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Golden collection of energy efficient tips

The ways and measures to save electricity, heat and water in the home

We present methods and various measures to save electricity. Tips on effective use of heat and water, which will increase the energy efficiency of buildings.

1.Install two-tariff meter

Not everyone knows that in our country (as in many countries of the world) adopted the two-tariff system of electricity metering. It provides tenants the ability to pay for electricity at night (from 23:00 to 7:00) at the rate which is considerably cheaper than the daily. If you – "owl" and go to bed very late, such a decision will allow you to maximize savings on electricity.

And by the way

For a refrigerator operating round the clock, account for a quarter of the entire consumption of electricity. Two-tariff system of payment will make it "content" is less burdensome.

2. Leaving – turn off the light!

3. Wipe the light bulb from dust

Well-mashed light shines on 10-15% brighter dusty.

4. Replace incandescent bulbs with energy-saving lamps

Although energy saving lamps are 10 times more expensive than the usual incandescent bulbs, they work much longer and consume 4-5 times less energy. For example, a compact energy-saving lamp for 12 watts gives as much light as incandescent 60 watts. This is due to the fact that energy-saving lamps don't emit much heat and wasting energy just for light, not heat.

The average lifespan of an ordinary incandescent lamp is 1,000 hours, and fluorescent – 15 times more. You can forget about changing bulbs for almost three years.

5. Do not leave electrical appliances in standby mode. Even in standby mode appliances consume energy.

Did you know that...

...new LCD and plasma TVs consume more electricity than a conventional TV cathode-ray tube. For the most powerful TV latest model is as follows: 400 watts during operation and 4 watts in standby mode. The TVs go into standby mode after being turned off with the button on the remote control. To turn off the TV fully, you have to press the POWER button (or on/off) on the front panel.

And by the way

It makes no sense to constantly turn on and off the computer, if used during the day. This has a negative impact on its functioning. However, during the breaks, shut off the computer monitor. Peripherals such as printers and scanners, should be included in the network only when they are needed.

6. Use with appliances of class A

Appliances are class A energy consumption is most economical. For example, in energy-saving models of washing machines automatically determine the weight of clothes loaded in accordance with that regulated the flow of water. Because of this water is consumed less and, accordingly, heating energy savings of up to 40%. At full load this machine saves up to 0.4 kW per hour. Depending on the volume of Laundry you can save from 500 to 750 roubles a year.

Did you know that...

When loading the tank of the washing machine only half 50% of its power use is wasted. Excessive use of the drying mode can also be a factor in the inefficient use of electricity. And by the way, washable at 30°C instead of 40°C allows to save 40% energy. The quality of washing remains the same, because modern washing powders are designed to effectively wash clothes at low temperatures.

7. Properly install refrigerator

The refrigerator is one of the main consumers of electricity in our homes. He "loves" the cool of the room. If you want to save on electricity, don't put it near the battery or plate. The refrigerator will consume less energy if you put it near an external wall, but not close to her. The more air gap between the rear wall of the refrigerator and the wall, the lower the temperature of the heat exchanger and the more efficient his work is.

8. Do not put in the refrigerator hot food and not to leave the door open

Systematically inspect the gasket of the door so it does not appeared cracks and gaps that prevent the door tightly closed and securely locked.

9. Defrost the refrigerator two or three times a year

The ice in the refrigerator is not cold, but rather works as an insulator. Therefore, the refrigerator often need to thaw, preventing the formation of ice "fur."

10. Cook your food on low heat

For most cooking operations, powerful heating is not needed. Usually liquid it is only necessary to bring to a boil, and then cook food on low heat. Use the residual heat of the burners, turn off the oven a little before food is ready.

11. Use cookware with a bottom that is equal to or slightly exceeds the diameter of the burner cookers

Electric is the most wasteful of home appliances. If a TV consumes in a year about 300 kWh, the refrigerator for about 450 kWh, then electric is more than 1000 kWh.

Therefore, the correct handling of the stove – one of the main ways of energy saving.

Cover the cookware on the cooktop cover. So you also save money while cooking.

And by the way...

Cookware with rough bottoms can cause excess power consumption by up to 40-60%.

12. Clean the kettle from scale

For reasonable use of energy when boiling the kettle you will have to pour exactly as much water as you need it now.

Scale in the kettle conducts heat almost thirty times worse than the metal, therefore, substantially increases the amount of energy for boiling water.

13. Use residual heat appliances

For example, iron is stored residual heat that will last for a few minutes Ironing. Ironing Board tabletreeitem is also an excellent way of saving energy.

Did you know that...

... too dry or too wet linen have to be ironed longer than a little wet, which means, comes more energy consumption.

14. White color saves lighting

Smooth white wall reflects 80% of sunlight. The dark green surface gives only 15% of the light, black – 9%.

15. Don't neglect natural light

The use of sunlight is one of the most significant reserves of economy of electric energy.

Depending on the wattage of bulbs that you use, this measure will help to save up to 400 rubles a year.

16. Use solar panels

Most modern solar panels work effectively and in cloudy weather.

The amount of solar energy received at the Earth's surface in a week exceeds the energy of all global reserves of oil, gas, coal and uranium. But humanity has not yet learned to use it effectively.

17. Use compact solar charger

Today the market offers a large number of solar chargers. For example, the cell phone battery voltage 3.6 V charging from this device for 12 hours. Such a charge will last for 1.5 hours of continuous talk, or 30 to 60 hours in standby mode.

Did you know that...

...recharge cell phone without the help of special devices. For example, try to put the battery warmed by the sun on the roof of the car. Such a "charging" just enough for a few minutes of conversation.

18. Do not insert batteries with furniture and not tanavakivide their curtains

Obstacles prevent the warm air is evenly spread around the room and reduce the heat radiators 20%.

19. Repaint the battery in black color, install heat-reflective screens

Battery, painted in a dark color, gives on 5-10% of heat more than light coloured paint. The only condition – the paint layer should not be too thick, it will affect its heat transfer.

The wall behind the radiator can heat up to 50°C. Shame to waste so much heat to warm up the bricks or concrete slabs, especially if the apartment is cold. Install batteries for heat-reflective screens of the heat insulation material is laid or a simple foil. This will increase the temperature in the room on average 2 degrees.

20. Insulated window!

In most of our homes energy costs for heating are higher than the same costs in European countries with a similar climate in 3-5 times. According to experts, up to 50% of heat loss occurs through Windows. Insulation of Windows can raise the indoor temperature 4-5 degrees Celsius and will allow to refuse from electric heating, which for a season can consume up to 4000 kWh per apartment, or 9 to 13.5 thousand rubles (depending on electricity tariffs). Insulated wooden frames with weatherstrip or adjust them with plastic Windows.

21. Hang it on the window thick curtains

The day remove the curtains, and at night again tanavakivide window. Blackout curtains will help prevent heat leakage.

22. Install reflective window film

Heat-reflecting film is an optically transparent material with a special multilayer coating, which is mounted on the inner surface of the outer window frame.

The film transmits 80% of visible light, and inside the apartment reflects about 90% of heat radiation that allows you to keep a room warm in winter and cool in summer.

23. Ventilate "in shock"

Constantly open window, surprisingly, it cools, but no air. But if ventilate "gulp" for a short time wide open window, then the air has time to change, but not "vystupit" room surface in the room will stay warm.

24. Insulate walls

10% of heat loss in homes is heat escaping through the basement.

So the apartment is on the first floor, as well as in a country house, it makes sense to insulate the floor.

25. Don't let the heat out through the walls

Doing another repair, place under wall-paper, a thin layer of Styrofoam or heat insulation material is laid. It is hygienic, environmentally friendly and fire-proof advanced materials.

26. Insulate the loggia and balcony

Carefully is to insulate the balcony door. On the bottom of the doors can be secured with buttons decorative rug and on the threshold of the room to put, tightly clutching the door, made of thick fabric cushion. It can fill with foam or scraps of fabric.

27. Insulate the front door

An effective way to save heat escaping through the front door, is to install a second door, creating an insulating platform. And in any case – you have two doors or one needs to close the gap between the wall and door frame. This is done by using foam.

28. Make sure that the front door is tightly closed

If the front door doesn't close properly, the insulation of your own entrance doors may be ineffective. This can help to either set of inertial devices (so-called "door"), or combination lock. If the entrance is still not installed such a device is the reason for going to organizations that provide housing services.

You are also right to insist on the insulation of doors and Windows on the stairs.

29. Plant trees around the house

Trees reduce the force of the surface wind, helping to keep the heat on the lower floors of buildings in the cold season. To plant live "windfall" should be at a distance from home, from two to five times the height of the trees.

30. Make your house a winter garden

The atrium, which are plants that are running at the same time as a passive heat accumulator. Through the glass with a metallic coating or polycarbonate plastic solar rays pass into the room, why it accumulates heat. Heat produced is enough not only the Conservatory, but also the adjacent areas.

31. Install in the country a geothermal pump

A geothermal pump allows you to collect free energy from the land around your home, accumulated in the soil, groundwater and air. Thanks to this device, up to 75% of the energy required for home heating and water heating, you will be given nature.

And by the way

Today geothermal heat is "working" for the benefit of people in 80 countries. In the United States annually produces about 1 million geothermal heat pumps, which necessarily are used in the construction of new public buildings. It is enshrined in Federal law. In Sweden 70% of the heat obtained through the heat pump. In Stockholm, these pumps provide 12% of the total heating for the city, using as energy source the Baltic sea, water temperature is only 8°C.

32. Prefer shower to bathing

Taking a shower within 5 minutes, you spend a maximum of 100 liters of water. And in order to fill a bathtub, you should water twice – 200 liters. Making the right choice, you will leave in your wallet is about 150 rubles per month, or 1,800 per year.

And by the way

Cost-nozzles with smaller holes for the faucets and shower installations allows you to spend two times less water. Moreover, the difference in water pressure you will not notice. And arm the soul with the interrupter of the flow of water reduces its consumption by a quarter.

33. Get economical plumbing – the toilet with two modes of discharge

The toilet with two modes of discharge (full and economical) saves about 15 liters of water per day for a family of 3 people. Thus, in a year you will save 5400 gallons of water per year.

34. Repair or replace faulty plumbing

A leaking toilet is almost 72000 litres per year wasted water. The loss in monetary terms will be about 2000 rubles a year.

35. Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth

Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth. In order to rinse the mouth, dial a glass of water. This way you will save up to 45 litres of water – so much will go into the sewer through the tap for 3 minutes.

36. Repair or replace all leaking taps

From a dripping faucet stems 24 liters of water per day and 720 liters a month, that is 8640 litres a year.

Thus, the "result" without any benefit of 230 rubles a year.

Leaky faucet (up to 200 liters per day and about 6000 liters per month) will cost about 2000 rubles a year.

37. When choosing mixers prefer lever

Always tightly close the faucet. Because water can drip and serviceable plug, if you don't watch him. And by the way, if from the tap flows hot water stream, no thicker than matches, for the year it lost heat, which would be enough for heating one apartment for two months.

Did you know that...

average consumption open the tap for 10 minutes – 150 litres.

A lever mixers mix faster with water than faucets with two taps, and hence, the selection of optimum temperature the less water gets wasted.

38. Don't defrost foods under running water

In addition to improper consumption of water, it is fraught with the deterioration of product properties. The better you are prepared to shift products from the freezer to the refrigerator.

39. Do not wash fruits and vegetables under running water

Use for washing food bowl. This method can effectively clean the fruit from sand and dirt. For the filling one large pot or bowl you will need only 3 liters of water, while in flow-through washing fruits from the faucet continually flows 15 litres of water.

40. When washing dishes do not keep the tap always open

The use of running water is doubly wasteful, as it increases not only water consumption but also the consumption of detergents. If opolaskivaniem between the plates to close the faucet, water consumption will decrease in tens times.

41. Install meters for hot and cold water

If the house has no community, no individual meters, the calculation of the water for residents is valid egalitarian principle: all residents pay the same according to the current tariffs. Water consumption rates are on average 350 litres a day in Russia. While the average Russian per day spends about 150 liters of water.

Applying these readily available activities and ways to conserve energy and other resources, not only will You save a significant portion of their budget, but also reduce the load on the environment. published


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Source: www.dvec.ru/amur-blag/private_clients/power_savings/2_advice.php