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✔ Asthma

We begin with asthma. Traditional medicine uses hormones to relieve attack. We look at the mechanism of asthma. Thus, the human body has got a number of mechanisms to eliminate excess from the body. We are interested in the mucus and dead cells, including erythrocytes. First mucus discharged through the nasopharynx (snot). Doctors prescribed vasoconstrictor drugs than disable the mechanism. This function takes the easy - give other drugs, including cough, and this mechanism is blocked. This function takes the skin (more Read about eczema and allergies).

What has asthma? The fact is that the mucus can not always travel freely through the body, and in certain circumstances, remains unhatched in those places where allocation mechanism has been stopped. As a result, mucus accumulates in the walls of the bronchi and pulmonary tract, which leads to narrowing of the lumen plus fear. Here and ready to attack.

What to do? First, study the materials and then carefully apply the grass promoting mucus clearance and lung cleansing.


When the secretory mechanisms of mucus from the body are blocked (read about asthma), the allocation has been skin, which leads to allericheskoy reactions due to intoxication. Conventional medicine offers ZODAK (cetirizine), which, as it is written, anti-allergy, but in fact, he does not touch the allergy, it disables certain receptors that are responsible for the mechanism for the allocation of toxins through the skin. Thus switched off skin as excretory organ. The reason is not removed!

What to do? See. Asthma


Read about the allergy. Implies that the drugs used with certain features of the body, and of course, the mentality, give corresponding results.

What to do? See: Asthma, adding psychotherapy

. ✔ UC - BC - IBS - IBD

This complex digestive disorders grouped together. The official medicine considers this autoimmune diseases and applies appropriate methods. When they treatment medicine offers mesalazinovye drugs, which themselves destroy the body. About hormone therapy prednisolone keep silent.

We proceed from the fact that there was a violation of a perfect mechanism, but not in any way talking about infuriated immunity, which devours his own intestines.

✔ Oncology - Cancer

Subject terrible is the fact that makes the official medicine to patients. I sent to the user-friendly website. There's a lot of video. We need to understand that there are more than 100 ways to treat cancer, the use of which indicators of life and quality of life is much higher than give formal methods.

What to do? Explore information about alternative therapies and down. Understand that most people do not die from cancer, and chemotherapy.

✔ MYOPIA - Hyperopia - Astigmatism

Ophthalmologists solve this problem is simple - wear sunglasses on the nose. Or offer a lens. Just it is becoming a very popular surgery on the eyeball. What says Bates in his theory - the eyes have a muscular body. The muscles of the eye shape is deformed and because of this deteriorates the image on the retina. The lens is fixed at the same time in its refraction image.

What to do? Read the Bates theory, learn to relax the eyes through special exercises for the eyes, to see the lecture by prof. Zhdanov on this topic.


The causes of anemia are many, we consider a situation where there is no loss of blood and the spleen with the rest of the blood-forming organs working properly. BUT, anemia occurs.

The human body has a mechanism that protects the body against viruses. The fact that the viruses are moved to the red blood cells within the body. When the virus enters the human body, the body starts to fight with him for the reduction of their vehicles. For example, hemoglobin was 120, and became 100. This means that the body has narrowed the likelihood of the spread of virus in the body by about 20%, without any cost to themselves. We need to understand that the body is working properly, and there is no need to iron, you have to help the immunity and hemoglobin returns to normal immediately after reflection virus attack.

What to do? Eating foods rich in vitamins, drinking tea to increase fees and charges immunity against viral infections.

Anemia in pregnant

Read anemia, plus you have to understand that the child has a foreign body to the mother! Here, the mother's body to be so finely tune, to avoid loss of a child. The mechanism of reducing blood hemoglobin similar to the mechanism to combat a foreign body. Lowering of hemoglobin in pregnant women - this is the norm! Now back to the official medicine, which imposes iron supplements.

What is wrong is that a pregnant taking drugs iron? Iron in a finely tuned body woman makes the following changes:

1) Iron ages the children's place, which leads to premature birth and preterm infants.

2) Iron violates protective antiviral barrier (ie anemia), and a pregnant woman increases the risk of viral infections of the disease.

What to do? Do not take iron supplements if hemoglobin in pregnant over 90. Read the rustarts.ru/VlijanieZhelezaBerem.html site materials

✔AGRESSIVNOE obstetrics

Do you think this is something new? No aggressive leave our resort for a long time, in particular, the use of oxytocin for acceleration of uterine activity, and / or surgery for bladder puncture of membranes, placenta pulling the umbilical cord, cutting the umbilical cord immediately after birth. These methods are elements of aggressive obstetrics. They are so common that can cause confusion, but first things first.


The fact that pregnancy has on the final act of the essence of the sexual act in which a child was conceived. So, I had sexual intercourse, at this time there was not only the release of sperm into the vagina, but also the body of a woman the snake beginning to prepare for the birth! orgasm itself woman has very beginning. It begins with a kiss of the uterus - the womb when she sucks the sperm from the vagina, thereby overcomes sperm acidic environment, and sperm get a boost due to what are the fallopian tubes to the egg. Even if there were adhesions, uterine kiss this time can solve. Next, the entire body prepares for pregnancy and childbirth. This is the dominant clan. It is not confined to the uterine contractions, it is - the process, the length of 9 months! If you get oxytocin into the bloodstream, the dominant clan breaks down, the uterus begins to create his being intoxicated hormone, oblivious to the fact that the child has to prepare for the passage of the birth canal, the uterus must be revealed at a time when the fruit is ready. And then inject oxytocin and everything is not by nature.

How bad is it? Abnormalities in the uterus, uterine inversion, vaginal tears, Cesarean section.

What to do? Examine the literature and be prepared. On delivery to be prepared with my husband. Familiarize yourself with rustarts.ru/StarcevaKrasnoeChernoe2.html materials.

Puncture of membranes bubble

Again, the question of the dominant clan. The body is not yet ready to release the child outside the womb is not opened, the fetus is not ready, and the puncture is made. From that moment I went dry period, and after 12-18 hours, the child must be born on medical protocol. If the uterus is not revealed - in the case enters oxytocin, if it does not help - Caesarean section rustarts.ru/PNR20.html

. What to do? On delivery to be with her husband or a relative prepared, do not give a puncture. Puncture is a white stick with a hook on the end. The physician can not warn you if you will get a wand - prohibit making a puncture! Explore article rustarts.ru/StarcevaKrasnoeChernoe1.html.

Pulling on the cord placenta

This is pure aggression. The body rejects the baby seat yourself. This is the final stage of the dominant clan! The bad stretch? Can wriggle out of the uterus, in the mother's body can remain part of the membranes bladder, prolonged uterine bleeding.

What to do? To give birth to her husband, not to allow doctors to pull the child seat on the cord. Read the book rustarts.ru/StarcevaKrasnoeChernoe.html.

Early cutting the umbilical cord

Even knowledgeable doctors often cut the umbilical cord pulsating under the pretext of the possibility of infection. For example, early in the water and went a long dry period is already an indication for this intervention. What's wrong with early cord cutting? The fact that up to 40% of the blood of the child (child's name!) In the umbilical cord! And so the child deprived of blood.

The bad:

1) The child has lost a large amount of blood, resulting in jaundice.

2) The cord blood stem cells have useful, have not been put in a baby's body. This blood is sold in some institutions, together with the children's place. In the future, used in cosmetology, and not only.

3) In the umbilical cord blood there are certain hormones of joy, that there emerged from the mother. These hormones act of complete for the child birth and help to become independent. What actually loses a child is anyone's guess.

What to do? To give birth with a trained husband, do not let cut the umbilical cord. It is advisable to wait for 2 hours. The mother will take place the second birth of child seats, and then you can cut the umbilical cord. Explore article rustarts.ru/PovedeniePriBeremennosti.html


If the body temperature rises, doctors recommend antipyretic that is depressing to specific receptors (see allergy similar principle), thus breaking the protective mechanism of the body. We will look at the root. We need to understand the cause of the temperature and work to this cause, and the temperature for us - an indicator of loyalty to the course and method

. So, for example, in the body of the virus hit, other methods of fighting have not helped, the body raises the temperature, so that the virus died due to violation of the familiar environment of the virus habitat. If you give antipyretic, the virus will be in more favorable conditions, and the body is disoriented and may take the wrong decision in the fight against the virus. It is necessary to fight the virus, for example to drink a decoction of herbs against viruses. Wrapped in a blanket, in this case - there is help the body, because the body spends less of its forces to maintain a high temperature. Of course, these recommendations need to perform up to 40 degrees, coupled with the general state of the person.

What to do? Helps the body to deal with the cause, and not to break his defenses.


Another topic of the day. There is a general understanding of the benefits of vaccination and the requirement of educational and public institutions on the availability of vaccines. If we turn to the history of vaccinations, it does not hold water. Sending watch Professor-virologist GP Chervonskaya "Vaccinations: myths and reality" or "The terrible truth about vaccinations." There are specialized sites and forums - read them

. This includes vaccinations against cervical cancer and against the flu.

There are mothers fear that their children will not get to kindergarten or school. It is simple: written statement on the refusal of immunization and samples, attached to it a decision of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation №72 / 1-1164-14 of 09.11.2014. If not found, write to me, send: koshevaroff@ya.ru

PS One of the side effects of vaccinations - death! Read the instructions and contraindications. With invalidizirovannym child will sit you on the parent vaccination permit yourself to give this consent!

What to do? Watch video Chervonskaya reading a book Ruthless Immunization rustarts.ru/KotokImmunizacija.html. Do not succumb to the pressure of public opinion and the doctors. Doctors and nurses all know, just have to play this game. Write refusal of vaccinations and tests and make a decision GP of Russia, and everyone will know that you are in the topic.

No doctor does not put either themselves or children no immunizations or tests. Ask them about themselves.

ℹDannaya column is for general guidance. In any disputes to enter we do not intend, and is not necessary to consider this material as the instructions for use. First, we must take responsibility for their health into their own hands, and the health of their children up to 14 years. Later acquainted with the proposed information and consciously apply the recommendations, taking into account their personal situation.

PS: We are more than sure that the human body is completely in its execution, and improper interference in certain processes and defense mechanisms lead to disastrous results.