Vanga predicted a war with Libya
The blind clairvoyant predicted the end of the world. Her prophecy coming true. And apparently we are talking about the next days.
According to legend, Vanga predicted the history of mankind for 3,000 years. For example, the events of 11 September 2001 immediately linked with the prediction of Vanga that "American brethren will fall, pecked by birds iron. Wolves howl in the bush, and innocent blood will be spilled river ».
Or shocking prediction blind Baba Vanga made in 1980. She said she had the following: "At the end of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be underwater, and the whole world will mourn." Remember the submarine Kursk.
According to the predictions of Vanga, 2011 should be a turning point in the way of all mankind.
The blind seer said that after the nuclear disaster that will destroy the animals and plants in the northern hemisphere will begin a war with a Muslim country.
2014 - Most people will suffer skin cancer and others. Skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).
2016 - Europe is almost empty.
Islamic countries to use chemical weapons and destroy dozens of states. After a strong impact on the skin of people will sores, ulcers, tumors are formed and already by 2016 Europe will become empty.
Vanga predictions begin to come true: the accident at Japanese nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1", because of which are already infected with tons of vegetables and other food products. And it is not clear what the outcome.
The crisis in Libya has reached its climax. Muammar Gaddafi is ready to do anything for the sake of his country
In response to the bombing of the country by NATO troops, Colonel Gaddafi vowed to drown Europe in blood.
- In the Mediterranean, there will be no stone unturned, if the UN resolve to bomb my country - said Gaddafi, addressing his people and the world.
The coalition has joined Britain, France, Belgium, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Spain and Italy. Gaddafi literally cornered, and now he will use all possible means to defend their country against the intervention.
A week ago, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once again expressed concern that Libya has a powerful chemical weapons.
- I can not say this, but I'm afraid that Gaddafi is sufficient chemical weapons and other nasty devices, - she said, referring to members of the United Nations.
Coalition aircraft bombed around the two largest cities in the country.
Wang claimed that the Third World War will begin in November 2010. You will not see large-scale hostilities, people thought that this time the prophetess was wrong.
But it is worth recalling that it was in November, there was an occasion for all of the uprisings in North Africa - in many countries held presidential elections, which are then turned into a mass uprising.
A bit of good news:
"Russia will again become a great empire, especially the spirit of Empire" (date unknown). Not yet fulfilled. Before us is a great empire far. And with the spirit - rather weak. But the search for a national idea go. It was one of the last prophecies of Vanga. Making his grandmother drew a large circle of hands.

According to legend, Vanga predicted the history of mankind for 3,000 years. For example, the events of 11 September 2001 immediately linked with the prediction of Vanga that "American brethren will fall, pecked by birds iron. Wolves howl in the bush, and innocent blood will be spilled river ».

Or shocking prediction blind Baba Vanga made in 1980. She said she had the following: "At the end of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be underwater, and the whole world will mourn." Remember the submarine Kursk.

According to the predictions of Vanga, 2011 should be a turning point in the way of all mankind.
The blind seer said that after the nuclear disaster that will destroy the animals and plants in the northern hemisphere will begin a war with a Muslim country.
2014 - Most people will suffer skin cancer and others. Skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).
2016 - Europe is almost empty.
Islamic countries to use chemical weapons and destroy dozens of states. After a strong impact on the skin of people will sores, ulcers, tumors are formed and already by 2016 Europe will become empty.
Vanga predictions begin to come true: the accident at Japanese nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1", because of which are already infected with tons of vegetables and other food products. And it is not clear what the outcome.

The crisis in Libya has reached its climax. Muammar Gaddafi is ready to do anything for the sake of his country

In response to the bombing of the country by NATO troops, Colonel Gaddafi vowed to drown Europe in blood.
- In the Mediterranean, there will be no stone unturned, if the UN resolve to bomb my country - said Gaddafi, addressing his people and the world.
The coalition has joined Britain, France, Belgium, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Spain and Italy. Gaddafi literally cornered, and now he will use all possible means to defend their country against the intervention.
A week ago, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once again expressed concern that Libya has a powerful chemical weapons.
- I can not say this, but I'm afraid that Gaddafi is sufficient chemical weapons and other nasty devices, - she said, referring to members of the United Nations.
Coalition aircraft bombed around the two largest cities in the country.

Wang claimed that the Third World War will begin in November 2010. You will not see large-scale hostilities, people thought that this time the prophetess was wrong.
But it is worth recalling that it was in November, there was an occasion for all of the uprisings in North Africa - in many countries held presidential elections, which are then turned into a mass uprising.
A bit of good news:
"Russia will again become a great empire, especially the spirit of Empire" (date unknown). Not yet fulfilled. Before us is a great empire far. And with the spirit - rather weak. But the search for a national idea go. It was one of the last prophecies of Vanga. Making his grandmother drew a large circle of hands.