Experienced summer residents know exactly when to plant winter garlic, so as not to lose the entire harvest.
Flavored garlic with large heads and selected lobules is always more appreciated. Gardeners noticed that cloves of garlic planted for the winter, provide a higher yield. Therefore, summer residents prefer winter varieties of vegetables and ask questions: when to plant garlic in autumn, how to treat the soil, how to prepare planting material, how to insulate the bed?
Editorial "Site" They will try to answer the most popular ones.
When planting garlic in autumn, winter garlic is advised to plant a month before the beginning of winter. Before frost, the clove will take root well, but green sprouts will not have time to let go. In the northern regions, garlic slices are buried in the ground after September 15. In areas with a temperate climate, garlic is recommended to take root in the second half of October.
Garlic is planted on the growing moon. In September 2023, the most favorable days will be from the 16th to the 18th. Then there is a neutral period until the 29th of this month.
In October, it is better to plant garlic from the 15th to the 21st, from the 22nd to the 27th - neutral days. If weather conditions permit, winter garlic is planted in November. The period from the 14th to the 19th is considered favorable, it is advised to continue on the 22nd, 25th or 26th.
It is impossible to plant garlic too early: in warm weather it will give shoots, which in winter can die. If you are late with the planting of this vegetable, then its cloves will not have time to take root properly, which will negatively affect the future harvest.
Selection of a plot for winter garlic and soil preparation When growing garlic, it is important to observe crop rotation. You can plant a vegetable in the old place after 3-4 years. Garlic grows beautifully after cucumbers, tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, melon and grain crops.
Under garlic, you need to allocate well-lit areas. The garden should be placed so that it does not interfere with the spring plowing of the garden. If the site was not fertilized in the spring, then it should be done a couple of weeks before planting garlic. For one square meter of land, up to 6 kg of humus is enough. Fresh manure is not recommended for use. Additionally, you can sprinkle 1 tbsp. l. potassium and superphosphate. Then the soil is excavated and irrigated with water, dissolving copper sulfur in it at the rate of 1 tsp. per bucket of liquid.
How to prepare the planting material of winter garlic? Garlic is sorted in advance: choose the largest and most beautiful heads for subsequent planting on the autumn bed. Then large intact teeth are carefully separated from the head.
Garlic before planting is advised to treat one of the ways:
How to plant garlic for the winter? The area of the bed each regulates independently. The width of the rows should be at least 20 cm. Between the teeth leave a distance of up to 15 centimeters. Garlic slices are buried in the ground at a depth of 10 cm.
After planting a vegetable, the soil is mulched with peat, leaves or sawdust. On top, small branches of trees are laid out to more effectively delay snow in the garden. In spring, the mulch layer is removed.
Garlic can be grown from seeds, but then it will take at least two years to form a full head. It is faster and more profitable to plant vegetables with cloves. Our grandmothers planted garlic on “men’s” days, that is, on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, and harvested an excellent harvest. How it worked is unknown, but worth a try!

Editorial "Site" They will try to answer the most popular ones.
When planting garlic in autumn, winter garlic is advised to plant a month before the beginning of winter. Before frost, the clove will take root well, but green sprouts will not have time to let go. In the northern regions, garlic slices are buried in the ground after September 15. In areas with a temperate climate, garlic is recommended to take root in the second half of October.
Garlic is planted on the growing moon. In September 2023, the most favorable days will be from the 16th to the 18th. Then there is a neutral period until the 29th of this month.

In October, it is better to plant garlic from the 15th to the 21st, from the 22nd to the 27th - neutral days. If weather conditions permit, winter garlic is planted in November. The period from the 14th to the 19th is considered favorable, it is advised to continue on the 22nd, 25th or 26th.
It is impossible to plant garlic too early: in warm weather it will give shoots, which in winter can die. If you are late with the planting of this vegetable, then its cloves will not have time to take root properly, which will negatively affect the future harvest.

Selection of a plot for winter garlic and soil preparation When growing garlic, it is important to observe crop rotation. You can plant a vegetable in the old place after 3-4 years. Garlic grows beautifully after cucumbers, tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, melon and grain crops.
Under garlic, you need to allocate well-lit areas. The garden should be placed so that it does not interfere with the spring plowing of the garden. If the site was not fertilized in the spring, then it should be done a couple of weeks before planting garlic. For one square meter of land, up to 6 kg of humus is enough. Fresh manure is not recommended for use. Additionally, you can sprinkle 1 tbsp. l. potassium and superphosphate. Then the soil is excavated and irrigated with water, dissolving copper sulfur in it at the rate of 1 tsp. per bucket of liquid.

How to prepare the planting material of winter garlic? Garlic is sorted in advance: choose the largest and most beautiful heads for subsequent planting on the autumn bed. Then large intact teeth are carefully separated from the head.

Garlic before planting is advised to treat one of the ways:
- Half a liter of wood ash is dissolved in 2 liters of water. This liquid is boiled and allowed to cool. The planting material is immersed in a cooled solution for 1-2 hours.
- You can disinfect garlic teeth in copper sulfur. To do this, 0.5 tsp. of the drug is dissolved in 5 liters of water, and then garlic is placed in it for 1-2 minutes.
How to plant garlic for the winter? The area of the bed each regulates independently. The width of the rows should be at least 20 cm. Between the teeth leave a distance of up to 15 centimeters. Garlic slices are buried in the ground at a depth of 10 cm.
After planting a vegetable, the soil is mulched with peat, leaves or sawdust. On top, small branches of trees are laid out to more effectively delay snow in the garden. In spring, the mulch layer is removed.

Garlic can be grown from seeds, but then it will take at least two years to form a full head. It is faster and more profitable to plant vegetables with cloves. Our grandmothers planted garlic on “men’s” days, that is, on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, and harvested an excellent harvest. How it worked is unknown, but worth a try!
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