The latest forecast clairvoyant from Serbia Verica Obrenović, whose predictions always come true
Great Yugoslav clairvoyant Vera Obrenović I saw the future long before it was done. For many years she worked for the military and political forces of Yugoslavia. All her predictions were strictly classified and only the country’s top officials had access to them. What awaits the world in 2024, she also predicted. And today's edition. "Site" He will reveal these prophecies to you.
Until 2010, the predictions of Verica Obrenovic were classified. Her personal assistant Aleksandr Mitrovich recorded all her visions on camera. These records were kept secret in Yugoslavia for a long time. Verica Obrenović herself comes from the ancient princely family of Serbia. Her ancestors ruled Serbia for many years until 1903. The personal life of the same seer was also classified and little is known about her to this day. The seer died on July 22, 2019, leaving many predictions, some of which have already come true.
Peels Verica Obrenović predicted important events in the life of countries and peoples So Verica Obrenović predicted military conflicts in Yugoslavia and Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. She anticipated the assassination of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. She saw in her visions a yellow house in which people were mocked by carving their organs for the black market. Her predictions then played a key role in finding those responsible for these terrible events and providing indisputable evidence in the Hague court.
Peels Verica Obrenovic even predicted a pandemic in 2019. She saw that an artificially grown virus would take the lives of many people. A vaccine will be invented for him, but it will happen much later. The clairvoyant also foresaw a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. She saw that Russia would seize Crimea practically without armed conflict. The seer also believed that Ukraine would become part of the Russian Federation. But I did not take into account the fact that political desires will go against human desires.
Peels What the world will be like after 2024 – Verica Obrenovic’s predictions Back in 2012, Verica Obrenovic saw that Russia, India and China would create a coalition. The unification of these countries will bring them some advantage in the world political arena. But how long this alliance lasted the clairvoyant did not see. After all, each of these countries pursues purely personal interests in this union. He did not disclose it to the rest of the coalition. The clairvoyant also predicted mass protests in France.
In addition to political predictions, the clairvoyant clearly described natural disasters. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes around the world have been seen long before their occurrence. Forest fires in Russia, floods and mass deaths throughout the Russian Federation – all this was seen and said by the soothsayer. Verica Obrenović also predicted the weakening of American power. It is also associated with natural disasters that will fall on this country. The government of that country will be concerned about saving its citizens, and aid to other countries will fade into the background.
Some changes will also affect the European Union. Some countries will leave, such as the UK. Whether a new community of countries will be formed, the clairvoyant did not see. The world in 2024 is experiencing strong upheavals and changes. This was also predicted by Verica Obrenović. After 2025, there will be a redistribution of power in the world. The clairvoyant's predictions end in 2030. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine what the world will be like, but today we are all participants in the construction of a new world. It is up to us to determine what the world will be like and what principles will be prioritized in it.

Until 2010, the predictions of Verica Obrenovic were classified. Her personal assistant Aleksandr Mitrovich recorded all her visions on camera. These records were kept secret in Yugoslavia for a long time. Verica Obrenović herself comes from the ancient princely family of Serbia. Her ancestors ruled Serbia for many years until 1903. The personal life of the same seer was also classified and little is known about her to this day. The seer died on July 22, 2019, leaving many predictions, some of which have already come true.

Peels Verica Obrenović predicted important events in the life of countries and peoples So Verica Obrenović predicted military conflicts in Yugoslavia and Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. She anticipated the assassination of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. She saw in her visions a yellow house in which people were mocked by carving their organs for the black market. Her predictions then played a key role in finding those responsible for these terrible events and providing indisputable evidence in the Hague court.

Peels Verica Obrenovic even predicted a pandemic in 2019. She saw that an artificially grown virus would take the lives of many people. A vaccine will be invented for him, but it will happen much later. The clairvoyant also foresaw a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. She saw that Russia would seize Crimea practically without armed conflict. The seer also believed that Ukraine would become part of the Russian Federation. But I did not take into account the fact that political desires will go against human desires.

Peels What the world will be like after 2024 – Verica Obrenovic’s predictions Back in 2012, Verica Obrenovic saw that Russia, India and China would create a coalition. The unification of these countries will bring them some advantage in the world political arena. But how long this alliance lasted the clairvoyant did not see. After all, each of these countries pursues purely personal interests in this union. He did not disclose it to the rest of the coalition. The clairvoyant also predicted mass protests in France.

In addition to political predictions, the clairvoyant clearly described natural disasters. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes around the world have been seen long before their occurrence. Forest fires in Russia, floods and mass deaths throughout the Russian Federation – all this was seen and said by the soothsayer. Verica Obrenović also predicted the weakening of American power. It is also associated with natural disasters that will fall on this country. The government of that country will be concerned about saving its citizens, and aid to other countries will fade into the background.

Some changes will also affect the European Union. Some countries will leave, such as the UK. Whether a new community of countries will be formed, the clairvoyant did not see. The world in 2024 is experiencing strong upheavals and changes. This was also predicted by Verica Obrenović. After 2025, there will be a redistribution of power in the world. The clairvoyant's predictions end in 2030. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine what the world will be like, but today we are all participants in the construction of a new world. It is up to us to determine what the world will be like and what principles will be prioritized in it.
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