In Singapore, test unmanned taxi

One of the ideas expressed yesterday disinvis in comments to news the first finished vehicles from Google :
Why then individual car? Let it work for the benefit and as a taxi service other clients. One could buy a ticket and "guaranteed auto call for 3 minutes». Blockquote> The advantage of robotic taxi is that you do not need to have your own transport. Together with MIT next year will launch a project in which any company can in the business districts of Singapore to test autonomous vehicles. MIT will be able to study the effect of cyclists and pedestrians in traffic. Finished model of unmanned vehicles need a map , which also will be engaged in the development of scientists.
Общественный Transportation Singapore includes railways, buses and taxis, and plays an important role in the delivery of Singaporeans to work and study every day. According to the 2000 census, about 52, 4% of the country's citizens (excluding foreigners) commute to work by public transport; 41, 5% of students go to school on it. These figures decreased slightly compared with 1990, when they were respectively 55, 46 and 0%, 3%. The Government is encouraging the use of public transport, as well as struggling with the dominance of personal transport. This occurs via prices. Toyota Camry in 2012 was worth 141,000 dollars, while in the US, this car can be purchased for 33 thousand dollars. That's not counting the cost of obtaining a driver's license, which in 2012 was 68 000 dollars.