Weekday assistant veterinarian
39 ph + letter
Hi, my name is Lena, I live in Kaliningrad and worked as an assistant veterinarian: this hybrid paramedic, which features more than the nurses, medical interns (including full assisting in operations) and nurses (because washing floors and tools necessary to also us). In general, a kind of universal employee, whose main task - to make the work of the doctor as comfortable as possible. I and my colleagues there are three kinds of shifts: work in the treatment room, in the hospital with functions rentgenlaboranta and in the operating room, where I spent today shift September 27, 2011, surprisingly enough calm.
In the photo: I as an anesthesiologist, assistant Sasha in the role of a surgeon and a physician assistant in the role of Tanya sterilize my cat named Demon. But let's start from the beginning ...
The morning began at 7:00 with a wake-up call. Tore my eyes, I immediately remembered that today - the long-awaited scheduled fotoden! Feeling on the shelf above the bed prepared soapbox, I immediately grabbed it and flipped in the morning darkness without looking - and, of course, has come across cats zamerevshih on the guest bed, which I can not remove the third day. Sometimes I think that in some corner of my apartment tkni not blind - still come across a cat, because I have them now as much as six ... It is true that four of blood from his nose have to attach soon. So, my first morning block:
Behind him immediately after the second - I got out of bed, and as blind photographed sleeping husband and I try to pretend to be my favorite owl cat named Bugs)
After water procedures and load coffeemakers I went for a walk with the dog, temporarily living in my territory. Dogs - 9-month-old labrador - 2 days ago, I was asked to shelter the familiar, the poor guy (dog, but not a friend;)) threw the "masters" and he 3 months hanging around the suburban community, until it finally does not come across good people. Photos with a walk, alas, no, because it happened in the morning PP: The Conquest of his two-day obedience, I went on the field and decided to pull him off the leash. but the dog meekly paced, not pulling on the leash, hearing the click of the rifle, immediately rushed to run like a madman, and while I was catching up with him, lost any desire to take pictures. Therefore, the picture is taken only when we have safely returned home and began to breakfast.
Dog (I call him Terklton) trapeznichat, and I drank coffee and painted by "The Big Bang Theory»
To go to the clinic for 15-20 minutes, but half of the ninth with a wet head, I realized that the show was lost in contemplation and buried, and to avoid the delay by 9:00 only one way - to ask her husband to throw. Also today I decided to sterilize one of her cats, so I do not much conscience tormented until I woke him - you can always hide behind the unwillingness of stressed animals walk)
My husband went sleepy, annoyed, and did not want to be photographed
On the first steps I was met by Abraham, so to me it is hard to organize pictures and arrange them in chronological order. From the first steps I ran in to help with the heavy work startsionar animals. Alas, the 14-year-old French bulldog with neurological disorders, died almost immediately. In the photograph he is certainly alive, Sasha takes his analysis - the first thing that I saw going to work.
Ira, night assistant, managed to catch a cold night. Annie makes her an intravenous injection askorbinki and calcium gluconate. We've got girls with no veterinary education and with nursing, Anya - one of them.
Finally about 11ti managed to find time for the break. I photographed some of my colleagues, I do not remember who)
Today was not planned in the schedule of any operation, except sterilization of my demon. Today I have chosen, because the change with me working Tanya - our doctor in charge of the training of staff, and Sasha - assistant in higher education and preparing to become a doctor-intern. Sasha had never operated and very afraid of everything, I decided to trust her and brought her cat to be sterilized. Demon about 4, 5 months, but I had a feeling that she was going to flow and for the prevention of breast cancer in the future, I was in a hurry to catch her spayed before the first heat.
The reception was a lot of people, two doctors (physician reception - our chief physician, her photos will not, do not want it to unnerve once again and physician hospital - Tanya, opening onto the reception, as the hospital is empty) are busy, so I slowly cook operating sterilization Demon.
These are the tools that we need, from top left: Laundry hoe to secure sterile diapers, gemostatiki - 2 ovaries, one on the uterus, one just in case, sterile bed sheet, handle of a scalpel and the blade, forceps, a pack of sterile wipes, 2 thread - PDO and polypropylene, scissors, needle holder.
Doctors are working, operating covered, and we in the empty hospital suffering from boredom
So far, nothing to do, we pay attention Marika - our blind owl living in the clinic. originally it was an owl of our former CEO, but since then, he went to Moscow, the bird lives in our hospital. He eats chicken, but today he had a feast - laboratory brought him out of the forest snake, which someone moved the car. Marika liked. Spooky red eyes from him because of the outbreak.
Natasha, our senior assistant and assistant to the treatment room in today's changing, introduces the Demon Marik)
Finally the crowd melted away, and about 12 hours I get a team to prepare for the operation of the Demon. We make her sedated, she relaxes, and I put her to an intravenous catheter, through which it will receive general anesthesia and infusion
Anesthesia added Sasha tries to intubate. Sasha is very worried her hands were shaking, and she did not work, so as a result I have to intubate her (I, too, am afraid for her, but, you see, not so much as our young doctor). the photograph - is Sasha's unsuccessful attempts.
Sasha poisterit excommunicated, and be afraid, and I am preparing surgical field (Sasha photographed shaking hands)
We look forward to Tanya as a curator Sasha squirmy nerves
Everything is going just fine, Sasha easily able to find the uterus (when the uterus is small, it is quite difficult, especially for a beginner)
I was called from the operating room - you need to take pictures of the cat, who is suspected intestinal obstruction. It Sasha's work as an assistant to a hospital, but since she's busy, I'm going to work for it. In the picture - a set prepared for tube feeding barium - a radiopaque substance, for which the movement of the digestive tract, we will be able to follow the work of the stomach and intestines, and X-ray film cassette.
While I was doing the first images, Sasha and Tanya finish. Demon placed in a hospital.
Pictures with barium made at regular intervals, and the cat, first former calm, frightened and starts throwing. After this shot he will run all over the walls of a hospital, scratch all of us, and then rush to the hostess. We'll send him home, and he'll be back with the hostess at 9 pm for the next shot.
Sasha is recovering from the shock of the first operation and the crazy cat)
And I begin to wash the instruments after surgery - it is my duty as an assistant surgery. All surgical instruments first hour soaked in hydrogen peroxide and then thoroughly washed under running water with a brush and detergent, then rinsed and soaked for an hour in disinfectants. then again washed and hung out to dry on the stand.
At half past two bring lunch - bosses sponsoring us hot meals from the dining room is located near the university. Usually a choice of several dishes - today was a meat salad, pasta, chicken, meatballs, rice with meat, buns. I chose the pasta and chicken.
From dinner (although I managed to finish it) distracts us extra pet - a cat that fell from the fifth floor. In addition to disorderly hosts, the cause is a surprisingly warm day, and after the season is over. During summer heat, we have up to 15 cats are not able to fly in one day. Further considerations on the topic of failure to keep pets safe, I omitted pictures say everything for me. However, this cat - lucky, she has no internal injuries, a fractured big and fibula. But careless operation of the owners will have to pay not less than 7000 - a good reason to think about how much cheaper and more enjoyable would have cost if no air conditioning, at least in the grid window.
Her picture.
Once I left a cat fixing bandages and helped assistant procedurally, given free time for coffee.
At this time the demon is quite departed from the anesthesia. It took about 4 hours to the end of the operation, and it is already being played, as if nothing had happened
In the clinic, there is silence, we and Tanya and Sasha in the hospital arrange a small brainstorming - Tanya describes our patient, Sasha and ask probing questions and make diagnoses.
Training the brain is disrupted Yorkshire terrier puppy who came to remove baby teeth - in small dog breeds are often found persistent milk teeth.
See what great non-resorbed roots - you would never have fallen.
For me, it means another batch tools on bathing. Dental instruments are treated exactly the same as for open surgery.
and then silence ... protsedurki Assistant Administrator Natasha and Lena selflessly sharpen fritters, resting before the storm indispensable nightly.
At 21:00 a change of hospital changes, comes the night the doctor and the assistant Katia Nastia. Katia is also preparing to become a young physician, so Nastya, spending a small operation to remove the abnormal eyelashes growing on the inside of the eyelid of a young griffin and causing corneal injury, all Kate explains in detail.
The clock - half past nine on the idea of my shift ends after half an hour.
Not a bit of it ... As long as we have fun with a simple surgical operation, the receptionist comes to inform that we carry emergency animal - 8-year-old Staffordshire terrier bitch with pyometra, purulent inflammation of the uterus. we quickly finish this operation, and I am preparing for operating emergency surgery.
photo - a minute before ENTERED dog.
This is a dog after surgery. Less than forty minutes it took us to our chief physician out to get the animal to anesthesia, to prepare for the operation, intubate, cut, cut a huge uterus full of pus, and sew up peritoneum, subcutaneous tissue and skin, despite the considerable volume of intervention (dog weighs about 30 kg).
Despite the fact that at the end of last operation, I was already at work an extra half hour, I remain, and the next operation - the removal of drains from the abdomen of the bitch fox terrier, which, by the way, had the same problem as the previous dogs - pyometra, but are less successful case: due to the fact that the owners have not returned on time, her uterus yanked, the entire Gulf of pus and peritoneal cavity causing peritonitis. But now all is well, the dog has recovered surprisingly everything, and now we're shooting drains through which we washed inflammation of the inner.
I was tired and very carelessly my operating - only a table and the floor. Thorough cleaning will have to spend the night Kate.
For more than 23x, I have to work more than 14 hours, the husband came with me, so I can collect non-sterile instruments, telling Kate about the sets that it will need to collect, quartz and turn to leave.
but there it was! It just can not escape from the hospital, and I was, until I shoving Demon to carry Nastka catches and asked to mow the griffin, which is preparing to go home, claws. I do not deny. He photographed the man who is already ready and shows the discontent.
Finally, we're going home. Thank God, my dear husband prepared dinner, bought a beer and a walk with the dog. So I just go up the elevator and enjoy loving Terkltona and cats, running out to meet us. This is the last frame, after which the uncharged battery on my camera died - just in time)
So after that I'm going through the frame into the kitchen, sit in your favorite chair and writing this post)
That's all I wanted to say. Thank you all for your attention
Hi, my name is Lena, I live in Kaliningrad and worked as an assistant veterinarian: this hybrid paramedic, which features more than the nurses, medical interns (including full assisting in operations) and nurses (because washing floors and tools necessary to also us). In general, a kind of universal employee, whose main task - to make the work of the doctor as comfortable as possible. I and my colleagues there are three kinds of shifts: work in the treatment room, in the hospital with functions rentgenlaboranta and in the operating room, where I spent today shift September 27, 2011, surprisingly enough calm.
In the photo: I as an anesthesiologist, assistant Sasha in the role of a surgeon and a physician assistant in the role of Tanya sterilize my cat named Demon. But let's start from the beginning ...

The morning began at 7:00 with a wake-up call. Tore my eyes, I immediately remembered that today - the long-awaited scheduled fotoden! Feeling on the shelf above the bed prepared soapbox, I immediately grabbed it and flipped in the morning darkness without looking - and, of course, has come across cats zamerevshih on the guest bed, which I can not remove the third day. Sometimes I think that in some corner of my apartment tkni not blind - still come across a cat, because I have them now as much as six ... It is true that four of blood from his nose have to attach soon. So, my first morning block:

Behind him immediately after the second - I got out of bed, and as blind photographed sleeping husband and I try to pretend to be my favorite owl cat named Bugs)

After water procedures and load coffeemakers I went for a walk with the dog, temporarily living in my territory. Dogs - 9-month-old labrador - 2 days ago, I was asked to shelter the familiar, the poor guy (dog, but not a friend;)) threw the "masters" and he 3 months hanging around the suburban community, until it finally does not come across good people. Photos with a walk, alas, no, because it happened in the morning PP: The Conquest of his two-day obedience, I went on the field and decided to pull him off the leash. but the dog meekly paced, not pulling on the leash, hearing the click of the rifle, immediately rushed to run like a madman, and while I was catching up with him, lost any desire to take pictures. Therefore, the picture is taken only when we have safely returned home and began to breakfast.

Dog (I call him Terklton) trapeznichat, and I drank coffee and painted by "The Big Bang Theory»

To go to the clinic for 15-20 minutes, but half of the ninth with a wet head, I realized that the show was lost in contemplation and buried, and to avoid the delay by 9:00 only one way - to ask her husband to throw. Also today I decided to sterilize one of her cats, so I do not much conscience tormented until I woke him - you can always hide behind the unwillingness of stressed animals walk)
My husband went sleepy, annoyed, and did not want to be photographed

On the first steps I was met by Abraham, so to me it is hard to organize pictures and arrange them in chronological order. From the first steps I ran in to help with the heavy work startsionar animals. Alas, the 14-year-old French bulldog with neurological disorders, died almost immediately. In the photograph he is certainly alive, Sasha takes his analysis - the first thing that I saw going to work.

Ira, night assistant, managed to catch a cold night. Annie makes her an intravenous injection askorbinki and calcium gluconate. We've got girls with no veterinary education and with nursing, Anya - one of them.

Finally about 11ti managed to find time for the break. I photographed some of my colleagues, I do not remember who)

Today was not planned in the schedule of any operation, except sterilization of my demon. Today I have chosen, because the change with me working Tanya - our doctor in charge of the training of staff, and Sasha - assistant in higher education and preparing to become a doctor-intern. Sasha had never operated and very afraid of everything, I decided to trust her and brought her cat to be sterilized. Demon about 4, 5 months, but I had a feeling that she was going to flow and for the prevention of breast cancer in the future, I was in a hurry to catch her spayed before the first heat.
The reception was a lot of people, two doctors (physician reception - our chief physician, her photos will not, do not want it to unnerve once again and physician hospital - Tanya, opening onto the reception, as the hospital is empty) are busy, so I slowly cook operating sterilization Demon.

These are the tools that we need, from top left: Laundry hoe to secure sterile diapers, gemostatiki - 2 ovaries, one on the uterus, one just in case, sterile bed sheet, handle of a scalpel and the blade, forceps, a pack of sterile wipes, 2 thread - PDO and polypropylene, scissors, needle holder.

Doctors are working, operating covered, and we in the empty hospital suffering from boredom

So far, nothing to do, we pay attention Marika - our blind owl living in the clinic. originally it was an owl of our former CEO, but since then, he went to Moscow, the bird lives in our hospital. He eats chicken, but today he had a feast - laboratory brought him out of the forest snake, which someone moved the car. Marika liked. Spooky red eyes from him because of the outbreak.

Natasha, our senior assistant and assistant to the treatment room in today's changing, introduces the Demon Marik)

Finally the crowd melted away, and about 12 hours I get a team to prepare for the operation of the Demon. We make her sedated, she relaxes, and I put her to an intravenous catheter, through which it will receive general anesthesia and infusion

Anesthesia added Sasha tries to intubate. Sasha is very worried her hands were shaking, and she did not work, so as a result I have to intubate her (I, too, am afraid for her, but, you see, not so much as our young doctor). the photograph - is Sasha's unsuccessful attempts.

Sasha poisterit excommunicated, and be afraid, and I am preparing surgical field (Sasha photographed shaking hands)

We look forward to Tanya as a curator Sasha squirmy nerves

Everything is going just fine, Sasha easily able to find the uterus (when the uterus is small, it is quite difficult, especially for a beginner)

I was called from the operating room - you need to take pictures of the cat, who is suspected intestinal obstruction. It Sasha's work as an assistant to a hospital, but since she's busy, I'm going to work for it. In the picture - a set prepared for tube feeding barium - a radiopaque substance, for which the movement of the digestive tract, we will be able to follow the work of the stomach and intestines, and X-ray film cassette.

While I was doing the first images, Sasha and Tanya finish. Demon placed in a hospital.

Pictures with barium made at regular intervals, and the cat, first former calm, frightened and starts throwing. After this shot he will run all over the walls of a hospital, scratch all of us, and then rush to the hostess. We'll send him home, and he'll be back with the hostess at 9 pm for the next shot.

Sasha is recovering from the shock of the first operation and the crazy cat)

And I begin to wash the instruments after surgery - it is my duty as an assistant surgery. All surgical instruments first hour soaked in hydrogen peroxide and then thoroughly washed under running water with a brush and detergent, then rinsed and soaked for an hour in disinfectants. then again washed and hung out to dry on the stand.

At half past two bring lunch - bosses sponsoring us hot meals from the dining room is located near the university. Usually a choice of several dishes - today was a meat salad, pasta, chicken, meatballs, rice with meat, buns. I chose the pasta and chicken.

From dinner (although I managed to finish it) distracts us extra pet - a cat that fell from the fifth floor. In addition to disorderly hosts, the cause is a surprisingly warm day, and after the season is over. During summer heat, we have up to 15 cats are not able to fly in one day. Further considerations on the topic of failure to keep pets safe, I omitted pictures say everything for me. However, this cat - lucky, she has no internal injuries, a fractured big and fibula. But careless operation of the owners will have to pay not less than 7000 - a good reason to think about how much cheaper and more enjoyable would have cost if no air conditioning, at least in the grid window.

Her picture.

Once I left a cat fixing bandages and helped assistant procedurally, given free time for coffee.

At this time the demon is quite departed from the anesthesia. It took about 4 hours to the end of the operation, and it is already being played, as if nothing had happened

In the clinic, there is silence, we and Tanya and Sasha in the hospital arrange a small brainstorming - Tanya describes our patient, Sasha and ask probing questions and make diagnoses.

Training the brain is disrupted Yorkshire terrier puppy who came to remove baby teeth - in small dog breeds are often found persistent milk teeth.
See what great non-resorbed roots - you would never have fallen.

For me, it means another batch tools on bathing. Dental instruments are treated exactly the same as for open surgery.

and then silence ... protsedurki Assistant Administrator Natasha and Lena selflessly sharpen fritters, resting before the storm indispensable nightly.

At 21:00 a change of hospital changes, comes the night the doctor and the assistant Katia Nastia. Katia is also preparing to become a young physician, so Nastya, spending a small operation to remove the abnormal eyelashes growing on the inside of the eyelid of a young griffin and causing corneal injury, all Kate explains in detail.
The clock - half past nine on the idea of my shift ends after half an hour.

Not a bit of it ... As long as we have fun with a simple surgical operation, the receptionist comes to inform that we carry emergency animal - 8-year-old Staffordshire terrier bitch with pyometra, purulent inflammation of the uterus. we quickly finish this operation, and I am preparing for operating emergency surgery.
photo - a minute before ENTERED dog.

This is a dog after surgery. Less than forty minutes it took us to our chief physician out to get the animal to anesthesia, to prepare for the operation, intubate, cut, cut a huge uterus full of pus, and sew up peritoneum, subcutaneous tissue and skin, despite the considerable volume of intervention (dog weighs about 30 kg).

Despite the fact that at the end of last operation, I was already at work an extra half hour, I remain, and the next operation - the removal of drains from the abdomen of the bitch fox terrier, which, by the way, had the same problem as the previous dogs - pyometra, but are less successful case: due to the fact that the owners have not returned on time, her uterus yanked, the entire Gulf of pus and peritoneal cavity causing peritonitis. But now all is well, the dog has recovered surprisingly everything, and now we're shooting drains through which we washed inflammation of the inner.

I was tired and very carelessly my operating - only a table and the floor. Thorough cleaning will have to spend the night Kate.
For more than 23x, I have to work more than 14 hours, the husband came with me, so I can collect non-sterile instruments, telling Kate about the sets that it will need to collect, quartz and turn to leave.

but there it was! It just can not escape from the hospital, and I was, until I shoving Demon to carry Nastka catches and asked to mow the griffin, which is preparing to go home, claws. I do not deny. He photographed the man who is already ready and shows the discontent.

Finally, we're going home. Thank God, my dear husband prepared dinner, bought a beer and a walk with the dog. So I just go up the elevator and enjoy loving Terkltona and cats, running out to meet us. This is the last frame, after which the uncharged battery on my camera died - just in time)
So after that I'm going through the frame into the kitchen, sit in your favorite chair and writing this post)
That's all I wanted to say. Thank you all for your attention
