Rector of the Moscow Academy of Astrology Mikhail Levin gave his amazing forecast about the future of Russia

Michael Levin is not just a famous astrologer. He is considered one of the most important figures in astrology throughout the post-Soviet space. Now the specialist conducts active professional activities, and also works as rector of the Moscow Academy of Astrology. Of course, the question of our future did not pass by Mikhail Borisovich. What the astrologer warns, read further in the article.

Mikhail Levin is trusted because his predictions come true. For example, an astrologer predicted the severity of 2020. From the point of view of numerology, he hid the four. It means great limitations and contradictions. These words can describe the pandemic COVID-19, which, by the way, is still not over.

2020 entered our lives in the conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto. This meant that many people would lose their lives. That's what happened. This has happened before in history. For example, during the First World War, the Cold War and the Korean War.

According to the astrologer, we are moving into a new era for us. It used to be earthly, but now it will be airborne. And this is good for the development of the world, because it will become more open and friendly. But when exactly this will happen is not yet clear. After all, if you analyze the war in Ukraine and many other armed conflicts, it is difficult to believe in the openness of the world.

Back in early 2021, Mikhail Borisovich predicted a difficult fate for Russia. The ruble will fall rapidly, and the financial situation in the country as a whole will begin to deteriorate. And the rating of the central government is unlikely to rise. Even then, the astrologer said that in 1-1.5 years life will not be the same. A change of power is possible.

If you believe the forecast, that time is about to come. With the country in crisis, big changes are coming. And Levine warns that nothing good can be expected from them. He has long said that the current Russian president will not last long. At the energy level, Putin is no longer the leader of his state.

The decisive year for Vladimir Vladimirovich to leave politics will be 2022. Mikhail Borisovich is not sure that the revolution will lead to this. However, mass riots are likely not to be avoided.

Already in Russia there are many mysterious incidents. Explosions at oil depots and a fire at the military Research Institute only confirm this. Rumor has it that the fault is not an accidental coincidence of circumstances, but sabotage. I wonder what you think about that?

When Russians are warned that difficult times are ahead, no one is afraid. First of all, when were these times easy? Many people still believe in the power of government. Sooner or later everything will get better and better. The number of sanctions is only increasing every day. Food prices are rising and the ruble is falling. Mikhail Levin is sure that very soon people will become poorer even faster than before.

From the point of view of astrology, 2022 will be a key year for Russia. The 22-year retrograde period of progressive Mercury is finally coming to an end. Attempts to bring back what is long gone must stop once and for all. From this, a hidden struggle in the power structures will begin.

In November of this year, a progressive full moon will occur in the astrological map of Russia. Thanks to this event, positive dynamics in changing the state will be visible. This is information from Levin’s video forecast, recorded at the end of 2021. Interestingly, the astrologer did not say a word about the possible war in Ukraine.

I must say that the expert ignores this topic in principle, although the full-scale war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine has lasted for 61 days. In his videos, he says, “We don’t make any political, historical or social predictions.” It's strange, because just a few months ago he commented on these aspects of life.

Peels Obviously the nuts are tightened on all fronts. Either the astrologer is afraid to tell people the truth, or he is simply forbidden to do so. Of course, it is much easier for people to believe in the bright future of their country, when none of the astrologers and psychics say that Russia does not shine in the coming years.

I wonder what you think about that? Share your opinion in the comments!

Photo by Lyudmila Tomilova, Creative Commons, via Wikimedia Commons


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