Public hell
From time to time one or the other of the Moscow government official voiced his vision of solving the problem of traffic jams in the capital city: it is necessary, they say, citizens to leave their cars and to transfer to public transport, then traffic congestion will disappear. Sometimes they even show irresponsible motorists Example: September 22, the World Day of renunciation of the car, some officials pointedly commute to work by bus and subway, and some - even on bikes, good weather in September, still allows. But this afternoon, in fact, everything is limited - on everything as always: traffic jams, and officials travel to their officials' cars.
26 Photo © Ilya Varlamov
According to polls, about a quarter of car owners of capital, in principle, prepared to transfer to public transport, provided that he would be comfortable. The key word "comfortable."
A few days ago we vasilymaximov.lj.ru decided on their own experience to see how the case with comfortable public transport system of Moscow. For this early in the morning gray spring day we went to the Vykhino.
Local transport hub, including a subway station, the railway station and the final stop of the set of buses and taxis - one of the most troubled in the capital.
After the metro station "Vykhino" every day go to work at the center of not only locals but also many inhabitants of suburban cities and towns. Most of all in the region of 8-9 in the morning this place is reminiscent of hell - huge crowds filled the platform and approach the turnstiles, waiting for the train.
Inside the fall, not all, have a great chance to go only on the second or third train, and then on the fourth - every third part should be towards the center of non-stop (this is done so that in the same extremely busy station "Kuzminki" people have the opportunity to sit in an empty train: the following of "Vykhino" cars packed with people so tightly that they can not accommodate more passengers).
Because of the continuous flow during the docking of buses and minibuses poured more and more people's streams merging into a mighty river flowing to the subway, to a wild stampede in half an hour, if not more, go to the place of work.
Now imagine a situation that passenger traffic will grow by a quarter at the expense of the residents of suburbs and outskirts, which at the same time huge traffic crawling slowly towards the center of Moscow. Presented? This will be a complete collapse, the transport system simply lie. So far only "Vyhino". There are a number of stations on the outskirts, where the situation is not much better. "Teply Stan", "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya", "South-West" ... The list is too big.
At the heart of the situation in the transit stations at peak hours is not much better. It is enough to try at least once in the six o'clock in the evening, for example, go to the station "Borovitskaya" to "Arbat" and "Library". In traffic, barely moving the escalator, you can spend up to a quarter of an hour. And while, as usual, will work only one painting - the other will be either repaired or move in the opposite direction - the standard for our subway situation.
Now let's see how things stand with the land. Have you ever tried in the working day to ride the trolley or bus through the main streets? I assure you - go have a long time: the luxury of such a movement can afford only those who are not in a hurry. The reason is simple - plug. And bulky buses, trolley buses and trams themselves contribute to their development.
Yes, probably, if the number of machines would be a quarter less, ground transportation will ride faster. But it is already packed passengers, and park for no reason, no reason for a quarter clearly increased.
In short, the desire to transplant motorists on bus and subway quite utopian. Moscow transportation system operates on the edge and do not need to be an expert to understand - in its present form it has exhausted capacities. Only one way out - to develop it, but not to proclaim populist slogans.
Just the other day, April 21, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin called one of the major mistakes of previous neglect of the city authorities to the development of public transport. Let's see if the new authorities to solve this problem, or at least start to solve it. If you can, Moscow has a chance to become a city, really comfortable for life. So far, unfortunately, this is still far away.
26 Photo © Ilya Varlamov

According to polls, about a quarter of car owners of capital, in principle, prepared to transfer to public transport, provided that he would be comfortable. The key word "comfortable."

A few days ago we vasilymaximov.lj.ru decided on their own experience to see how the case with comfortable public transport system of Moscow. For this early in the morning gray spring day we went to the Vykhino.


Local transport hub, including a subway station, the railway station and the final stop of the set of buses and taxis - one of the most troubled in the capital.


After the metro station "Vykhino" every day go to work at the center of not only locals but also many inhabitants of suburban cities and towns. Most of all in the region of 8-9 in the morning this place is reminiscent of hell - huge crowds filled the platform and approach the turnstiles, waiting for the train.




Inside the fall, not all, have a great chance to go only on the second or third train, and then on the fourth - every third part should be towards the center of non-stop (this is done so that in the same extremely busy station "Kuzminki" people have the opportunity to sit in an empty train: the following of "Vykhino" cars packed with people so tightly that they can not accommodate more passengers).




Because of the continuous flow during the docking of buses and minibuses poured more and more people's streams merging into a mighty river flowing to the subway, to a wild stampede in half an hour, if not more, go to the place of work.




Now imagine a situation that passenger traffic will grow by a quarter at the expense of the residents of suburbs and outskirts, which at the same time huge traffic crawling slowly towards the center of Moscow. Presented? This will be a complete collapse, the transport system simply lie. So far only "Vyhino". There are a number of stations on the outskirts, where the situation is not much better. "Teply Stan", "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya", "South-West" ... The list is too big.




At the heart of the situation in the transit stations at peak hours is not much better. It is enough to try at least once in the six o'clock in the evening, for example, go to the station "Borovitskaya" to "Arbat" and "Library". In traffic, barely moving the escalator, you can spend up to a quarter of an hour. And while, as usual, will work only one painting - the other will be either repaired or move in the opposite direction - the standard for our subway situation.


Now let's see how things stand with the land. Have you ever tried in the working day to ride the trolley or bus through the main streets? I assure you - go have a long time: the luxury of such a movement can afford only those who are not in a hurry. The reason is simple - plug. And bulky buses, trolley buses and trams themselves contribute to their development.
Yes, probably, if the number of machines would be a quarter less, ground transportation will ride faster. But it is already packed passengers, and park for no reason, no reason for a quarter clearly increased.

In short, the desire to transplant motorists on bus and subway quite utopian. Moscow transportation system operates on the edge and do not need to be an expert to understand - in its present form it has exhausted capacities. Only one way out - to develop it, but not to proclaim populist slogans.
Just the other day, April 21, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin called one of the major mistakes of previous neglect of the city authorities to the development of public transport. Let's see if the new authorities to solve this problem, or at least start to solve it. If you can, Moscow has a chance to become a city, really comfortable for life. So far, unfortunately, this is still far away.
