French garden ideas for landscaping
Cottagers and nature lovers will be interested to visit this French garden, where under the action of wind waves walking of herbs. Wind and almost oceanic spaciousness together set the rhythm in this garden, and the composition of plants is just fascinating...
Garden-Feather (Jardin Plume), named for the abundance of cereals, is one of the most famous French gardens in Normandy, located in the town of Oduvil 20 km North-East of Rouen.
Its creators and owners Patrick and Sylvia Kubel, talented architects and designers who are fans of the grasses and tall perennials. Because of this plant material they managed since 1997 to create the garden, which is their idea of "flight of the butterflies", which is "a living, breathing and swaying in the wind like falling feathers."
Sostavlyayuschie main components of this garden house, summer garden, autumn garden with a well, a mirror of water, orchard, "Verger," the garden, "Miscanthus madness", "Ciprani" grunge garden "plume".
The house looks quite inconspicuous, consists of two different parts. One new, almost "hi-tech", rectangular, more like a storage room, upholstered longitudinal long boards overlap. The Board time steel gray-blue tone in the gray shale roof. Another part of the house is older, built of quality brick. This part is entwined with decorative vines. The house is surrounded by spring, summer and autumn gardens.
Under the canopy of the vines is surrounded by a huge "plates" of boxwood patio – a favorite place of recreation
Advice from a landscape designer
Despite the great height of the main mass of plants (to 2 m), decorating the garden, they won't need support if they are planted close to each other given the speed of growth and characteristics of vegetation. Spring all together and embark on a growth – by autumn, the plants are strengthened, and their stems harden.
The entrance to the spring garden made in the form of doors with arched opening in the hedge of hornbeam
Autumn sads of the West before the autumn garden is arranged in a kind of "top" is clipped from boxwood with a size of 5 meters by 10. It is a favorite place of recreation for the hosts. Autumn at sunset it's quiet, beautiful and smells like ripe grapes.
In the centre of this garden there are two huge cube, shorn of villeroi latifolia (latifolia Рhillyrea). It is very pliable green sculptural material of it in the Japanese gardens create an amazing installation.
The range of plants in the autumn garden, amazing variety! This topinamburov and sunflower, Japanese anemone "Honorine Jobert" and Burnet "Aruhem", kartezianskaja carnation (D. carthusian) feather, persicaria Eastern and miscanthus, mugwort (A. lactiflora) and black cohosh (C. racemosa "Brunette"), verbena (V. hastata "Rosea") and facilitiy light.
This whole Prairie is divided in several tracks, but from the looks solid array of swaying in the wind. However, the autumn garden is surrounded by a high fence made of hornbeam, which, of course, creates a special microclimate and softens squally gusts of wind. Underneath the canopy of these giants, look through a variety of bows, geranium and lady's mantle.
Idyll for tvorchestva design "summer garden" to discern the characteristics of Sissinghurst from England, as well as French formal gardens. The English who visit the garden, learn their native "knot" (knot) gardens with lawns of low clipped boxwood. Twelve boxes filled with the omnipresent grasses, perennials, dahlias, crocosmias, helenium, Verbania (L. ciliata "Firecracker"), gravitate and facilityname stunning colors.
Succulent nasturtium flock of emerald green lawns on the track from terracotta brick. There are a lot of Golden yellow, intense red and blazing "orange".
Visible everywhere a mix of formal and natural, and as sculptural constructions, and range of plants. Parade of dahlias, planted in flowerbeds pompous Royal Saint Germain he Lay, side by side in the garden of the plume with meadow grasses, unpretentious geranium and cloves.
Fruit structovis garden "Verger" (le Verger) is the perfect place in this garden. It creates the Central axis of the garden, stretching to the South of the house. On it is lined with a dozen squares that are filled with herbs and perennials.
Three Central rows of "squares" overgrown with low grasses, and the fourth on the left, fill tall perennials such as purple and posconnika Kapiolani, klopogona, Burnet white and red, zolotarnica who "support" the same high miscanthus, reed grasses and reeds.
Further East is a high fence made of hornbeam, which hides a large area of the nursery. In the garden of the plume in a large number of propagated and sold almost all the plants that the visitor can be seen here.
On the crest balneology fence is the famous "waves" of the garden of the plume that became his trademark. From the outside it looks like ocean waves lapping on the shore, they catch up with each other, flip over and crash on the shore... This "surf" is cut into two parts by the path of the perfect lawn, which abuts the stylish "grunge". It is an integral element of vintage French country manor. It is a barn, used in ancient times to store hay, tools.
Sheared pieces of boxwood compete with vivid colors and grains
Garden-peruskoulu you sit down on the bench in front of the Grange, you'll be able to consider the main "ideological" part of the garden – the so-called Garden-Feather. To structure this are two boxwood semi-circle, which, like a breakwater, rests in an undulating fence. All space is filled with herbs and perennials.
What is a building material in this installation called "the ocean waving", or the "falling feather"? This perennials: veronicastrum, helenium, kniphofia, Burnet (red and white), basiletti, catananche blue (S. caerulea), carnation kartezianskaja and grasses: feather grass wynikowy and beautiful, Calamagrostis Ostrovetsky (C. acutiflora), a very trendy sort of "Karl Foester", reeds, low pike, millet and, of course, clumps of miscanthus Chinese "Silberfeder" with violet panicles, which are especially showy in partial shade.
It is worth noting that under the action of wind on a garden walk not only the wave of the herbs, but many plants-samodelki typical of them: verbena, barley maned and many others. In this garden you will not see special support to support the fragile plants, and there collapsed kartinok. Even in the wind the whole mass of plants swaying in one step, as if in a dance clasping twigs. As a result of this skilful combination of plants in the autumn around the garden like a rolling wave...
Old ogorodnova from the fruit garden behind a neat picket fence of chestnut shtaketin preserved old garden. In the garden stand out noble ridge with abundantly flowered thyme. The rest is the usual practical French garden, fennel, dill, lettuce, onion and, of course, flowers that repel pests and increase the decorativeness of the place.
Spring sadalit the garden is very quiet and almost a "secluded area" on the site. After the spring bulbs appear astrantia parade, lady's mantle, Euphorbia, variegated lungwort medicinal. Many Aquilegia and polygonium (Highlander), as well as geraniums. Along the tracks – boxwood balls, the entrance to the garden in the form of doors with arched opening in the hedge of hornbeam.
When you get to the garden, the question arises: how such magnificence was created? What is the sequence of thoughts, events and achievements... the Owners thought it over and drew the garden, and then began methodically planned to plant plants? Unlikely it was just so...
How it all began...Every garden has its own background, he goes to the masters with old trees, gardens, buildings. Garden plum started with fruit trees and huge meadows with grazing sheep, having boxwood and hornbeam planting that serve as fences and fences. Later, there were two ponds, which in addition to the aesthetic component are used to lower groundwater levels and simultaneously collect rainwater.
Then I had some interesting design ideas. Green fence bend to squares for a single composition arranged square flower beds. Why choose herbs?
Just in Normandy for them the ideal place is an open Sunny space and moisture capacity of soil. Squares filled with herbs and perennials, like vases, that is tightly to stay and collapsed. So step by step Patrick and Sylvia turned the garden plum...
Source: www.ldacha.ru
Garden-Feather (Jardin Plume), named for the abundance of cereals, is one of the most famous French gardens in Normandy, located in the town of Oduvil 20 km North-East of Rouen.
Its creators and owners Patrick and Sylvia Kubel, talented architects and designers who are fans of the grasses and tall perennials. Because of this plant material they managed since 1997 to create the garden, which is their idea of "flight of the butterflies", which is "a living, breathing and swaying in the wind like falling feathers."
- Main gardener: Patrick and Sylvia Kubel
- The land area is 3 Hectares
- The age of the garden– 15 years
- Location– Oduvil, France
- Soil– loam
- Favorite season– autumn
- Favorite plants– the grasses and tall perennials

Sostavlyayuschie main components of this garden house, summer garden, autumn garden with a well, a mirror of water, orchard, "Verger," the garden, "Miscanthus madness", "Ciprani" grunge garden "plume".
The house looks quite inconspicuous, consists of two different parts. One new, almost "hi-tech", rectangular, more like a storage room, upholstered longitudinal long boards overlap. The Board time steel gray-blue tone in the gray shale roof. Another part of the house is older, built of quality brick. This part is entwined with decorative vines. The house is surrounded by spring, summer and autumn gardens.

Under the canopy of the vines is surrounded by a huge "plates" of boxwood patio – a favorite place of recreation

Advice from a landscape designer
Despite the great height of the main mass of plants (to 2 m), decorating the garden, they won't need support if they are planted close to each other given the speed of growth and characteristics of vegetation. Spring all together and embark on a growth – by autumn, the plants are strengthened, and their stems harden.
The entrance to the spring garden made in the form of doors with arched opening in the hedge of hornbeam

Autumn sads of the West before the autumn garden is arranged in a kind of "top" is clipped from boxwood with a size of 5 meters by 10. It is a favorite place of recreation for the hosts. Autumn at sunset it's quiet, beautiful and smells like ripe grapes.
In the centre of this garden there are two huge cube, shorn of villeroi latifolia (latifolia Рhillyrea). It is very pliable green sculptural material of it in the Japanese gardens create an amazing installation.

The range of plants in the autumn garden, amazing variety! This topinamburov and sunflower, Japanese anemone "Honorine Jobert" and Burnet "Aruhem", kartezianskaja carnation (D. carthusian) feather, persicaria Eastern and miscanthus, mugwort (A. lactiflora) and black cohosh (C. racemosa "Brunette"), verbena (V. hastata "Rosea") and facilitiy light.

This whole Prairie is divided in several tracks, but from the looks solid array of swaying in the wind. However, the autumn garden is surrounded by a high fence made of hornbeam, which, of course, creates a special microclimate and softens squally gusts of wind. Underneath the canopy of these giants, look through a variety of bows, geranium and lady's mantle.

Idyll for tvorchestva design "summer garden" to discern the characteristics of Sissinghurst from England, as well as French formal gardens. The English who visit the garden, learn their native "knot" (knot) gardens with lawns of low clipped boxwood. Twelve boxes filled with the omnipresent grasses, perennials, dahlias, crocosmias, helenium, Verbania (L. ciliata "Firecracker"), gravitate and facilityname stunning colors.

Succulent nasturtium flock of emerald green lawns on the track from terracotta brick. There are a lot of Golden yellow, intense red and blazing "orange".
Visible everywhere a mix of formal and natural, and as sculptural constructions, and range of plants. Parade of dahlias, planted in flowerbeds pompous Royal Saint Germain he Lay, side by side in the garden of the plume with meadow grasses, unpretentious geranium and cloves.

Fruit structovis garden "Verger" (le Verger) is the perfect place in this garden. It creates the Central axis of the garden, stretching to the South of the house. On it is lined with a dozen squares that are filled with herbs and perennials.

Three Central rows of "squares" overgrown with low grasses, and the fourth on the left, fill tall perennials such as purple and posconnika Kapiolani, klopogona, Burnet white and red, zolotarnica who "support" the same high miscanthus, reed grasses and reeds.
Further East is a high fence made of hornbeam, which hides a large area of the nursery. In the garden of the plume in a large number of propagated and sold almost all the plants that the visitor can be seen here.

On the crest balneology fence is the famous "waves" of the garden of the plume that became his trademark. From the outside it looks like ocean waves lapping on the shore, they catch up with each other, flip over and crash on the shore... This "surf" is cut into two parts by the path of the perfect lawn, which abuts the stylish "grunge". It is an integral element of vintage French country manor. It is a barn, used in ancient times to store hay, tools.

Sheared pieces of boxwood compete with vivid colors and grains
Garden-peruskoulu you sit down on the bench in front of the Grange, you'll be able to consider the main "ideological" part of the garden – the so-called Garden-Feather. To structure this are two boxwood semi-circle, which, like a breakwater, rests in an undulating fence. All space is filled with herbs and perennials.
What is a building material in this installation called "the ocean waving", or the "falling feather"? This perennials: veronicastrum, helenium, kniphofia, Burnet (red and white), basiletti, catananche blue (S. caerulea), carnation kartezianskaja and grasses: feather grass wynikowy and beautiful, Calamagrostis Ostrovetsky (C. acutiflora), a very trendy sort of "Karl Foester", reeds, low pike, millet and, of course, clumps of miscanthus Chinese "Silberfeder" with violet panicles, which are especially showy in partial shade.
It is worth noting that under the action of wind on a garden walk not only the wave of the herbs, but many plants-samodelki typical of them: verbena, barley maned and many others. In this garden you will not see special support to support the fragile plants, and there collapsed kartinok. Even in the wind the whole mass of plants swaying in one step, as if in a dance clasping twigs. As a result of this skilful combination of plants in the autumn around the garden like a rolling wave...

Old ogorodnova from the fruit garden behind a neat picket fence of chestnut shtaketin preserved old garden. In the garden stand out noble ridge with abundantly flowered thyme. The rest is the usual practical French garden, fennel, dill, lettuce, onion and, of course, flowers that repel pests and increase the decorativeness of the place.

Spring sadalit the garden is very quiet and almost a "secluded area" on the site. After the spring bulbs appear astrantia parade, lady's mantle, Euphorbia, variegated lungwort medicinal. Many Aquilegia and polygonium (Highlander), as well as geraniums. Along the tracks – boxwood balls, the entrance to the garden in the form of doors with arched opening in the hedge of hornbeam.
When you get to the garden, the question arises: how such magnificence was created? What is the sequence of thoughts, events and achievements... the Owners thought it over and drew the garden, and then began methodically planned to plant plants? Unlikely it was just so...

How it all began...Every garden has its own background, he goes to the masters with old trees, gardens, buildings. Garden plum started with fruit trees and huge meadows with grazing sheep, having boxwood and hornbeam planting that serve as fences and fences. Later, there were two ponds, which in addition to the aesthetic component are used to lower groundwater levels and simultaneously collect rainwater.
Then I had some interesting design ideas. Green fence bend to squares for a single composition arranged square flower beds. Why choose herbs?
Just in Normandy for them the ideal place is an open Sunny space and moisture capacity of soil. Squares filled with herbs and perennials, like vases, that is tightly to stay and collapsed. So step by step Patrick and Sylvia turned the garden plum...
Source: www.ldacha.ru