Recipes Great Wangi
Here we describe the treatment methods used visionary Vanga. We recommend that, before using the provided recipes, consult your doctor - he will take into account your individual features, the specifics of a particular situation, the impact of different therapeutic interventions on your body
. Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). Two kilograms of husks of onions pour 3 liters of water and cook until the broth does not acquire a deep red, almost brown. Take on an empty stomach in the morning and evening for a coffee cup.
Arthritis. Take 20 rhizomes (a lump) dryakva plant (Cyclamen neapolitanum Ten.) And boiled in 10 liters of water. When the broth has cooled, cast by the total amount of 1-2 liters, and the rest of the liquid make morning and evening bath. Recommended by this sequence: keep the liquid for half an hour, first leg, then his hands. After the procedure three times, pour broth of head that you were cast in advance. The broth can be used several times.
Asthma. 40 seed onion head pour boiling water and wait until they are soft. Then drain the water and put out the onion to 0, 5 liters of olive oil. Simmer until tender, then mash until the consistency of mashed potatoes. Take on an empty stomach in the morning and evening for one tablespoon.
Insomnia. Insomniacs Vanga recommended to sleep on a pillow stuffed with hay or dried hops. Before going to sleep you need to take one tablespoon of honey.
Back pain. Coat the back of honey. Jerky movements resembling the skin peel off the bone, make a back massage. Repeat the procedure on the next day. So to make up the complete disappearance of pain.
Pain in the forearm (acute). Take 40-50 grams of incense and dissolved in 50 ml of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture on a woolen cloth and three nights in a row to apply to the sore spot.
Pain in the legs. In a large pot boil a bunch of clover, and when the broth to cool, drain, add one tablespoon of kerosene spoon. Three or four nights in a row to make bath.
Pain in the lower back. Take an old Turkish tiles and well-pound into a powder and then sifted through a sieve. Add three beaten protein, 20 g of crushed incense and one teaspoon of grape vodka. All mix well. Apply mixture on linen wrap and lower back for the night.
Patients gums.
1. Several times a day, rinse your mouth with a decoction of savory, which added a pinch of alum.
2. The patient is recommended twice a month for one hour to chew white pine resin.
Patients with renal.
1. During the week, the patient should take a decoction of pumpkin seeds. Additionally, several consecutive days do compress the kidneys. The solution is to compress:. Pounded linseed (about 100 g), diluted in a little water
2. Once a week the patient should eat only boiled wheat, drinking its water, which was cooked grain.
3. Take a great blackberry root and cook 5 liters of water, until the water boils away in half. Take a decoction three times a day for 100 ml.
4. pottery clay pour apple cider vinegar and knead well. The mixture was put on a piece of fabric and attached to the waist in the evening, on the kidneys.
Bronchitis. Two or three leaf mother and stepmother to cook in 0, 5 liters of fresh milk. Add a small amount (pinch) fresh pork fat. Take the evening before bedtime for one coffee cup.
Sore throat. In a coffee cup water to dissolve a pinch of ammonium chloride and gargle twice a day.
Inflamed facial nerve. Red-hot coals on a metal needle. A light touch to the skin (pricking) treat the entire face - a healthy first half, then sick. Light burns quickly pass, leaving no trace.
High blood pressure. At the bottom of the cup to pour a tablespoon of corn flour and pour hot water up to the top and leave for the night. In the morning drink the water, being careful not to raise from the bottom sediment.
Hair loss.
1. Washed hair pour the water in which boiled ivy.
2. Wash your hair with the use of medical clay instead of soap. After that, within a month to rub the scalp with crushed lemon wedges.
1. Take a piece of fresh butter (the size of a grain of corn) and put in a nostril. The procedure should be alternated: laying oil in one nostril on the first night, the second - in another and so on
.. 2. Two or three days to bury once daily in both nostrils, 2-3 drops of juice dryakvy.
Gastritis. In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a cup of tea from the leaves of the white willow. After that, a cup of fresh milk.
Fungal disease fingernails. Boil strong coffee (not to throw away the residue) and hold it a few times in his hands. You can use this recipe in the treatment of fungal diseases of the feet, as well as removal of thick scaly skin on the heels, and pain in the feet and ankles.
Fungal diseases on their toes.
1. Well washed your feet dipped in strong vinegar. At night it is recommended wear socks impregnated with vinegar.
2. Very useful to make a cool foot bath feet. The water should be add one tablespoon of baking soda and salt. Keep your feet in the water, yet does not cool down, and then rinse with clean water.
3. Mint pound in a mortar with salt and lay this pulp between fingers about an hour. Repeat this procedure up until the fungus disappears.
Diabetes (initial form). It is recommended to drink a decoction of the tops of blackberry shoots.
Dysentery. Bunch pimpernel plant field 10-15 minutes to boil 1 liter of water. Take broth one cup of coffee in the morning (only two or three days).
Gall bladder (inflammation). Every day, the patient should be eaten on an empty stomach for two pears. It is recommended to drink compote of wild pears, cooked without sugar.
Gall bladder (pain, feeling of heaviness and vomiting after a meal). Drink the juice of half a lemon, which dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda.
Constipation. Once or twice a day, take 1 tablespoon of jam, brewed from the berries of black elderberry sugar (sugar substitute honey).
Funk. When frightened people immediately have to drink a glass of water with dissolved in it a small amount of sugar.
Hysteria. At night, park in a bucket of water a bunch of meadowsweet. The next day boil water without removing it from her bouquet, wait for cool down and pour this water the patient.
Cough. 4 walnuts with shell, one tablespoon of elderberry and one tablespoon of honey to fill 0, 5 liters of water and boil. Once cooled, drain. Take 3 times a day for one tablespoon.
Colitis. Twice a day, take the serum, which is released is obtained for cheese. Avoid fatty foods.
Tonsils (inflammation). The dried roots of hellebore grind into powder. Prepare dough from a flour and water, and pull it into a long tape. The width of the tape should be such as to be able to wrap the patient's throat. Then the tape is good sprinkle the powder of pounded herbs and wrap the patient's neck to the tonsils were definitely covered. On top lay bandage or cotton canvas. For children, the duration of a compress should not exceed half an hour, and adults can leave it on all night. Repeat if necessary.
Uterine fibroids. Within 15 days the patient is recommended to drink three times a day for one coffee cup broth from flaxseed.
Mastitis. From rye flour, soft fresh butter and fresh milk knead the dough and cook the cake, which should be applied to the sore spot for the night. The procedure to carry out a few times, until complete recovery.
Metabolic disease. One tablespoon of St. John's wort to boil for 1-2 minutes in a glass of water, broth to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The procedure is repeated every day for a few days.
Neuritis. Knead the clay pottery with a small amount of vinegar. Two nights in a row to apply to the sore spot.
Neurotic adult. 500 g of sugar and 500 g of honey mix. Take 2 times a day for one tablespoon.
1. Take a decoction of the roots of blackberries.
2. Regularly drinking tea out of Oregano.
3. Regularly drinking tea from Melissa officinalis.
4. Take a decoction of nettle tops.
Syncope (sudden). In the solar plexus to put a large sheet of thoroughly mashed mug.
Intertrigo. Rotten oak wood grind into powder. Sore spot wash, dry thoroughly and powder with the powder.
swelling of the legs. In a bucket of cold water to dissolve the package of rock salt. Then take the furry towel, wet it with the water and wrung out, to attach to the back. Repeat the procedure 10 times. As a result, starting urination, swelling disappear.
Overwork. If you suffer from damp in the workplace and fatigue, put on a cotton towel mix of melted beeswax, olive oil and water and wrap them up. Keep all night. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Poorly healing wounds. Three branches comfrey brew in 1 liter of water until the water boils away in half. Strain the broth and washed the wound.
1. A few times a day to drink a decoction of peppermint.
2. Within a few days, drink a glass of water with the addition of ten drops of wort, used to make anisette.
A cut. Hypericum pour olive oil and insist night. If this infusion lubricate the wound, it was quickly tightened. The mixture can be used for a long time, if you store it in a cool place.
Cracked skin of hands. Make two or three baths in the cold broth smartweed.
The prostate gland (inflammation). Grind to a powder burnt twig linden tree. Seven days in a row to make it a beverage powder in the form of coffee and drink it in the morning.
Psoriasis. Patients place carefully handle the cotton swab moistened with alcohol and lubricate the juice gryzhnika smooth.
Colds (in children). Lubricate the chest, back, neck, hands and feet of the sick child with a mixture prepared from honey and brandy with the addition of a single tablet of aspirin and quinine. Give your child sweat, change into dry clothes and bedding.
Radiculitis. Prepare a mixture of comminuted in tile powder, two proteins, one teaspoon of powdered white incense and one glass of grape vodka. Before going to bed apply the mixture on a woolen cloth and attach to the lower back. This "patch" should be based on the lower back as long as he did not disappear.
limb development (after immobilization). Prepare a mixture of 100 g of lard, 1 tablespoon of salt. Lubricate the mixture limbs, on top cover with a cotton cloth and plastic wrap.
Stretching muscles (on the hand). The small amount of water to boil green elder, add one tablespoon of baking soda. When the water cools, several times to make the tub, immersing in broth arm to the shoulder. Filter is not necessary.
Varicose veins.
1. Wear clean cotton socks and walk around in the morning dew as long as the good socks do not get wet. After sunrise, they should not be removed, and leave to dry on his feet.
2. Green walnuts pour olive oil. The vessel in which they are placed, put on 40 days in a sunny place. The resulting mixture lubricate sore spots.
3. Within ten days of placing bandages from porcine lung, sliced. One or more slices, which is applied directly to the veins, it is necessary to sprinkle sulfur. The bandage should be on their feet all night.
Sarcoma (in case of a tumor). Attach to the tumor wild animal meat, powdered sal ammoniac.
Mumps (Mumps). Blue wrapping paper honeycomb needle and spread with a mixture of chalk, brandy and powdered incense. Secure in the field behind the ears. Three days later, the illness passes.
Salivary gland (dysfunction). To lower jaw applying compresses of calendula.
Heart disease (prevention). Four times a day for four consecutive days to drink a decoction of the flowers of hawthorn blue.
Heartbeat (arrhythmia). Grate 0, 5 kg of lemons, mix with 0, 5 kg of honey, add 20 crushed apricot pits nucleoli. Take the mixture before eating -. Morning and evening for one tablespoon
1. Use a powder of wood, corroded carpenter. If a rash appears in a child, the powder should be boiled, strain and pour this water baby. And for the adults use a different recipe. The patient should be lubricated after bathing body cream made from pork fat and wood powder. The procedure should be repeated until complete recovery.
2. The patient is recommended to bathe in the water, which added a decoction of oak bark.
Rash (on the body, in newborn babies). Prepare a decoction of dodder and bathe several times in the child there.
Rash (persistent). Within 20 days the patient is recommended to drink a decoction of the seeds of the wiki. The broth should be drunk several times a day as a tea.
Temperature (high in children).
1. Douse sick child with water, which was cooked sour grapes.
2. On a mountain meadow to gather hay, cook the broth from it and bathe the sick child in it.
insect bites. Grate bitten place elderberry leaves.
1. Attach to the sore spot of raw potato slices.
2. In old injury to attach to the sore spot svezheobodrannuyu skin hare (rabbit).
Nerve entrapment (by falling). On cotton cloth to put a mixture of olive oil, wax and svezherastvorennogo cells. The bandage attached along the length of the spine from the neck to the tailbone. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated three times.
Lean children (under the age of three). In the spring to do ten baths with a decoction of fresh walnut leaves.
Cirrhosis. In human milk mix white flour, taken in the morning and evening before eating a tablespoon.
Boils. Knead a small cake made of rye flour, fresh milk and fresh butter. At night, to attach to the sore spot. This compress pulls "sting" chirya no residue.
"Bristles" in the newborn. Currently, the disease is extremely rare. It consists in the fact that on the back of a newborn suddenly begins to grow hair. Treat it very simple. Take wood ash, moisten hands and dipped them into the ash, fast movements rub baby back until all the hairs fall out. Follow the procedure on the child's little face, because the bristles can appear there.
1. Many species of this disease can be cured, if you regularly lubricate sore spots with liquid, which is formed in May bumps elm.
2. Eczema weeping (in children). Calcined in an oven with three walnut shells, until they are dark brown. When the nuts cool, pound them and add a tablespoon of cod liver oil. Thoroughly clean and lubricate the affected area several times with a mixture of cooked.
3. Eczema, which is formed by working with washing powders is treated as follows. Daily do baths for hands, dissolving in water one teaspoon of baking soda. Duration of procedure - 15-20 minutes. After that it is necessary for 10 minutes immersed in hands lightly warmed olive oil.
4. Bouquet of forest flowers and boil this broth to pour over the patient.
5. After bathing, lubricate sore spots with a mixture of equal parts of vegetable oil and vinegar.
6. Lubricate the affected area with a mixture of grease or engine oil and gasoline, taken in equal proportions.
Ulcer (duodenal ulcers, bleeding). Beat a protein of fresh eggs with one teaspoon of powdered sugar and a tablespoon of olive oil. Ten days in a row every morning fasting take one tablespoon of this mixture.
Ovaries (inflammation).
1. Boil the forest hay; ill have to sit over the steam. The procedure is done every day until recovery.
2. To stand over the steam rising from unwashed sheep wool, filled with boiling water.
3. Boil the cabbage, pour fresh milk and sit over the steam.
4. Sit on a ferry going from black radish-welded, poured olive oil.
. Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). Two kilograms of husks of onions pour 3 liters of water and cook until the broth does not acquire a deep red, almost brown. Take on an empty stomach in the morning and evening for a coffee cup.
Arthritis. Take 20 rhizomes (a lump) dryakva plant (Cyclamen neapolitanum Ten.) And boiled in 10 liters of water. When the broth has cooled, cast by the total amount of 1-2 liters, and the rest of the liquid make morning and evening bath. Recommended by this sequence: keep the liquid for half an hour, first leg, then his hands. After the procedure three times, pour broth of head that you were cast in advance. The broth can be used several times.

Asthma. 40 seed onion head pour boiling water and wait until they are soft. Then drain the water and put out the onion to 0, 5 liters of olive oil. Simmer until tender, then mash until the consistency of mashed potatoes. Take on an empty stomach in the morning and evening for one tablespoon.
Insomnia. Insomniacs Vanga recommended to sleep on a pillow stuffed with hay or dried hops. Before going to sleep you need to take one tablespoon of honey.
Back pain. Coat the back of honey. Jerky movements resembling the skin peel off the bone, make a back massage. Repeat the procedure on the next day. So to make up the complete disappearance of pain.
Pain in the forearm (acute). Take 40-50 grams of incense and dissolved in 50 ml of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture on a woolen cloth and three nights in a row to apply to the sore spot.
Pain in the legs. In a large pot boil a bunch of clover, and when the broth to cool, drain, add one tablespoon of kerosene spoon. Three or four nights in a row to make bath.
Pain in the lower back. Take an old Turkish tiles and well-pound into a powder and then sifted through a sieve. Add three beaten protein, 20 g of crushed incense and one teaspoon of grape vodka. All mix well. Apply mixture on linen wrap and lower back for the night.
Patients gums.
1. Several times a day, rinse your mouth with a decoction of savory, which added a pinch of alum.
2. The patient is recommended twice a month for one hour to chew white pine resin.
Patients with renal.
1. During the week, the patient should take a decoction of pumpkin seeds. Additionally, several consecutive days do compress the kidneys. The solution is to compress:. Pounded linseed (about 100 g), diluted in a little water
2. Once a week the patient should eat only boiled wheat, drinking its water, which was cooked grain.
3. Take a great blackberry root and cook 5 liters of water, until the water boils away in half. Take a decoction three times a day for 100 ml.
4. pottery clay pour apple cider vinegar and knead well. The mixture was put on a piece of fabric and attached to the waist in the evening, on the kidneys.
Bronchitis. Two or three leaf mother and stepmother to cook in 0, 5 liters of fresh milk. Add a small amount (pinch) fresh pork fat. Take the evening before bedtime for one coffee cup.
Sore throat. In a coffee cup water to dissolve a pinch of ammonium chloride and gargle twice a day.
Inflamed facial nerve. Red-hot coals on a metal needle. A light touch to the skin (pricking) treat the entire face - a healthy first half, then sick. Light burns quickly pass, leaving no trace.
High blood pressure. At the bottom of the cup to pour a tablespoon of corn flour and pour hot water up to the top and leave for the night. In the morning drink the water, being careful not to raise from the bottom sediment.
Hair loss.
1. Washed hair pour the water in which boiled ivy.
2. Wash your hair with the use of medical clay instead of soap. After that, within a month to rub the scalp with crushed lemon wedges.
1. Take a piece of fresh butter (the size of a grain of corn) and put in a nostril. The procedure should be alternated: laying oil in one nostril on the first night, the second - in another and so on
.. 2. Two or three days to bury once daily in both nostrils, 2-3 drops of juice dryakvy.
Gastritis. In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a cup of tea from the leaves of the white willow. After that, a cup of fresh milk.
Fungal disease fingernails. Boil strong coffee (not to throw away the residue) and hold it a few times in his hands. You can use this recipe in the treatment of fungal diseases of the feet, as well as removal of thick scaly skin on the heels, and pain in the feet and ankles.
Fungal diseases on their toes.
1. Well washed your feet dipped in strong vinegar. At night it is recommended wear socks impregnated with vinegar.
2. Very useful to make a cool foot bath feet. The water should be add one tablespoon of baking soda and salt. Keep your feet in the water, yet does not cool down, and then rinse with clean water.
3. Mint pound in a mortar with salt and lay this pulp between fingers about an hour. Repeat this procedure up until the fungus disappears.
Diabetes (initial form). It is recommended to drink a decoction of the tops of blackberry shoots.
Dysentery. Bunch pimpernel plant field 10-15 minutes to boil 1 liter of water. Take broth one cup of coffee in the morning (only two or three days).
Gall bladder (inflammation). Every day, the patient should be eaten on an empty stomach for two pears. It is recommended to drink compote of wild pears, cooked without sugar.
Gall bladder (pain, feeling of heaviness and vomiting after a meal). Drink the juice of half a lemon, which dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda.
Constipation. Once or twice a day, take 1 tablespoon of jam, brewed from the berries of black elderberry sugar (sugar substitute honey).
Funk. When frightened people immediately have to drink a glass of water with dissolved in it a small amount of sugar.
Hysteria. At night, park in a bucket of water a bunch of meadowsweet. The next day boil water without removing it from her bouquet, wait for cool down and pour this water the patient.
Cough. 4 walnuts with shell, one tablespoon of elderberry and one tablespoon of honey to fill 0, 5 liters of water and boil. Once cooled, drain. Take 3 times a day for one tablespoon.
Colitis. Twice a day, take the serum, which is released is obtained for cheese. Avoid fatty foods.
Tonsils (inflammation). The dried roots of hellebore grind into powder. Prepare dough from a flour and water, and pull it into a long tape. The width of the tape should be such as to be able to wrap the patient's throat. Then the tape is good sprinkle the powder of pounded herbs and wrap the patient's neck to the tonsils were definitely covered. On top lay bandage or cotton canvas. For children, the duration of a compress should not exceed half an hour, and adults can leave it on all night. Repeat if necessary.
Uterine fibroids. Within 15 days the patient is recommended to drink three times a day for one coffee cup broth from flaxseed.
Mastitis. From rye flour, soft fresh butter and fresh milk knead the dough and cook the cake, which should be applied to the sore spot for the night. The procedure to carry out a few times, until complete recovery.
Metabolic disease. One tablespoon of St. John's wort to boil for 1-2 minutes in a glass of water, broth to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The procedure is repeated every day for a few days.
Neuritis. Knead the clay pottery with a small amount of vinegar. Two nights in a row to apply to the sore spot.
Neurotic adult. 500 g of sugar and 500 g of honey mix. Take 2 times a day for one tablespoon.
1. Take a decoction of the roots of blackberries.
2. Regularly drinking tea out of Oregano.
3. Regularly drinking tea from Melissa officinalis.
4. Take a decoction of nettle tops.
Syncope (sudden). In the solar plexus to put a large sheet of thoroughly mashed mug.
Intertrigo. Rotten oak wood grind into powder. Sore spot wash, dry thoroughly and powder with the powder.
swelling of the legs. In a bucket of cold water to dissolve the package of rock salt. Then take the furry towel, wet it with the water and wrung out, to attach to the back. Repeat the procedure 10 times. As a result, starting urination, swelling disappear.
Overwork. If you suffer from damp in the workplace and fatigue, put on a cotton towel mix of melted beeswax, olive oil and water and wrap them up. Keep all night. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Poorly healing wounds. Three branches comfrey brew in 1 liter of water until the water boils away in half. Strain the broth and washed the wound.
1. A few times a day to drink a decoction of peppermint.
2. Within a few days, drink a glass of water with the addition of ten drops of wort, used to make anisette.
A cut. Hypericum pour olive oil and insist night. If this infusion lubricate the wound, it was quickly tightened. The mixture can be used for a long time, if you store it in a cool place.
Cracked skin of hands. Make two or three baths in the cold broth smartweed.
The prostate gland (inflammation). Grind to a powder burnt twig linden tree. Seven days in a row to make it a beverage powder in the form of coffee and drink it in the morning.
Psoriasis. Patients place carefully handle the cotton swab moistened with alcohol and lubricate the juice gryzhnika smooth.
Colds (in children). Lubricate the chest, back, neck, hands and feet of the sick child with a mixture prepared from honey and brandy with the addition of a single tablet of aspirin and quinine. Give your child sweat, change into dry clothes and bedding.
Radiculitis. Prepare a mixture of comminuted in tile powder, two proteins, one teaspoon of powdered white incense and one glass of grape vodka. Before going to bed apply the mixture on a woolen cloth and attach to the lower back. This "patch" should be based on the lower back as long as he did not disappear.
limb development (after immobilization). Prepare a mixture of 100 g of lard, 1 tablespoon of salt. Lubricate the mixture limbs, on top cover with a cotton cloth and plastic wrap.
Stretching muscles (on the hand). The small amount of water to boil green elder, add one tablespoon of baking soda. When the water cools, several times to make the tub, immersing in broth arm to the shoulder. Filter is not necessary.
Varicose veins.
1. Wear clean cotton socks and walk around in the morning dew as long as the good socks do not get wet. After sunrise, they should not be removed, and leave to dry on his feet.
2. Green walnuts pour olive oil. The vessel in which they are placed, put on 40 days in a sunny place. The resulting mixture lubricate sore spots.
3. Within ten days of placing bandages from porcine lung, sliced. One or more slices, which is applied directly to the veins, it is necessary to sprinkle sulfur. The bandage should be on their feet all night.
Sarcoma (in case of a tumor). Attach to the tumor wild animal meat, powdered sal ammoniac.
Mumps (Mumps). Blue wrapping paper honeycomb needle and spread with a mixture of chalk, brandy and powdered incense. Secure in the field behind the ears. Three days later, the illness passes.
Salivary gland (dysfunction). To lower jaw applying compresses of calendula.
Heart disease (prevention). Four times a day for four consecutive days to drink a decoction of the flowers of hawthorn blue.
Heartbeat (arrhythmia). Grate 0, 5 kg of lemons, mix with 0, 5 kg of honey, add 20 crushed apricot pits nucleoli. Take the mixture before eating -. Morning and evening for one tablespoon
1. Use a powder of wood, corroded carpenter. If a rash appears in a child, the powder should be boiled, strain and pour this water baby. And for the adults use a different recipe. The patient should be lubricated after bathing body cream made from pork fat and wood powder. The procedure should be repeated until complete recovery.
2. The patient is recommended to bathe in the water, which added a decoction of oak bark.
Rash (on the body, in newborn babies). Prepare a decoction of dodder and bathe several times in the child there.
Rash (persistent). Within 20 days the patient is recommended to drink a decoction of the seeds of the wiki. The broth should be drunk several times a day as a tea.
Temperature (high in children).
1. Douse sick child with water, which was cooked sour grapes.
2. On a mountain meadow to gather hay, cook the broth from it and bathe the sick child in it.
insect bites. Grate bitten place elderberry leaves.
1. Attach to the sore spot of raw potato slices.
2. In old injury to attach to the sore spot svezheobodrannuyu skin hare (rabbit).
Nerve entrapment (by falling). On cotton cloth to put a mixture of olive oil, wax and svezherastvorennogo cells. The bandage attached along the length of the spine from the neck to the tailbone. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated three times.
Lean children (under the age of three). In the spring to do ten baths with a decoction of fresh walnut leaves.
Cirrhosis. In human milk mix white flour, taken in the morning and evening before eating a tablespoon.
Boils. Knead a small cake made of rye flour, fresh milk and fresh butter. At night, to attach to the sore spot. This compress pulls "sting" chirya no residue.
"Bristles" in the newborn. Currently, the disease is extremely rare. It consists in the fact that on the back of a newborn suddenly begins to grow hair. Treat it very simple. Take wood ash, moisten hands and dipped them into the ash, fast movements rub baby back until all the hairs fall out. Follow the procedure on the child's little face, because the bristles can appear there.
1. Many species of this disease can be cured, if you regularly lubricate sore spots with liquid, which is formed in May bumps elm.
2. Eczema weeping (in children). Calcined in an oven with three walnut shells, until they are dark brown. When the nuts cool, pound them and add a tablespoon of cod liver oil. Thoroughly clean and lubricate the affected area several times with a mixture of cooked.
3. Eczema, which is formed by working with washing powders is treated as follows. Daily do baths for hands, dissolving in water one teaspoon of baking soda. Duration of procedure - 15-20 minutes. After that it is necessary for 10 minutes immersed in hands lightly warmed olive oil.
4. Bouquet of forest flowers and boil this broth to pour over the patient.
5. After bathing, lubricate sore spots with a mixture of equal parts of vegetable oil and vinegar.
6. Lubricate the affected area with a mixture of grease or engine oil and gasoline, taken in equal proportions.
Ulcer (duodenal ulcers, bleeding). Beat a protein of fresh eggs with one teaspoon of powdered sugar and a tablespoon of olive oil. Ten days in a row every morning fasting take one tablespoon of this mixture.
Ovaries (inflammation).
1. Boil the forest hay; ill have to sit over the steam. The procedure is done every day until recovery.
2. To stand over the steam rising from unwashed sheep wool, filled with boiling water.
3. Boil the cabbage, pour fresh milk and sit over the steam.
4. Sit on a ferry going from black radish-welded, poured olive oil.
Drink this drink every morning - the results will amaze you!
Treatment of diseases as described by Professor Neumyvakina