I dream of twins, study all the folk signs to achieve the goal.
When are twins born and when are twins? The expectant mother will want to know exactly who will be born to her and what conditions are necessary for the birth of both. Today we tell you the most common folk signs concerning pregnancy. We also debunk some myths. It will be interesting not only for young mothers.
Often people do not know the difference between twins and twins. The first are born from different eggs, and the second from one. The latter are always of the same sex and almost identical appearance. Mommy can not really affect whether she will have twins or twins. It is also impossible to adjust the chance of having two children instead of one. Usually twins or twins are born to those who already had such in the family.
So, what are the most common signs and should they be taken seriously?
Peels Life Wisdom and Editorial Advice
Often people do not know the difference between twins and twins. The first are born from different eggs, and the second from one. The latter are always of the same sex and almost identical appearance. Mommy can not really affect whether she will have twins or twins. It is also impossible to adjust the chance of having two children instead of one. Usually twins or twins are born to those who already had such in the family.

So, what are the most common signs and should they be taken seriously?
- Do not buy clothes for a baby who has not yet been born. This popular wisdom is difficult to rationally argue. Perhaps, on the contrary, it is worth buying well before the birth of a son or daughter to be ready for everything.
Peels - A young mother shouldn't. look out. People say that then an ugly child will be born. However, here, rather, it is in the mood of the mother and in the emotions that she experiences and transmits to the baby.
- Grandmothers advise young women Do not talk about your pregnancy. as long as possible. They say they can jinx. It's stupid, of course. But some unkind acquaintances are quite capable of spoiling the mood of a woman in a position. It is better to tell about the future child only the closest and reliable people.
Peels - Centuries ago, the myth that the future mothers should not cut their hair. It has no scientific basis and is a story. You can cut your hair, as well as put yourself in order if you want. Any woman wants to feel desirable, beautiful and attractive. This gives a good mood and definitely will not hurt the baby.
Peels - Another important sleep-sign. And indeed, women should not sleep on their backs. There are very real physiological reasons for this.
- A common hypothesis is that You can’t sit on the doorstep of pregnant women either.Of course, it is a myth. There, of course, there may be a draft, and the posture is uncomfortable, but in general there is nothing more dangerous in such a place for rest.
- Playing with cats Pregnant women are not recommended. And there's a good reason. Toxoplasmosis, picked up from an animal, can be very dangerous.
Peels - Perhaps the most interesting are the folk signs. sex-defining. It is believed that a round and wide stomach carries a baby, but a sharp and bulging boy. It is also rumored that an increase in the number of hairs on the stomach can be a sign of the appearance of a male baby. There is already a scientific explanation for this. The amount of male hormones in the body of a woman during pregnancy by a boy increases significantly.

Peels Life Wisdom and Editorial Advice
- You should not take folk signs too seriously if you do not know their scientific background. Each of these signs was based on the long experience of ancient women. However, many life circumstances have long changed. There are only myths that can no longer be followed. What's important is
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