"Uninteresting people in the world is ..."
uninteresting people in the world do not have.
Their fate as the history of the planets.
Each is specific and unique,
and there are planets similar to it.
And if someone has lived quietly
and unobtrusiveness was,
He was interested in people
its most uninteresting.
Everyone - his secret private world.
There is in this world is the best moment.
Is this the world's darkest hour,
but it is unknown to us.
And if a person dies,
He dies with him his first snow,
and the first kiss, first fight ...
All it takes it with him.
Yes, the book remains and bridges,
machines and artists canvases,
Yes, many are destined to remain,
but that, after all, still leaves!
Such is the rule of the game.
Not people die but worlds.
People we know, sinful and earthly.
And we know, in essence, about them?
What do we know about the brothers, of friends,
we know only about his?
And about his own father
we all know, do not know anything.
Gone people ... They did not return.
Their secret worlds do not revive.
And every time I want to again
from this transience scream.
Yevgeny Yevtushenko, 1961
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How he lives YOG (some signs of a healthy body).
20 Odnostishiya caustic about the relationship of man and woman