Iran. Public transport Tehran
He writes algo-ritm:
One of the things that amazes and surprises in Tehran, one of the first - this is public transport. More specifically, the quantity, quality and organization. If you are traveling to Iran to see the spirit "third world country", "rogue country" and so on, it is likely to public transportation in Tehran will be one of the first things (after the airport), which make you think that something is in your submissions not.
Buses ... In addition to the "ordinary" buses (which as you can see on the picture is also very, very good), in Tehran in 2008 launched a new system of high-speed buses (aka Tehran rapid bus system) on the main streets.
The system is really cool, fast, well thought out and comfortable. For a long time to go around and around - it looks like this.
This is one of the two main streets of Tehran, stretching through the city from west to east. Five lanes in one direction, the other five, and in the center isolated and fenced off by two spets.polosy buses. There can not enter pedestrians, no extraneous movement. The number of buses on the frame is not accidental - they are really very, very much, they go along the lines with great speed and continuous flow. In the foreground of the photograph the bus station. You can get there only through the flyover. Photo above is just done with such a transition.
Climb such a transition is possible on the sidewalk eksalatore (!) And descent to the station in the center is also on the escalator (!). Himself descend a little is seen in this picture:
Inside the station look like this:
The bus arrives at the station, and stops its doors directly opposite the station doors. Each side can simultaneously accommodate two buses that regularly occurs. The buses are all new, modern and beautiful. Inside look like this (note the ads on the handles).
Buses separate "section" for women - on just shot it. The rules are - women can basically go in both sections, but the man on the female side can not go. They simply divided the pipe-wall. It should be noted that this division tend to transport almost everything, but in Tehran BRT women enjoy them the most pleasure - despite the huge number of cars at peak hours "male" part of the packed simply unrealistic. In women, the less freely and happily they go into their section.
This system is very convenient to use, the movement is very fast, do not need to wait for the bus at all - come at times more often than a train on the Moscow Metro. We must move on the main street (and it really crosses the entire city - imagine it as if such a single street cut Moscow), quickly at the station, wait a second and you talking about with great speed to their destination - a few minutes and you are on the spot. Very comfortable and pleasant to use.
Yes, and the important point - the system bus FREE.
Well, still, of course, there are the usual buses - these are:
I do not get enough attention from others. Hug me and sundry. a bunch of taxis - the usual yellow and green "Women only" with women drivers:
There is still a minibus - quite similar to our usual gazelki. But the pictures I have no reason ...
Metro. It is new in Tehran - talk about its construction began before the Islamic revolution 1979go year and went with varying intensity until the second half of the 90s, when the subway finally started to build. And now built quite quickly. Now Tehran Metro 4 branches, and two of them go too far out of the city, becoming a commuter train. In the underground there is a website with the English version: www.tehranmetro.com
Emblem of the subway is not shaped as letters "M", but this icon:
As shown in the icon is not one (!) Tegeranets who we asked could not answer. However, collective efforts, we have suggested that this "face" of the train - something really similar to used the train.
The consequence of "novelty" Metro is its modern look, new, beautiful trains, etc. Going down to the subway nice - clean, modern, technologically. We have seen a fundamental problem - while a small number of trains and wait for them to come quite a long time - from 5 to 15 minutes. Tegerantsy therefore regularly run on stations with the purpose to catch a train standing at the platform - in such conditions it becomes really urgent, unlike Moscow.
The descent into the subway stations in almost all starts very cool - a very steep staircase and very deep "into the depths".
Descent This starts right from the sidewalk - then there's no turnstiles. It looks like this - imagine an ordinary "indoor" descent into the underground passage, where the entrance to the subway in Moscow - there are hills, such as the Southwest, Timiryazev. So - is this covered walkway, you come to him, and there - is such an abyss. Get down, there are already selling tickets and turnstiles are.
In general, most of the tickets in the subway selling women, but here's a man wormed.
Tickets comfortable - it is like Moscow cards 1, 2, 5, etc. trips. They are made for the convenience of multi-colored - 1 trip blue, 2 green, etc.
Plus, all the information is duplicated in English (! - That would be so in Moscow). And, of course, a big plus in front of the Moscow metro - all the signs with the names of the stations, and other fundamental indicators also duplicated in English). Ordinary tickets are inserted as we have in the "gap." There is a magnetic travel, which are applied to "circle". These travel is one interesting feature that we have learned from the locals.
If you buy, for example, the map 100 trips, if you are just 100 departure trips and will come for a new, then ... nothing can happen the same every time the subway exit and apply the card to another special circle.
In this way you return yourself about a quarter of the cost of the trip.
And if you're so 100 trips departure, the next card will be for you a quarter cheaper. Subway as it is necessary to assess passenger on different routes at different times for the proper management of the trains.
The same feature applies for student travel, which if applied to their output become more cheaply.
In addition, Tehran is a system which has long spoken in Moscow - can be "linked" to the metro card bank card and then just at the entrance to the cost of travel deducted from the account, and at applying at the exit of the money is returned.
The window where they sell tickets:
Here is the turnstiles:
Here, at the bottom of the escalators are already beginning:
And here is "reverse" side of the turnstiles with a circle where to put the card for a refund of the money:
And looks, "front" side of the turnstiles:
Everywhere hang piktogrammki with infoy how to behave:
The descent to the platform. At the bottom of the left output to the trains in the same direction, and the right - to another. Common platforms in Moscow does not happen here. On the wall panels with a copy of the bas-relief of Persepolis:
If the platform is necessary to go down further, here too, there are escalators - a joke with endless staircase is only used at the entrance:
The halls are devices for receiving payments (MTN - the largest in the Middle East and Iran mobile operator):
There are panels with traditional Persian epics - with pictures of folk tales:
We have seen? Saw Russian heroes? That's just the same. We also ofigeli. And by the way these pictures are no different from ancient images we saw at every turn - in the old books in the museums, old boxes, to paintings in the traditional restaurants ... Everywhere in the ancient warriors helmets and shields with the same, typical pictures ... That's what I More details will write. But we have no clue to this puzzle - if someone knows something on the theme of the mystical intimacy of our cultures in ancient times, you will be happy to enlighten.
At the stations hang amazing documents - SCHEDULE (!) Trains:
On the platform:
No electronic watch:
Rare for the capital Male in traditional dress:
Waiting for the train:
Our people in the Tehran metro
But the station late at night (after 12 pm) - are few:
A piece of the train:
Another station and arriving train:
Each train car first "women only" (and in fact that is characteristic - also dubbed in English!):
The situation is the same as with the buses - women can go anywhere, and the men go into the wagon "for women" is impossible.
The first time we did not know and went alone. I went in the car and immediately came across standing at the door Female students in a playful denim suit, bright scarf and painted so that it was not clear how she had enough strength to lift heavy eyelids.
She gracefully stood in the corner, looking straight ahead and holding a book with notebooks.
The men stood around and sighed. In general, the meaning of the division into separate cars then just - for the women's safety.
In a society where ordinary social contact between the sexes is very limited, and does not develop a culture of communication between a man and a woman, while remaining at a very primitive level.
Therefore, a man in public transport is millet blows the roof of the feeling of this unknown woman beneath the side.
That platform is in place waiting "women only" car:
In the car:
Separation between cars not - you can go through the entire train. The only place where there is a splitter - it is between the common part and female - that this frame can be seen that there is a small symbolic partition (see the open door):
More fotgraviya in the car with a wad wormed We studied them, and they have
Stare at foreigners there like - in the conversation with the neighbors on the car:
The cars have as advertising posters (here it as clean and in St. Petersburg in the frame):
So promotional pens-taped:
Almost empty car late at night:
In general, summing up, I must say that the public transport system in Tehran chic - to move around the city can be quickly, easily, quickly and comfortably in a very small amount of money (and often free).
via algo-ritm.livejournal.com/31547.html
One of the things that amazes and surprises in Tehran, one of the first - this is public transport. More specifically, the quantity, quality and organization. If you are traveling to Iran to see the spirit "third world country", "rogue country" and so on, it is likely to public transportation in Tehran will be one of the first things (after the airport), which make you think that something is in your submissions not.
Buses ... In addition to the "ordinary" buses (which as you can see on the picture is also very, very good), in Tehran in 2008 launched a new system of high-speed buses (aka Tehran rapid bus system) on the main streets.

The system is really cool, fast, well thought out and comfortable. For a long time to go around and around - it looks like this.
This is one of the two main streets of Tehran, stretching through the city from west to east. Five lanes in one direction, the other five, and in the center isolated and fenced off by two spets.polosy buses. There can not enter pedestrians, no extraneous movement. The number of buses on the frame is not accidental - they are really very, very much, they go along the lines with great speed and continuous flow. In the foreground of the photograph the bus station. You can get there only through the flyover. Photo above is just done with such a transition.

Climb such a transition is possible on the sidewalk eksalatore (!) And descent to the station in the center is also on the escalator (!). Himself descend a little is seen in this picture:

Inside the station look like this:

The bus arrives at the station, and stops its doors directly opposite the station doors. Each side can simultaneously accommodate two buses that regularly occurs. The buses are all new, modern and beautiful. Inside look like this (note the ads on the handles).
Buses separate "section" for women - on just shot it. The rules are - women can basically go in both sections, but the man on the female side can not go. They simply divided the pipe-wall. It should be noted that this division tend to transport almost everything, but in Tehran BRT women enjoy them the most pleasure - despite the huge number of cars at peak hours "male" part of the packed simply unrealistic. In women, the less freely and happily they go into their section.
This system is very convenient to use, the movement is very fast, do not need to wait for the bus at all - come at times more often than a train on the Moscow Metro. We must move on the main street (and it really crosses the entire city - imagine it as if such a single street cut Moscow), quickly at the station, wait a second and you talking about with great speed to their destination - a few minutes and you are on the spot. Very comfortable and pleasant to use.
Yes, and the important point - the system bus FREE.

Well, still, of course, there are the usual buses - these are:

I do not get enough attention from others. Hug me and sundry. a bunch of taxis - the usual yellow and green "Women only" with women drivers:

There is still a minibus - quite similar to our usual gazelki. But the pictures I have no reason ...
Metro. It is new in Tehran - talk about its construction began before the Islamic revolution 1979go year and went with varying intensity until the second half of the 90s, when the subway finally started to build. And now built quite quickly. Now Tehran Metro 4 branches, and two of them go too far out of the city, becoming a commuter train. In the underground there is a website with the English version: www.tehranmetro.com
Emblem of the subway is not shaped as letters "M", but this icon:

As shown in the icon is not one (!) Tegeranets who we asked could not answer. However, collective efforts, we have suggested that this "face" of the train - something really similar to used the train.
The consequence of "novelty" Metro is its modern look, new, beautiful trains, etc. Going down to the subway nice - clean, modern, technologically. We have seen a fundamental problem - while a small number of trains and wait for them to come quite a long time - from 5 to 15 minutes. Tegerantsy therefore regularly run on stations with the purpose to catch a train standing at the platform - in such conditions it becomes really urgent, unlike Moscow.
The descent into the subway stations in almost all starts very cool - a very steep staircase and very deep "into the depths".
Descent This starts right from the sidewalk - then there's no turnstiles. It looks like this - imagine an ordinary "indoor" descent into the underground passage, where the entrance to the subway in Moscow - there are hills, such as the Southwest, Timiryazev. So - is this covered walkway, you come to him, and there - is such an abyss. Get down, there are already selling tickets and turnstiles are.

In general, most of the tickets in the subway selling women, but here's a man wormed.
Tickets comfortable - it is like Moscow cards 1, 2, 5, etc. trips. They are made for the convenience of multi-colored - 1 trip blue, 2 green, etc.
Plus, all the information is duplicated in English (! - That would be so in Moscow). And, of course, a big plus in front of the Moscow metro - all the signs with the names of the stations, and other fundamental indicators also duplicated in English). Ordinary tickets are inserted as we have in the "gap." There is a magnetic travel, which are applied to "circle". These travel is one interesting feature that we have learned from the locals.
If you buy, for example, the map 100 trips, if you are just 100 departure trips and will come for a new, then ... nothing can happen the same every time the subway exit and apply the card to another special circle.
In this way you return yourself about a quarter of the cost of the trip.
And if you're so 100 trips departure, the next card will be for you a quarter cheaper. Subway as it is necessary to assess passenger on different routes at different times for the proper management of the trains.
The same feature applies for student travel, which if applied to their output become more cheaply.
In addition, Tehran is a system which has long spoken in Moscow - can be "linked" to the metro card bank card and then just at the entrance to the cost of travel deducted from the account, and at applying at the exit of the money is returned.
The window where they sell tickets:

Here is the turnstiles:

Here, at the bottom of the escalators are already beginning:

And here is "reverse" side of the turnstiles with a circle where to put the card for a refund of the money:

And looks, "front" side of the turnstiles:

Everywhere hang piktogrammki with infoy how to behave:

The descent to the platform. At the bottom of the left output to the trains in the same direction, and the right - to another. Common platforms in Moscow does not happen here. On the wall panels with a copy of the bas-relief of Persepolis:

If the platform is necessary to go down further, here too, there are escalators - a joke with endless staircase is only used at the entrance:

The halls are devices for receiving payments (MTN - the largest in the Middle East and Iran mobile operator):

There are panels with traditional Persian epics - with pictures of folk tales:
We have seen? Saw Russian heroes? That's just the same. We also ofigeli. And by the way these pictures are no different from ancient images we saw at every turn - in the old books in the museums, old boxes, to paintings in the traditional restaurants ... Everywhere in the ancient warriors helmets and shields with the same, typical pictures ... That's what I More details will write. But we have no clue to this puzzle - if someone knows something on the theme of the mystical intimacy of our cultures in ancient times, you will be happy to enlighten.

At the stations hang amazing documents - SCHEDULE (!) Trains:

On the platform:

No electronic watch:

Rare for the capital Male in traditional dress:

Waiting for the train:

Our people in the Tehran metro

But the station late at night (after 12 pm) - are few:

A piece of the train:

Another station and arriving train:

Each train car first "women only" (and in fact that is characteristic - also dubbed in English!):
The situation is the same as with the buses - women can go anywhere, and the men go into the wagon "for women" is impossible.
The first time we did not know and went alone. I went in the car and immediately came across standing at the door Female students in a playful denim suit, bright scarf and painted so that it was not clear how she had enough strength to lift heavy eyelids.
She gracefully stood in the corner, looking straight ahead and holding a book with notebooks.
The men stood around and sighed. In general, the meaning of the division into separate cars then just - for the women's safety.
In a society where ordinary social contact between the sexes is very limited, and does not develop a culture of communication between a man and a woman, while remaining at a very primitive level.
Therefore, a man in public transport is millet blows the roof of the feeling of this unknown woman beneath the side.

That platform is in place waiting "women only" car:

In the car:

Separation between cars not - you can go through the entire train. The only place where there is a splitter - it is between the common part and female - that this frame can be seen that there is a small symbolic partition (see the open door):

More fotgraviya in the car with a wad wormed We studied them, and they have

Stare at foreigners there like - in the conversation with the neighbors on the car:


The cars have as advertising posters (here it as clean and in St. Petersburg in the frame):



So promotional pens-taped:


Almost empty car late at night:
In general, summing up, I must say that the public transport system in Tehran chic - to move around the city can be quickly, easily, quickly and comfortably in a very small amount of money (and often free).
via algo-ritm.livejournal.com/31547.html
