Truth and myths about pregnancy
Pregnancy is a delightful and amazing time for every woman who is filled with such different and conflicting feelings and emotions. There are happy expectations, and hopes, and anxieties, and fears, and joy...
And perhaps no one in the world receives so much advice as pregnant. Relatives, friends, colleagues at work and even a neighbor on the second floor - each begins to tell how it went at her, and shares experiences, adding folk wisdom and warnings: how often a child should move in his stomach, and why you can not cut hair or crochet.
So much information that you can get confused, and just get nervous breakdown from so many myths!
DepositPhotos What to Do When Pregnant Today "Site" I decided to come to the aid of women in this beautiful period and shed light on the The truth and myths about pregnancy. Be sure to read these 11 tips that almost every pregnant woman hears. And only some of them are true!
Preparing for the birth of a child takes a lot of time and effort. And what a sin to hide, you will need a lot of money to buy the necessary things. You need everything. But along with financial assistance, the future mother needs protection and support. After all, every woman wants to give birth to a healthy baby and at the same time remain healthy.
This is where prayer helps. We invite you to know the prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary for children and for help in childbirth. The Queen of Heaven will always hear and help everyone whose request comes sincerely.
I would be very happy if it was useful to you. Share this information with your friends on social networks, they will be grateful for it!
And perhaps no one in the world receives so much advice as pregnant. Relatives, friends, colleagues at work and even a neighbor on the second floor - each begins to tell how it went at her, and shares experiences, adding folk wisdom and warnings: how often a child should move in his stomach, and why you can not cut hair or crochet.
So much information that you can get confused, and just get nervous breakdown from so many myths!

DepositPhotos What to Do When Pregnant Today "Site" I decided to come to the aid of women in this beautiful period and shed light on the The truth and myths about pregnancy. Be sure to read these 11 tips that almost every pregnant woman hears. And only some of them are true!
- Pregnancy is not a disease, so we live as we lived.
“Pregnancy, of course, is not a disease!” – say gynecologists, but you need to lead a gentle lifestyle. Try not to work from morning to night. Take time for walks and a good rest. Pregnant women should have a healthy daily routine. And the food has to change, especially if it wasn’t right.
It is necessary to abandon bad habits, which include not only alcohol and smoking, but also a long sitting at the computer, which is also quite harmful.
DepositPhotos - A woman becomes stupid and her character deteriorates.
“A woman’s condition can probably be described in these words,” laughs the birth preparation instructor. This is because the hormone progesterone released during pregnancy affects the neocortex, the part of the brain responsible for human thinking and emotions. However, character deteriorates only in the sense that a woman becomes more emotional, for example, she may cry in a situation that she would not consider worthy of attention.
Therefore, during this period, a woman should be treated more carefully and patiently, with the understanding that her condition is due to biochemistry and she can do nothing here.
DepositPhotos - Flying in an airplane is very dangerous.
It all depends on how the pregnancy goes. Airlines do not allow women to fly in the last months of pregnancy. And the reason is that childbirth on board will not bring much joy to neither passengers, nor the crew, nor the mother herself. The absence of an obstetrician on the plane increases the risk. It is easiest for a woman to transfer a flight in the second trimester of pregnancy.
DepositPhotos - During pregnancy and after it all get fat.
No, that's not true. Pregnancy does not contribute to weight gain. And the hormones that are released during pregnancy, rejuvenate a woman. It is flourishing, and many also lose weight. But it's important. eat properly. Fully, providing the body with all the necessary substances, but in volume no more than before.
DepositPhotos - You cannot cut and dye your hair and nails.
There is no scientific evidence that a haircut during pregnancy can harm the expectant mother or baby. It is much more harmful for a woman to feel unattractive. There is nothing useful in paint, but only a small amount of chemicals is absorbed through the skin. It is important that the room barbershop was well ventilated, as during pregnancy sensitivity to smells increases. You can also choose paint without ammonia.
And if we talk about nail design, then we have long been not using chemically harmful nail polishes. They could only be harmful if inhaled because they do not enter the body through the skin.
DepositPhotos - Up to three months can not show the child to strangers
This sign has a medical explanation. At this time, the immune system of the child is still very vulnerable, and foreign microbes are an excessive burden for it.
DepositPhotos - Eat a lot of food, the baby will be fat.
That's not true. The weight that a woman gains during pregnancy is not related to the speed of development of the baby and the increase in its weight. After one study, it turned out that women who adhered to a certain diet gained an average of 4 kilograms less during pregnancy than those who did not limit themselves in anything.
DepositPhotos - Giving birth is very painful.
“It depends on how much a woman understands what she should do at any given time!” says obstetricians. "Yes, we all know that giving birth hurts," they say. How else is nature supposed to give us a signal that can’t be ignored but through pain? If a woman did not receive this signal, she would not know at all what she was giving birth, and would not prepare for this in the best way possible: she could give birth anywhere, literally on the go.
In addition, during childbirth, endorphins are released, painkillers sufficient to ensure that a woman does not have pain shock. Therefore, the pain during childbirth is always the one that a woman can endure, she never crosses this line.
DepositPhotos - Pain from menstruation will stop after birth
And that's true, but only halfway. Scientists from China for 7 years followed more than 3 thousand women. During this period, some gave birth, and in many menstrual pains eased significantly after childbirth. But this was not observed by everyone. Among those who had a caesarean section, 51% continued to suffer from these pains, and among those who gave birth in the usual way, experienced previous pain 35% of women.
DepositPhotos - After childbirth, depression always occurs.
There is such a thing as postpartum depression. There is a certain percentage of women who are exposed to it after childbirth. But if you properly spend the recovery period, then no depression is observed. A woman after childbirth needs psychological support of loved ones and normal rest. If the first 40 days after childbirth, someone from the loved ones will take over all the homework, and the woman will only have to immerse herself in motherhood, in the care of the baby, then there will be no depression.
DepositPhotos - The birth of a daughter follows the same scenario as the birth of her mother
Most often, the birth pattern is repeated. Therefore, obstetricians always ask a woman in detail about how she herself was born. It is very difficult to give birth to female cesareans. But everything is rectified, and the negative scenario can be amended with the help of medical advances.
Preparing for the birth of a child takes a lot of time and effort. And what a sin to hide, you will need a lot of money to buy the necessary things. You need everything. But along with financial assistance, the future mother needs protection and support. After all, every woman wants to give birth to a healthy baby and at the same time remain healthy.
This is where prayer helps. We invite you to know the prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary for children and for help in childbirth. The Queen of Heaven will always hear and help everyone whose request comes sincerely.
I would be very happy if it was useful to you. Share this information with your friends on social networks, they will be grateful for it!