Calendar of people's will
Signs have their roots back to antiquity.
Based on more than the experience of millennia of observations originally constitute vital information for our ancestors.
Other analogues of the "weather forecast" was not.
Bearing a purely practical function, the signs are also the oldest store of the Russian language. Its originality reflecting the lively and colorful world of nature and the basics of the language, deriving from the understanding of the essence of things by our ancestors.
To believe or not to believe in omens — you decide!
1 Jan — If the night on the first of January star, to be on-the-fly large crop of berries. What the first day of January is the first day of summer.
6 January — Christmas Eve. Come cold. Winter sports in the forest, and on the nose. Clear day — for a good harvest. If the path of black — crop on buckwheat. Zvezdich the sky — waiting for berry and cattle large litter. The day came on a chicken foot.
January 7 is Christmas day. Drifts high stuffed — a good year. If the thaw — spring is early and warm. From 7 to 14 January. The Yuletide. Ahead of time in the forests harvested logs for log cabins, to the snow to take them to the manor.
8 Jan — Indian holiday, the festival of kas. In celebration of cereals with a spoon, everyone goes full scoop family did not disperse. Carpentry, playing a musical instrument.
12 Jan — the Go winter. Guest, hostinec, go up to the threshold. In front of that person on the table — and mushrooms, and pickles, and brie from the oven to the table with the swords.
13 Jan — Vasiliev evening. Wedrowanie. Gardeners at midnight shaking the snow from the Apple trees to harvest. If the night wind blowing from the South — the year's going to be hot and safe, from the West to the abundance of milk and fish, from the East — expect a harvest of fruit.
14 Jan — New year. Vasiliev day. Basil The Great. Winter seredka. If there's a fog to harvest.
January 15 — Sylvester. Chicken feast. The guys handing out cocks out of clay. January driving Blizzard for seven miles.
18 January — Epiphany eve — the hungry night. Full month — to a large spill. Collect snow for bleaching canvases, for a bath.
January 19 — the baptism. Epiphany frosts. The night sky opens (clears). If the Blizzard of revenge to her and three months later. In people, this day is called the Epiphany. If the day warm — bread is dark, that is dense, cold, clear — the summer will dry; cloudy and snow — expect an abundant harvest. The baptism under full month — to be big water. Dogs bark a lot, there will be plenty of game birds and beast.
January 21 — Winter record. "Emelyan, clocked Buran". Blizzard of the winter for the custom. Judged on the nature of winter finally. If blows from the South, promises a stormy summer.
January 23 — Gregory Letogetacel. If hoarfrost on trees, stacks and stacks — the wet and cold summer.
24 Jan — Fedoseeva heat. If the heat know on an early spring has gone.
25 JanuaryI — Tatiana's day. Peep the sun — to the early arrival of birds, snow — summer is rainy.
28 Jan — Peter-Paul day added. If the wind will be a year of crude.
January 29 — Peter-polukord, so domestic animals eaten half the winter feed.
30 Jan — Anton peresini. Peresini — encouraging, obtala, and then will deceive — all will pull together with a frost. Do not believe warm weather in the winter.
January 31 — Athanasius Clematis. Afanasievskii frosts. Clematis freezes the nose. Crows fly in flocks, and circling — to frost. Frost is no joke. "It's no wonder that Athanasius-clematis freezes the nose and wait Timothy-polozenie (February 4) — Timofeevskaya of frost".
1 Feb — Makaryev day. If drops — in the early spring believe. What is the weather the first day, so is the whole February.
2 February — Yefim. "Efimiya snowstorm — all Oily week Blizzard". "Efimia in the afternoon the sun will be early spring." Scream Blizzard — all week prometida.
February 4 — Timothy Pausini. Polsky passed. Timofeevskaya frost. Knocks the horn of winter. It's time not to doze the plow to get along carts to correct. This day beekeepers to inspect the bees in the olshaniki. Listening: the humming of the bees barely audible — tolerate winter easily; restless buzz says about the troubles of the bee family.
6 February — Xenia (Aksinya). Aksinya Polimnia, Policlinico, Visioconference. Winter fracture. "Polimnia in half — not exactly divides the winter; the spring of the heavier man". "Pasapasa in the hopper: half old bread eaten, half of the time left before the new harvest.""What Aksinya — and this is spring." If the bucket — spring red.
10 Feb — Ephrem the Syrian. Efremov day. "Ephraim Windlifter wind — damp, cold year". The wind will confuse weather to be damp year.
February 14 — free fall and spring quiet. The sky at night zvezdite to within the spring.
15 February — Candlemas — winter with spring and summer met. Sretensky frost. If you see the sun, the first meeting of winter with spring took place, and not peep — expect further frosts. In the morning the snow to harvest the early crops, at midday, middle, night, late. On Candlemas drops — spring dogok. On Candlemas drops — the harvest of wheat.
February 16 — Simeon and Anna. The people is called "Fix". Inspect and repair summer harness. No wonder they say: "Prepare a cart in the winter, the sleigh in summer". On this day, boil solomito: "Come to salamata in the yard, roscini fix". "Dashing house, night calls horses". The aversion of evil is tied on the neck of the horse the whip and leggings: a brownie then not dare touch the horse, imagining that it sits the master himself.
February 17 — Nicola Icy. A rare year in Russia this day passes without a frost. "Icy Nicholas snow bulk mountain." "Nicola Icy frost taravat". "If only Cyril and Athanasius to experience Blaise". Time animal weddings. Fox hit dance in front of each other affectations.
18 Feb — agafea Cravatica. Martyr Agatha was venerated among the peasants as the patroness of livestock. "The cow Agatha death on villages goes". According to legend, in order not to let her outside and to protect cows from disease, farmers styes removed the old shoes, soaked in tar, from which the cow's death flees without looking back.
19 Feb — Vukol Calves. "Saint Bukola gully the calves (so-called cows and calves that are born in the month of February)". "There will come Vokaly — Peratallada all gully". Cared about the successful outcome of the spring calving cows. Frosts promise of a stormy spring, hot and dry summer.
February 21 — Zachary Serpulids. Get and examine sickles. The colder last week February, the more warmly in March. "Look serpulids of Zachariah sickles for the summer". Zechariah Serpulids pray Baba reapers. During this day get sickles and is sprinkled with Epiphany water."Then sickles sharpening, when Geneva to go".
February 23 — Prokhor. Prokhorov and Vlas; no spring is coming at us. "About inu time frost burn on Blaise to tears."
24 Feb — Blaise. Vlasievskii frosts. Will shed some Blaise of butter on the road — winter it is time to remove the legs, the way she led, Prochorus followed. Frost sing — a Luge track oledeneli.
1 March — First day of spring, a novice. If from the first days of spring the riotous, don't be shy — be fooled, to believe nothing.
March 5 — Leo of Catania. On Leo of Catania was not accepted to look at falling stars. The snow melts in the spring the first time.
March 6 — Timothy Vesnova heat blows, the elderly warm. Starts the SAP flow in maples and birches. "Timothy Osnova — so warmly at the door." "Vesnova warmth not abandon".
9 March — Midsummer day. Finding (finding of head of John the Baptist). Bird sweating, finding the nests. The bird curls a nest, and a bird of passage flying in from warm places. If a day in the snow, and in April in the snow, and if a goal, then in April on that. "It's about time the magpies into the woods to get out and capercaillie to speak zabawkami".
March 12 — Prokop Peresini the road breaks down, and the snow deep. Water nose Oster — breaks everywhere. "Prokop winter (25 November) the road will be dug, and Prokop peresini the road breaks down".
March 13 — Basil the Confessor, Basil the Drip edge, Basil's Warm. Long drip (icicles), long flax. If the rain fly to be good. Look like melt in circles around a tree — cool edge, so cool to be spring, Polohy — spring prataglia. "Basil the Warm sun in circles — to the harvest." "If the rain — fly to be wet".
March 14 — Evdokia Plyushchikha. The name given to the condition of the snow: Poltava, he is squashed. Another name for Eudocia Soak the Hem. If Evdokia chicken water drink, Yegoryev day (may 6) sheep eat grass. March 14 has always been considered the "hard" leocasta: what day is summer. On Eudaley they call spring: "Spring-red, what have you brought us red letisko".
March 15 — Fedot Petronas. The peasants are afraid of the strong wind and snow. "Fedot the skid — go cattle to the demolition." "Fedot drift (wind, storm) — all hay will carry (long grass will not)". "Fedot the evil is not to be grass."
17 March — Gerasim Rookery. "The rookery of rooks were driven". "Rook spring brought". "Rook on the mountain — and the spring in the yard". "Gerasim Rookery rook to Russia leads". If the rook flew in a month the snow melts. If rooks fly straight to their old nests, the spring will come together, water will run away the whole time.
March 18 — Konon the gardener. Was rekomendovali in the day to soak seeds of cabbage and tomatoes for planting in closed greenhouses. Updated and prepared greenhouses: "Conon in the garden called". "Konon of Gradara start digging ridges in the garden." Notice: "for If Konon clear, summer will not hradobiynoyu".
March 22 — forty times Forty. The second meeting of spring. The day of mass arrival of "Soroka" — birds. If warm — forty days will be warm if it's cold — wait forty cold morning performances.
March 30 — Alex Warm. Alex — the mountain water. Rapid snowmelt. If it's warm, and spring will be warm.
1 APR — Darya Dirty ice-Hole. Daria Poplava — melt the snow. "Daria hole malatsia". With Daria's canvas whitewashed. "Staley krosna by frost". Take notice: "If spring water at Daria goes with noise — herbs are good, and when it's quiet — bad grass grows".
April 7 — the Annunciation. Spring winter overcame. The third meeting of spring. If the wind, frost and fog — good harvest this year. If the snow on the roof there, so it will be another month in the field. The first mushrooms grow on the hill — to the summer rains that settled in the hollow — land. If the Annunciation cold — wait forty-frosts in the morning. Out of the burrows of badgers and raccoons, from decaying stumps — urchins, of piles — forest ants.
April 9 — understand Nastavnici. Coming off the recent snow. Was in a hurry to bring in the yard the remains of hay and straw, were with summer time in stacks. The arrival of Lapwings — nastavni (the so-called Lapwings in Kostroma province). The lapwing has arrived — on a tail water has brought. The lapwing shouts since evening — to clear weather. The arrival of Buntings. "Bunting sang out, "Leave the sled, take who"". Under the threshold of the broad street crossing. "Pike tail ice breaks". "Matrona of pauranic". Take half turnips for planting seeds.
April 12 — the Average start date thrust snipe. If thrust suddenly stops — wait for the imminent cold weather or snow.
April 14 — St. Mary of Egypt. Mary Light Snow. The ice is breaking chrastka — dangerous to walk. If the ice melts suddenly, the year will be easy, nice. The ice on the river will Snicket or by will — year will be heavy. "Mary of Egypt snow and deck (and under a Bush) melted".
April 15 — Titus Ladolam. Polycarp. The water in the river spring pours. "Spree river-mother." "If you want people to know on Polikarpov day hollow bottled water, you have to wait for the big grasses and early mowing." Intensive mating of capercaillie.
April 16 — Nikita Vodopol. Overflow of the river. He wakes up from hibernation. Fishermen on ake notice, "If the ice will not go in the day, fishing will be bad."
18 APR — Fedulov day. Fedor Anemone. April the long face — a slate blew. Crickets Wake up.
April 21 — Rodion and Ruth. Rodion Empty Shafts. First time out in the field. If the meeting of the red sun with the month kind — clear day and good summer, and if thin — a bad weather and bad summer.
April 24 — Anton (Antipas) Polovod. "Antip water has dissolved". At the antipolo water on wonder bread. If the water didn't show up, then the spring is late and summer is a bad stand. "Antip without water — without grain bins".
25 APR — Basil pariiskii. The ground is floating. "Antip pours water on the floodplain, Basil and stepped on a few". "Basil and the earth steamed like an old woman in the bath". The hunters claim that it's the last day, when the bear emerges from the den in which he slept the whole winter. Later that day he is not in the den. About the hares say, "Rabbit, rabbit, popped out of the Bush." Rabbits running around during the day. "The hare, gray, have seen troubles".
April 26 — Bees buzzing.
April 27 — Martyn Lysogen. The signs of hunters, is the day of the relocation of foxes from the old to the new burrows. It is believed that the first three days and three nights in their new home they are blind and deaf. "Foxes digging among the stumps, running on the people." "Martyn kuryachii blindness of foxes attacks". On this day, notice that Raven bathes their children and release them into private family life.
28 APR — PUD. "The Holy Pounds get bees out from under the bushel." Put the bees from olshaniki to fly around.
April 29 — Irina (Arina). "Irina — urvi beach, RSREU banks". "Not to resist against the shore Iraninas water." "Irina — play ravines". Notice: "If the ravines will play and freeze again — expect interference for the harvest." Alder color droops. Irina-russianize: this cabbage on the breeding grounds.
April 30 — Zosimus Solovetsky Zosima the bee-hive. The patron of beekeepers. To this day, as St. Casimir's day PUD, it is devoted the exhibition of bees: "Zosima all the Apiary hives placed in the apiary". Judged about the future crop of buckwheat: "Little decline in bees (the exhibition of omshanik) — for crop of buckwheat, and Vice versa, many loss — buckwheat is born".
May 1 — Kozma. Alder bloom — this crap. Blooming violets and blooming willow-bredini indicate the beginning of a sowing of radishes and carrots, onions, dill and parsley. According to customs prior to planting out in the morning to the votive studentam to soak the seeds and, in hopes of a future harvest, throw copper coins at the bottom of Studenets. Others think it is better to moisten the seeds of river water in the space of three morning dawns. In this case, the secrecy is important, otherwise the harvest will be lean. If warm early may — in the end will be cold and Vice versa.
May 2 — Ivan Othopedist. Endure the canvases in the field. Ask mother spring to give a good crop of rye.
4 may — Early bloomed cherry — warm summer. The sooner it begins to bloom, the hotter will be the summer.
May 5 — Warm may spring equips (starts). At night it will freeze, so forty mornings, even on bread will fall, forty morning frost on all summer until the bread box is.
May 6 — egory Spring. The feast of the shepherds — out herd in the field. In Egorievsk week the arrival of the swallows.
May 7 — Evseev day. From this day there is still 12 Morozov.
8 may — Markov day. The arrival of songbirds packs. "If Mark on a clear day — will be a good harvest".
May 11 — Maksimov day. The warm wind brings health. At Maxim patients begin soldering birch juice.
May 13 — Jacob the Apostle. "Warm evening on James the Apostle and the starry night — vedrenne to fly (terrible and warm), to the harvest." Clear sunrise — vedrenne summer.
May 14 — Jeremiah Zapravleny. The lazy plow — and in the field. Bad weather on this day promises a harsh and cold next winter. "Jeremy — about the crops understand". "If the day be lovely, and a nice harvest".
May 15 — Boris and Gleb Sowers. "Boris and Gleb sow bread." Day Athanasius. Nightingale day — start singing nightingales. Sang the Nightingale thoroughly — spring waned, and summer — profit.
16 may — the moor Green Cabbage moor thrush. Green nettle soup find. Bigger becomes peasant food. Cows add milk. "And the hostess is easy, since on the table milk." Touch in the growth of spruce shoots.
May 18 — Irina Russianize. Planted cucumbers and cabbage seedlings, saying: "do Not be wading — be stout, don't be empty — be tight; do not be red — be delicious; don't be old — be young; don't be small — be great!" At Arina thin grass of the field out: burn grasslands, meadows from last year's grass .
May 19 — job Goreshnik. Job Borage. Planted cucumbers, spraying pond water.
May 21 — John the Theologian, Arsenius Wheaten. "Ivan the theologian drove the Mare and Pasha under the wheat". "In Arsenyev day — sow the wheat." Notice: "the day the rains — mushroom shelves will go".
May 22 — Nikola. Nikola Warm. One of the most honoured in Russia holidays. Nicholas the Wonderworker — the patron and protector of the Russian people. "For no man advocate — against Nikola". "Nikola rescues at sea, Nicola guy who lifts". Both Nikola and Winter (19 December), and Spring — weather set. "Nikola Vernal — with warmth, Nicholas Winter — frost". "Come Nicola — and the heat." Herbal day. On Evdokia chicken drink some water, Nikola cow eat grass.
24 may — the Film is Wet. This day is considered to be an indicator of the weather for the entire summer. If it is wet, and wet all summer, and Vice versa. "If the crimson sunrise, and the rain — wet summer and a storm will come."
25 may — the Day of Epiphany. If on Epiphany morning in a red coat, and the summer will be dry, fire.
May 26 — Lusha Komarnica. The gnats along with a warm wind, the legend mosquitoes before the fall carried away by the winds in the warm sea and again in the spring brought to Russia. Starts collecting medicinal herbs.
27 may — Sidor Borage. On Sidor depart all syvery (cold). On Sidor siverko (the North wind), and the summer is as follows.
May 28 — Pachomius warm Groin Bokora. "I came Pahom — smell of warm". The Pahom heat — all the summers are warm. Late sowing of oats and wheat. Oats embarks on growth. "Pachomius, Herbalist and a vacant lot green."
May 31 — Fedot the Ovsyanik. Seven virgins (Alexander, Tecusa, Claudia, Faina, Afrasia, Matron, Julius). "Come Fedot — land for his family". "Seven virgins sow flax". The onset of heat. The last oak leaf will deploy. If Fedot on oak top with fringes, will be measured oats kit.
June 2 — Falaley Borage. On Leontius and Thalaleas plant cucumbers. A lot of cones on the fir trees — to harvest cucumbers.
June 3 — Olena (Elena) Leesaku. Finish sowing Glebov — sow flax and hemp. Well Rowan in bloom — to harvest flax. If Olena bad weather, and the autumn will be rainy.
June 4 — the Basilisk — Nightingale day. You did not sow, not plow — this day waited, that fields are not clogged, cornflowers were not born.
7 June — Midsummer's day. With Midsummer's day went honey (harmful) of dew. Herbs and roots (medicinal) are put under Ivanov dew.
June 11 — Theodosius, Colonize. The spike blooms, is filled.
June 14 — Justin and Chariton. Red morning Ustin — red ripening of rye. Cloudy morning at Ustina — harvest. Ustin pull up the hemp, and Chariton — len.
June 16 — Luke Flirt. At Lukyan, on the eve of Metrophanes (June 17), don't go to bed early, and proglyadyvaya which way the wind blows. Wind Lugovoi — crop spring, North-Western — to crude summer, Eastern to diseases (bring infectious diseases). The wind from the sunrise to the craze. In the evening under Mitrofan "hailed" the wind and ask him to shed the rains fertile, timely: "You blow on that for me a warm warm, you spill me the wind-sail, rye-mother, on arovina-spring, on the field, the meadows and the rains of life-giving, to time Yes to time".
June 18 — Dorotheus. On Dorotheos notice the wind direction, the same signs as in the evening with him.
June 19 — Hilarion. This day usually starts weeding flax, millet and bread. Say: "Come Hilarion — the bad grass of the field out."
June 20 — Fedot. Holy Fedot heat gives in the rye gold leads. Holy Fedot rain will lead to skinny loading (ear).
June 21 — Summer Fedor, Fedor Stratilat, Fedor Kolodezny. "Theodore Stratelates wells Roy". "Stratilat thunderstorms rich." Time of occurrence of summer thunderstorms. "Fedor Stratilat threats rich: thunder in the morning — not good: the man with the hay not out, the hay will pornoit". "Stratilatova dew — prophetic: large dew to good County Yes, a great hemp". "If Stratelates large dew, summer, if at least dry, give a good harvest".
June 22 — Cyril the End of Spring Beginning of Summer. The longest day, the shortest night. "With Kirillin day — that the sun gives, the man in the barn".
June 25 — Peter the Athonite Peter the Turn. With Peter of Athos the sun for the winter, and the summer heat. "The sun shortens a course, and month goes on profit". Planted the last of the cabbage and cucumbers.
June 26 — Akulina Gradesnica. "Crap, this is either the week before Akulina, or a week later." Since that time, you receive a huge number of horse-flies, gadflies, from which the cattle suffered greatly, and sometimes runs like crazy, with his tail high, waving them from besieging it annoying and bloodthirsty insects. "Akulina — - pick him tails": Akulina and half of July, the cattle from the heat and horseflies frantic.
29 June — Day of St. Tikhon. The sun goes quiet. The bird fell silent and the bell tower. The end of the late spring crops.
30 June — Manuel. "Manuel sun stagnates (slow overhead)". This national sign is confirmed by the data of astronomers: really, by this time earth's slowing down of motion around the Sun. "It all went by in growth." "If in June, frequent lightning — it will be a good harvest."
July 3 — Methodius holiday sparrowhawks. "If over a winter rush tanecnik and midges will catch quails". Spider day, portokosten. The shower is strong — will shed forty den.
July 6 — Agrafena kupalnitsa: start swimming. The day before (and night) of Ivan Kupala gather medicinal herbs and roots. On this day, even old people bathe in the rivers, washed and steamed in the baths, eating at this for the healing of diseases of various medicinal and aromatic herbs collected on the same day (or the day before). It is believed that collected in the evening and the night of Ivan Kupala, herbs and roots have great healing power. There was a legend about the fern flower, which allegedly revealed only once a year, on the eve of Ivan Kupala for a few moments. Found this flower will open many secrets, he becomes a seer, he will be rich.
July 7 — John the Baptist, Midsummer. Swimming in the water and the dew, dance around the tree, bonfires, jumping through fires. Start mowing while the grass is not Seminoles. Dew on Ivan — to harvest cucumbers. According to the ancient belief, Ivan Kupala personifies the blossoming of the forces of nature. It is a celebration of honoring the sun and the water. Since ancient times, was made the night of Ivan Kupala on the banks of rivers or lakes to ignite ceremonial fires. Through the fires throwing wreaths, jumping. Circle dances. Lights, light the Midsummer night was considered miraculous. Fire for fires was extracted by friction of wood on wood came to be called, alive, forest, medicinal. "On Midsummer day the sun is at sunrise playing". "Ivan starry night gives a lot of mushrooms". "If the rain cries, in five days the sun will smile". "Ivanovskie rains — better Golden mountain". "To Ivan, ask, kids, rain God, and after Ivan I will ask (i.e. will start frequent rains)".
July 9 — Tikhvin, the Day of the icon of the Tikhvin mother of God. David Of Thessalonica, David A Strawberry. At the Tikhvin berries ripen. Strawberry girls in the woods calling. "At the Tikhvin the bees fly for honey collection".
July 10 — Samson Strannopriimets, Samson Sengnai. On Samson's rain — seven weeks of rain. "Samson hay green — black kasha (buckwheat); hay black — white porridge (wheat)".
July 12 — the Day of Peter and Paul. Day decreases, the heat arrives. The cuckoo ceases to sing, and the Nightingale to sing. The height of summer. St. Peter's day — the feast of the sun. The people said, "Peter-Paul heat added". Farmers come at the dawn to watch as the sun is going to play. In Peter's day wash of the three key springs. "St. Peter's day — red summer green mowing." Peter patron fields. It is a day of fairs. Begin "Peter's walks" — with songs, dances, swings. With Petrov on the Strada.
July 14 — Kuzma and Demyan. The height of mowing. Is weeding the gardens.
17 July — Andrew Loading. Ozimi in bulk, buckwheat on the shoot. Among the summer appear on the trees yellow leaves of early autumn and winter. "Andrew's father-oats to half grown". "Oats in the coat, and in Greek and no shirt". Take notice: "What Andrew Loading — like Kalinnikov (August 11)".
July 18 — Athanasius the Athonite. If the month on the shoot plays to harvest crops.
July 20 — Avdotya of Stagnone. Rain spoils hay.
July 21 — the Kazan, the Day of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God. Procopius Galvanic. If bilberry ripening, ripe and rye. Start harvesting the rye. Zazhynki, knitted zaginiony a sheaf.
July 22 — the Whole family taste the first cucumbers.
25 Jul — the. Mourner. On Proclus from field of dew soaked. Great and healing dew (especially eye disease).
July 28 — the Day of Kirik and Greenshanks. In the national calendar this day is the middle of summer. "Vladimir the Red Sun, the red shines the sun". "Snail travels — when something is..." Women celebrate "mother's Greenshanks", honoring her as their patroness.
July 29 — Afinogenov day. Calm down birdie. The summer was sultry age. This day is of great importance for the beginning of the harvest: "First spikelet Finehey, the last Elijah (August 2) beard". "Come Pinega with heat but with light, will be removed ahead of time with the harvest time; Finova with rain — copmagnie, bread in the sheaf will sprout". "Finacea pray to the sun pray to God for a bucket". Holocaust night.
August 1 - Marinin day. Makridi. See autumn in Macadam. Macrida wet — and autumn-wet, dry — and autumn too. Summer job ends, autumn begins. "Macrida equips the autumn, and Anna (August 7) — winter". The day of Macridy is considered to be important for next year. "If Macrina rain, next year will grow rye".
August 2 - Elijah the Prophet. Ilyin day. On Elijah before lunch summer, afternoon is autumn. Notice: if in Elijah's day dry, then six weeks will be dry, if that day rain, to go for six weeks. Cease to bathe in the river. With Ilyina day is turning to autumn, while summer with its heat will stand still long. Ends haymaking, the harvest begins.
August 2 - Mary Magdalene. "If Marja strong rosy — flaxes are sulfur and braids." "Mary removed the bulbs". Is at this day another name is Mary Jagodnica: in the woods there is a collection of black and red currants, blueberries.
August 6 - Boris and Gleb Summer. "Boris and Gleb — ripe bread."
Source: soznanie.info/st_kalendar_naroda.html
Based on more than the experience of millennia of observations originally constitute vital information for our ancestors.
Other analogues of the "weather forecast" was not.
Bearing a purely practical function, the signs are also the oldest store of the Russian language. Its originality reflecting the lively and colorful world of nature and the basics of the language, deriving from the understanding of the essence of things by our ancestors.
To believe or not to believe in omens — you decide!

1 Jan — If the night on the first of January star, to be on-the-fly large crop of berries. What the first day of January is the first day of summer.
6 January — Christmas Eve. Come cold. Winter sports in the forest, and on the nose. Clear day — for a good harvest. If the path of black — crop on buckwheat. Zvezdich the sky — waiting for berry and cattle large litter. The day came on a chicken foot.
January 7 is Christmas day. Drifts high stuffed — a good year. If the thaw — spring is early and warm. From 7 to 14 January. The Yuletide. Ahead of time in the forests harvested logs for log cabins, to the snow to take them to the manor.
8 Jan — Indian holiday, the festival of kas. In celebration of cereals with a spoon, everyone goes full scoop family did not disperse. Carpentry, playing a musical instrument.
12 Jan — the Go winter. Guest, hostinec, go up to the threshold. In front of that person on the table — and mushrooms, and pickles, and brie from the oven to the table with the swords.
13 Jan — Vasiliev evening. Wedrowanie. Gardeners at midnight shaking the snow from the Apple trees to harvest. If the night wind blowing from the South — the year's going to be hot and safe, from the West to the abundance of milk and fish, from the East — expect a harvest of fruit.
14 Jan — New year. Vasiliev day. Basil The Great. Winter seredka. If there's a fog to harvest.
January 15 — Sylvester. Chicken feast. The guys handing out cocks out of clay. January driving Blizzard for seven miles.
18 January — Epiphany eve — the hungry night. Full month — to a large spill. Collect snow for bleaching canvases, for a bath.
January 19 — the baptism. Epiphany frosts. The night sky opens (clears). If the Blizzard of revenge to her and three months later. In people, this day is called the Epiphany. If the day warm — bread is dark, that is dense, cold, clear — the summer will dry; cloudy and snow — expect an abundant harvest. The baptism under full month — to be big water. Dogs bark a lot, there will be plenty of game birds and beast.
January 21 — Winter record. "Emelyan, clocked Buran". Blizzard of the winter for the custom. Judged on the nature of winter finally. If blows from the South, promises a stormy summer.
January 23 — Gregory Letogetacel. If hoarfrost on trees, stacks and stacks — the wet and cold summer.
24 Jan — Fedoseeva heat. If the heat know on an early spring has gone.
25 JanuaryI — Tatiana's day. Peep the sun — to the early arrival of birds, snow — summer is rainy.
28 Jan — Peter-Paul day added. If the wind will be a year of crude.
January 29 — Peter-polukord, so domestic animals eaten half the winter feed.
30 Jan — Anton peresini. Peresini — encouraging, obtala, and then will deceive — all will pull together with a frost. Do not believe warm weather in the winter.
January 31 — Athanasius Clematis. Afanasievskii frosts. Clematis freezes the nose. Crows fly in flocks, and circling — to frost. Frost is no joke. "It's no wonder that Athanasius-clematis freezes the nose and wait Timothy-polozenie (February 4) — Timofeevskaya of frost".
1 Feb — Makaryev day. If drops — in the early spring believe. What is the weather the first day, so is the whole February.
2 February — Yefim. "Efimiya snowstorm — all Oily week Blizzard". "Efimia in the afternoon the sun will be early spring." Scream Blizzard — all week prometida.
February 4 — Timothy Pausini. Polsky passed. Timofeevskaya frost. Knocks the horn of winter. It's time not to doze the plow to get along carts to correct. This day beekeepers to inspect the bees in the olshaniki. Listening: the humming of the bees barely audible — tolerate winter easily; restless buzz says about the troubles of the bee family.
6 February — Xenia (Aksinya). Aksinya Polimnia, Policlinico, Visioconference. Winter fracture. "Polimnia in half — not exactly divides the winter; the spring of the heavier man". "Pasapasa in the hopper: half old bread eaten, half of the time left before the new harvest.""What Aksinya — and this is spring." If the bucket — spring red.
10 Feb — Ephrem the Syrian. Efremov day. "Ephraim Windlifter wind — damp, cold year". The wind will confuse weather to be damp year.
February 14 — free fall and spring quiet. The sky at night zvezdite to within the spring.
15 February — Candlemas — winter with spring and summer met. Sretensky frost. If you see the sun, the first meeting of winter with spring took place, and not peep — expect further frosts. In the morning the snow to harvest the early crops, at midday, middle, night, late. On Candlemas drops — spring dogok. On Candlemas drops — the harvest of wheat.
February 16 — Simeon and Anna. The people is called "Fix". Inspect and repair summer harness. No wonder they say: "Prepare a cart in the winter, the sleigh in summer". On this day, boil solomito: "Come to salamata in the yard, roscini fix". "Dashing house, night calls horses". The aversion of evil is tied on the neck of the horse the whip and leggings: a brownie then not dare touch the horse, imagining that it sits the master himself.
February 17 — Nicola Icy. A rare year in Russia this day passes without a frost. "Icy Nicholas snow bulk mountain." "Nicola Icy frost taravat". "If only Cyril and Athanasius to experience Blaise". Time animal weddings. Fox hit dance in front of each other affectations.
18 Feb — agafea Cravatica. Martyr Agatha was venerated among the peasants as the patroness of livestock. "The cow Agatha death on villages goes". According to legend, in order not to let her outside and to protect cows from disease, farmers styes removed the old shoes, soaked in tar, from which the cow's death flees without looking back.
19 Feb — Vukol Calves. "Saint Bukola gully the calves (so-called cows and calves that are born in the month of February)". "There will come Vokaly — Peratallada all gully". Cared about the successful outcome of the spring calving cows. Frosts promise of a stormy spring, hot and dry summer.
February 21 — Zachary Serpulids. Get and examine sickles. The colder last week February, the more warmly in March. "Look serpulids of Zachariah sickles for the summer". Zechariah Serpulids pray Baba reapers. During this day get sickles and is sprinkled with Epiphany water."Then sickles sharpening, when Geneva to go".
February 23 — Prokhor. Prokhorov and Vlas; no spring is coming at us. "About inu time frost burn on Blaise to tears."
24 Feb — Blaise. Vlasievskii frosts. Will shed some Blaise of butter on the road — winter it is time to remove the legs, the way she led, Prochorus followed. Frost sing — a Luge track oledeneli.
1 March — First day of spring, a novice. If from the first days of spring the riotous, don't be shy — be fooled, to believe nothing.
March 5 — Leo of Catania. On Leo of Catania was not accepted to look at falling stars. The snow melts in the spring the first time.
March 6 — Timothy Vesnova heat blows, the elderly warm. Starts the SAP flow in maples and birches. "Timothy Osnova — so warmly at the door." "Vesnova warmth not abandon".
9 March — Midsummer day. Finding (finding of head of John the Baptist). Bird sweating, finding the nests. The bird curls a nest, and a bird of passage flying in from warm places. If a day in the snow, and in April in the snow, and if a goal, then in April on that. "It's about time the magpies into the woods to get out and capercaillie to speak zabawkami".
March 12 — Prokop Peresini the road breaks down, and the snow deep. Water nose Oster — breaks everywhere. "Prokop winter (25 November) the road will be dug, and Prokop peresini the road breaks down".
March 13 — Basil the Confessor, Basil the Drip edge, Basil's Warm. Long drip (icicles), long flax. If the rain fly to be good. Look like melt in circles around a tree — cool edge, so cool to be spring, Polohy — spring prataglia. "Basil the Warm sun in circles — to the harvest." "If the rain — fly to be wet".
March 14 — Evdokia Plyushchikha. The name given to the condition of the snow: Poltava, he is squashed. Another name for Eudocia Soak the Hem. If Evdokia chicken water drink, Yegoryev day (may 6) sheep eat grass. March 14 has always been considered the "hard" leocasta: what day is summer. On Eudaley they call spring: "Spring-red, what have you brought us red letisko".
March 15 — Fedot Petronas. The peasants are afraid of the strong wind and snow. "Fedot the skid — go cattle to the demolition." "Fedot drift (wind, storm) — all hay will carry (long grass will not)". "Fedot the evil is not to be grass."
17 March — Gerasim Rookery. "The rookery of rooks were driven". "Rook spring brought". "Rook on the mountain — and the spring in the yard". "Gerasim Rookery rook to Russia leads". If the rook flew in a month the snow melts. If rooks fly straight to their old nests, the spring will come together, water will run away the whole time.
March 18 — Konon the gardener. Was rekomendovali in the day to soak seeds of cabbage and tomatoes for planting in closed greenhouses. Updated and prepared greenhouses: "Conon in the garden called". "Konon of Gradara start digging ridges in the garden." Notice: "for If Konon clear, summer will not hradobiynoyu".
March 22 — forty times Forty. The second meeting of spring. The day of mass arrival of "Soroka" — birds. If warm — forty days will be warm if it's cold — wait forty cold morning performances.
March 30 — Alex Warm. Alex — the mountain water. Rapid snowmelt. If it's warm, and spring will be warm.
1 APR — Darya Dirty ice-Hole. Daria Poplava — melt the snow. "Daria hole malatsia". With Daria's canvas whitewashed. "Staley krosna by frost". Take notice: "If spring water at Daria goes with noise — herbs are good, and when it's quiet — bad grass grows".
April 7 — the Annunciation. Spring winter overcame. The third meeting of spring. If the wind, frost and fog — good harvest this year. If the snow on the roof there, so it will be another month in the field. The first mushrooms grow on the hill — to the summer rains that settled in the hollow — land. If the Annunciation cold — wait forty-frosts in the morning. Out of the burrows of badgers and raccoons, from decaying stumps — urchins, of piles — forest ants.
April 9 — understand Nastavnici. Coming off the recent snow. Was in a hurry to bring in the yard the remains of hay and straw, were with summer time in stacks. The arrival of Lapwings — nastavni (the so-called Lapwings in Kostroma province). The lapwing has arrived — on a tail water has brought. The lapwing shouts since evening — to clear weather. The arrival of Buntings. "Bunting sang out, "Leave the sled, take who"". Under the threshold of the broad street crossing. "Pike tail ice breaks". "Matrona of pauranic". Take half turnips for planting seeds.
April 12 — the Average start date thrust snipe. If thrust suddenly stops — wait for the imminent cold weather or snow.
April 14 — St. Mary of Egypt. Mary Light Snow. The ice is breaking chrastka — dangerous to walk. If the ice melts suddenly, the year will be easy, nice. The ice on the river will Snicket or by will — year will be heavy. "Mary of Egypt snow and deck (and under a Bush) melted".
April 15 — Titus Ladolam. Polycarp. The water in the river spring pours. "Spree river-mother." "If you want people to know on Polikarpov day hollow bottled water, you have to wait for the big grasses and early mowing." Intensive mating of capercaillie.
April 16 — Nikita Vodopol. Overflow of the river. He wakes up from hibernation. Fishermen on ake notice, "If the ice will not go in the day, fishing will be bad."
18 APR — Fedulov day. Fedor Anemone. April the long face — a slate blew. Crickets Wake up.
April 21 — Rodion and Ruth. Rodion Empty Shafts. First time out in the field. If the meeting of the red sun with the month kind — clear day and good summer, and if thin — a bad weather and bad summer.
April 24 — Anton (Antipas) Polovod. "Antip water has dissolved". At the antipolo water on wonder bread. If the water didn't show up, then the spring is late and summer is a bad stand. "Antip without water — without grain bins".
25 APR — Basil pariiskii. The ground is floating. "Antip pours water on the floodplain, Basil and stepped on a few". "Basil and the earth steamed like an old woman in the bath". The hunters claim that it's the last day, when the bear emerges from the den in which he slept the whole winter. Later that day he is not in the den. About the hares say, "Rabbit, rabbit, popped out of the Bush." Rabbits running around during the day. "The hare, gray, have seen troubles".
April 26 — Bees buzzing.
April 27 — Martyn Lysogen. The signs of hunters, is the day of the relocation of foxes from the old to the new burrows. It is believed that the first three days and three nights in their new home they are blind and deaf. "Foxes digging among the stumps, running on the people." "Martyn kuryachii blindness of foxes attacks". On this day, notice that Raven bathes their children and release them into private family life.
28 APR — PUD. "The Holy Pounds get bees out from under the bushel." Put the bees from olshaniki to fly around.
April 29 — Irina (Arina). "Irina — urvi beach, RSREU banks". "Not to resist against the shore Iraninas water." "Irina — play ravines". Notice: "If the ravines will play and freeze again — expect interference for the harvest." Alder color droops. Irina-russianize: this cabbage on the breeding grounds.
April 30 — Zosimus Solovetsky Zosima the bee-hive. The patron of beekeepers. To this day, as St. Casimir's day PUD, it is devoted the exhibition of bees: "Zosima all the Apiary hives placed in the apiary". Judged about the future crop of buckwheat: "Little decline in bees (the exhibition of omshanik) — for crop of buckwheat, and Vice versa, many loss — buckwheat is born".
May 1 — Kozma. Alder bloom — this crap. Blooming violets and blooming willow-bredini indicate the beginning of a sowing of radishes and carrots, onions, dill and parsley. According to customs prior to planting out in the morning to the votive studentam to soak the seeds and, in hopes of a future harvest, throw copper coins at the bottom of Studenets. Others think it is better to moisten the seeds of river water in the space of three morning dawns. In this case, the secrecy is important, otherwise the harvest will be lean. If warm early may — in the end will be cold and Vice versa.
May 2 — Ivan Othopedist. Endure the canvases in the field. Ask mother spring to give a good crop of rye.
4 may — Early bloomed cherry — warm summer. The sooner it begins to bloom, the hotter will be the summer.
May 5 — Warm may spring equips (starts). At night it will freeze, so forty mornings, even on bread will fall, forty morning frost on all summer until the bread box is.
May 6 — egory Spring. The feast of the shepherds — out herd in the field. In Egorievsk week the arrival of the swallows.
May 7 — Evseev day. From this day there is still 12 Morozov.
8 may — Markov day. The arrival of songbirds packs. "If Mark on a clear day — will be a good harvest".
May 11 — Maksimov day. The warm wind brings health. At Maxim patients begin soldering birch juice.
May 13 — Jacob the Apostle. "Warm evening on James the Apostle and the starry night — vedrenne to fly (terrible and warm), to the harvest." Clear sunrise — vedrenne summer.
May 14 — Jeremiah Zapravleny. The lazy plow — and in the field. Bad weather on this day promises a harsh and cold next winter. "Jeremy — about the crops understand". "If the day be lovely, and a nice harvest".
May 15 — Boris and Gleb Sowers. "Boris and Gleb sow bread." Day Athanasius. Nightingale day — start singing nightingales. Sang the Nightingale thoroughly — spring waned, and summer — profit.
16 may — the moor Green Cabbage moor thrush. Green nettle soup find. Bigger becomes peasant food. Cows add milk. "And the hostess is easy, since on the table milk." Touch in the growth of spruce shoots.
May 18 — Irina Russianize. Planted cucumbers and cabbage seedlings, saying: "do Not be wading — be stout, don't be empty — be tight; do not be red — be delicious; don't be old — be young; don't be small — be great!" At Arina thin grass of the field out: burn grasslands, meadows from last year's grass .
May 19 — job Goreshnik. Job Borage. Planted cucumbers, spraying pond water.
May 21 — John the Theologian, Arsenius Wheaten. "Ivan the theologian drove the Mare and Pasha under the wheat". "In Arsenyev day — sow the wheat." Notice: "the day the rains — mushroom shelves will go".
May 22 — Nikola. Nikola Warm. One of the most honoured in Russia holidays. Nicholas the Wonderworker — the patron and protector of the Russian people. "For no man advocate — against Nikola". "Nikola rescues at sea, Nicola guy who lifts". Both Nikola and Winter (19 December), and Spring — weather set. "Nikola Vernal — with warmth, Nicholas Winter — frost". "Come Nicola — and the heat." Herbal day. On Evdokia chicken drink some water, Nikola cow eat grass.
24 may — the Film is Wet. This day is considered to be an indicator of the weather for the entire summer. If it is wet, and wet all summer, and Vice versa. "If the crimson sunrise, and the rain — wet summer and a storm will come."
25 may — the Day of Epiphany. If on Epiphany morning in a red coat, and the summer will be dry, fire.
May 26 — Lusha Komarnica. The gnats along with a warm wind, the legend mosquitoes before the fall carried away by the winds in the warm sea and again in the spring brought to Russia. Starts collecting medicinal herbs.
27 may — Sidor Borage. On Sidor depart all syvery (cold). On Sidor siverko (the North wind), and the summer is as follows.
May 28 — Pachomius warm Groin Bokora. "I came Pahom — smell of warm". The Pahom heat — all the summers are warm. Late sowing of oats and wheat. Oats embarks on growth. "Pachomius, Herbalist and a vacant lot green."
May 31 — Fedot the Ovsyanik. Seven virgins (Alexander, Tecusa, Claudia, Faina, Afrasia, Matron, Julius). "Come Fedot — land for his family". "Seven virgins sow flax". The onset of heat. The last oak leaf will deploy. If Fedot on oak top with fringes, will be measured oats kit.
June 2 — Falaley Borage. On Leontius and Thalaleas plant cucumbers. A lot of cones on the fir trees — to harvest cucumbers.
June 3 — Olena (Elena) Leesaku. Finish sowing Glebov — sow flax and hemp. Well Rowan in bloom — to harvest flax. If Olena bad weather, and the autumn will be rainy.
June 4 — the Basilisk — Nightingale day. You did not sow, not plow — this day waited, that fields are not clogged, cornflowers were not born.
7 June — Midsummer's day. With Midsummer's day went honey (harmful) of dew. Herbs and roots (medicinal) are put under Ivanov dew.
June 11 — Theodosius, Colonize. The spike blooms, is filled.
June 14 — Justin and Chariton. Red morning Ustin — red ripening of rye. Cloudy morning at Ustina — harvest. Ustin pull up the hemp, and Chariton — len.
June 16 — Luke Flirt. At Lukyan, on the eve of Metrophanes (June 17), don't go to bed early, and proglyadyvaya which way the wind blows. Wind Lugovoi — crop spring, North-Western — to crude summer, Eastern to diseases (bring infectious diseases). The wind from the sunrise to the craze. In the evening under Mitrofan "hailed" the wind and ask him to shed the rains fertile, timely: "You blow on that for me a warm warm, you spill me the wind-sail, rye-mother, on arovina-spring, on the field, the meadows and the rains of life-giving, to time Yes to time".
June 18 — Dorotheus. On Dorotheos notice the wind direction, the same signs as in the evening with him.
June 19 — Hilarion. This day usually starts weeding flax, millet and bread. Say: "Come Hilarion — the bad grass of the field out."
June 20 — Fedot. Holy Fedot heat gives in the rye gold leads. Holy Fedot rain will lead to skinny loading (ear).
June 21 — Summer Fedor, Fedor Stratilat, Fedor Kolodezny. "Theodore Stratelates wells Roy". "Stratilat thunderstorms rich." Time of occurrence of summer thunderstorms. "Fedor Stratilat threats rich: thunder in the morning — not good: the man with the hay not out, the hay will pornoit". "Stratilatova dew — prophetic: large dew to good County Yes, a great hemp". "If Stratelates large dew, summer, if at least dry, give a good harvest".
June 22 — Cyril the End of Spring Beginning of Summer. The longest day, the shortest night. "With Kirillin day — that the sun gives, the man in the barn".
June 25 — Peter the Athonite Peter the Turn. With Peter of Athos the sun for the winter, and the summer heat. "The sun shortens a course, and month goes on profit". Planted the last of the cabbage and cucumbers.
June 26 — Akulina Gradesnica. "Crap, this is either the week before Akulina, or a week later." Since that time, you receive a huge number of horse-flies, gadflies, from which the cattle suffered greatly, and sometimes runs like crazy, with his tail high, waving them from besieging it annoying and bloodthirsty insects. "Akulina — - pick him tails": Akulina and half of July, the cattle from the heat and horseflies frantic.
29 June — Day of St. Tikhon. The sun goes quiet. The bird fell silent and the bell tower. The end of the late spring crops.
30 June — Manuel. "Manuel sun stagnates (slow overhead)". This national sign is confirmed by the data of astronomers: really, by this time earth's slowing down of motion around the Sun. "It all went by in growth." "If in June, frequent lightning — it will be a good harvest."
July 3 — Methodius holiday sparrowhawks. "If over a winter rush tanecnik and midges will catch quails". Spider day, portokosten. The shower is strong — will shed forty den.
July 6 — Agrafena kupalnitsa: start swimming. The day before (and night) of Ivan Kupala gather medicinal herbs and roots. On this day, even old people bathe in the rivers, washed and steamed in the baths, eating at this for the healing of diseases of various medicinal and aromatic herbs collected on the same day (or the day before). It is believed that collected in the evening and the night of Ivan Kupala, herbs and roots have great healing power. There was a legend about the fern flower, which allegedly revealed only once a year, on the eve of Ivan Kupala for a few moments. Found this flower will open many secrets, he becomes a seer, he will be rich.
July 7 — John the Baptist, Midsummer. Swimming in the water and the dew, dance around the tree, bonfires, jumping through fires. Start mowing while the grass is not Seminoles. Dew on Ivan — to harvest cucumbers. According to the ancient belief, Ivan Kupala personifies the blossoming of the forces of nature. It is a celebration of honoring the sun and the water. Since ancient times, was made the night of Ivan Kupala on the banks of rivers or lakes to ignite ceremonial fires. Through the fires throwing wreaths, jumping. Circle dances. Lights, light the Midsummer night was considered miraculous. Fire for fires was extracted by friction of wood on wood came to be called, alive, forest, medicinal. "On Midsummer day the sun is at sunrise playing". "Ivan starry night gives a lot of mushrooms". "If the rain cries, in five days the sun will smile". "Ivanovskie rains — better Golden mountain". "To Ivan, ask, kids, rain God, and after Ivan I will ask (i.e. will start frequent rains)".
July 9 — Tikhvin, the Day of the icon of the Tikhvin mother of God. David Of Thessalonica, David A Strawberry. At the Tikhvin berries ripen. Strawberry girls in the woods calling. "At the Tikhvin the bees fly for honey collection".
July 10 — Samson Strannopriimets, Samson Sengnai. On Samson's rain — seven weeks of rain. "Samson hay green — black kasha (buckwheat); hay black — white porridge (wheat)".
July 12 — the Day of Peter and Paul. Day decreases, the heat arrives. The cuckoo ceases to sing, and the Nightingale to sing. The height of summer. St. Peter's day — the feast of the sun. The people said, "Peter-Paul heat added". Farmers come at the dawn to watch as the sun is going to play. In Peter's day wash of the three key springs. "St. Peter's day — red summer green mowing." Peter patron fields. It is a day of fairs. Begin "Peter's walks" — with songs, dances, swings. With Petrov on the Strada.
July 14 — Kuzma and Demyan. The height of mowing. Is weeding the gardens.
17 July — Andrew Loading. Ozimi in bulk, buckwheat on the shoot. Among the summer appear on the trees yellow leaves of early autumn and winter. "Andrew's father-oats to half grown". "Oats in the coat, and in Greek and no shirt". Take notice: "What Andrew Loading — like Kalinnikov (August 11)".
July 18 — Athanasius the Athonite. If the month on the shoot plays to harvest crops.
July 20 — Avdotya of Stagnone. Rain spoils hay.
July 21 — the Kazan, the Day of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God. Procopius Galvanic. If bilberry ripening, ripe and rye. Start harvesting the rye. Zazhynki, knitted zaginiony a sheaf.
July 22 — the Whole family taste the first cucumbers.
25 Jul — the. Mourner. On Proclus from field of dew soaked. Great and healing dew (especially eye disease).
July 28 — the Day of Kirik and Greenshanks. In the national calendar this day is the middle of summer. "Vladimir the Red Sun, the red shines the sun". "Snail travels — when something is..." Women celebrate "mother's Greenshanks", honoring her as their patroness.
July 29 — Afinogenov day. Calm down birdie. The summer was sultry age. This day is of great importance for the beginning of the harvest: "First spikelet Finehey, the last Elijah (August 2) beard". "Come Pinega with heat but with light, will be removed ahead of time with the harvest time; Finova with rain — copmagnie, bread in the sheaf will sprout". "Finacea pray to the sun pray to God for a bucket". Holocaust night.
August 1 - Marinin day. Makridi. See autumn in Macadam. Macrida wet — and autumn-wet, dry — and autumn too. Summer job ends, autumn begins. "Macrida equips the autumn, and Anna (August 7) — winter". The day of Macridy is considered to be important for next year. "If Macrina rain, next year will grow rye".
August 2 - Elijah the Prophet. Ilyin day. On Elijah before lunch summer, afternoon is autumn. Notice: if in Elijah's day dry, then six weeks will be dry, if that day rain, to go for six weeks. Cease to bathe in the river. With Ilyina day is turning to autumn, while summer with its heat will stand still long. Ends haymaking, the harvest begins.
August 2 - Mary Magdalene. "If Marja strong rosy — flaxes are sulfur and braids." "Mary removed the bulbs". Is at this day another name is Mary Jagodnica: in the woods there is a collection of black and red currants, blueberries.
August 6 - Boris and Gleb Summer. "Boris and Gleb — ripe bread."
Source: soznanie.info/st_kalendar_naroda.html