The types of borders for garden paths

Comfortable trail, running from one corner of the garden to the other, gently carrying us along with the garden tool or meat for a barbecue where we need to go.
Why not make such neat paths in their own shadowgate. Just a small item — border, can change the entire view of the garden beyond recognition.
If your site has a bunch of broken bricks, curbs you can make it, this is the most popular solution in Russia. He laid on the area and lightly sprinkled with earth, or of whole bricks laid end face and also lightly sprinkled. In the second case, the bricks can be strengthened and cements, smoothing over the seams between them.
Very original borders of wooden chocks, which can be drunk in the autumn, cut off superfluous branches of fruit trees. A "landing" cut twigs can be done on one side of the track, and on both sides, or only in a particular portion of it — depicting a bridge over a streamlet, for example.
As border is very beautiful look of natural stones, which it is not necessary to choose the size — let them be different, including and color, so interesting. Small stones can be fastened with cement, and large just slightly prikopat in the ground. Near "the boulders" look great with little flowers and decorative grass, so decorate the path can still be green.
You can, if you have time and opportunity, make a border of concrete, because it is easy to convert to any of the most entertaining figures, if you know how to work with wood to make the formwork. Not necessary to forget and about the metal reinforcement, otherwise the concrete will please your eyes not long, but it is very important to hide the rebar in the concrete deep enough to prevent rust.
If you make a terrace, or limit the Alpine slide near the house, it is best to build a wall of concrete, stones or other material on top of the wall will look great seedling vines.
The wall can be constructed from logs — they are best to put vertically, by digging slightly into the ground, for greater security, strengthening the cement. That log doesn't rot, it is necessary to arrange drainage, and the water in the lower part of the wall you can take the accumulation of snow or rainwater.
Before you decide to make bordyurchik for paths or Walls, you need to carefully consider their configuration and the number of material to your garden does not become permanently unfinished landscaped misunderstanding.
Garden borders for the plot: Refine paths and columbiaville borders for garden paths are made of various materials, including metal, plastic, wood, stone, brick, etc. the Choice of material is more dependent on the characteristics of landscape design area. However, when this element is important to consider some of their characteristics. All these nuances today, and will help to understand the "Dream Home" to their readers.

Feature metal borders
The design of the metal borders is a whole strip of steel, aluminum or copper. They are installed in the ground strictly according to the contour of the lawn, protecting the track from grass and weed germination, as well as clearly indicating their boundaries.

Garden borders, metal
Due to its simplicity and brevity, the metal border for the garden fits perfectly to the appearance of any landscape design. Particularly harmonious, this design is suitable for areas with strict geometry of lawns. Metal curbs are recommended for the fencing of tracks of rubble.

Choice plastic borders for the area
Plastic edgings for garden paths differ. First, their affordable price, and secondly, a high durability, which provides a particularly durable plastic material, and, thirdly, the plastic borders are very easy to install.
To install these elements there is no need in digging trenches, preparing the foundations and the use of special fasteners. Installation of curbs, plastic is made using the anchor pins very firmly fixing the design. In addition, the ease and plasticity of the borders of this material makes it possible to stack them on curves and winding lines. However, despite its lightness, such curbs perfectly fulfill its main objectives – strengthen the contours of the tracks and prevent the growth of the grass.
Set plastic curbs you can loop tracks with absolutely any surface. External "stealth" their design, Takei borders perfectly complement any style of landscape design.

Wooden garden borders
Wooden borders not only protect the tracks from encroachments, but also emphasize their appearance, giving the area an interesting touch. Curbs for flower beds, lawns and flower beds out of wood can be made in a variety of forms and solutions.

Curbs for flower beds out of wood

Borders for garden paths wooden
The most straightforward way of creating wooden borders is placing a specially treated boards around the edge of the tracks. This option is not the most reliable in terms of durability, but if you think about how to make a border for walkways on your own, then start with a wooden structure.
Wooden curbs are often performed in the form of hammered plates or bars mounted longitudinally. The main advantage of wood with a decorative point of view is the ability to dye the material any color, create pictures with paint and firing, as well as to implement any form and to regulate the height of construction. In addition, wooden borders are the perfect complement to any landscape design and blend harmoniously with a variety of garden accessories and decorations.

Borders for garden wooden

How to make a border for walkways, However, choosing hardwood borders for plots, note that their service life often does not exceed 10-12 years, even with regular treatment with antiseptics.

Kerbs of natural stone: simple and natural
Perhaps the most fundamental and attractive from an aesthetic side borders are created from natural stone. Such curbs are perfectly suited for decoration of flower beds, flower beds and lawns of any shape. However, this version of the design of curbs is difficult to name budget, because, first, a natural material in itself is not cheap, and, secondly, the installation of curbs of natural stone requires careful preparatory work.

Border from a natural stone

A border of large pebbles

The curb stone can be created using marble, Sandstone, artificial or natural granite, gravel or limestone. The most harmonious stone granite combined with walkways of smooth paving slabs, pavers or stone. To create a complete picture of landscape design stones of the same size are placed close to each other.

Border from a natural stone

Border from a natural stone in landscape design

Curbs for flower beds with stone effect
As you know, natural stone is expensive, if it is not made in nature. Therefore, the owners of HOMESTEAD and garden plots are often used to make this decision, as an imitation of stone. And curbs of artificial stone looks very neat and aesthetically pleasing, and perfectly harmonize with the lush greenery and flowers. And caring for them is fairly simple and not troublesome.

A border of decorative stone

Simple garden borders of brick
A very popular material for creating borders is facing brick. Brick borders perfectly complement the tracks of pavement, gravel and other materials.
Most often, the brick is laid on the line the garden path at a slight incline, in the form of oblique teeth. Installation of the brick borders are quite simple and not time consuming. However, despite the relative strength of bricks, this material is not really suitable for areas with frequent rainfall.

Garden borders of brick

Garden borders of brick

The borders of brick photo

A border of bricks photo

The borders of hedges
There is also an alternative kind of borders created from hedges that perfectly emphasize the natural beauty of the site. To create such green borders along paths and planted plants so that the width of the fence was 20-30cm. Plants that are subsequently transformed into the curb, must be low-growing and undemanding in care. If desired, and a little skill, of hedges, you can create any shape for garden borders.

Vibrant green border photo

Live a border of flowers

A border of flowers

Making borders with flowers and shrubs
In conclusion, I would like to stress that choosing garden borders for beautification of their infield, the most important thing to consider how harmoniously they are combined with other parts of landscape design. In addition, to preserve the strength of these structures, it is important to prevent excessive grass and water runoff.
Source: secretdachi.ru
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