Business in Russian: beggars in the subway
Every morning in the subway stand on duty professional beggars, who have one goal - to soften and get the biggest amount of passengers. To many of them have become accustomed to, every day they are in the same transitions on the same areas, go on the same branch. So why do people continue to give alms to beggars, thereby maintaining trafficking, exploitation of slave labor and the disabled? Despite the fact that every day the history of the "poor" have become plaintive and gives people less - poproshaynichesky business is booming.
13 photos
Source: ridus.ru
1. Silent beggar holds a glass trifle, and staring into his eyes. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
Honest beggar
More than two hours spent on trying to find this in the Moscow subway beggar. See this beggar in the Moscow metro is almost impossible to have a number of reasons. Firstly, people from poproshaynicheskogo businesses everywhere, they always see the "newcomers" and chased them. Second, if a beggar does not go to it can be applied more stringent measures, it can be beaten, cut, to take out of town. Third, too much competition, and people just stop believing that a person really needs help, they do not see the difference ...
It was a little wizened old man in a long black coat, which was clearly not his size, with gray hair and a long beard, with sad eyes and a tight smile.
2. Honest beggar in the transition between metro stations. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
People are reluctant to give him money, as indicated by the empty glass: half an hour of my observation, no one threw coins are not. I decide to go.
-And You tell us how you got here? How to come to such a life? Interestingly the same - after a short acquaintance I ask. Money he immediately demanded from me, surprisingly.
Yes as a hit, I'm just here to eat when there is nothing, so I've got a wife and a pension. Pensions for all is not enough, here and ask for help from people sometimes.
-So You do not work here, but just ask for help? - I try to find out about his belonging to a business' poor »
How did this or what? - He waved a hand at the neighboring transition - I itself, why should I with someone to share when I myself want to eat?
-But It's dangerous, you probably know yourself?
-I 69 years, I have seen a lot in this life, I am not afraid to die, but as long as I can, I'll feed himself and his wife. - Scratching his beard, the old man says.
Not afraid of is death, it turns out, then so be here to go until the chase?
-Or not until you die - the old man smiling.
-Many Problems here was that? Banishes? Threatened?
-Byvalo, Pregnant beggar came and tried to get rid of, so I stick my zamahnus on them, they uydut.- old man shows me the cane.
-And Besides them no one came? - I was surprised.
-Prihodil Guy or something, saying that if you do not leave me, no one will, but I do not care, I'm back - with obvious sadness he says.
Well, in general, how? There's a lot of money collecting?
Yeah not really. I'm just standing, do not ask anybody, do not stick to the people passing, sometimes only a prayer read aloud and then silent. But at the end of the day bread enough.
-And How many turns per day, if not a secret?
-Rubley Two or three hundred more rarely.
-And What about the family? Grandchildren? Children?
-All Parted who where, and about us all forget the elderly who need us, we benefit from not, here we are and how we can survive - the old man looked down at the floor.
-And Who you used to be? Until old age?
-The Factory work, first grind the details, and then taught people how to, then led, then almost became chief - an old man pauses - but somehow it did not work, and now, so you see - continued after a long pause.
Grandpa says quite slowly, pausing so that our conversation has been going on for quite some time. I decide to give him a bit of bread, to which the old man smiles and bows.
The problem nowadays
The problem is especially acute with the beggars in the capital, in the city to find work in general is not so difficult. According to the Department of Labor and Employment, in the database contains a lot of jobs for people with disabilities. Rehabilitation equipment and orthopedic items issued to all those in need free of charge through the offices of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. People with disabilities can receive education remotely from the federal and municipal budgets. But many a helping hand or a hat is easier than to earn an honest living.
3. Pregnant woman beggar begging for the sake of the child. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
Features of beggars
The station "Falcon", 7 am. Group of people in dark clothes standing and waiting in the yards of houses and under the freeway in dark cars. After some time for them to fit other people in torn and dirty clothes. These latter receive any packets, things cartons. Ten-roll, minute discussion on the future of the day and "beggars" are sent to the corridors of the Moscow subway. Days on end, these people play roles that have hurt some strings of the soul. They actively influence the desire to help someone who really needed. They are not interested in people, it is important to find the type crowd that accurately submits. That such a man, and it will undergo special attention by the beggars.
Types of beggars
1. "War Invalids»
Impersonate shell-shocked, wounded, bloodless war, especially the "Afghans" and "Chechens". Previously it was mostly "poor" in the subway, but in recent years they have practically disappeared from the subway. Perhaps because the police actively chasing beggars, and with a stroller is not escape.
4. "War Veteran" on the ring branch of the Moscow Metro. © Anton Belitskii / Ridus.ru
2. «Madonna»
Women with children or pregnant women.
5. Pregnant woman in the subway. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
3. "Orthodox" old women and old men
These often beg for money "for the sake of Christ", asking for bread and medicines. In recent years, the number has increased dramatically. But over the years, much has changed, grandparents are better dressed, the clothes became more expensive, you can see the good shoes and coats.
6. Help to buy food, for God's sake - my grandmother kept saying to Kievskaya metro station. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
4. Persons with disabilities
At the moment, the most common group of beggars. They tuck the sleeves or pants if they are missing a limb, so that people clearly understood and seen this.
7. beggar with his son asks for money for the operation passengers. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
5. The poor animals
Stand, basically, in the transitions. Compassion for animals in humans wakes up often, so the "feed" served willingly.
6. Drunkards-bums
Not a member of any groups, most often such work for them disposable. Ask only when they need another dose of alcohol. After drinking, they fall asleep right at the stations or trains. Most often, these can be seen in the ring metro line.
Mooch veteran
Violet Metro Line, beaten and sad "veteran" on carriage rides through the cars and asked for help from passengers. Men prefer the image of the silent warrior, who visited at various fronts. Gray hair, sad face, bare arms, on which one can see the scars. He is asking for money for a new wheelchair. I went over to him and ask a few questions to answer.
-No Problem, but give money
Yes I am a student, where the extra money? - Not to throw the money into the bottomless pit.
-Give As is, or I went on - has angrily says the man
-Keep Only 200 rubles there, you know, I, too, have something you need - gives him a crumpled bill.
Well, let your questions, what have you got? - Already meets the man with interest, anger is gone.
I ask all the same questions as the old man.
-I Went here why, not because of the easy life, I was kicked out of the house, I was all alone, I have nowhere to go - says Victor beggar.
Why did this happen? Why not turn to the state authorities for help? - I'm interested in what "veteran" of the war, shaking his head and sighing, responds:
-No, I believe, that somewhere can help, did not believe in the country. That used to be a country that one could hope for a brighter future, and so what? Do you think I would have given a good job? The food? The apartment? No, of course - laughing, he says.
-And How did you get here? Where do you live? After all, everything is probably not as good ?, - its annoying questions I asked.
Yes as a hit came in the subway, I saw a beggar, asked how you have everything arranged, and who to turn to? They said the phone number, but from my phone? He waited till evening came lineman and I asked to work - tired man responsible.
-You Usually have all seen it from the outside, but what is inside? Change the look on people?
-If I'll tell you everything, I will not find, kill or expel all. I can only say that there is a good idea if you are a normal person, and you will live richly, is delicious, and the clothes will be a good, well, all the goats we do not like, they are paid only vodka. People ... -zadumalsya our new friend - yes as you say to me now is still on them, and give the money well, sad face made in his eyes looked, the money received and drove off.
-So Pay well?
The man is clearly tired and constantly looks around nervously, fidgeting in the hands of some rope.
Dress-up as much as earned. I've been working, I try to. Some buy expensive clothes and even live well. But I do nothing, everything goes on as usual.
-And You did not think to get away from this "business»?
-No no no! - Nervously repeats the man departed from me back
-All That bad? You can not leave this business?
-Tell You so, it is better to die.
"Veteran" peeps around the corner and starts to leave me, he waved his hand, that I have not pursued apparently came to the chief, who should not see beggars conversations with strangers.
8. Lonely grandmother beggar. © Anton Belitskii / Ridus.ru
Many are interested in answer to the question, how many beggars earn?
Average earnings "poor" in the subway sometimes exceeds supply salary. Income beggars can be compared with the salary of the driver. It is an open secret that the collection of alms - a well-established business.
According to the man who last led a group of beggars, a "martyr" can gather about four hundred rubles per hour, after which, by simple calculations, we can obtain the approximate salary of 75,000 rubles. The secret to a great revenue in good acting. Thus, experienced "actors" can collect up to 4000 a day. For this to work, all methods are good. As reported in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in 2008, the majority of mothers begging for example, babies are instead of dolls. And if in the hands of a real baby, it is usually in the morning inflated vodka or sleeping, the baby slept all day. And some kids are asleep from exhaustion just because they just do not feed. With the same child often go to different women. There have been cases when a woman beggar "work shift" is already a dead baby in her arms ...
Most served children, pregnant women and people with disabilities. But the "sons of the patients' injuries, age, names, all this is not true, as soon as the" poor man "gets in the police department.
How much money is "poor" may leave himself decides his master, it all depends on the goodwill. 70% - so much "poor" is usually given to their owners, and the rest they can spend on themselves. We sometimes take all the disabled, instead of just giving a bottle of vodka and sausage.
9. Religious beggar in the subway. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
All the beggars, whose passengers see each day, have their own bosses. Strange names - "1", "2", "3" - you can say, seen in the mobile phones of all the "poor". Under such "call sign" hidden rooms hosts, who control all the beggars in the subway system.
Employees of such an unusual business find their work difficult and unprofitable. Sometimes they even share revenue. Themselves "poor" believe their bosses angry and strict, they are forced to 9 hours of stand on the platforms and in transit. Most of the problems, according to the "poor", pensioners and the disabled. They must first be organized to bring to the post, and then taken away. Before that you carefully explain how and what to do. However, many do not present themselves in the life of someone else, almost all quite happy with this "job".
10. Driving jobs beggars in the capital's subway. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
Anonymous stories of participants' poor business »
I was able to talk with someone who has been directly linked to the beggars; for a long time, he controlled them, giving instructions and made sure there were no problems. For reasons known to us all, a man does not call his name, and does not show his face. Let's try to ask questions on the topic of interest to us.
-I Have repeatedly asked this question, but all the same: What is the average income of beggars?
-All Depends on the person, one can ask for money is good, the other can stay the whole day, no begging. Good beggar can earn per day from 800 to 2000 rubles, but there are those that gather up 4000 rubles, but it's professionals.
I wonder, how arranged for such work?
-Byvaet Such that people are literally in the trash, they were being taken to the city, washed, dressed in the right clothes, and then explain what and why. The right to refuse them anymore. There is another option voluntarily, when weary old man comes to the subway or somewhere else, asks "homeless" and goes to the right people who will do the rest.
-And What about the police? It's forbidden. Somehow agree?
-Politsiya? Where it is possible to give a bribe, but the basic plan is that the beggar lends itself cop and leaves, then after 10-20 minutes immediately returned, there is almost no problems.
Hmm, okay, and where do they live? On the street?
Ha! Some "poor" and "miserable" people can afford to rent an apartment, but many live in basements, porches, slept near the metro and in the transitions.
-Apartments? That is to afford good food and drink they can. And that in addition to the money they can get from this work?
-Hozyaeva Beggars solve problems with the documents, can sometimes help to find accommodation, but it is rare, the authorities here strict handouts from it should not wait never be afraid to do things are not selected.
-What Is the average age of these "poor"? Why did they come to this area?
-About Age is hard to say, from 25 to 55, all different, but they all did not work out anything in life. Someone kicked out of the house, someone was robbed someone drunk, someone just came from out of town, and someone and forced.
How did people react to beggars? Some problems were? Conflict situations? Somebody covers "workers»?
-People Do not care, that is, and this is my grandmother, no one interferes. Conflicts arise only when the impudent beggar and climbs with requests, such situations were. Woman "with a sick son" once got in the face of an old man. The cars do anything it is impossible, but if a beggar stuck in transit, it can quickly dial phone owner and the group of young people will have a minute there, but this did not seem to have been more.
-And Now the most important questions. How serious business? Under whose cover it? Who should I contact? Everywhere their ties?
Well, here it is and I'll tell you. Not because I do not want to, just do not know. I'm not such a great person was, sorry.
Okay, but still, who's in charge in this case?
-I Will say this, that a certain group of men, strong "pumping" from 20 to 30 years. There are many who go after his military service. Doing it a maximum of 5-10 years. It is not killed or imprisoned. Or is not saved a large sum to deal with less dangerous. Find them practically impossible, even close to the boss, I do not know their addresses, names, sometimes even phones. All well-planned, and always comes to a meeting, "six", which simply pass the information up. They live very well, as far as I know, they have a huge house in the direction of Kiev, according to the documents that legally bought, and expensive cars. Incidentally, I had to deal only with the Russian guys, that is not to say that all of this "roof" of other nations. They have all their people, all ears, you know, I can not tell much, risking.
11. The management pyramid poproshaynicheskogo business. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
Believer beggar
After talking with a "veteran of the poor", I decided to find a religious grandmother, whom we have so much in the subway. All of them are from the cartons in which every time the same thing: "For God's sake, help ',' For God's sake, for the treatment of," "For Christ's sake, for food».
Going to the station "Kiev" Circle Line, because that is where most of the transitions.
How to live? What is? Where do you live?
Why is that?
13 photos
Source: ridus.ru
1. Silent beggar holds a glass trifle, and staring into his eyes. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
Honest beggar
More than two hours spent on trying to find this in the Moscow subway beggar. See this beggar in the Moscow metro is almost impossible to have a number of reasons. Firstly, people from poproshaynicheskogo businesses everywhere, they always see the "newcomers" and chased them. Second, if a beggar does not go to it can be applied more stringent measures, it can be beaten, cut, to take out of town. Third, too much competition, and people just stop believing that a person really needs help, they do not see the difference ...
It was a little wizened old man in a long black coat, which was clearly not his size, with gray hair and a long beard, with sad eyes and a tight smile.

2. Honest beggar in the transition between metro stations. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
People are reluctant to give him money, as indicated by the empty glass: half an hour of my observation, no one threw coins are not. I decide to go.
-And You tell us how you got here? How to come to such a life? Interestingly the same - after a short acquaintance I ask. Money he immediately demanded from me, surprisingly.
Yes as a hit, I'm just here to eat when there is nothing, so I've got a wife and a pension. Pensions for all is not enough, here and ask for help from people sometimes.
-So You do not work here, but just ask for help? - I try to find out about his belonging to a business' poor »
How did this or what? - He waved a hand at the neighboring transition - I itself, why should I with someone to share when I myself want to eat?
-But It's dangerous, you probably know yourself?
-I 69 years, I have seen a lot in this life, I am not afraid to die, but as long as I can, I'll feed himself and his wife. - Scratching his beard, the old man says.
Not afraid of is death, it turns out, then so be here to go until the chase?
-Or not until you die - the old man smiling.
-Many Problems here was that? Banishes? Threatened?
-Byvalo, Pregnant beggar came and tried to get rid of, so I stick my zamahnus on them, they uydut.- old man shows me the cane.
-And Besides them no one came? - I was surprised.
-Prihodil Guy or something, saying that if you do not leave me, no one will, but I do not care, I'm back - with obvious sadness he says.
Well, in general, how? There's a lot of money collecting?
Yeah not really. I'm just standing, do not ask anybody, do not stick to the people passing, sometimes only a prayer read aloud and then silent. But at the end of the day bread enough.
-And How many turns per day, if not a secret?
-Rubley Two or three hundred more rarely.
-And What about the family? Grandchildren? Children?
-All Parted who where, and about us all forget the elderly who need us, we benefit from not, here we are and how we can survive - the old man looked down at the floor.
-And Who you used to be? Until old age?
-The Factory work, first grind the details, and then taught people how to, then led, then almost became chief - an old man pauses - but somehow it did not work, and now, so you see - continued after a long pause.
Grandpa says quite slowly, pausing so that our conversation has been going on for quite some time. I decide to give him a bit of bread, to which the old man smiles and bows.
The problem nowadays
The problem is especially acute with the beggars in the capital, in the city to find work in general is not so difficult. According to the Department of Labor and Employment, in the database contains a lot of jobs for people with disabilities. Rehabilitation equipment and orthopedic items issued to all those in need free of charge through the offices of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. People with disabilities can receive education remotely from the federal and municipal budgets. But many a helping hand or a hat is easier than to earn an honest living.

3. Pregnant woman beggar begging for the sake of the child. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
Features of beggars
The station "Falcon", 7 am. Group of people in dark clothes standing and waiting in the yards of houses and under the freeway in dark cars. After some time for them to fit other people in torn and dirty clothes. These latter receive any packets, things cartons. Ten-roll, minute discussion on the future of the day and "beggars" are sent to the corridors of the Moscow subway. Days on end, these people play roles that have hurt some strings of the soul. They actively influence the desire to help someone who really needed. They are not interested in people, it is important to find the type crowd that accurately submits. That such a man, and it will undergo special attention by the beggars.
Types of beggars
1. "War Invalids»
Impersonate shell-shocked, wounded, bloodless war, especially the "Afghans" and "Chechens". Previously it was mostly "poor" in the subway, but in recent years they have practically disappeared from the subway. Perhaps because the police actively chasing beggars, and with a stroller is not escape.

4. "War Veteran" on the ring branch of the Moscow Metro. © Anton Belitskii / Ridus.ru
2. «Madonna»
Women with children or pregnant women.

5. Pregnant woman in the subway. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
3. "Orthodox" old women and old men
These often beg for money "for the sake of Christ", asking for bread and medicines. In recent years, the number has increased dramatically. But over the years, much has changed, grandparents are better dressed, the clothes became more expensive, you can see the good shoes and coats.

6. Help to buy food, for God's sake - my grandmother kept saying to Kievskaya metro station. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
4. Persons with disabilities
At the moment, the most common group of beggars. They tuck the sleeves or pants if they are missing a limb, so that people clearly understood and seen this.

7. beggar with his son asks for money for the operation passengers. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
5. The poor animals
Stand, basically, in the transitions. Compassion for animals in humans wakes up often, so the "feed" served willingly.
6. Drunkards-bums
Not a member of any groups, most often such work for them disposable. Ask only when they need another dose of alcohol. After drinking, they fall asleep right at the stations or trains. Most often, these can be seen in the ring metro line.
Mooch veteran
Violet Metro Line, beaten and sad "veteran" on carriage rides through the cars and asked for help from passengers. Men prefer the image of the silent warrior, who visited at various fronts. Gray hair, sad face, bare arms, on which one can see the scars. He is asking for money for a new wheelchair. I went over to him and ask a few questions to answer.
-No Problem, but give money
Yes I am a student, where the extra money? - Not to throw the money into the bottomless pit.
-Give As is, or I went on - has angrily says the man
-Keep Only 200 rubles there, you know, I, too, have something you need - gives him a crumpled bill.
Well, let your questions, what have you got? - Already meets the man with interest, anger is gone.
I ask all the same questions as the old man.
-I Went here why, not because of the easy life, I was kicked out of the house, I was all alone, I have nowhere to go - says Victor beggar.
Why did this happen? Why not turn to the state authorities for help? - I'm interested in what "veteran" of the war, shaking his head and sighing, responds:
-No, I believe, that somewhere can help, did not believe in the country. That used to be a country that one could hope for a brighter future, and so what? Do you think I would have given a good job? The food? The apartment? No, of course - laughing, he says.
-And How did you get here? Where do you live? After all, everything is probably not as good ?, - its annoying questions I asked.
Yes as a hit came in the subway, I saw a beggar, asked how you have everything arranged, and who to turn to? They said the phone number, but from my phone? He waited till evening came lineman and I asked to work - tired man responsible.
-You Usually have all seen it from the outside, but what is inside? Change the look on people?
-If I'll tell you everything, I will not find, kill or expel all. I can only say that there is a good idea if you are a normal person, and you will live richly, is delicious, and the clothes will be a good, well, all the goats we do not like, they are paid only vodka. People ... -zadumalsya our new friend - yes as you say to me now is still on them, and give the money well, sad face made in his eyes looked, the money received and drove off.
-So Pay well?
The man is clearly tired and constantly looks around nervously, fidgeting in the hands of some rope.
Dress-up as much as earned. I've been working, I try to. Some buy expensive clothes and even live well. But I do nothing, everything goes on as usual.
-And You did not think to get away from this "business»?
-No no no! - Nervously repeats the man departed from me back
-All That bad? You can not leave this business?
-Tell You so, it is better to die.
"Veteran" peeps around the corner and starts to leave me, he waved his hand, that I have not pursued apparently came to the chief, who should not see beggars conversations with strangers.

8. Lonely grandmother beggar. © Anton Belitskii / Ridus.ru
Many are interested in answer to the question, how many beggars earn?
Average earnings "poor" in the subway sometimes exceeds supply salary. Income beggars can be compared with the salary of the driver. It is an open secret that the collection of alms - a well-established business.
According to the man who last led a group of beggars, a "martyr" can gather about four hundred rubles per hour, after which, by simple calculations, we can obtain the approximate salary of 75,000 rubles. The secret to a great revenue in good acting. Thus, experienced "actors" can collect up to 4000 a day. For this to work, all methods are good. As reported in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in 2008, the majority of mothers begging for example, babies are instead of dolls. And if in the hands of a real baby, it is usually in the morning inflated vodka or sleeping, the baby slept all day. And some kids are asleep from exhaustion just because they just do not feed. With the same child often go to different women. There have been cases when a woman beggar "work shift" is already a dead baby in her arms ...
Most served children, pregnant women and people with disabilities. But the "sons of the patients' injuries, age, names, all this is not true, as soon as the" poor man "gets in the police department.
How much money is "poor" may leave himself decides his master, it all depends on the goodwill. 70% - so much "poor" is usually given to their owners, and the rest they can spend on themselves. We sometimes take all the disabled, instead of just giving a bottle of vodka and sausage.

9. Religious beggar in the subway. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
All the beggars, whose passengers see each day, have their own bosses. Strange names - "1", "2", "3" - you can say, seen in the mobile phones of all the "poor". Under such "call sign" hidden rooms hosts, who control all the beggars in the subway system.
Employees of such an unusual business find their work difficult and unprofitable. Sometimes they even share revenue. Themselves "poor" believe their bosses angry and strict, they are forced to 9 hours of stand on the platforms and in transit. Most of the problems, according to the "poor", pensioners and the disabled. They must first be organized to bring to the post, and then taken away. Before that you carefully explain how and what to do. However, many do not present themselves in the life of someone else, almost all quite happy with this "job".

10. Driving jobs beggars in the capital's subway. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
Anonymous stories of participants' poor business »
I was able to talk with someone who has been directly linked to the beggars; for a long time, he controlled them, giving instructions and made sure there were no problems. For reasons known to us all, a man does not call his name, and does not show his face. Let's try to ask questions on the topic of interest to us.
-I Have repeatedly asked this question, but all the same: What is the average income of beggars?
-All Depends on the person, one can ask for money is good, the other can stay the whole day, no begging. Good beggar can earn per day from 800 to 2000 rubles, but there are those that gather up 4000 rubles, but it's professionals.
I wonder, how arranged for such work?
-Byvaet Such that people are literally in the trash, they were being taken to the city, washed, dressed in the right clothes, and then explain what and why. The right to refuse them anymore. There is another option voluntarily, when weary old man comes to the subway or somewhere else, asks "homeless" and goes to the right people who will do the rest.
-And What about the police? It's forbidden. Somehow agree?
-Politsiya? Where it is possible to give a bribe, but the basic plan is that the beggar lends itself cop and leaves, then after 10-20 minutes immediately returned, there is almost no problems.
Hmm, okay, and where do they live? On the street?
Ha! Some "poor" and "miserable" people can afford to rent an apartment, but many live in basements, porches, slept near the metro and in the transitions.
-Apartments? That is to afford good food and drink they can. And that in addition to the money they can get from this work?
-Hozyaeva Beggars solve problems with the documents, can sometimes help to find accommodation, but it is rare, the authorities here strict handouts from it should not wait never be afraid to do things are not selected.
-What Is the average age of these "poor"? Why did they come to this area?
-About Age is hard to say, from 25 to 55, all different, but they all did not work out anything in life. Someone kicked out of the house, someone was robbed someone drunk, someone just came from out of town, and someone and forced.
How did people react to beggars? Some problems were? Conflict situations? Somebody covers "workers»?
-People Do not care, that is, and this is my grandmother, no one interferes. Conflicts arise only when the impudent beggar and climbs with requests, such situations were. Woman "with a sick son" once got in the face of an old man. The cars do anything it is impossible, but if a beggar stuck in transit, it can quickly dial phone owner and the group of young people will have a minute there, but this did not seem to have been more.
-And Now the most important questions. How serious business? Under whose cover it? Who should I contact? Everywhere their ties?
Well, here it is and I'll tell you. Not because I do not want to, just do not know. I'm not such a great person was, sorry.
Okay, but still, who's in charge in this case?
-I Will say this, that a certain group of men, strong "pumping" from 20 to 30 years. There are many who go after his military service. Doing it a maximum of 5-10 years. It is not killed or imprisoned. Or is not saved a large sum to deal with less dangerous. Find them practically impossible, even close to the boss, I do not know their addresses, names, sometimes even phones. All well-planned, and always comes to a meeting, "six", which simply pass the information up. They live very well, as far as I know, they have a huge house in the direction of Kiev, according to the documents that legally bought, and expensive cars. Incidentally, I had to deal only with the Russian guys, that is not to say that all of this "roof" of other nations. They have all their people, all ears, you know, I can not tell much, risking.

11. The management pyramid poproshaynicheskogo business. © Dmitry Naidin / Ridus.ru
Believer beggar
After talking with a "veteran of the poor", I decided to find a religious grandmother, whom we have so much in the subway. All of them are from the cartons in which every time the same thing: "For God's sake, help ',' For God's sake, for the treatment of," "For Christ's sake, for food».
Going to the station "Kiev" Circle Line, because that is where most of the transitions.
How to live? What is? Where do you live?
Why is that?