To whom to entrust your business? Part 3 - Assistant businessman
Taking advice from previous articles, we have found a good lawyer and a reliable accountant our conventional company. Business rose to his feet in some places began to grow, new customers come, the mountain of cases, return home late and irregularly, at the weekend having fun performing for the remnants of the working week tasks. 1024 cup of espresso and a couple of sleepless nights later, the voices in my head are beginning to whisper the magic word "delegation". Overcoming severe moral controversy about which well written Ilyahov Maxim, entrepreneur starts looking for someone who will help to break out of the routine. Such a man can become a secretary, personal assistant or business assistant.
The market offers a bunch of options ranging c web services and ending with staff members. We did some research and we want to tell about a popular option that will suit Moscow entrepreneurs ranging from micro to medium-sized businesses. We will try to be objective and not to pull the blanket over button , though it is not easy.
online exchange services h4> Internet presented temporarily unemployed, students, people with no experience, and enemies of the office lifestyle to become "a civilian professionals generalists" or simply earn extra money in your spare time.
This is suitable h6> Anyone who value their time. It is not necessary to be an entrepreneur to delegate some routine tasks (we all remember the story of the cunning Chinese army engineer and encoders ?). This option would allow doing things you love, delegating boring one-time task "specially trained people." However, Tudu-listpo still have to keep on hand, and a time to give the choice of a suitable artist, the problem statement and the evaluation of the work. You should not get involved if there is a constant flow of routine, it is advantageous to hire an assistant or virtual assistant.
How much is h6> 500-5 000 rubles for the job, from 200 rubles per hour.
Links h6> YouDo , Workzilla a >.
Virtual Assistant h4> The stylish, trendy, youth outsourcing has penetrated into all areas of the theme of this post - is no exception. For relatively little money, you can get a virtual secretary or a front office that will work with the correspondence, receive calls, search and structuring information and perform simple mechanical orders without taking your office spaces (if any).
This is suitable h6> Virtual secretaries and assistants will save from the daily combat routine, release time for thoughts about the capture of the world. Entrepreneurs do not have to think about who to entrust a particular problem. Cons: have to work with different employees (although levels have assistants dedicated and elite), will not dive into the specifics of the business. But this assistant never get sick and do not give up everything for a trip to an exotic country.
Links h6> Virtual secretary / office: , , .
Remote secretary h4> incredibly hard to pick adjectives for the new category, which describes the third time. Secretary to udalёnku endowed with the same pros and cons as the remote accountant or lawyer. Of the benefits - more personal approach than that of virtual assistants and lower cost in comparison with the full-time employee. Disadvantages are also obvious: not the most highly motivated, physically impossible effects. And the tea will not bring.
This is suitable h6> For those who want a personal touch. Theoretically, when the business will be an office with reception, remote workers can receive Level-up to staff. In this case, the entrepreneur will not have to re-acquaint man with the internal kitchen of his company.
How much is h6> 10 000-30 000 per month.
Links h6> ,
An employee in the state h4> The secretary in the office - category, covered with a bunch of cliches and stereotypes. If you believe a humorous jokes included in the duties of the secretary horny plates coated paints, transport soft drinks and the hunt for a hand, heart and purse chief. In his spare time, these important lessons secretary is involved in sorting mail, receiving phone calls and visitors, the purchase of office supplies and raking those tasks that do not like the head.
This is suitable h6> The purpose of this category is clear without further ado. The need for such employees receive from the owners of "adult" medium-sized businesses and top managers of large companies. In large corporations, the role of intergalactic perform several people, and even a couple of divisions: office managers, call center, the secretariat and others like them.
How much is h6> 30 000-50 000 per month for an administrative assistant;
Links h6> Look for relevant queries to , .
What is the role button? h4> Business Assistant to the button - it's the most important person on the team with the client's perspective - it is a business assistant to communicate with the owner, takes the task, passes them touchtone accountant or lawyer, or decide. The client can forget the name of the service, the address of our website, or color , but his business assistant, he always knows by name. Business assistant, in turn, knows all about the affairs of each client.
This is suitable h6> Use the push-button business assistant apart from the rest will not work, so we can confidently say that it is suitable for all clients of a button. That is, anyone who needs a good accounting and legal services with a comprehensive approach to solving business problems, human interaction and user-friendly application. Our children will cope with any tasks that do not require their personal presence. Of the minuses: No courier services, an assistant will not be able to devote all your time to your business only.
How much is h6> 12000 rubles for accountants, lawyers, business and banking assistant.
Links h6>

The market offers a bunch of options ranging c web services and ending with staff members. We did some research and we want to tell about a popular option that will suit Moscow entrepreneurs ranging from micro to medium-sized businesses. We will try to be objective and not to pull the blanket over button , though it is not easy.