The rites of purification - get rid of negative energy.

Today there are various purification rites, which have come down to us from ancient times. Mankind has always known of the existence of the evil eye and spoilage, so I try to create the most powerful protection against the negative impact. But before you start creating an invisible armor, you must first clear the man home and family from the existing negative programs.
Purify human.
To sorcerer was easier to work with the person beforehand from the client is necessary to remove any negative programs that may have accumulated on it for many years. For this purpose, the purification rites. Most often it is the prayers, incantations, which refer either to the spirits of ancestors, or to the gods, depending on what kind of religion in order.
To conduct such ceremonies you can own, but only if you are confident in their abilities and magical abilities. Also it plays an important role faith in themselves and in what you can do to protect your family. There are some rituals that a person can spend on their own. First - it is rolling out an egg, pouring wax on and praying
. The rites of purification - get rid of negative energy
. Cleansing prayer.
To perform this ritual you will need to arm themselves with three wax church candles and holy water. It is advisable to take the liquid on the eve of the temple. Held ritual for 3 days. Every morning, you need to put the person on whom the ritual is performed, facing east, to give him a hand one lit candle and three times to read the text above it:
,, Force the Lord to heal the servant of God / God's servant / (name), the curse forces. I will be cleared / a / from all uncleanness, from the evil human from ailments. Indeed, all that has come to him / her, the miraculous power of will, he shall wash the blood purity of the power of the Lord. Rays of Light of the divine will of God slave / servant of God / (name) health, healing, cleansing. All upgraded to touch the Lord. Give the Lord the power of renovation, purification, healing in the name of thy holy. There is (name), feel the power of the Lord's help throughout. Amen. "
After that, a person must wash with holy water. Use candles should be placed on the window sill and let yourself burn out. Every morning, lit a new candle. After all of the ritual can be sure that damage to illness, poverty or failure will be charged
Simple and powerful rite of purification from evil eye and spoilage.
This ritual is suitable as those who bear the light the evil eye, and those who suffer from severe damage. For the ceremony you will need 3 (if the problem is minor), or 12 candles (if strong curse).
If you have three candles, put them around the triangle of man, which is purified by negative program. If the candles 12, they are placed all around. When everything is ready, set fire to another candle, crossed a man standing in a circle and say:
,, God bless to purification in this triangle (circle) candles. Spirit of Fire and Water Spirit, bless you clear the servant of God (name) and pick up the negativity. "
After that, a person standing in a circle must exactly 9 times to repeat the text of the prayer "Our Father».
The rites of purification - get rid of negative energy
. In this role it ends. Now your task - to imagine a cocoon around the person who symbolizes the negative program
. It is necessary to break it down, remove, cut, possibly mentally eliminate negative energy from the human biofield. Throughout this time, it should also read the prayer "Our Father».
Depending on how strong the negative program lies with the person can change his mood. If it starts to feel sick, dizzy, a lump in the throat, heaviness in the legs, then the person can sit on the floor, but out of the circle is prohibited.
For a long time to carry out the ritual is impossible, as a person can really be very bad. Therefore it is better to repeat it several times in order to completely remove the negative program. Most often, the ritual is held from 3 to 12 days. After each session you need to thank a higher power, to take a warm shower and go to sleep.
The rites of purification
How to Clean a kind of curse?
Quite often you can face the fact that a strong black magician, instead of poison live one man cursed the whole race. This is a fairly common practice, and often the people who complain about the crown of celibacy, the constant problems, and that there are clear symptoms of the evil eye, are not even aware that someone else carry a curse.
Of course, it is better to entrust such a complex professional procedure, but if you know that you have enough strength and energy to protect your family, you can manually perform the ritual of purification kind.
Conducting the ceremony:
To perform the ritual necessary to arm:
* Dishes, from which no one has ever eaten;
* Church candle wax;
* Icon;
* New bundle of rice.
It is advisable to carry out a similar rite is only a waning moon. If you are supporter of the Slavic tradition, then stop your choice on the kind of veneration week (Pancake Week).
It held a ceremony in the morning, because at this time you have not managed to accumulate over the entire film business day and are ready to fill themselves with new forces. Held ritual at home. Prior to necessarily take a shower and put on clean white clothes.
Put the rice is cooked, and while he was getting ready, be sure to read the "Our Father". Food tastes can not try. When the rice is ready, to shift it into two clean plates and place one in front of an icon and a candle. Then you need to say three times:
, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, bless us food and drink prayers.
Thy most pure Mother and of all thy saints, for blessed art Thou unto the ages.
Save the race, my Lord, has saved from the black eyes, take neminuchuyu trouble, do not let go of all my friends. For the sins of the fathers and mothers are paying the price, but do not grieve on their own. Help remove the kind of heavy cross because they atone for the sins of ancestors. Amen. "
Necessarily then crisscross food, let it stand for a while before the icon. Remember, this pic is not for you. Therefore, it is, no one can. After burn out the candle, remove the plate with rice and carried her into the street. More from this there are dishes you can not.
Just throw rice also prohibited. Let him eat stray animals, or just leave, together with tableware on the road. That figure, which remained on the second plate, to be divided among all family members.
The rites of purification
Purification of the house.
Quite often, the negative program that has been made on the person goes to his house. Or there may be another situation where it was cursed place of residence, and now it pulls all the vital forces of the victim. In this case, be sure to clean the house. There are many ways to help get rid of the negative program that hangs over the housing.
Ochischyayuschy ritual with salt.
Rites and salt are very common when removing the negative programs. This simple ritual will help you get rid of the evil eye and envy detractors. Take a small packet of salt and it is red-hot on a cast iron skillet. Always, until the salt will be heated, to say prayers. Ideally, of course, to pronounce the text of the "Our Father." This is the most powerful prayer, which works perfectly in any situation.
When the salt begins to crackle a bit, take the right hand of the frying pan and go around the room with it all. Be sure to stop at every corner and try speaking at least once a prayer.
When the first part of the ritual is complete, discard the salt as far as possible from the house. Now the red-hot frying pan on the second part of the pack, let cool slightly and sprinkle on a little bag. They should put at least one in each room. After three days, the bags can be removed and thrown away as far as possible from the house.
Incense to purify the home.
Incense - it is a unique product, which is always used by our ancestors, if they had to get rid of the evil spirit or negative energy. If you want to say goodbye to the negative programs that can be at your home, you should use the incense.
fumigation methods may be different. But the best way to get around the house with a candle and incense set on fire. At the same time stop in every room and, standing in the center, saying:
,, Incense, salt of the earth, fire!
A bowl full of water!
I'm coming to your bow!
Protect from disaster!
My favorite light house!
May the happiness it! "
The rites of purification
Purification of the fire - a ritual
. Our ancestors always fire endowed with magical properties. He was considered sacred, able to clean from any negativity. With this ritual can remove negative program as a person and a home.
It is undesirable to carry out the ritual removal of damage to himself. In this case it is better to take the help of a professional or a family member.
For the ceremony, you will need a wax church candle and a knife.
Light a candle, hold it in your hands, then drag over the flame with a knife and say:
,, Sacred fire, knife Tempered thee.
So that he could cut the chains of evil and envy, sorrow and pain.
Fire sacred sanctify life (the name), it will chase away from all unclean.
From Here to Eternity. Amen. "
Then go around the house with a candle and a knife. First crisscross each corner, then do the movement of the knife as if to cut the thread. If you clean a person, then you need to make a symbolic motion over his head and around the entire body. When the ceremony is finished, extinguish the candle and throw and knife wrap in a white cloth and bury as far as possible from the house.
These rites of purification can be carried out yourself. The result will depend on your own abilities and faith.