Tatiana Malysheva: Health pregnant natural methods
Pregnancy and childbirth is not a diseaseExcerpts from the report Malysheva Tatiana Alexeyevna, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest qualification category, at the conference "Natural childbirth – childbirth in XXI century" in Yaroslavl.
Twenty nine million three hundred twenty eight thousand two hundred eighty nine
"I'll tell you the story of two friends: they got pregnant almost at the same time. But how much different their pregnancy! We call them conditional Masha and Irina. Ira – the doctor, and Masha is not medically irrelevant.
Masha is friends with my daughter, and she had heard that there are some courses on preparation for childbirth, but they didn't interest her as long as a pregnancy. And when pregnancy is achieved, Masha is already in two months knew about the natural diet, the need to drink sufficient amount of water, start walking to the bath, and with 4 months started going to gymnastics for pregnant women. As a result, the pregnancy was great: Masha normalize your weight (originally she had a moderate obesity) on her shoulder resorbed benign tumor (lipoma), it felt fine and was happy.
Ira, as a knowledgeable physician, diligently eating a lot of meat, restricted fluid. When she first acute urolithiasis, Masha tried to tell a friend about water, but she perturbed by the fact that her doctor – taught, remained unconvinced. When the illness worsened once again, Irina was admitted to the hospital, treated with antibiotics and underwent surgery inserted a catheter into the ureter (to drain urine). However, it said that the urine can no longer pass, because good still there (she's in the urine was determined in the blood). After that Irina did an ultrasound.
During the study, the baby is strongly pulled by the arms, legs and head thrown back ago. Ira happily told my friend that if the baby is actively moving, that's good. Masha, already familiar with the issues of perinatal psychology, carefully asked: "maybe the baby is still not feeling well?"What the Ira said, "what do you mean, he actually feels nothing!"On the 32nd week of pregnancy, Irina was not expecting a joyful reunion with her child, and was preparing for surgery: renal colic tortured continuously, her 4th time hospitalized and promised to do a caesarean section, once the baby reaches a viable age. In addition, after birth, had another surgery, because now you will need to remove the catheter from the ureter.
Masha and safely carried and gave birth to a daughter in time.
Why did this happen? And why it happened that way?
24 a century ago, the famous physician, Hippocrates, wrote: "medicine appeared because it was necessary." In the twentieth century, leading Soviet immunologist REM Petrov, the Professor wrote: "the science of immunology was founded because it was necessary to deal with infections." Today, there are gaining strength and reproductive technologies: IVF, artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood.Why required? Today has become a problem of birth of the person.
Look at some statistics:
Today 50-75% of adolescent girls have health problems, are able to exert a negative impact on the implementation of reproductive functions.
Analysis of morbidity of pregnant women for 1991-2006 indicates a catastrophic DETERIORATION of their health: increased frequency of anemia in 2.5 times, dysfunction of the thyroid gland – a 10-fold growth of renal disease is 2.6 times that of the circulatory system 2 times.
Annually increasing proportion of caesarean sections (1.2 times for the last 5 years) and built in 2001 150,4 per 1000 births. Overall, in maternity hospitals of the country only every third births are normal.
Current trends of morbidity of pregnant women generate a vicious cycle: sick woman – sick child – sick teenager – sick parents.
Our ancient, wise forefathers knew that man is self-regulating and self-healing system. But after the revolution in Russia, the persecution and the destruction of all healers and healers (holders of knowledge). They were replaced by pharmacological medicine, which considers only chemical reactions in the cell and in the human body.This medicine and now at an impasse.
According to the academician V. P. Kaznacheev "medicine is a long overdue renovation»
I. P. Pavlov emphasized, "Man is... the system is highly self-regulating itself sustaining, restoring, improving and even perfecting", but these ideas are left unattended.
30 years ago, when I first met the phrase: "treat not a disease but a patient", I thought modern doctors, and I including, do so. If you have a headache – give pills "from the head" if the stomach – ache- pills "from the stomach", etc.And only much later I realized what it means to treat a person.
I had to learn a huge amount of literature before I realized attitude to the health of our ancient traditional medicine, which believes that the way to disease is the accumulation of toxic substances in the human body, and the way to health – cleanse it.
A similar understanding of human disease was expressed by German homeopath H. H. Reckeweg, in the middle of the XX century he formulated his theory about homotoxins.
Reckeweg described 6 UNIVERSAL stages of the disease, i.e. he believed that regardless of the location of the patient's body, throughout the body of the person undergoes the same type of damage. And Reckeweg created a spreadsheet in which he is in six columns (respectively, stages) placed all human diseases. The result from this table it is clearly seen that the more toxic substances accumulate in the human body, the greater the degree of tissue damage and the more severe disease in him developing.
Then the next question is: if our body is initially a self-regulating structure, why he is not doing himself why diseases are becoming more? So, something prevents the self-regulation. So what?
Self-regulation is a Natural program, so NATURAL, and the conditions for its implementation need only natural. But we now live in a completely unnatural. Do not think that I urge to destroy all the achievements of civilization, no. I propose to consider our present lifestyle.
The biggest and hardest question is the DIET of modern man. The theory, which is called "the formula of teeth", very simply explains what is prescribed the human food by Nature. People have invented a lot of artificial products: sausages, loaves, pasta, candy, etc. that don't grow on trees. And the animals living in the wild, nothing came up, and eat the food that he has ordered Nature. And if we compare the shape of the teeth of man and animals will be able to understand what prescribed Nature as human food. Of the 32 teeth in the adult, 28 similar to the teeth of animals that consume plant foods (8 incisors like a rabbit and 20 chewing like a cow), and only 4 teeth, like a predator.I.e. in the human diet, the ratio of animal and vegetable foods should be 4:32 or 1:7, but today, many people quite differently.
In addition, from animal food a person can eat only eggs and dairy products but not meat, because the length of the intestine in carnivores is much shorter than that of herbivores and humans. The man in the gut, the meat rots. Is the ratio of animal and vegetable food is fundamentally important because the enzymes our digestive system can properly digest such food and only this food. If we consume the food of another part, we just disturbed digestion, destroy the digestive tract and disturb the metabolism in the body, and thus no cell, no organ can work normally.
We have forgotten how to eat and get sick. But this is easily corrected by changing your diet and the amount of toxic substances produced in the body, immediately begin to decrease. This is the first and biggest step to cleansing the body. But the doctors advice all pregnant women are recommended to eat meat, and more.
Dr. F. batmanghelidzh in his wonderful book "Water for health" writes that modern doctors have a misconception about the role of water in human body: it is considered the only solvent and carrier of various chemical particles. And the feeling of thirst is the only symptom of water deficiency in the body. The author of the book 22 years of his life devoted to studying this issue and came to quite surprising conclusions: modern humans have very little to drink, and water scarcity is the main cause of all diseases and human aging – there is nothing like the drying of the body. If we compare the fresh plums and the dried prunes, we see a complete analogy, when we compare the skin of the child and the wrinkled skin of an old man.
Such complications of pregnancy like vomiting, edema, hypertension, albuminuria, according to research by F. Batmanghelidj are signs of water shortage in the body of a pregnant mother.
Eighty four million four hundred ninety one thousand two hundred thirty seven
We have forgotten how to drink and dry. But this is easily remedied by drinking plenty of water daily (approximately 2.5 liters per day). While aktiviziruyutsya leaching of toxins from the body, and it is also an important step on the road of purification. But most doctors advice women forbid pregnant women to drink water, and even recommend shoedini.
In the nineteenth century, Louis Pasteur discovered the fact that infectious diseases caused by microorganisms. It is the immune system protects us from inflammation and infections.
In addition, the human body consists of 10 to 13 degrees of the cells that developed from one egg and contain the same sets of genes. Random changes in genes – mutations that occur with a frequency of 1 per million, and at each moment in the body can be up to 10 millions of cells with different properties (and among them the possible cancer cells). Someone needs to deal with these traitors, and it is the immune system.
Thymus (or thymus) kept his secret until 1961. And only after experiments on mice, which deleted the thymus gland at birth, it was found that the thymus is the Central organ of the immune system.
Newborn baby's thymus weight of approximately 15 grams, i.e. 0,005% by weight (based on 3 kg).40-year-old man, her weight no more than 3 grams, i.e. 0.00005% of the weight 100 times less! In adults this gland is almost completely atrophied (kN. "I or don't I", REM Petrov, Moscow, Molodaya Gvardiya, 1983.)
So why is the thymus atrophies, perhaps the immune system with age becomes we don't need?
Immunity (from lat. immunitas – release from something) protection from bacteria, viruses, fungi, worms, protozoa, and cancer cells. But in the human body and healthy cells live a very short life, they are constantly updated, so, from the "bodies" the dying cells in our body also cleans the immune system.
But the immune system, among other things, is of great importance in the process of adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions. And if we look, in what conditions children are born in Africa and in the far North, we can see that a newborn child can adapt to very large temperature variations. But today, modern people built the house in which is kept a constant temperature, humans no longer need to adapt to changes in temperature.And those organs that do not work – atrophy.
We have created a comfortable temperature in the house and pay a reduced immunity. But this can be corrected by hardening. This is also a step towards the cleansing of the body. The best tempering procedures, in my opinion, are a contrast shower and bath. In the steam room, sweat from the body emitted a lot of toxic substances. But the doctors of clinics prohibit pregnant women bathe in a bath, although there are no scientific works proving the harmful effects of hardening.
Thirty million one hundred ninety three thousand four hundred thirty five
Someone thought that in the 20th century people began to move in 100(!) times smaller due to the invention of the car. But without movement slow down and stop all the processes occurring in the body: the movement of blood, movement of lymph, the movement of energy. Slows down cleansing the body and accumulate toxins.
But it's easy to fix – just do active movement at least 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes.
Fifty nine million four hundred forty thousand five hundred fifty nine
If we summarize all the above: eat wrong, do not drink the water, moving little, not hardened, we will see that all this leads to accumulation of toxic substances in the body. And because the process is long term; first malfunction, and then and structural changes in various organs and systems of the body. And in such circumstances, the program of self-regulation does not work.
My "expertise" lies in the fact that the accumulation of toxins and the transition from one stage of disease to another is not the story of one life, it's a long story of many generations. And every generation of toxins is becoming more. Most pregnant women today have certain manifestations of the third stage of the disease (see table. Reckeweg: warts, calluses, polyps, mucous, constipation, obesity, edema, varicose veins, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts), and even the fourth stage (viral infection, skin pigmentation, hydronephrosis), and many infants also revealed different signs of the third or fourth stage of the disease. Thus it turns out that today most children are born sick, because the level of a child's health at birth can be better than mom's.
It follows that all these natural methods of healing help cleanse the body, and absolutely necessary today for all women planning or already pregnant pregnancy. And as in the creation of new life involves two – the purification need and men.
Unfortunately, modern medicine in preparation for childbirth mainly offers screening for latent infection that is almost all, due to lowered immunity, and then offers stopping courses of antibiotic therapy, leading to disbioza in the gut with all the ensuing complications.
Another method of natural healing that I want to tell you is hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches known to people in more than 35 centuries! Hirudotherapy is the traditional method for Russia, but in Soviet times the attitude towards this method was pretty cool because the doctors believed that the use of leeches only in their biologically active substances, and blood thinners. Today, thanks to the development of Sciences such as Biophysics and biochemistry, it became known that the leech has on people more than 20 types of therapeutic effects! The founder of the first Academy of hirudotherapy, St. Petersburg A. I. Krashenyuk made a number of discoveries. The most important is energy effect leeches: using the GDV technique (Kirlian) proved that the leech normalizes all the human biofield.
The second essential is a neurotrophic effect, i.e. the leech restores the damaged nerve cells and nerve fibers, and thus, restores the processes of regulation throughout the body. Leech provides ultrasonic effects on human tissue, promoting the regeneration of damaged cells. It also has detoxification effect of hirudotherapy. These results provides a systematic method that was developed by Professor of Krashenyuk A. I. all of the women Have undergone the course of treatment (even those over 30 years old), were born healthy children with Apgar score of 9-10 points.
Pregnancy and childbirth is a natural function of the female body, not the disease.
The increase in complications during pregnancy and childbirth is a result of our lifestyle, which increasingly removed from Nature. My practical experience shows that all the complications of pregnancy and childbirth are preventable if the training starts early. The above natural methods of healing when planning conception and during pregnancy is the path to safe motherhood" published
Author: Tatiana Malysheva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //reborn-spb.ru/archives/1120#more-1120
Twenty nine million three hundred twenty eight thousand two hundred eighty nine
"I'll tell you the story of two friends: they got pregnant almost at the same time. But how much different their pregnancy! We call them conditional Masha and Irina. Ira – the doctor, and Masha is not medically irrelevant.
Masha is friends with my daughter, and she had heard that there are some courses on preparation for childbirth, but they didn't interest her as long as a pregnancy. And when pregnancy is achieved, Masha is already in two months knew about the natural diet, the need to drink sufficient amount of water, start walking to the bath, and with 4 months started going to gymnastics for pregnant women. As a result, the pregnancy was great: Masha normalize your weight (originally she had a moderate obesity) on her shoulder resorbed benign tumor (lipoma), it felt fine and was happy.
Ira, as a knowledgeable physician, diligently eating a lot of meat, restricted fluid. When she first acute urolithiasis, Masha tried to tell a friend about water, but she perturbed by the fact that her doctor – taught, remained unconvinced. When the illness worsened once again, Irina was admitted to the hospital, treated with antibiotics and underwent surgery inserted a catheter into the ureter (to drain urine). However, it said that the urine can no longer pass, because good still there (she's in the urine was determined in the blood). After that Irina did an ultrasound.
During the study, the baby is strongly pulled by the arms, legs and head thrown back ago. Ira happily told my friend that if the baby is actively moving, that's good. Masha, already familiar with the issues of perinatal psychology, carefully asked: "maybe the baby is still not feeling well?"What the Ira said, "what do you mean, he actually feels nothing!"On the 32nd week of pregnancy, Irina was not expecting a joyful reunion with her child, and was preparing for surgery: renal colic tortured continuously, her 4th time hospitalized and promised to do a caesarean section, once the baby reaches a viable age. In addition, after birth, had another surgery, because now you will need to remove the catheter from the ureter.
Masha and safely carried and gave birth to a daughter in time.
Why did this happen? And why it happened that way?
24 a century ago, the famous physician, Hippocrates, wrote: "medicine appeared because it was necessary." In the twentieth century, leading Soviet immunologist REM Petrov, the Professor wrote: "the science of immunology was founded because it was necessary to deal with infections." Today, there are gaining strength and reproductive technologies: IVF, artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood.Why required? Today has become a problem of birth of the person.
Look at some statistics:
Today 50-75% of adolescent girls have health problems, are able to exert a negative impact on the implementation of reproductive functions.
Analysis of morbidity of pregnant women for 1991-2006 indicates a catastrophic DETERIORATION of their health: increased frequency of anemia in 2.5 times, dysfunction of the thyroid gland – a 10-fold growth of renal disease is 2.6 times that of the circulatory system 2 times.
Annually increasing proportion of caesarean sections (1.2 times for the last 5 years) and built in 2001 150,4 per 1000 births. Overall, in maternity hospitals of the country only every third births are normal.
Current trends of morbidity of pregnant women generate a vicious cycle: sick woman – sick child – sick teenager – sick parents.
Our ancient, wise forefathers knew that man is self-regulating and self-healing system. But after the revolution in Russia, the persecution and the destruction of all healers and healers (holders of knowledge). They were replaced by pharmacological medicine, which considers only chemical reactions in the cell and in the human body.This medicine and now at an impasse.
According to the academician V. P. Kaznacheev "medicine is a long overdue renovation»
I. P. Pavlov emphasized, "Man is... the system is highly self-regulating itself sustaining, restoring, improving and even perfecting", but these ideas are left unattended.
30 years ago, when I first met the phrase: "treat not a disease but a patient", I thought modern doctors, and I including, do so. If you have a headache – give pills "from the head" if the stomach – ache- pills "from the stomach", etc.And only much later I realized what it means to treat a person.
I had to learn a huge amount of literature before I realized attitude to the health of our ancient traditional medicine, which believes that the way to disease is the accumulation of toxic substances in the human body, and the way to health – cleanse it.
A similar understanding of human disease was expressed by German homeopath H. H. Reckeweg, in the middle of the XX century he formulated his theory about homotoxins.
Reckeweg described 6 UNIVERSAL stages of the disease, i.e. he believed that regardless of the location of the patient's body, throughout the body of the person undergoes the same type of damage. And Reckeweg created a spreadsheet in which he is in six columns (respectively, stages) placed all human diseases. The result from this table it is clearly seen that the more toxic substances accumulate in the human body, the greater the degree of tissue damage and the more severe disease in him developing.
Then the next question is: if our body is initially a self-regulating structure, why he is not doing himself why diseases are becoming more? So, something prevents the self-regulation. So what?
Self-regulation is a Natural program, so NATURAL, and the conditions for its implementation need only natural. But we now live in a completely unnatural. Do not think that I urge to destroy all the achievements of civilization, no. I propose to consider our present lifestyle.
The biggest and hardest question is the DIET of modern man. The theory, which is called "the formula of teeth", very simply explains what is prescribed the human food by Nature. People have invented a lot of artificial products: sausages, loaves, pasta, candy, etc. that don't grow on trees. And the animals living in the wild, nothing came up, and eat the food that he has ordered Nature. And if we compare the shape of the teeth of man and animals will be able to understand what prescribed Nature as human food. Of the 32 teeth in the adult, 28 similar to the teeth of animals that consume plant foods (8 incisors like a rabbit and 20 chewing like a cow), and only 4 teeth, like a predator.I.e. in the human diet, the ratio of animal and vegetable foods should be 4:32 or 1:7, but today, many people quite differently.
In addition, from animal food a person can eat only eggs and dairy products but not meat, because the length of the intestine in carnivores is much shorter than that of herbivores and humans. The man in the gut, the meat rots. Is the ratio of animal and vegetable food is fundamentally important because the enzymes our digestive system can properly digest such food and only this food. If we consume the food of another part, we just disturbed digestion, destroy the digestive tract and disturb the metabolism in the body, and thus no cell, no organ can work normally.
We have forgotten how to eat and get sick. But this is easily corrected by changing your diet and the amount of toxic substances produced in the body, immediately begin to decrease. This is the first and biggest step to cleansing the body. But the doctors advice all pregnant women are recommended to eat meat, and more.
Dr. F. batmanghelidzh in his wonderful book "Water for health" writes that modern doctors have a misconception about the role of water in human body: it is considered the only solvent and carrier of various chemical particles. And the feeling of thirst is the only symptom of water deficiency in the body. The author of the book 22 years of his life devoted to studying this issue and came to quite surprising conclusions: modern humans have very little to drink, and water scarcity is the main cause of all diseases and human aging – there is nothing like the drying of the body. If we compare the fresh plums and the dried prunes, we see a complete analogy, when we compare the skin of the child and the wrinkled skin of an old man.
Such complications of pregnancy like vomiting, edema, hypertension, albuminuria, according to research by F. Batmanghelidj are signs of water shortage in the body of a pregnant mother.
Eighty four million four hundred ninety one thousand two hundred thirty seven
We have forgotten how to drink and dry. But this is easily remedied by drinking plenty of water daily (approximately 2.5 liters per day). While aktiviziruyutsya leaching of toxins from the body, and it is also an important step on the road of purification. But most doctors advice women forbid pregnant women to drink water, and even recommend shoedini.
In the nineteenth century, Louis Pasteur discovered the fact that infectious diseases caused by microorganisms. It is the immune system protects us from inflammation and infections.
In addition, the human body consists of 10 to 13 degrees of the cells that developed from one egg and contain the same sets of genes. Random changes in genes – mutations that occur with a frequency of 1 per million, and at each moment in the body can be up to 10 millions of cells with different properties (and among them the possible cancer cells). Someone needs to deal with these traitors, and it is the immune system.
Thymus (or thymus) kept his secret until 1961. And only after experiments on mice, which deleted the thymus gland at birth, it was found that the thymus is the Central organ of the immune system.
Newborn baby's thymus weight of approximately 15 grams, i.e. 0,005% by weight (based on 3 kg).40-year-old man, her weight no more than 3 grams, i.e. 0.00005% of the weight 100 times less! In adults this gland is almost completely atrophied (kN. "I or don't I", REM Petrov, Moscow, Molodaya Gvardiya, 1983.)
So why is the thymus atrophies, perhaps the immune system with age becomes we don't need?
Immunity (from lat. immunitas – release from something) protection from bacteria, viruses, fungi, worms, protozoa, and cancer cells. But in the human body and healthy cells live a very short life, they are constantly updated, so, from the "bodies" the dying cells in our body also cleans the immune system.
But the immune system, among other things, is of great importance in the process of adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions. And if we look, in what conditions children are born in Africa and in the far North, we can see that a newborn child can adapt to very large temperature variations. But today, modern people built the house in which is kept a constant temperature, humans no longer need to adapt to changes in temperature.And those organs that do not work – atrophy.
We have created a comfortable temperature in the house and pay a reduced immunity. But this can be corrected by hardening. This is also a step towards the cleansing of the body. The best tempering procedures, in my opinion, are a contrast shower and bath. In the steam room, sweat from the body emitted a lot of toxic substances. But the doctors of clinics prohibit pregnant women bathe in a bath, although there are no scientific works proving the harmful effects of hardening.
Thirty million one hundred ninety three thousand four hundred thirty five
Someone thought that in the 20th century people began to move in 100(!) times smaller due to the invention of the car. But without movement slow down and stop all the processes occurring in the body: the movement of blood, movement of lymph, the movement of energy. Slows down cleansing the body and accumulate toxins.
But it's easy to fix – just do active movement at least 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes.
Fifty nine million four hundred forty thousand five hundred fifty nine
If we summarize all the above: eat wrong, do not drink the water, moving little, not hardened, we will see that all this leads to accumulation of toxic substances in the body. And because the process is long term; first malfunction, and then and structural changes in various organs and systems of the body. And in such circumstances, the program of self-regulation does not work.
My "expertise" lies in the fact that the accumulation of toxins and the transition from one stage of disease to another is not the story of one life, it's a long story of many generations. And every generation of toxins is becoming more. Most pregnant women today have certain manifestations of the third stage of the disease (see table. Reckeweg: warts, calluses, polyps, mucous, constipation, obesity, edema, varicose veins, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts), and even the fourth stage (viral infection, skin pigmentation, hydronephrosis), and many infants also revealed different signs of the third or fourth stage of the disease. Thus it turns out that today most children are born sick, because the level of a child's health at birth can be better than mom's.
It follows that all these natural methods of healing help cleanse the body, and absolutely necessary today for all women planning or already pregnant pregnancy. And as in the creation of new life involves two – the purification need and men.
Unfortunately, modern medicine in preparation for childbirth mainly offers screening for latent infection that is almost all, due to lowered immunity, and then offers stopping courses of antibiotic therapy, leading to disbioza in the gut with all the ensuing complications.
Another method of natural healing that I want to tell you is hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches known to people in more than 35 centuries! Hirudotherapy is the traditional method for Russia, but in Soviet times the attitude towards this method was pretty cool because the doctors believed that the use of leeches only in their biologically active substances, and blood thinners. Today, thanks to the development of Sciences such as Biophysics and biochemistry, it became known that the leech has on people more than 20 types of therapeutic effects! The founder of the first Academy of hirudotherapy, St. Petersburg A. I. Krashenyuk made a number of discoveries. The most important is energy effect leeches: using the GDV technique (Kirlian) proved that the leech normalizes all the human biofield.
The second essential is a neurotrophic effect, i.e. the leech restores the damaged nerve cells and nerve fibers, and thus, restores the processes of regulation throughout the body. Leech provides ultrasonic effects on human tissue, promoting the regeneration of damaged cells. It also has detoxification effect of hirudotherapy. These results provides a systematic method that was developed by Professor of Krashenyuk A. I. all of the women Have undergone the course of treatment (even those over 30 years old), were born healthy children with Apgar score of 9-10 points.
Pregnancy and childbirth is a natural function of the female body, not the disease.
The increase in complications during pregnancy and childbirth is a result of our lifestyle, which increasingly removed from Nature. My practical experience shows that all the complications of pregnancy and childbirth are preventable if the training starts early. The above natural methods of healing when planning conception and during pregnancy is the path to safe motherhood" published
Author: Tatiana Malysheva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //reborn-spb.ru/archives/1120#more-1120
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