Astrologer Mikhail Levin told in detail what will be 2024, the most detailed forecast

Astrologer Mikhail Levin has earned himself a reputation as a person whose advice is better to listen to. He not only professionally approached reading the stars, but also founded his own astronomical academy in 1990. Every year he makes an accurate forecast for the coming year and releases a detailed collection, which means that the book “Star Guide: Mikhail Levin 2024” is already available for general reading. We offer to save time and get acquainted with the general forecast from the master for this year.

To understand what surprises and challenges the next revolution of the Earth around the Sun is preparing for us, it is important to consider many factors. This is the sum of the numbers of the year, and the number of lunar and solar eclipses, and retrograde planets. In particular, it is worth paying attention to such details as the symbol of the year and celestial patron bodies. You will learn about this and more about 2024 in this article.

Mikhail Levin: 2024 and what it brings us To accurately determine the mood of the next 300-plus days, you need to turn to numerology. If you count the sum of the numbers of this year, you will understand that it will be held under the sign of the eight. As Mikhail Levin ironically observed, an eight is not exactly a completion (which means, for example, nine). No wonder 8 symbolizes eternity.

Eight is just a precursor to future changes. At the same time, she talks about the intensity of passions, about progressive tension and great trials. No doubt 2024 will test us, friends. In addition, a year or eight usually brings a big transformation into society, changing the structure of society and even states.

The year 2024 will be held under the patronage of strict Saturn, but to be exact, twice Saturn and once Venus. And that's good. Because, despite its pedantry and penchant for rigid frames, Saturn loves sensual Venus and greatly softens under its influence. That is, changes will undoubtedly be very serious, but they will not reach a critical point. And, despite the fact that much this year will collapse (especially the old), Venus will not allow to destroy everything to the ground.

Look at the number of eclipses. On average, there are 5 lunar and solar eclipses per year, which indicates the average severity of future events. If there are 6 of them, the year will be very difficult. There are only 4 of them, which is a good sign. It is also important to consider where exactly they will be visible - because where the eclipse occurs, "shaking" the most.

Lunar Eclipse March 25 – West Africa, Southeastern North America. Solar Eclipse April 8 – Americans and Canadians fall under the influence. The partial lunar eclipse is America and Canada again. Solar Eclipse October 2 - South America.

As you can see, the detrimental effects of eclipses have bypassed our region, and this suggests some stability. But do not forget that on the edge of the solar system lurks the most insidious planet, which changes its sign in 2024. It's Pluto.

Pluto leaves the sign of Capricorn, in which he stayed for long 15 years, and goes to the possession of Aquarius. But Pluto will not enter them immediately, and will be retrograde – it will come out, then it will come back. Every time Pluto crosses the sign boundary, it speaks to a big political shake-up for the world. About this year, Mikhail Levin says that the shake-ups are so big that they do not compare with the recent conflict with Palestine.

However, the worst-case scenario will not happen. Yes, there will be new conflicts, old ones will continue, but we are still far from the Third World War. Partly because Pluto will be under the mitigating influence of Neptune.

The stargazer compares this situation and the position of celestial bodies with the Cuban Missile Crisis. This aspect with Neptune stood for almost 50 years. According to the astrologer, this did not allow the world to slide into a nuclear war, and the situation was very tense.

Let’s start with what worries the minds of political scientists the most – with the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Unfortunately, Mikhail Levin does not see the solution and vice versa. He predicts the escalation of conflict and the growth of general tension. By the spring of 2024, the intensity of hostilities will have subsided, but they will be far from over. Some conclusions and final results can be expected only by the end of 2026.

According to the forecasts of the astrologer, in 2024 the conflict in Ukraine will become one of the causes of the growing European crisis, the tension associated with the conclusion of new treaties will grow. But we should not expect sharpening, 2024 saved us from this fate.

The situation in Russia will remain deceptively calm and its economy will take a slow course toward stabilization. The astrologer sees big changes in society and people’s moods, but argues that the main struggle will take place “under the carpet”. Noisy and grandiose victories will also not, but the sanctions strangling Russia will recede into the background. The country will tighten domestic politics, calling for order.

In the Middle East, Israel will achieve its goals and quickly solve the military problem. But it looks like another 20 years will reap the benefits of this conflict. In the Far East, there will be no fighting in the coming year. In China, purges will take place and the position of the ruling elite will strengthen.

But in Europe, the situation will be very ambiguous – somewhere everything will be calm, and somewhere the situation is downright critical. Great problems await France and Germany. Both states will be affected by Pluto’s transformation, with many protests expected. But, surprisingly, Italy in the meantime will feel calm and prosperous. A difficult situation is foreseen in the Czech Republic.

Only America will be harder than England. Not only is there an election for 2024 (again, the influence of Pluto crossing the sign boundary), but the eclipses won’t bypass Americans. Mikhail Levin predicts a major economic crisis. And political divisions that will begin immediately after the election and last until 2027. There will be many internal protests.

Mikhail Levin: 2024 and the Green Dragon And yet, despite the huge number of challenges, astrologer Mikhail Levin advises to take 2024 positively. And it's not just that global crises will be mitigated by planets. The symbol of this year is the Green Wooden Dragon, which brings harmony.

“In our culture, the Snake Gorynych is terrible, and in the East it is considered a symbol of life and creativity,” the stargazer notes.

Therefore, all the upcoming upheavals will be a great opportunity for creative and creative people. First of all, for enterprising people - they will definitely be able to benefit from the established star position.

It will not be easy, but according to the expert, 2024 will be the foundation for global changes that will overtake us in 2025. Until next year, many of us will feel a serious pressure: this period will leave all the old age behind. Therefore, so that it does not cause trouble, you should not hold on to it, even if once it was dear to the heart of things. Mikhail Levin’s forecast is alarming and inspiring at the same time. Don't you think?


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