Treatment of tonsillitis in children and adults
Twelve million seven hundred sixty thousand ninety nine
Tonsillitis — inflammation of tonsils, mostly palatal. There are acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis), and chronic. Frequent exacerbations of tonsillitis can lead to violations of functions of heart, pain in the joints.
Tonsillitis is more common in children. Chronic tonsillitis develops as a result of repeated sore throats or acute childhood infections.
The main symptoms of tonsillitis an unpleasant sensation, pain in the throat radiating to the ears, sometimes breath. Often prolonged low-grade fever in the evenings, weakness, headache, decreased ability to work.
In chronic inflammation of the tonsils in children take fresh leaves mother and stepmother, three times wash, chop, squeeze the juice, adding an equal quantity of onion juice and red wine (or diluted brandy: 1 tablespoon of 0.5-1 glass of water). Put the mixture in the refrigerator, shake well before use. Take 3 times a day one tablespoon, diluted with 2 tablespoons of water. It was a safer of antibiotics, as the amount of alcohol is minimal.
Take 4-5 cloves of crushed garlic and 2 tablespoons of dry powdered herb sage, pour 1 liter of boiling water, to insist in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, drain. Take of 0.25 Cup 3-4 times a day, rinse infusion throat every 30 minutes.
Hold garlic irrigation of the tonsils. Squeeze a little fresh juice of garlic and apply it on your fingertips and smear this juice tonsils. After this procedure should be repeated with the infusion of propolis. It is very effective. We must remember that the juice of garlic should be applied with caution, a little pre-diluting it with boiled water.
For pain in the throat in the glass of warm boiled water, add 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda and salt and add a few drops of iodine. This solution to gargle. The pain can pass after 1 day rinse.
For the treatment of tonsillitis and sore throat grate 1 Cup raw beets, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar, to insist, juice, vinegar, wring out and rinse your mouth, throat, and a bit to swallow (1-2 tablespoons).
Cook in a small amount of old wine 20 leaves of ivy with a small amount of salt and gargle with this decoction while hot. This tool helps to eliminate unpleasant mouth odor.
Squeeze well in cooked dishes, the juice of 1 aloe leaf. The age of the plant should be at least 2 years. Drink the juice of 1 teaspoon of 1 times a day — morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 10 days. Break — 1 month. If the tonsillitis again, to spend another 1 course of treatment.
In chronic tonsillitis daily basis to lubricate the tonsils aloe juice mixed with natural honey in the ratio 1:3, for 2 weeks. In the next 2 weeks to lubricate every other day. This procedure is recommended on an empty stomach.
Preheat the kerosene to moisten the cloth, carefully squeeze the neck. From top to put another woolen cloth or scarf. Hold this compress for as long as possible. One session is sometimes enough to keep the inflammation has passed.
The following method of treatment of tonsillitis contraindicated in children.
Pour 0.5 liters of alcohol 3 large fresh crushed leaves of ficus and put in a warm place for 10 days. To make a compress on the throat in the early stages of the disease, and in more severe cases, to lubricate the throat from the inside at night. The course of treatment — 3-4 days.
Brew 1 Cup of boiling water 3-5 buds of cloves (a spice) to, to insist 2 hours. Infusion to drink either all at once or 0.25 Cup. The procedure can be performed 1 time per year as a treatment and prophylactic purposes.
Lubricate the tonsils with a cotton swab soaked in pine oil, 4-5 times a day (every 5-6 hours). Treatment for 2-3 days. The effect will be reinforced if simultaneously with the lubrication of the tonsils is instilled into each nostril 1 drop of oil. Can be uncomfortable but they will pass in 5-10 minutes.
Collect flowers potatoes, dried in the shade, cook 1 tablespoon of flowers in 1 Cup of water. This solution to rinse 3 times per day, gargle for 10 days. Take a break for 1 month and repeat the course.
Mix 2 parts list mother and stepmother, and marshmallow root, 1 part marjoram, brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture 1 Cup boiling water, cool pre-wrapped, and add honey to taste. To drink 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.
Mix 1 part of lime flowers and 2 parts of oak bark or 2 parts of lime flowers and 3 parts of chamomile flowers. Brew 1 Cup of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the mixture, hold it over low heat for 5 minutes, to insist 1 hour and strain. Gargle, diluted broth with honey.
Tonsillitis — inflammation of tonsils, mostly palatal. There are acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis), and chronic. Frequent exacerbations of tonsillitis can lead to violations of functions of heart, pain in the joints.
Tonsillitis is more common in children. Chronic tonsillitis develops as a result of repeated sore throats or acute childhood infections.
The main symptoms of tonsillitis an unpleasant sensation, pain in the throat radiating to the ears, sometimes breath. Often prolonged low-grade fever in the evenings, weakness, headache, decreased ability to work.
In chronic inflammation of the tonsils in children take fresh leaves mother and stepmother, three times wash, chop, squeeze the juice, adding an equal quantity of onion juice and red wine (or diluted brandy: 1 tablespoon of 0.5-1 glass of water). Put the mixture in the refrigerator, shake well before use. Take 3 times a day one tablespoon, diluted with 2 tablespoons of water. It was a safer of antibiotics, as the amount of alcohol is minimal.
Take 4-5 cloves of crushed garlic and 2 tablespoons of dry powdered herb sage, pour 1 liter of boiling water, to insist in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, drain. Take of 0.25 Cup 3-4 times a day, rinse infusion throat every 30 minutes.
Hold garlic irrigation of the tonsils. Squeeze a little fresh juice of garlic and apply it on your fingertips and smear this juice tonsils. After this procedure should be repeated with the infusion of propolis. It is very effective. We must remember that the juice of garlic should be applied with caution, a little pre-diluting it with boiled water.
For pain in the throat in the glass of warm boiled water, add 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda and salt and add a few drops of iodine. This solution to gargle. The pain can pass after 1 day rinse.
For the treatment of tonsillitis and sore throat grate 1 Cup raw beets, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar, to insist, juice, vinegar, wring out and rinse your mouth, throat, and a bit to swallow (1-2 tablespoons).
Cook in a small amount of old wine 20 leaves of ivy with a small amount of salt and gargle with this decoction while hot. This tool helps to eliminate unpleasant mouth odor.
Squeeze well in cooked dishes, the juice of 1 aloe leaf. The age of the plant should be at least 2 years. Drink the juice of 1 teaspoon of 1 times a day — morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 10 days. Break — 1 month. If the tonsillitis again, to spend another 1 course of treatment.
In chronic tonsillitis daily basis to lubricate the tonsils aloe juice mixed with natural honey in the ratio 1:3, for 2 weeks. In the next 2 weeks to lubricate every other day. This procedure is recommended on an empty stomach.
Preheat the kerosene to moisten the cloth, carefully squeeze the neck. From top to put another woolen cloth or scarf. Hold this compress for as long as possible. One session is sometimes enough to keep the inflammation has passed.
The following method of treatment of tonsillitis contraindicated in children.
Pour 0.5 liters of alcohol 3 large fresh crushed leaves of ficus and put in a warm place for 10 days. To make a compress on the throat in the early stages of the disease, and in more severe cases, to lubricate the throat from the inside at night. The course of treatment — 3-4 days.
Brew 1 Cup of boiling water 3-5 buds of cloves (a spice) to, to insist 2 hours. Infusion to drink either all at once or 0.25 Cup. The procedure can be performed 1 time per year as a treatment and prophylactic purposes.
Lubricate the tonsils with a cotton swab soaked in pine oil, 4-5 times a day (every 5-6 hours). Treatment for 2-3 days. The effect will be reinforced if simultaneously with the lubrication of the tonsils is instilled into each nostril 1 drop of oil. Can be uncomfortable but they will pass in 5-10 minutes.
Collect flowers potatoes, dried in the shade, cook 1 tablespoon of flowers in 1 Cup of water. This solution to rinse 3 times per day, gargle for 10 days. Take a break for 1 month and repeat the course.
Mix 2 parts list mother and stepmother, and marshmallow root, 1 part marjoram, brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture 1 Cup boiling water, cool pre-wrapped, and add honey to taste. To drink 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.
Mix 1 part of lime flowers and 2 parts of oak bark or 2 parts of lime flowers and 3 parts of chamomile flowers. Brew 1 Cup of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the mixture, hold it over low heat for 5 minutes, to insist 1 hour and strain. Gargle, diluted broth with honey.