Popular myths about pregnancy

Increasingly perfectly healthy pregnant They pay fabulous amounts for preparing for pregnancy, take a ton of drugs and dietary supplements, undergo many examinations and other medical procedures. The doctors insist, "Just in case."

The inner voice women may suggest that such a diagnosis and the number of prescribed drugs should not be trusted. But time can be wasted, a lot of money will be spent, and health is undermined by unnecessary examinations and medications. This is how a healthy woman is turned into a walking pathology with a whole heap of commercial diagnoses.


Pregnancy medications Commercial diagnosis This is in most cases an erroneous verdict that the doctor makes intentionally or unconsciously and forces the patient to undergo prolonged, unreasonable, expensive examination and treatment. Such diagnoses include real health problems, the treatment of which is carried out without clear algorithms and schemes recommended by experienced specialists in the healthcare system of developed countries.

Editorial "Site" offers to get acquainted with the opinion of one of the leading professionals, obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Berezovskaya. She has been a medical researcher for many years and is the founder and director of the International Academy of Healthy Living in Toronto, Canada.

How a healthy woman is turned into a “chronic pathology” “Our pregnant women are most often diagnosed with the following dubious diagnoses: the notorious hypertonus of the uterus, the threat of abortion, thrombophilia, toxicosis, nephropathy, gestosis, placental insufficiency, leukocytosis and so on. Diagnosis “terminationIt is given to three out of four women. However, pain and bloody discharge may also occur in a normal pregnancy.”

Why is this practice so firmly rooted in us? Because people are used to obediently drinking drugs in handfuls. The health industry has become a disease industry. They tell us from the diaper that pregnancy Taking vitamins may not be complete. And even more so, it will not work if such "deviations" in the body.


Here the matter is not even in the malicious intent of doctors, but in poor personnel training and the lack of clear standards for the state of pregnancy. Our medicine sees a pregnant woman chronically ill.

“It seems that normal pregnancies and childbirth no longer exist today, and all children are born with abnormalities. But that's not true. Designated long medication-list It will not provide quality care if you do not know the norms of modern obstetrics.”


Preserving therapy is a myth for a pregnant woman, it is enough to pass general urine and blood tests, measure blood pressure and check your thyroid. If the doctor insists on a wider examination, the woman should require him to announce the diagnosis and explain the reasons for additional tests. No normal doctor will prescribe manipulations and medications “just in case.”


The myth of conservation therapy arose out of fear of pregnancy loss and commercial interest from many doctors. Each pregnant woman is assigned progesterone without apparent need and without testing. A psychological factor works, and women just in case take this hormone, believing that it allegedly prevents miscarriages in the early stages. But the cases of loss of a child on progesterone are carefully kept silent.

Usually progesterone is prescribed for hypertension of the uterus to relax the muscles tense for some reason. As a rule, hypertension occurs due to the fact that the mother is frightened, nervous or overexerted physically. And this can be handled without drugs, since the introduction of an artificial hormone is the last measure in case of emergency.

DepositPhotos If the doctor insists on the introduction of progesterone, a pregnant woman should be required in a female consultation to have all hormone tests done. And injecting the hormone simply because the doctor decided to relax the tense uterus is an intervention in the intimate sphere of a woman, in the hormonal and psycho-emotional sphere. You have to be very careful with that.

DepositPhotos: A woman expecting a baby doesn’t need to take anything else other than folic acid. Pregnancy is a physiological condition, not a pathology, so it can be born without a single pill, says Elena Petrovna.

The peculiarity of modern commercial diagnoses is that they have become extremely aggressive for the purpose of examination and treatment. One of our doctors’ favorite methods of intimidation is miscarriage child, if you have already failed.

This diagnosis is accompanied by the appointment of the maximum number of tests and special preparation for pregnancy. After losing a child in the early stages, you can actually safely get pregnant again and not be afraid of miscarriage.


Speculation about the nutrition of a pregnant woman is another type of wrecking, forcing a woman to limit herself in many useful products. For example, many doctors recommend taking calcium separately. But it turns out that the gastrointestinal tract of a pregnant woman absorbs twice as much calcium. This means that nature made sure that the mother received more nutrients from food.

Healthy pregnancy Provided full and balanced nutrition does not require any additional supplements.

And these are not all myths around pregnancy. For example, the fact that pregnancy allegedly rejuvenates the body of a woman. Behind this is commerce, the desire to increase income on tests and drugs, as well as banal stupidity and ignorance.

Do you think doctors are genuinely interested in the well-being of expectant mothers and their babies, or do they see them as just a walking wallet? Should we rely on medical dogma or should we trust intuition?


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