What changes in the garden can be done in the fall
Autumn — almost a second garden season, after all, the plot is almost as much work as in may. Most, of course, is harvesting, sowing cover crops, planting winter garlic, strawberries and some vegetables, removing leaves from perennials, change, or partial replacement of the earth in the beds and in the greenhouse, pruning trees and shrubs, cleaning leaves, podzimny watering, preparing plants to the shelter and the shelter them for the winter and so on.
These are standard "technical" operations, the purpose of which is to prepare the garden for winter, is familiar to all gardeners. But today we will talk not about them, but about the transformation in the garden that could and need to do at this time of year.
Usually the transformations are thinking spring, but that's only in the spring, changes occur every day, and only manage them. To plant the main crops are still obtained. But on garden design, as a rule, have no time.
Besides, spring is different, heat is not immediately, and some crops have to be postponed to a later time, as the earth in some places is simply not thawed. In autumn, the number of works decreases, and time for creativity becomes greater. We can do everything in a measured, slowly, consider different options.
Yes, and the garden became more visible: a faded grass, no bright distracting colors. But it is not yet fully circled leaves, not completely empty the flower beds — that is, to show you the actual volumes and benchmarks that will help to make things right. If you take care of the beauty of the garden now, already in the spring, he will appear to us in an updated form. Here's what changes we can make in the fall:
1. To plant and replant rastrevozheno to the stereotype, to plant and to transplant plants can be almost all the autumn, and in October, and even November. Believe me, nature is not as vulnerable as it seems. This applies to trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials.
And the principle here is one: if the ground is still frozen — it is possible to land and plant all you can. But if the upper layers are already frozen will help pricop, but it is mainly suitable for trees and shrubs.
Seedlings in the sale of many, many and various autumn fairs where you can buy virtually any your dream. I hope you've already thought about what plants need and what places to put them? There is useful experience of spring and summer. If "vacant" a lot of places, you can try to determine the best of them in practice: to place the seedlings in different locations until planting them, and see how they fit into the environment.
The same can be said about the transplant, just in case you don't buy plants or dig up and divide your and move to a new location. And when planting and when transplanting the plants are carefully watered, despite the fact that the soil can be moist.
If you were late in planting perennial flowers, better plant "Carnevino". And if you were late in planting trees and shrubs, use this technique:
Take live seeds (the easiest way to take those that remained after sowing of green manure). Put them in a small bowl, soak with water and put a plastic bag for two days. The seeds will be warmed up, and then you just put them in the planting holes for plants. Under a big tree seedling need 500 grams of seeds, a small sapling of a tree or Bush — 300 gr. You can use this technique for herbaceous perennials: we will need 100 gr of seeds. Put them in the hole, lightly cover with soil and then plant the plant. Seeds will give the roots much needed warmth, which no longer exists in the environment.
Herbaceous perennials can also be added dropwise, but only the most undemanding. Doing it this way:
Dig a shallow trench Put the plants Sprinkle the ground.
Place it must be the cold, optimally — empty beds in the garden.
If you are very late with planting perennial flowers, it is better not prikopat in the ground, and trim all the greens and roots buried in sand in the cellar. If the rhizomes you have a little, you can wrap them in several layers of dense yellow wrapping paper and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. However, there is a certain subtlety: the fridge needs to be "weeping" models, not "blowing".
Trees and shrubs planted in the fall by far, is the best time for them. Exception is done only for roses, rhododendrons and hydrangea macrophylla: with them it is better to wait until spring.
Vines need to leave alone the clematis. For some conifers, such as spruce and cypress Konica's also the best time is spring. Well, spruce, pine, arborvitae, junipers can be planted and autumn, but not later than mid-October.
More precisely define the time frame will help you tips from the article To what time in the fall, you can plant perennials. And about the autumn planting and transplanting of flowers will be discussed separately.
2. To plan and build the places of recreation Or at least to start this type of arrangement. Spring and summer certainly suggested to you the kind of cozy corners is not enough for your site and where they could be arranged.
Much of this list at least to start in the autumn to mark the place and to commence the preparatory works.
Gazebo it is possible to buy and install in the fall, and it will cost you even cheaper. However, to build it yourself too really. You can buy or make a new bench, just until they are set. To tile grounds. Just remember: all work associated with concrete, are produced until then, until the average temperature drops to 3 °C, and of course, there is no frost. Of course there are special additives to the concrete, but it is better not to use them.
To implement any garden transformation will require certain materials and accessories. Think about which of them can be purchased in advance, because in the spring they will be more expensive, and much more. But in this case you have to have a place where they could be stored.
Autumn is the best time to make your own hands some garden figurines, and even furniture. For now this too is not only time but also materials: for the season you might have accumulated remnants of wood, metal, paint, various impregnations, has worn some tools. All of this can be of great use.
Ways to save money when building a plot, see the article the Beautiful garden without spending extra: how to save money on materials.
3. Rearrange and combine Mafucecto happens that installed in the garden arches, trellises, pergolas are not in the most convenient places. Something not contemplated, not thought through when installing, and maybe in the garden there have been any changes, and now the arch in this place does not look, and over there, near the new rest area, she would she got tonirovka garden. The tapestry was in the shade, and now our favorite climbing roses refuse to grow here. A pergola is located not so comfortable place, as initially thought.
One solution is to rearrange them in more suitable places, especially as the Safs (small architectural forms) are not fundamental structures and may travel in the garden. If under them is the Foundation, very light, and metal prefabricated structures and does only deepened into the ground and no more. This gazebo is difficult to move to another place, but the arch is please. In the fall just at this time. By the way, at the foot moved to a new location of the arch can be planted with new plants.
Don't forget that Safs is, in fact, a garden "puzzles", and from them you can make larger objects right now to radically update the garden. For example:
4. Clear, prohodish the point of view of practice, the garden should be convenient to move. From the point of view of beauty and harmony — the same thing. Garden needs free space, it should not be too dense. Therefore, clear passages, and this is best done in the fall.
I'm sure many plants over the summer, too has expanded and now deliver some inconvenience, as when landing, perhaps, were not taken into account their sizes in adulthood. So, spirea, planted too close to the track, could be half off this very track. But passing, for example, under the lilacs, you have to bend down. Not to mention coniferous plants — they can grow indefinitely, becoming impenetrable forest.
You need to carry out formative pruning, sometimes significantly. And autumn, especially late, is good because SAP flow is already slowed down, and plants takes pruning painless. But just in case apply especially big slices of garden balsam (not pitch).
And now you can nicely to form a decorative and berry bushes neat "balls". But not cutting! Many of these shrubs leaves almost half circled and visible all the branches. The bushes can pull off thick synthetic rope and best of wide bands of old, worn was lutrasil — flexible and it suits them to catch and tie the branches. Of course, when there are no leaves you can see. But in the spring such "ties" is completely hidden under the leaves, and all the shrubs with guarantee will maintain its shape despite wind, rain and harvest.
5. Add Sweeden rapidly shorter, the light is fading, and now you've probably realized the importance of country lighting. In the summer it does not play a special role, and so light until late, and if there is a cute garden fixtures on solar batteries solve all the issues.
Now it is clear that without a powerful stationary lights can't do. And if you have a few of them or they are not located where needed, on the site in the dark it becomes dangerous to move around. Moreover, they are an important design element: well-placed lighting accents can transform a garden in the evening. And in the afternoon decorate it with the look of shades or an original design.
If the problem with light is obvious, you need to solve it. Try to establish the area of the stationary lights.
This will require some excavation, but in the fall it's not scary. Not so sorry for the lawn anyway the season has passed, annuals wither, and perennials, if anything, right now, and transplant.
Remember: with electricity, especially outdoors, not kidding, and lay the lighting you need to properly, even if you only add one or two new lamp. First, it's dangerous, and secondly, if the transaction is done poorly, your lights will burn from the force two years, and then the digging of the plot and organization of lighting again. So:
6. To work on sibkomplekt to work on the bugs and take their picture.
Of course, the past holiday season revealed in the garden some shortcomings. And fall is the time to perform and consider how best to fix them.
This does not mean that I have to redo everything right now. All the time and all the time is impossible. In autumn it is important to focus on what for you is especially important.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.7dach.ru
These are standard "technical" operations, the purpose of which is to prepare the garden for winter, is familiar to all gardeners. But today we will talk not about them, but about the transformation in the garden that could and need to do at this time of year.

Usually the transformations are thinking spring, but that's only in the spring, changes occur every day, and only manage them. To plant the main crops are still obtained. But on garden design, as a rule, have no time.
Besides, spring is different, heat is not immediately, and some crops have to be postponed to a later time, as the earth in some places is simply not thawed. In autumn, the number of works decreases, and time for creativity becomes greater. We can do everything in a measured, slowly, consider different options.
Yes, and the garden became more visible: a faded grass, no bright distracting colors. But it is not yet fully circled leaves, not completely empty the flower beds — that is, to show you the actual volumes and benchmarks that will help to make things right. If you take care of the beauty of the garden now, already in the spring, he will appear to us in an updated form. Here's what changes we can make in the fall:
1. To plant and replant rastrevozheno to the stereotype, to plant and to transplant plants can be almost all the autumn, and in October, and even November. Believe me, nature is not as vulnerable as it seems. This applies to trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials.
And the principle here is one: if the ground is still frozen — it is possible to land and plant all you can. But if the upper layers are already frozen will help pricop, but it is mainly suitable for trees and shrubs.

Seedlings in the sale of many, many and various autumn fairs where you can buy virtually any your dream. I hope you've already thought about what plants need and what places to put them? There is useful experience of spring and summer. If "vacant" a lot of places, you can try to determine the best of them in practice: to place the seedlings in different locations until planting them, and see how they fit into the environment.
The same can be said about the transplant, just in case you don't buy plants or dig up and divide your and move to a new location. And when planting and when transplanting the plants are carefully watered, despite the fact that the soil can be moist.
If you were late in planting perennial flowers, better plant "Carnevino". And if you were late in planting trees and shrubs, use this technique:
Take live seeds (the easiest way to take those that remained after sowing of green manure). Put them in a small bowl, soak with water and put a plastic bag for two days. The seeds will be warmed up, and then you just put them in the planting holes for plants. Under a big tree seedling need 500 grams of seeds, a small sapling of a tree or Bush — 300 gr. You can use this technique for herbaceous perennials: we will need 100 gr of seeds. Put them in the hole, lightly cover with soil and then plant the plant. Seeds will give the roots much needed warmth, which no longer exists in the environment.
Herbaceous perennials can also be added dropwise, but only the most undemanding. Doing it this way:
Dig a shallow trench Put the plants Sprinkle the ground.
Place it must be the cold, optimally — empty beds in the garden.
If you are very late with planting perennial flowers, it is better not prikopat in the ground, and trim all the greens and roots buried in sand in the cellar. If the rhizomes you have a little, you can wrap them in several layers of dense yellow wrapping paper and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. However, there is a certain subtlety: the fridge needs to be "weeping" models, not "blowing".
Trees and shrubs planted in the fall by far, is the best time for them. Exception is done only for roses, rhododendrons and hydrangea macrophylla: with them it is better to wait until spring.

Vines need to leave alone the clematis. For some conifers, such as spruce and cypress Konica's also the best time is spring. Well, spruce, pine, arborvitae, junipers can be planted and autumn, but not later than mid-October.
More precisely define the time frame will help you tips from the article To what time in the fall, you can plant perennials. And about the autumn planting and transplanting of flowers will be discussed separately.
2. To plan and build the places of recreation Or at least to start this type of arrangement. Spring and summer certainly suggested to you the kind of cozy corners is not enough for your site and where they could be arranged.

Much of this list at least to start in the autumn to mark the place and to commence the preparatory works.
Gazebo it is possible to buy and install in the fall, and it will cost you even cheaper. However, to build it yourself too really. You can buy or make a new bench, just until they are set. To tile grounds. Just remember: all work associated with concrete, are produced until then, until the average temperature drops to 3 °C, and of course, there is no frost. Of course there are special additives to the concrete, but it is better not to use them.
To implement any garden transformation will require certain materials and accessories. Think about which of them can be purchased in advance, because in the spring they will be more expensive, and much more. But in this case you have to have a place where they could be stored.
Autumn is the best time to make your own hands some garden figurines, and even furniture. For now this too is not only time but also materials: for the season you might have accumulated remnants of wood, metal, paint, various impregnations, has worn some tools. All of this can be of great use.
Ways to save money when building a plot, see the article the Beautiful garden without spending extra: how to save money on materials.
3. Rearrange and combine Mafucecto happens that installed in the garden arches, trellises, pergolas are not in the most convenient places. Something not contemplated, not thought through when installing, and maybe in the garden there have been any changes, and now the arch in this place does not look, and over there, near the new rest area, she would she got tonirovka garden. The tapestry was in the shade, and now our favorite climbing roses refuse to grow here. A pergola is located not so comfortable place, as initially thought.
One solution is to rearrange them in more suitable places, especially as the Safs (small architectural forms) are not fundamental structures and may travel in the garden. If under them is the Foundation, very light, and metal prefabricated structures and does only deepened into the ground and no more. This gazebo is difficult to move to another place, but the arch is please. In the fall just at this time. By the way, at the foot moved to a new location of the arch can be planted with new plants.

Don't forget that Safs is, in fact, a garden "puzzles", and from them you can make larger objects right now to radically update the garden. For example:
- If three or four arches form together with small gaps, will light the gazebo.
- If the trellis connect to arch and bench will polybasite.
- Well, if you connect the two trellises or trellis to connect with the pergola, and in the spring to complement their wood flooring — will be fashioned garden "chill out".
4. Clear, prohodish the point of view of practice, the garden should be convenient to move. From the point of view of beauty and harmony — the same thing. Garden needs free space, it should not be too dense. Therefore, clear passages, and this is best done in the fall.

I'm sure many plants over the summer, too has expanded and now deliver some inconvenience, as when landing, perhaps, were not taken into account their sizes in adulthood. So, spirea, planted too close to the track, could be half off this very track. But passing, for example, under the lilacs, you have to bend down. Not to mention coniferous plants — they can grow indefinitely, becoming impenetrable forest.
You need to carry out formative pruning, sometimes significantly. And autumn, especially late, is good because SAP flow is already slowed down, and plants takes pruning painless. But just in case apply especially big slices of garden balsam (not pitch).
And now you can nicely to form a decorative and berry bushes neat "balls". But not cutting! Many of these shrubs leaves almost half circled and visible all the branches. The bushes can pull off thick synthetic rope and best of wide bands of old, worn was lutrasil — flexible and it suits them to catch and tie the branches. Of course, when there are no leaves you can see. But in the spring such "ties" is completely hidden under the leaves, and all the shrubs with guarantee will maintain its shape despite wind, rain and harvest.
5. Add Sweeden rapidly shorter, the light is fading, and now you've probably realized the importance of country lighting. In the summer it does not play a special role, and so light until late, and if there is a cute garden fixtures on solar batteries solve all the issues.

Now it is clear that without a powerful stationary lights can't do. And if you have a few of them or they are not located where needed, on the site in the dark it becomes dangerous to move around. Moreover, they are an important design element: well-placed lighting accents can transform a garden in the evening. And in the afternoon decorate it with the look of shades or an original design.
If the problem with light is obvious, you need to solve it. Try to establish the area of the stationary lights.

This will require some excavation, but in the fall it's not scary. Not so sorry for the lawn anyway the season has passed, annuals wither, and perennials, if anything, right now, and transplant.
Remember: with electricity, especially outdoors, not kidding, and lay the lighting you need to properly, even if you only add one or two new lamp. First, it's dangerous, and secondly, if the transaction is done poorly, your lights will burn from the force two years, and then the digging of the plot and organization of lighting again. So:
- All the wires are laid at a depth not less than 0.8 m in corrugated hose, which, in turn, is embedded in a metal or plastic pipe of appropriate diameter.
- If you are planning to install lighting in flower beds or rock gardens, laying depth in such places shall be not less than 1 m.
- And if your site is near ground water table, the bottom of the trench in which pipe is laid, you need to shell out an additional brick or rubble.
- For all fixtures necessary to provide the switches. They must be intended for use outdoors is the so-called "facade" (degree of protection). The switches can of course be in the house, but must be duplicated on the street, or to adjust the lighting of the site will be inconvenient to turn on the regular lights, every time have to go into the house.
6. To work on sibkomplekt to work on the bugs and take their picture.

Of course, the past holiday season revealed in the garden some shortcomings. And fall is the time to perform and consider how best to fix them.
This does not mean that I have to redo everything right now. All the time and all the time is impossible. In autumn it is important to focus on what for you is especially important.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.7dach.ru