You will be surprised! Hidden electricity eaters in your house
And you get outlets of the charging of the phone? Or "charge air"? I'm really sick of the accusations at home that the power consumption in standby mode cost us half of the electricity bills. Thanks to the "charging air" to the power supply and plugged in, but turned off the computer and came the energy crisis. Whether so it, will show the simplest "investigative experiment" with the power meter.
How much electricity it uses disconnected the charger?To find out how much electricity pulls the charging from a smartphone, you can use the cheapest network power meter for $8.
Insert the meter into the outlet, connect the device and watch the numbers on the scoreboard.
The device has not responded to any modern charger from my home Arsenal — smartphone, iPod, tablet. In fact, the portion of wool is still used, as I read, digging into the topic. But for the year accumulates about 1 kW with a few charges that are connected around the clock.
Connected to your network charge with led indicators can take a little more, but the power meter does not fix this.
Gizmo started to react when hooked up 5 chargers into an extension cord — 0.3 watts. Justice is done, however, I began to blame the fire safety.
What instruments do the "suck" energy in standby mode?Charger transformers do consume electricity. But in everyday life, such power supplies are not very common and hardly to someone will come to mind to leave them in the socket. I am thinking of charging for the battery car, power supply led strip, power supply from the laptop and a charger for AAA batteries. Modern lightweight charging transformers in its design have not.
But the computer was taken from a network of 1.3 watts in the off state, the monitor is 23" 0.8 watt. Microwave in standby mode eats as much as 1.6 watts luminous watch, which I still can not spirit (and after the measurement I have it still disconnected from the network...).
Do not keep TVs, appliances with remote control or so-called "soft" start — eating shes. Plus these annoying svetodiody everywhere, which also need energy.
The slow cooker is in standby mode potrebam 1.4 watt gas boiler — 2 watt.
The power consumption in the standby mode, the kettle, toaster and a table lamp is zero and the fridge to check not see the point, how many would not "eat" — is not going anywhere.
Why disconnect devices from the network?If the energy consumption of household appliances is not huge, then why waste time in disabling them? About the annoying lights I have already said that for me the first reason to get out of the socket all that glows. The second reason is the electromagnetic radiation around which so much speculation and myth. "Tin foil hat" to wear is not necessary, but if without fanaticism just disconnect devices from the network when they are not needed, you at least can say with a clear conscience say — did everything I could. The third reason is that chargers and power supplies burn more often, if you let them hang in the sockets.
How to reduce energopotreblenie
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //ehome.ironws.com/tekhnika/raskhod-ehlektroehnergii-v-rezhime-ozhidaniya/
How much electricity it uses disconnected the charger?To find out how much electricity pulls the charging from a smartphone, you can use the cheapest network power meter for $8.
Insert the meter into the outlet, connect the device and watch the numbers on the scoreboard.
The device has not responded to any modern charger from my home Arsenal — smartphone, iPod, tablet. In fact, the portion of wool is still used, as I read, digging into the topic. But for the year accumulates about 1 kW with a few charges that are connected around the clock.
Connected to your network charge with led indicators can take a little more, but the power meter does not fix this.
Gizmo started to react when hooked up 5 chargers into an extension cord — 0.3 watts. Justice is done, however, I began to blame the fire safety.
What instruments do the "suck" energy in standby mode?Charger transformers do consume electricity. But in everyday life, such power supplies are not very common and hardly to someone will come to mind to leave them in the socket. I am thinking of charging for the battery car, power supply led strip, power supply from the laptop and a charger for AAA batteries. Modern lightweight charging transformers in its design have not.
But the computer was taken from a network of 1.3 watts in the off state, the monitor is 23" 0.8 watt. Microwave in standby mode eats as much as 1.6 watts luminous watch, which I still can not spirit (and after the measurement I have it still disconnected from the network...).
Do not keep TVs, appliances with remote control or so-called "soft" start — eating shes. Plus these annoying svetodiody everywhere, which also need energy.
The slow cooker is in standby mode potrebam 1.4 watt gas boiler — 2 watt.
The power consumption in the standby mode, the kettle, toaster and a table lamp is zero and the fridge to check not see the point, how many would not "eat" — is not going anywhere.
Why disconnect devices from the network?If the energy consumption of household appliances is not huge, then why waste time in disabling them? About the annoying lights I have already said that for me the first reason to get out of the socket all that glows. The second reason is the electromagnetic radiation around which so much speculation and myth. "Tin foil hat" to wear is not necessary, but if without fanaticism just disconnect devices from the network when they are not needed, you at least can say with a clear conscience say — did everything I could. The third reason is that chargers and power supplies burn more often, if you let them hang in the sockets.
How to reduce energopotreblenie
- Turn off the light, leaving the room.
- Since iron is the most voracious of the invention, the farm, collecting several sets of underwear it is possible to reduce the number of heatings of the device from scratch. Turn it off from the network for a couple of minutes before finishing Ironing.
- The washing machine washes well cotton is already 60 degrees, 90 degrees mode use as little as possible.
- In the kettle warm as many cups as you need, it makes no sense to boil 1.7 l of 2 cups of tea.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //ehome.ironws.com/tekhnika/raskhod-ehlektroehnergii-v-rezhime-ozhidaniya/