Wang — 7 interesting facts about a great woman
Nineteen million thirty six thousand five hundred forty eight
She became a legend during his lifetime. In her home town of Petrich still don't talk about her in past tense. People believe Wang and today works wonders.
The name of Vanga again today at the hearing. The words and predictions of the great prophetess increasingly finding its confirmation. What do we know about Vanga, and how far we still have to learn? Her entire destiny is woven from the mysteries and amazing contradictions. Here are some of them:
1. The mystery of the name Now it is difficult to imagine that the famous seer could obtain at birth a very different name. And instead of Vanga would be... andromaha. But, really, his name future prophetess, have received immediately, but only after two months after birth. She was born incredibly weak, seven-months. Parents fear that the child will not survive, so the name was decided to choose only after she more or less got stronger.
According to an old Bulgarian tradition went outside and asked the name of the first comer person, but a random passerby didn't like the girl's grandmother. Beautiful ancient Greek name Andromache she rejected immediately, in defiance of all customs. And only the second met a woman called fateful name Vangelia – the bearer of the good news.
2. Strange game To 12 years, Wang has lived the most normal life of an ordinary baby, but amazing future as if already stood on the threshold, waiting for the right moment for the meeting. Wang relatives recalled that she was very loved as a child to invent games. One of the strangest was this: in the yard, in a secluded place, she hid the small toy back into the house, tightly closed his eyes and to the touch, though blind, went to look for her. Parents of the game "blind," inspired fear, but, in spite of all prohibitions, is exactly what the entertainment was for girls one of the favorite.
3. First love At age 12, during a terrible hurricane, Wang badly hurt and lost his sight. When she turned 15, she was taken to the city of Zemun, a home for the blind. Farewell to the family at this incredibly anxious age, she was remembered as one of the most serious events in life. Surprisingly, these three years are spent in the house of the blind, Wang considered the happiest period of his life – it was here that she met her first love.
The young boy's name was Dimitar. That's just marriage Vangelia came out much later for another Dimitra. And first love ended for her tragic lovers separated, Wang returned home to help the family and has long suffered from the cruelty of fate. Then Wang realized his unique abilities and realized that her mission in life is to help others, and love – inaccessible luxury.
4. The Keeper of secrets it Seems, Wang knew all about the origin of the world and about each person individually. From her no one could hide anything, but she knew how to keep secrets. For example, Wang often asked, is there life after death? "I'm not at liberty to answer that question," she said.
Clairvoyant also has gone from answering questions about the Apocalypse. She never talked about the end of the world and never predicted. Questions about the origin of the world responded evasively, claiming that the human race learns this secret, and she just has no right to disclose other people's secrets.
5. State employee Since 1967, Wang was officially recognized as a public servant and even received a salary. She became the first Oracle, which officially allowed to take money for admission.
To get to her, had not only to stand in a huge queue, but first obtain a special voucher, which was supposed to pay a small fee. All the money went straight to the Treasury, and Wang relied only a small salary.
6. Children Wang was very fond of children, with great trepidation and care to his nephews and was a godmother to almost three thousand children. She has said many times that her predestined mission is quite different. Although she really wanted to be a mother and after the death of husband took two foster children.
The first of Wang's adopted 6-year-old girl , Violetta (according to others – Veneta (Venture)). Then the prophet baptized the little sick boy, who at any moment could die. But he survived, becoming her adopted son. Wang in honor of her husband called the boy Dimitar. Both children received a good education. Violetta married a wealthy man. Adopted son Dmitry Velchev is one of the founders of the "Fund of Vanga" and works as a Prosecutor in the city of Petrich.
7. Healer Wang not only predicted the future accurately and talked about the past, she treated people from various diseases. And the unusual methods were confusing, and doctors, and representatives of alternative medicine, offering people simple, but sometimes quite weird recipes.
As drugs used herbs that, according to experienced herbalists, had no medicinal properties. It is often pointed out the exact place exactly where you have to get something or other medicinal plants. It defies explanation, but the recipes Vanga was effective and gave results. However, to cure her beloved husband from alcohol addiction Wang failed. She knew that the tragedy is inevitable, but hoped for a miracle. Also the Oracle are unable to affect the course of their disease. Wang died 11 April 1996, exactly on the day that itself predicted.
Source: domashniy.ru/
She became a legend during his lifetime. In her home town of Petrich still don't talk about her in past tense. People believe Wang and today works wonders.
The name of Vanga again today at the hearing. The words and predictions of the great prophetess increasingly finding its confirmation. What do we know about Vanga, and how far we still have to learn? Her entire destiny is woven from the mysteries and amazing contradictions. Here are some of them:
1. The mystery of the name Now it is difficult to imagine that the famous seer could obtain at birth a very different name. And instead of Vanga would be... andromaha. But, really, his name future prophetess, have received immediately, but only after two months after birth. She was born incredibly weak, seven-months. Parents fear that the child will not survive, so the name was decided to choose only after she more or less got stronger.
According to an old Bulgarian tradition went outside and asked the name of the first comer person, but a random passerby didn't like the girl's grandmother. Beautiful ancient Greek name Andromache she rejected immediately, in defiance of all customs. And only the second met a woman called fateful name Vangelia – the bearer of the good news.
2. Strange game To 12 years, Wang has lived the most normal life of an ordinary baby, but amazing future as if already stood on the threshold, waiting for the right moment for the meeting. Wang relatives recalled that she was very loved as a child to invent games. One of the strangest was this: in the yard, in a secluded place, she hid the small toy back into the house, tightly closed his eyes and to the touch, though blind, went to look for her. Parents of the game "blind," inspired fear, but, in spite of all prohibitions, is exactly what the entertainment was for girls one of the favorite.
3. First love At age 12, during a terrible hurricane, Wang badly hurt and lost his sight. When she turned 15, she was taken to the city of Zemun, a home for the blind. Farewell to the family at this incredibly anxious age, she was remembered as one of the most serious events in life. Surprisingly, these three years are spent in the house of the blind, Wang considered the happiest period of his life – it was here that she met her first love.
The young boy's name was Dimitar. That's just marriage Vangelia came out much later for another Dimitra. And first love ended for her tragic lovers separated, Wang returned home to help the family and has long suffered from the cruelty of fate. Then Wang realized his unique abilities and realized that her mission in life is to help others, and love – inaccessible luxury.
4. The Keeper of secrets it Seems, Wang knew all about the origin of the world and about each person individually. From her no one could hide anything, but she knew how to keep secrets. For example, Wang often asked, is there life after death? "I'm not at liberty to answer that question," she said.
Clairvoyant also has gone from answering questions about the Apocalypse. She never talked about the end of the world and never predicted. Questions about the origin of the world responded evasively, claiming that the human race learns this secret, and she just has no right to disclose other people's secrets.
5. State employee Since 1967, Wang was officially recognized as a public servant and even received a salary. She became the first Oracle, which officially allowed to take money for admission.
To get to her, had not only to stand in a huge queue, but first obtain a special voucher, which was supposed to pay a small fee. All the money went straight to the Treasury, and Wang relied only a small salary.
6. Children Wang was very fond of children, with great trepidation and care to his nephews and was a godmother to almost three thousand children. She has said many times that her predestined mission is quite different. Although she really wanted to be a mother and after the death of husband took two foster children.
The first of Wang's adopted 6-year-old girl , Violetta (according to others – Veneta (Venture)). Then the prophet baptized the little sick boy, who at any moment could die. But he survived, becoming her adopted son. Wang in honor of her husband called the boy Dimitar. Both children received a good education. Violetta married a wealthy man. Adopted son Dmitry Velchev is one of the founders of the "Fund of Vanga" and works as a Prosecutor in the city of Petrich.
7. Healer Wang not only predicted the future accurately and talked about the past, she treated people from various diseases. And the unusual methods were confusing, and doctors, and representatives of alternative medicine, offering people simple, but sometimes quite weird recipes.
As drugs used herbs that, according to experienced herbalists, had no medicinal properties. It is often pointed out the exact place exactly where you have to get something or other medicinal plants. It defies explanation, but the recipes Vanga was effective and gave results. However, to cure her beloved husband from alcohol addiction Wang failed. She knew that the tragedy is inevitable, but hoped for a miracle. Also the Oracle are unable to affect the course of their disease. Wang died 11 April 1996, exactly on the day that itself predicted.
Source: domashniy.ru/
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