Powerful clairvoyant Vanga left her prophecy for 2024, here's what she predicted

For more than 50 years, Baba Vanga’s prophecies have resonated in hearts and destinies around the world. Russia is no exception. The famous Bulgarian visionary has not been with us for more than a quarter of a century, but ordinary people and powerful people still listen to her wise instructions. Recently, Vanga’s predictions for 2024 appeared in free access.


The Bulgarian elder voiced the main prophecies for the coming decades shortly before her departure. But strictly ordered the next of kin - they can be published no earlier than a year before the specified date. So that a simple person correctly understood the message and could prepare for it to the best of his ability.

In the 1970s, the clairvoyant revealed to the world a vision of the future of the Russian Federation in 2024. Baba Vanga told whether the current ruler will remain in power and whether the state threatens regime change. What is the future of this multimillion-dollar country?

The head of state will leave his post, says the prophecy. However, it is difficult to explain what exactly the seer meant. Is this about his resignation or his passing?

Experts put forward different hypotheses on this issue. Some believe that Vladimir Putin will run for a new term, others that he will reappoint Dmitry Medvedev as his successor. There is another opinion that the post of head of the Russian Federation will take a new leader who has not yet had time to prove himself. Moreover, he will take the same political course as his predecessor.

Since we can only work with interpretations of prophetic words, it is quite difficult to check which explanations are closer to the truth. Perhaps Baba Vanga meant not one person, but a group of powerful people when she spoke of a strong leader of the Russian people. She often referred to a certain “Vladimir,” but the name may be related to other Russian politicians.

Researchers of clairvoyant prophecies gave meaning not to all her words, and very in vain. For example, the prophecy of Vanga about the great losses of the Russian army in 2020-2022. She probably saw the bloody events in Syria and the beginning of the war in Ukraine.

The seer often spoke allegorically, without mentioning specific personalities and places. “In the XXI century, war will unfold on the lands of the Black Sea state,” these words of Vanga can be interpreted as the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine. The woman also warned of armed confrontation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. This conflict has essentially divided Ukraine into parts.

Some researchers suggest that Vanga predicted the end of the war in 2024. The new head of the Ukrainian state will have a hand in this. Who do you think the prediction was about?

In 1993, a journalist from Donetsk Konstantin Dolgov took a clairvoyant interview. The woman’s words were disappointing: she predicted that the Ukrainian land would turn black with blood, and the neighbor would go to beat the neighbor. "Others will run and you will run," she told Dolgov.

According to the seer, the change of power will entail terrible events, and peace will come to Ukraine only when the new ruler takes it under his wing. The old woman predicted the arrival of a young Ukrainian leader, a favorite of the whole people. Its appearance will entail irreversible changes in the life of neighboring states.

When will the war in Ukraine end? In the vague prophecies about the end of hostilities, there is only one date – 2027. The war will probably end sooner, but it will take a long time to rebuild the destroyed cities. The clairvoyant also predicted that in the period from 2022 to 2024, the old world order will be replaced by a new one, and Russia will put a lot of effort into this. The balance of power in the political arena of the world will change: the leading countries will gradually fade into the shadows, and new players will come to replace them.

Before entering a new era, humanity will face several serious armed conflicts, new dangerous diseases and even famine. Humanity will have to go through these trials with dignity and temper its faith and spirit.

Vanga predicted a difficult 2024 for Russia. The people will have to sacrifice a lot and endure hardships, of which there will be many. This is a difficult but necessary time for growth and cleansing transformation. The main danger to the state is not external enemies, but internal ones.

Experts interpret Vanga’s predictions about the fate of the United States and European countries unequivocally: a turning point will come around the world. But severe deprivation will be followed by a period of rapid growth and recovery. Eastern European countries will take an active position in this niche.

What do you think of Baba Vanga's prophecies? Share your thoughts in the comments.


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