When you need to plant garlic so that the heads grow especially large

When and how to plant garlic so that it is large and juicy, despite the weather conditions? Answers to this and other questions that concern gardeners in our article.

When you need to plant garlic Preparation of soil and planting material In stores you can buy beautiful imported garlic. But it is far from certain that it is suitable for cultivation in our conditions. Therefore, it is best to ask for planting material from neighbors. Choose the largest and strongest head from one neighbor, from another. That way you'll know for sure it's a zoned variety.

Before planting, soak garlic in a solution of salt. This will help protect it from fungal diseases. By the way, according to many housewives, it is best to store garlic in salt. For storage, place whole unpeeled garlic heads in clean cans, and then generously pour the edible salt of large grinding. Close the cans and send them to a cool place.

Before preparing the bed for planting, pour it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, dilute about 100 ml, to the color of concentrated beet juice, in 5 liters of water. You can buy permanganate in pharmacies or shops for summer residents.

Digging the bed again is not recommended. At the same time, the soil structure is disturbed, useful earthworms suffer, but there is no guarantee that weeds will die. Of course, heavy clay soil is not only possible to dig, but also necessary. But if it is fertile, it is better to do with loosening.

Do not forget to free the cloves from the "mother" bottom so that it does not delay growth. Put cloves of garlic in the prepared holes. It is easier to make them with a special tool, as in the photo. One move, 6 holes. Convenient and simple!

The depth of the holes is from 7 to 10 cm, depending on the method and time of planting. The distance between the rows is 20-25 cm. Put the cloves down the holes with the root down. Yes, by the way, garlic should be planted with a rib towards sunrise! Then it grows beautifully, the leaves do not interfere with each other.

For additional disinfection and fertilizer, fill the garlic with ash from an oven or grill. Close the bed with rakes. Then mulch, using peat, coniferous needles or fallen foliage. To trap the snow on the beds (that is, create a warm blanket), spread the firewood on top. Don't forget to remove mulch in spring!

When to plant garlic
  1. autumn
    Experienced summer residents advise planting winter garlic no earlier than 30 days before the predicted constant frosts. And the beds need to be taken care of somewhere 4-5 weeks before the expected landing.

    Plant later - garlic will not have time to take root, sooner - will grow and may die from frost. So it turns out that if you plant garlic from September 20 to the first decade of October, then beds should be engaged already from the beginning of September. So, there is no time left for the swing.

  2. spring
    When is the best time to plant garlic in March? Experts assure that it is necessary to plant garlic between March 5 and 8, as well as March 29 and 30. In April, the first, third, fifth, eighth and ninth day of the month are considered suitable dates, and the 28th is also suitable. As for May, it is best to plant garlic from May 2 to 6. A reasonable question may arise: “Is the lunar calendar too early to start planting garlic?” There is no need to worry about it, and vice versa. In warm weather, garlic will not be able to form a full root system, so all its growth will be directed upwards. If you plant a vegetable in a cool time, then it will have time to successfully fix itself before the heat comes. That is why many gardeners rush to plant garlic as soon as possible.

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