. On site restoration took two months. Major breakthroughs have occurred here in 2001 and 2003.
12. The cheerful cow
It is now the subway is not enough, and in 1960 it paves ahead: so, in 1963, opened to traffic on the section of "University" - "South West". During construction of the tunnel incident happened: a cow fell into the pit.
13. Driver-African

For years, rumors that in Moscow there is a black driver. Known story about Ethiopian Ilma Midekssa Tebeko, who came to Moscow to learn from the pilot, but was unable to return home because of the state perevorota.On electric drives on Zamoskvoretskaya line. Another version has it that the young man lived all his life in Moscow and half Russian.
14.Byuro finds
For the forgotten things in the subway go to the "University". Warehouse forgotten things is in the south vestibule (out of the center of the hall). If your property is not stolen homeless, have a chance to get it back.
15. Falling back on track

If you are caught on the tracks, go into a special tray between the rails - here you do not train zadenet.Ne climb onto the platform: you run the risk of stepping on a rail track, which involves 850 volts.
16. Metro Museum
The museum is located in the south lobby of the station "Sport" at street Khamovnicheskiy Val, d. 36. The most interesting exhibits - models of trains and stations.
17. As the first to enter the car
If you look at the platform of the station, it will show up for the white stripe-trodden path to the doors of the cars. Composition always stops at the same location. Stand in the middle of the light period, and the door will be opened to you.
18. Sex and the metro
To avoid prying eyes, better to choose a morning or night, when some cars are empty. The best option - tap Filevskaya line toward the "International." From the "Kiev" to "Business Center" train is 6 minutes. Wait for end of the year: new sites Pokrovskaya line will be long Stretches - 5, 7 km from the "Victory Park" to "Kuntsevo" and 6, 1 km away from "Krylatskoye" to "Strogino" .Then you will have 7-8 minutes .
19. Prehistoric animals subway
They can be found at any time on thirty stations - those that are lined with marble. Ammonites and Nautilus sea urchins and snails - all feel safe forever walled in marble. Find them at the stations entertaining, especially if you're waiting for someone.
20. laptop and mobile in the "Kiev»
The station "Kiev" Circle Line is covered with mosaics glorifying the friendship of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples. In 2004, during the "orange revolution" other wits noticed that the panel "The struggle for Soviet power in Ukraine" depicts a Red Army soldier with a laptop, talking on his cell phone. Bores argue that this is just an army radio.
21. Fountain subway

In the transition between the stations "Rome" and "Lenin Square" is a working fountain.
22. The record for Renaming
Most of all out of luck, "Alexander Garden". The station is called and "Comintern" and "Comintern" and "Street of the Comintern", from 1946 to 1990, he was called "Kalinin". In 1990, the station is just a few days called "Vozdvizhenka».
23. Station "Roman»
In Moscow there is metro station "Rome", but in Rome, "Moscow" no. But the station "Mossova" is in Milan. I named it in memory of the Milanese soldiers who participated in the Battle of Borodino, of course, on the side of Napoleon.
24. Cinema in Metro
Almost all advertising is where the action takes place in the metro, as well as movies and TV shows are shot on the idle second platform "Polezhaevskaya." Also, the needs of the movie a couple of times were tunnels of the central portion of the Lublin line. The tunnels between the future station "Marina Grove" and "Dostoevsky" filmed the scene of the film "Male season. Velvet Revolution ».
25. Russian slides
On the Circle Line to the station tunnel is slightly up on the road - a little vniz.Tak made it easier for trains to brake and accelerate.
26. Station "Fiztech»
In 1996, there were some cars circuit line, which was marked by the station under construction "Fiztech." It was located just outside the station "Altufievo." Meanwhile, pull the thread through the woods and fields to the MIPT, Dolgoprudny in the city, no one was going. It was just a joke Phystech students. Choose the appropriate font and color, the printer prints on expensive "advanced" scheme and send them stick on cars. According to the most boastful estimates, 600 people participated in the action, in a more realistic - 40. A few years station floated at various branches of the metro.
27. As in the subway trains are
The trains for the Moscow metro do in Mytishchi at "Metrovagonmash." Finished cars hooked to diesel locomotives and driven first by the Yaroslavl railway station "Northerner", out of the District to the intersection with a branch of the Riga direction and continue to the station "Moscow". Hence, there is a branch in the depot "Falcon". Scheme ways can be found at: www.metro.molot.ru/img/metro_all.gif.
28. Freight trains
Often during the day can be found in the underground freight trains. In the off-peak hours, they are transported from one depot to another electric motors and spare wheel. Freight trains made from conventional formulations to remove the roof of the cars to put to overall loads.
29. The number of cars
On Tagansko-Kpasnoppesnenskoy, Kaluga, Riga, Zamoskvopetskoy, Serpukhov-Timiryazevskaya - trains of eight cars. Filevskiy, Ring, Kakhovka - six, the rest - for seven. On Butovskaya iFilevskoy lines run new trains type "Skif", consisting of three double carriages.
30. Records building
For a long time speed record in tunnel construction in Moscow is 460 meters per month. It was installed in 1965 on the construction of haul "Kuzminki" - "Ryazan prospectus." This result was able to improve: in the construction of tunnels from the "Victory Park" to "Kuntsevo" workers in the past month took place 650 meters. The absolute world record belongs metrostroevtsy Petersburg. There 1970 were up to 1,200 meters per month. The speed of construction is determined by many factors, of which the main - the quality of the equipment, training of workers and engineers, the composition of the soil, through which penetrate the tunnel, and, of course, financing the construction.
31. The twins Pokrovskaya line and Filyovskaya

Many passengers are surprised that Pokrovskaya and Filyovskaya lines overlap. The fact that the first was built radius shallow. From the "Revolution Square" train going to "Alexander Garden", after the "Arbat" and "Smolenskaya" cross the Moskva River on the metro bridge and arrive at the "Kiev". However, during the war the tunnel broke through the bomb. Stalin ordered to dig deep foundations radius. In 1953, it opened a new station. Now, from the "Revolution Square" train followed the new "Arbat" and "Smolenskaya" cross the river through a tunnel and come to a new, deeper, "Kiev." Old site was closed, and there staged a warehouse for broken cars. But in 1958 we began to build a terrestrial branch towards the sirloin and it was then useful section from "Alexandrovsky Garden" to "Kiev". Since then, the line of overlapping, confusing visitors.
32. Coins, tokens and tickets
In 1935, in the subway pass on the special cardboard coupons, which operated a total of 35 minutes and the fare cost 50 kopecks. Turnstiles appeared in 1959, and in 1960, in connection with the monetary reform, travel began to cost 5 kopeek.Tak lasted until 1991, when the price rose to 15 cents. In 1992, there were plastic tokens in November - railways, which operated until February 1999. Obsolete Moscow subway tokens used in other cities, such as Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. In Moscow, is now only used magnetic tickets (since 1993) and contactless cards (from 1998).
33. Metro bridge

Sometimes subway lines come to the surface - usually in order to cross the river. Three bridges cross the Moskva River: Kiev on the Fili line Avtozavodskii on Zamoskvoretskaya and Luzhnetskaya station "Sparrow Hills" - at Sokolniki. In the north of the Sokolniki line there is also a small bridge over the Yauza. In all other cases metrotonneli pass under rivers and canals.
34. "Sparrow Hills»
The station, located at the two-story Luzhniki Metro Bridge, opened in 1959 and has become a favorite meeting place for lovers: a couple went for a walk in the park or up the escalators built near the top, to the top of the Sparrow (in those days Lenin) hills. Station was built in a hurry, in a hurry to the International Festival of Youth: As a result, the station and the bridge began to crumble. By the 80s the situation became critical. In 1983 the station was closed, and in 1986, the train started up on a specially laid a temporary detour routes. Reconstruction of the station was delayed and only in 2002 it opened zanovo.A escalators never recovered; however, their remains can still be seen on the left of the south exit.
35. "Revolution Square»
In the niches, arches station "Revolution Square" 76 bronze figures representing Soviet heroes. At the statue of a Red Army occasionally stealing a revolver: an average of weapons lost 3-4 times a year. But students prefer sculptural group "border guard with a dog." Superstition says that if you rub the nose watchdog, the exam will certainly be delivered successfully. As a result, a dog's nose shines like polished samovar well.
36. The most-line
The longest line - Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya (41 km) and the shortest - Kakhovskaya (only 3, 3 km). The most loaded line - Violet Metro, to the northwest of it fall into the center of Moscow residents Strogino and Mitino, and the southeast - the inhabitants of Lyubertsy, Zhukovsky and Ramenskoye. The oldest line - Sokolnicheskaya, its central section was opened in 1935. The newest line - "Butovskaya", it opened in 2003.
37. Cross-platform transplant
In Moscow, there are three stations with convenient cross-platform transfers when trains of different lines come to the same platform. This "China Town", "Tretyakov" and "Kashira". For direct convenient, but for meetings - not that many are confused, an appointment "at the first" or "the latter" car.
38. Exchange of trains
Same as in Moscow, working in the underground subway trains all over the CIS, as well as in Sofia, Budapest, Warsaw, Prague and Tehran.
39. "Victory Park»
It is the deepest station in Moscow - 84 m to the surface. However, the world is a station, and further: for example, Kiev "Dnipro" - 100 m. The "Victory Park" two rooms and four way - there had to be crossed Arbat-Pokrovskaya line and chord leading from Mitin in Butovo. It was also planned separate third station line Solntseve.No receives less funding Metrostroy barely mastered today's two halls and projects chords have disappeared by themselves.
40. The "Big Ring»
At the station "Kurskaya" There's a sign "Kursk big ring." The fact is that in the late 1940s when there was a project of the current Circle line was also conceived and Small Ring, passing under the boulevards. However, the project was never implemented. Now the big ring is called a line that may someday connect with each other sleeping areas. It will include modern Kakhovskaya line and plot line from Sokolniki "Cherkizovsky" to "Transfiguration Square».
41. Moscow monorail

Monorail in Moscow planned to build for a long time. First they gathered to hold a branch of "Kashira" in the area of Smith, then wanted to build a line from "VDNH" along the Yaroslavl highway, but understand that the monorail just can not cope with the passenger flow. But the idea of a monorail was realized in 2004. The line from the station "Timiryazevskaya" to the streets of Sergei Eisenstein is a fairly meaningless attraktsion.Proezd it costs 50 rubles, the compositions go every 25 minutes, passengers matter of unity, and the line of trailers and are designed so that in the event of a sudden stop in the middle or haul accident people can not get out of the train on their own and will have to wait for assistance at a height of 6-10 meters. The line had to be extended to the metro station "Botanical Garden", but these projects have not heard yet.
42. Suburban trains in the subway
In the late 40s there was a project to put commuter trains from Yaroslavsky Station in tunnels under the center of Moscow and dock them brought to the surface in the vicinity of the Taganka, that is to create a system of urban electric trains such as the German S-Bahn. This project remained unfulfilled.
43. The three-way station
In Moscow, there are two three-way station "Guerrilla" and "Polezhaevskaya." These are the remains unfulfilled plans. In the area of the current "Partisan" plans to build a huge stadium, and the third path made to increase the capacity of the station and to avoid the crush after the end of matches. There is also planned to organize a fork movement southern branch was to go along the Izmailovsky Avenue (just as it is now), the north - at Izmailovo Boulevard.