Belly dance as ritual preparation for childbirth
Belly dance is a magical dance of life, created in order to prepare a woman to her most important work — the procreation, the continuation of life.
It seems to me, to parenthood need to Mature, and each has its own period of "ripening". Personally for me, when children have children (I don't mean physical age and psychological), is unacceptable. My husband took 12 years to get my act together, to realize themselves in this world and feel the need to become parents. It is the need, not desire. Once understood, realized, able to invite guests into their family with two adorable kids, and belly dance helped me on their own, without medical intervention the first baby born in the hospital and one at home. And for the opportunity to give birth naturally in the hospital, I fought desperately with the medicine, as I had a family history (of a decent age 33 years, retinal detachment, myopia, unsuccessful first pregnancy, endometriosis and surgery to remove ovarian cyst — all earned before classes belly dancing). Don't like to talk about the sores, but maybe someone reading this will be able to believe in themselves and in the possibility of natural childbirth even in such situations.
Modern belly dance, or belly dance, or Oriental dance, is different from the dance that originated in the ancient ritual of preparation for childbirth, fertility ritual and method of partner selection, as well as love is different from sexuality. Imagine a huge cloud floating high in the sky, and the land glides the shadow of it. Cloud is a love and a shadow is sexy.
Amazing, plastic and graceful movements of belly dance are love of self-love, man, peace. In his book, "Born to dance" Arabic dance historian Wendy of Buonaventura says that "...the erotic image of a woman, which in ancient times served the renewal of life, was... humiliated and devalued... the Image of female eroticism, which is the world's easiest to perceive, this glamorous doll. This is a superficial way, and this way cabaret".
People studying the history of belly dance, I believe that it originated in ancient times as a ritual preparation for childbirth. In those days there were no hospitals, painkillers to ease the process of childbirth, so you had to give birth the way nature intended. It is not surprising that women have turned into a ritual, the movements that are strengthened and toned muscles and thus facilitate childbirth.
"Subsequently, the ancient women's religion gave way to the Patriarchal (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), but belly dance has come down to us as part of the primitive ritual of worship to the goddess-woman. Still, some of the Bedouin tribes there is a custom of women going in the big tent and dance around a pregnant woman, helping her thus in childbirth and encountering the birth of a child with joy to his life was happy. The lack of scientific and medical research that supports the benefits of belly dance, the paucity of literary and historical sources suggests that the nature of belly dance closer to spiritual practices, which are characterized by initiation and transfer of knowledge from teacher to student.
In practicing belly dance woman in addition to the release of her femininity and reveals his divine essence "giving life". Hramovoi and ritual dance belly does not prevent him to be just a good gymnastics, health-promoting, anti-aging, improves coordination, and is useful not only for women but also for men. Observing the work of the osteopath, I thought that belly dance is somewhat similar to osteopathy. Vibrating, low-amplitude movements provide good blood flow to the muscles, improve tissue nutrition, relieve muscle relaxes and blocks the dance and really "gives life".
Before you come to belly dance, I've been involved in martial arts, dancing (ballroom, Latin), a plastic improvisation, practiced Pilates, callanetics, yoga, in General, has tried many things — everything that gives people a sense of body and space.
When fate brought belly-dancing, I was a girl trained in many areas, physically "cultivated". But all this is down to the plastic "do not touch". First time to practice belly dance, I came in an ordinary sports club. And from the first moment I felt that this is exactly what I wanted, something very familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. The movements of belly dance so simple that it seems to make it quite elementary. And suddenly you are surprised to understand that your body doesn't listen to you, and just feel wooden. Some kind of magic, again and again I try, no, not that... belly dance, you might say, "plowed" me completely, my understanding about your own body.
From the very first moment of meeting with belly dance, I realized that ready "is" to teach, because they understand it with all my being. From that moment to this day what I do is close the gap between understanding and capabilities of your own body. All I will say further, my personal views on belly dance. When I was doing belly dancing in the first three months, there was a feeling that communication is disrupted the brain and the body gradually recovered, and I'm like "frostbite". Belly dance gives a fantastic feeling that everything is happening here and now. The same feeling we get in childbirth, but there is the cocktail of hormones are added in some cases pain. The original purpose of belly dancing — preparing women for childbirth, childbirth and recovery of the mother after birth. Despite the fact that now there are clubs prepare for childbirth, many women go to give birth, as in the maelstrom of his head, eyes closed, not even knowing anything about what they have, not to mention long-term physical training (muscle in one session will not prepare!). Why nobody would think to go to work as an accountant or an interpreter, without special education, and to give birth — please! "In a haystack gave birth," and we have!
When was that and what health was for those women! And traditions! Moreover, in today's world without a consciousness to survive is very difficult. Just exercise a woman is not enough, because this is mainly due to stress, tension, study of the striated muscles. Belly dance — technique, working on the internal muscles of the pelvis, obliques, developing smooth muscles, the ability to stretch, relax and stretch certain muscle groups — all that is necessary for pregnancy and normal delivery, quick recovery after childbirth. The basic principles of belly dancing — relaxation, maximum concentration on your body, dive into their own feelings, without this it is impossible to make practically any belly dance moves. Very important lessons — normalization of hormonal background, that's amazing "chemistry", which literally transforms a woman.
The wives of all the peoples of distributed dancing with the twists and turns of the waist yaw and swaying hips. It is a natural movement, pranayma deep muscles, creating a flexible waist and polishing the internal organs of her womb is conceived and created a child. Where there is this dance, because, as I heard some people are against them, there is a painful childbirth and offspring is weaker. Efremov "Thais"
In the pregnancy entails a contradiction. The illusion of possession is a step forward, fear of loss — a step back. The search for balance helps to move solid knowledge is the path to disappointment. Dance from the very first moment the child leads, selects, teaches, sets the rhythm. A woman living in the material world, is quite rough and tough, should tune in to something very thin, flimsy, space — the origin of life. Connect two cells, begin to grow, to share, become a man, small but very willful and knowing everything.
The whole pregnancy a woman customizable, adapts, changes, learns to feel, to empathize, to love, to speak, to dance. Childbirth is the culmination of pregnancy, but at the same time the beginning of a new life. The need of the child to be born, the mother's need to feel, to see her child, the need to live and to give life to merge into a beautiful dance. I think it is incorrect to talk about belly dance as childbirth. I would say that this dance is preparing for pregnancy. To do need to begin long before conception, it is best to not less than a year. Muscles get used to the movements, stretch, and someone may belly dance will help women to get pregnant. For example, it is believed that the waves of the whole body are a good "rudimentary".
In belly dance there is exercise — as much as possible to inflate and pull the stomach. Inflating the stomach, so to increase it that be similar to pregnant. The muscle as it "used" to the large amount of stretch and as a result, even though the pregnancy belly, of course, no longer flabby and stretched after childbirth. Interestingly, the tension and relaxation of muscles, and in a very fast pace going on right during the lesson.
During sports muscles are mostly tense, and relax them during the stretch at the end of classes. We can say that, after belly dancing, you can safely say: "I Can dig it! And can not dig!". After sport: "I Can dig it!". And that's all. Very well "don't dig", that is, to practice non-doing, which is taught yoga, qigong, tai-Chi. If you were belly dancing before pregnancy, normal health it is possible not to stop the practice.
The first trimester is the most crucial time, it is hormonal changes, adaptation to a new state. Common: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness. Don't force yourself, but if possible and desired, some soft, plastic movements, working out stretch marks quite on forces.
In the second trimester the body is adjusting to his new condition, and not a very big tummy the perfect time to practice the dance. In the third trimester may just be morally difficult to force yourself to work out: "I so big already, it's hard for me to move." But if I had to shake myself from the dance you get a fantastic feeling.
In the third trimester the concentration in the body of the "female" hormones reaches its peak and leads to a complete celebration of womanhood. To me personally, except that I was in good physical shape, belly dance in pregnancy helped to cope with their fears. During the class body and brain were filled with a sense of calm, a feeling that everything is normal and good.
If you fail to begin the practice early, you can try and pregnancy. But there are two very important points. Firstly to start better in the second trimester: the body adapt to hormonal changes, the baby is stronger is associated with the mother, who feels keenly her baby. And the second tune will have not only on your body and the baby, that is her mother needs a certain amount of courage and a good knowledge of your body, or rather, feelings. Believe in yourself — it is better to wait until the birth and begin the recovery.
Interestingly, my kids (boy and girl) reacted differently to what mom was doing (not only practiced, but taught) belly dancing. At first my son was very active kicking after class, and I began to look for the cause. At the time I first started teaching and during class a bit worried and held my breath. So my child has taught me one of the main principles of belly dancing — a relaxed and steady breathing, without delay. When I was expecting a girl, taught already active, but never felt her discontent. It is already a tradition a video of his dance before the birth I always view with pleasure and admiration. The movements are smooth, relaxed, inside a space, a state of bliss and perfect harmony is the ideal state for practicing belly dance.
Childbirth is a magical dance of life. The child somehow miraculously decides when to be born, the mother produces it. At the moment of birth a woman is disconnected from the outside world, completely focused on the sensations.
The key is to realize that it's just a job, a special job, which the woman sometimes performs once in a lifetime, but it can be done depends on the health and future of both the child and the woman. If you have the opportunity to look within, to know its essence, to experience into the depths of his subconscious, try to do this before the birth, practice — belly dance is perfect for this.
Childbirth will be for you a premiere benefit performance, not the rehearsal or the General run. Of course, mothers of large families are gaining experience and gaining more pleasure and satisfaction from the process. But in my experience I can say, in the first childbirth you can experience the fantastic feeling of involvement in the birth of a new life, not clouded by fear, pain, suffering and self-pity.
For those who decided to take up belly dance, I would like to highlight several important points. First, decide why you need it. "Tighten" a figure, get healthier, learn to move gracefully, is quite suitable nearby fitness club or a teacher, removing a hall somewhere nearby.
To study at a good professional level, to perform on stage, learn different styles of Arabic dance — you need to go to recognized masters in dance schools, located mainly in the center. Classes for pregnant women are held in clubs prepare for childbirth. They attend regular classes is not necessary, as the pace and load they are much more than classes for future mothers. If you want to do, let's call it, "inner style", then you need also knowledge about meditation, concentration energy, that is, in this case, the dance becomes more of a lifestyle than a way to diversify leisure. Second, try to visit a few teachers, as in belly dancing it is very important that you have found your master. And last: don't hurry. All the good that you should be due to the dance will not happen immediately. It is work, but it's a joy. The main thing — to wait for the results.
But the miracle happened, the baby came into this world, bringing joy and angst at the same time. Mommy it's hard to give yourself at least a minute, not to mention the hours to study. Starting a practice after giving birth, I'm in no hurry to get back the lost shape — in fact, when there will be another chance to feel like a fat Oriental woman, and of full figure shaking look great and bring a lot of fun!
Even with the long break, the muscles remember everything very quickly, and how nice to meet a friend of music, scarf with necklace, costume, dance! A few minutes and fingered, twirled in front of the mirror and back to the pots, but quite a different person. Not only a mother but a woman! And also great to wear a beautiful top, skirt or tie on a hip scarf — the quality of the cleaning of the apartment is significantly enhanced, and the fatigue from it is reduced many times over!
In addition to the good physical shape that is required after childbirth, belly dance gives you the opportunity to forget about postpartum depression. Fast rhythms of Eastern music long sound in my head, and simply has no time to be sad and depressed! It is a pity that there are statistics on how quickly after birth restored the mother's body, dedicated to belly dance and not engaged. Personally about myself I can say that after the first birth in the hospital, me and two girls did an ultrasound of the uterus, I fell better (despite the fact that girls were much younger).
While home birth after 1.5 days my midwife said that the uterus has dropped as if I gave birth a week ago. To practice belly dance at any age, with any physical training (from the experience: the lack of training is sometimes preferable). A little wish to stay on contraindications.
Author: Yulia Sotnikova
Source: /users/1077
It seems to me, to parenthood need to Mature, and each has its own period of "ripening". Personally for me, when children have children (I don't mean physical age and psychological), is unacceptable. My husband took 12 years to get my act together, to realize themselves in this world and feel the need to become parents. It is the need, not desire. Once understood, realized, able to invite guests into their family with two adorable kids, and belly dance helped me on their own, without medical intervention the first baby born in the hospital and one at home. And for the opportunity to give birth naturally in the hospital, I fought desperately with the medicine, as I had a family history (of a decent age 33 years, retinal detachment, myopia, unsuccessful first pregnancy, endometriosis and surgery to remove ovarian cyst — all earned before classes belly dancing). Don't like to talk about the sores, but maybe someone reading this will be able to believe in themselves and in the possibility of natural childbirth even in such situations.
Modern belly dance, or belly dance, or Oriental dance, is different from the dance that originated in the ancient ritual of preparation for childbirth, fertility ritual and method of partner selection, as well as love is different from sexuality. Imagine a huge cloud floating high in the sky, and the land glides the shadow of it. Cloud is a love and a shadow is sexy.
Amazing, plastic and graceful movements of belly dance are love of self-love, man, peace. In his book, "Born to dance" Arabic dance historian Wendy of Buonaventura says that "...the erotic image of a woman, which in ancient times served the renewal of life, was... humiliated and devalued... the Image of female eroticism, which is the world's easiest to perceive, this glamorous doll. This is a superficial way, and this way cabaret".

People studying the history of belly dance, I believe that it originated in ancient times as a ritual preparation for childbirth. In those days there were no hospitals, painkillers to ease the process of childbirth, so you had to give birth the way nature intended. It is not surprising that women have turned into a ritual, the movements that are strengthened and toned muscles and thus facilitate childbirth.
"Subsequently, the ancient women's religion gave way to the Patriarchal (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), but belly dance has come down to us as part of the primitive ritual of worship to the goddess-woman. Still, some of the Bedouin tribes there is a custom of women going in the big tent and dance around a pregnant woman, helping her thus in childbirth and encountering the birth of a child with joy to his life was happy. The lack of scientific and medical research that supports the benefits of belly dance, the paucity of literary and historical sources suggests that the nature of belly dance closer to spiritual practices, which are characterized by initiation and transfer of knowledge from teacher to student.
In practicing belly dance woman in addition to the release of her femininity and reveals his divine essence "giving life". Hramovoi and ritual dance belly does not prevent him to be just a good gymnastics, health-promoting, anti-aging, improves coordination, and is useful not only for women but also for men. Observing the work of the osteopath, I thought that belly dance is somewhat similar to osteopathy. Vibrating, low-amplitude movements provide good blood flow to the muscles, improve tissue nutrition, relieve muscle relaxes and blocks the dance and really "gives life".
Before you come to belly dance, I've been involved in martial arts, dancing (ballroom, Latin), a plastic improvisation, practiced Pilates, callanetics, yoga, in General, has tried many things — everything that gives people a sense of body and space.
When fate brought belly-dancing, I was a girl trained in many areas, physically "cultivated". But all this is down to the plastic "do not touch". First time to practice belly dance, I came in an ordinary sports club. And from the first moment I felt that this is exactly what I wanted, something very familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. The movements of belly dance so simple that it seems to make it quite elementary. And suddenly you are surprised to understand that your body doesn't listen to you, and just feel wooden. Some kind of magic, again and again I try, no, not that... belly dance, you might say, "plowed" me completely, my understanding about your own body.
From the very first moment of meeting with belly dance, I realized that ready "is" to teach, because they understand it with all my being. From that moment to this day what I do is close the gap between understanding and capabilities of your own body. All I will say further, my personal views on belly dance. When I was doing belly dancing in the first three months, there was a feeling that communication is disrupted the brain and the body gradually recovered, and I'm like "frostbite". Belly dance gives a fantastic feeling that everything is happening here and now. The same feeling we get in childbirth, but there is the cocktail of hormones are added in some cases pain. The original purpose of belly dancing — preparing women for childbirth, childbirth and recovery of the mother after birth. Despite the fact that now there are clubs prepare for childbirth, many women go to give birth, as in the maelstrom of his head, eyes closed, not even knowing anything about what they have, not to mention long-term physical training (muscle in one session will not prepare!). Why nobody would think to go to work as an accountant or an interpreter, without special education, and to give birth — please! "In a haystack gave birth," and we have!
When was that and what health was for those women! And traditions! Moreover, in today's world without a consciousness to survive is very difficult. Just exercise a woman is not enough, because this is mainly due to stress, tension, study of the striated muscles. Belly dance — technique, working on the internal muscles of the pelvis, obliques, developing smooth muscles, the ability to stretch, relax and stretch certain muscle groups — all that is necessary for pregnancy and normal delivery, quick recovery after childbirth. The basic principles of belly dancing — relaxation, maximum concentration on your body, dive into their own feelings, without this it is impossible to make practically any belly dance moves. Very important lessons — normalization of hormonal background, that's amazing "chemistry", which literally transforms a woman.
The wives of all the peoples of distributed dancing with the twists and turns of the waist yaw and swaying hips. It is a natural movement, pranayma deep muscles, creating a flexible waist and polishing the internal organs of her womb is conceived and created a child. Where there is this dance, because, as I heard some people are against them, there is a painful childbirth and offspring is weaker. Efremov "Thais"
In the pregnancy entails a contradiction. The illusion of possession is a step forward, fear of loss — a step back. The search for balance helps to move solid knowledge is the path to disappointment. Dance from the very first moment the child leads, selects, teaches, sets the rhythm. A woman living in the material world, is quite rough and tough, should tune in to something very thin, flimsy, space — the origin of life. Connect two cells, begin to grow, to share, become a man, small but very willful and knowing everything.
The whole pregnancy a woman customizable, adapts, changes, learns to feel, to empathize, to love, to speak, to dance. Childbirth is the culmination of pregnancy, but at the same time the beginning of a new life. The need of the child to be born, the mother's need to feel, to see her child, the need to live and to give life to merge into a beautiful dance. I think it is incorrect to talk about belly dance as childbirth. I would say that this dance is preparing for pregnancy. To do need to begin long before conception, it is best to not less than a year. Muscles get used to the movements, stretch, and someone may belly dance will help women to get pregnant. For example, it is believed that the waves of the whole body are a good "rudimentary".
In belly dance there is exercise — as much as possible to inflate and pull the stomach. Inflating the stomach, so to increase it that be similar to pregnant. The muscle as it "used" to the large amount of stretch and as a result, even though the pregnancy belly, of course, no longer flabby and stretched after childbirth. Interestingly, the tension and relaxation of muscles, and in a very fast pace going on right during the lesson.
During sports muscles are mostly tense, and relax them during the stretch at the end of classes. We can say that, after belly dancing, you can safely say: "I Can dig it! And can not dig!". After sport: "I Can dig it!". And that's all. Very well "don't dig", that is, to practice non-doing, which is taught yoga, qigong, tai-Chi. If you were belly dancing before pregnancy, normal health it is possible not to stop the practice.
The first trimester is the most crucial time, it is hormonal changes, adaptation to a new state. Common: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness. Don't force yourself, but if possible and desired, some soft, plastic movements, working out stretch marks quite on forces.
In the second trimester the body is adjusting to his new condition, and not a very big tummy the perfect time to practice the dance. In the third trimester may just be morally difficult to force yourself to work out: "I so big already, it's hard for me to move." But if I had to shake myself from the dance you get a fantastic feeling.
In the third trimester the concentration in the body of the "female" hormones reaches its peak and leads to a complete celebration of womanhood. To me personally, except that I was in good physical shape, belly dance in pregnancy helped to cope with their fears. During the class body and brain were filled with a sense of calm, a feeling that everything is normal and good.
If you fail to begin the practice early, you can try and pregnancy. But there are two very important points. Firstly to start better in the second trimester: the body adapt to hormonal changes, the baby is stronger is associated with the mother, who feels keenly her baby. And the second tune will have not only on your body and the baby, that is her mother needs a certain amount of courage and a good knowledge of your body, or rather, feelings. Believe in yourself — it is better to wait until the birth and begin the recovery.
Interestingly, my kids (boy and girl) reacted differently to what mom was doing (not only practiced, but taught) belly dancing. At first my son was very active kicking after class, and I began to look for the cause. At the time I first started teaching and during class a bit worried and held my breath. So my child has taught me one of the main principles of belly dancing — a relaxed and steady breathing, without delay. When I was expecting a girl, taught already active, but never felt her discontent. It is already a tradition a video of his dance before the birth I always view with pleasure and admiration. The movements are smooth, relaxed, inside a space, a state of bliss and perfect harmony is the ideal state for practicing belly dance.
Childbirth is a magical dance of life. The child somehow miraculously decides when to be born, the mother produces it. At the moment of birth a woman is disconnected from the outside world, completely focused on the sensations.
The key is to realize that it's just a job, a special job, which the woman sometimes performs once in a lifetime, but it can be done depends on the health and future of both the child and the woman. If you have the opportunity to look within, to know its essence, to experience into the depths of his subconscious, try to do this before the birth, practice — belly dance is perfect for this.
Childbirth will be for you a premiere benefit performance, not the rehearsal or the General run. Of course, mothers of large families are gaining experience and gaining more pleasure and satisfaction from the process. But in my experience I can say, in the first childbirth you can experience the fantastic feeling of involvement in the birth of a new life, not clouded by fear, pain, suffering and self-pity.
For those who decided to take up belly dance, I would like to highlight several important points. First, decide why you need it. "Tighten" a figure, get healthier, learn to move gracefully, is quite suitable nearby fitness club or a teacher, removing a hall somewhere nearby.
To study at a good professional level, to perform on stage, learn different styles of Arabic dance — you need to go to recognized masters in dance schools, located mainly in the center. Classes for pregnant women are held in clubs prepare for childbirth. They attend regular classes is not necessary, as the pace and load they are much more than classes for future mothers. If you want to do, let's call it, "inner style", then you need also knowledge about meditation, concentration energy, that is, in this case, the dance becomes more of a lifestyle than a way to diversify leisure. Second, try to visit a few teachers, as in belly dancing it is very important that you have found your master. And last: don't hurry. All the good that you should be due to the dance will not happen immediately. It is work, but it's a joy. The main thing — to wait for the results.
But the miracle happened, the baby came into this world, bringing joy and angst at the same time. Mommy it's hard to give yourself at least a minute, not to mention the hours to study. Starting a practice after giving birth, I'm in no hurry to get back the lost shape — in fact, when there will be another chance to feel like a fat Oriental woman, and of full figure shaking look great and bring a lot of fun!
Even with the long break, the muscles remember everything very quickly, and how nice to meet a friend of music, scarf with necklace, costume, dance! A few minutes and fingered, twirled in front of the mirror and back to the pots, but quite a different person. Not only a mother but a woman! And also great to wear a beautiful top, skirt or tie on a hip scarf — the quality of the cleaning of the apartment is significantly enhanced, and the fatigue from it is reduced many times over!
In addition to the good physical shape that is required after childbirth, belly dance gives you the opportunity to forget about postpartum depression. Fast rhythms of Eastern music long sound in my head, and simply has no time to be sad and depressed! It is a pity that there are statistics on how quickly after birth restored the mother's body, dedicated to belly dance and not engaged. Personally about myself I can say that after the first birth in the hospital, me and two girls did an ultrasound of the uterus, I fell better (despite the fact that girls were much younger).
While home birth after 1.5 days my midwife said that the uterus has dropped as if I gave birth a week ago. To practice belly dance at any age, with any physical training (from the experience: the lack of training is sometimes preferable). A little wish to stay on contraindications.
Author: Yulia Sotnikova
Source: /users/1077
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