Planting winter onions in autumn

It has long been known that onions can be planted in spring and autumn, but autumn planting until recently caused a very wary attitude among gardeners. Especially in cold regions - in Siberia, the Urals, in the north of the European part of Russia.

But today there are varieties of onions that winter well in the ground and give the next year a beautiful early harvest: "Arzamas", "Radar", "Centurion", "Shakespeare", "Ellan", "Senshui", "Sturon".

Onions planted by the winter method are less susceptible to diseases and shooting. His bulbs ripen about a month earlier and are larger in size, tastier and more aromatic spring.

"Site" will tell readers when and how to plant winter onions in 2019 and what subtleties should be considered to get an enviable harvest.

Planting onions for the winter
  1. Onion variety
    For planting for winter, any regionalized winter varieties are suitable. Traditionally used "Arzamassky", "Strigunovsky", "Stuttgarter Risen", "Danilovsky", "Radar", "Centurion", "Shakespeare".

    They all have their strengths and weaknesses. For example, the variety “Shakespeare” can withstand temperatures up to 18 degrees of frost even without snow cover. The Sturon variety has a high resistance to all kinds of diseases and pests.

    The bulbs of the early ripe variety "Strigunovsky" are distinguished by excellent keeping, but can be greatly affected by diseases and pests. The Senshui variety is resistant to shooting and false powdery dew.

  2. Landing site
    Onion planting soil In winter, you need a fairly loose, neutral reaction, a place lighted, well-ventilated. It is very important to plant onions where in spring snow falls early, and the water does not stagnate. Excess spring moisture harms bulb cultures.

    Good precursors for onions are all grains, except oats, corn, beets, mustard, rapeseed, facelia, peas, beans, vica, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and any cabbage. To avoid contamination of onions with nematodes, do not plant it after beans, potatoes, parsley, celery, alfalfa and red clover.

    By the way, plants that “friend” and grow better in one area are called companion plants. We have previously talked about the best companions for potatoes, carrots, cabbage, garlic and onions.

  3. Optimal landing time
    The optimal landing time for each region is different and depends on the date of onset of persistent cold weather. It is important that the onion had time before the cold to grow roots (for this it will take 2-3 weeks), but it is impossible to allow the appearance of sprouts.

    For the middle strip of Russia, you can recommend an interval from 5 to 20 October, but, again, it all depends on the weather forecast. According to the lunar calendar, the most favorable days for planting winter onions in 2019 are 4, 5, 6, 15, 17, 23 and 25 October. It is not recommended to plant onions on such dates: 7, 8, 9 October and 4, 8, 10, 18 November.

  4. Preparation of planting material
    For disinfection of seed material, a solution of 200 grams of salt in 2 liters of water. Onions should lie in this solution for 5 minutes, no more (against 30 minutes in spring planting). After that, it must be dried. The fact is that you can not allow the roots to awaken, then the onions will germinate too early.

  5. Planting and mulching
    Cut in a row of grooves 5 centimeters deep. The distance between the grooves is 20-30 centimeters, and between the bulbs is 6-7 centimeters.

    To protect the seedlings from diseases, pour rows of potassium permanganate solution. To protect against pests, experienced gardeners also sprinkle planting material with ash.

    Fill the bulb with dry earth and slightly tamp it, you can mulch. Watering winter onions after planting is not necessary. Wet the site, if there is no rain, follows in ten days. Before the first snow, the bed can be covered for insulation with a lapberry.

Plant for the winter can not only onions, but also other vegetables. If you sow seeds this year, then next summer you will harvest a generous crop a couple or three weeks ahead of your neighbors.


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