How he lives YOG (some signs of a healthy body).

1. Body weight is stable, there are practically no fat.
2. The body "sick" very rare "disease" is fast, easy to form in the legs and almost imperceptibly, the immune system and the whole body allows you to completely do without medication and in general any treatment of these "ailments" by outside forces and means .
3. The skin and nails, elastic, no polish formations of white or very few (white education indicate a lack of necessary body substances).
4. hair strong and shiny, drop a little, normal fat content, dander or no, or very little of her - naturally within.
5. saturation missing a small amount of healthy food taste in the use of even a simple meal bright, ecstatic.
6. sweat and feces in general cease unpleasant smell, the toilet is visited "in the large" 1-2 times a day, the process is quick and without complications.
7. The general tone of the body, its endurance and high performance, differences in the psycho-emotional state are negligible, stress and depression do not occur even under stress and depressive situations.
8. Sleep strong, calm and full, dreams do not contain unpleasant moments.
9. All the organs and body systems are functioning perfectly.