The best varieties of fragrant flowers for Your garden
The garden in the evening can be not less attractive than by day. The attractiveness of garden space in the evening and night hours is provided by the variety of flavors that come from fragrant plants. The flowers and shrubs, is able to exude incenses, especially planted in those areas where you love to relax and chat with people.
Also fragrant flowers are placed along paths leading to the house, gazebo, outside shower and other garden buildings. Familiar flavors for a long time imprinted in the memory, reminding the person about his native place. Surrounding himself with favourite flowers at the new place of residence, it is possible to overcome nostalgia and to silence the longing for the garden, which had to sell or leave for a long time. Over time, the well-known flavors are added to the new smells, the bearers of which the gardener finds out from friends or in the literature.
Annuals with bright aroma
The beauty of the flowers of annuals is that to enjoy their scents in the year of planting. With the onset of the new season you can change the exposure, experimenting with flavors until, until you find the desired bouquet. What fragrant flowers-annuals often cultivated in gardens and in backyards?
Mattiola antlered or night violet
The inconspicuous appearance of small flowers of matthiola two horns can push a novice gardener. Indeed, beauty is a plant of the cabbage family does not possess. Its strength lies in the spicy sweet smell spreading in the evening hours around a blossoming of tiny flowers. Enchanting smell of Mattioli antlered persists throughout the night. No wonder this annual plant has another common name – night violet.
Flowering Mattioli antlered lasts throughout the summer. Even the first frosts are not afraid of this unpretentious plant. The flowering period of individual 4-petal flower lasts no more than five days, after which the fruit is formed, having the shape of a pod with two distinctive horns that are located on its top.
The inconspicuous flowers of wild Orchid on the background of bright flower garden at dusk begin to smell, filling the air with an unforgettable aroma.
Night violet are sown in early spring directly into the ground. Can the boarding process divided into several stages, maintaining between them at certain time intervals (12-15 days). Despite the fact that mattiola antlered prefers Sunny places, it can be grown in shaded areas of the garden.
Mattiola gray: beautiful blooms and smells
Gray mattiola, which is also called the Wallflowers, is fundamentally different from its two-horned namesake. This plant is valued not only for honey flavor, but for large double flowers that bloom in the form of caps on top of the woody or slightly branched stems. Plant height can reach 80 cm For those who don't like the giants, bred dwarf varieties, with a height up to 20 cm Flowers Mattioli gray can be simple (4-blade) and Terry (70-blade), with the latter able to bloom within three weeks.
Levkoy or mattiola gray is extraordinarily beautiful and wonderfully fragrant. Pleasant scent intensifies in the evening and lasts till morning
Lush double flowers do not produce seeds. The seed material is produced only with simple flowers. Half of the collected seeds can produce plants with simple flowers, and the other half with Terry. Withdrawn varieties of Wallflowers, from which the ratio increased in favor of plants with double flowers. To mattiola gray flowered in the year of sowing, it is necessary in March to sow the seeds for seedlings.
Fragrant tobacco, a delicate scent on the bed and in the pot
Another bright representative of fragrant annuals grown by gardeners. Early varieties of fragrant tobacco was distinguished by long stems and white flowers-gramophones, opening in the evening. It was later withdrawn more compact varieties, which differ from each other not only in plant height, but also the color of the flowers.
Now you can buy sweet-scented tobacco, the flowers of which will be crimson, red, pinkish, or lemon yellow. And in the daytime the flowers are not closed. However, the most pronounced flavor have plants with white flowers. Fragrant tobacco is best grown through seedlings to provide early flowering plants. Seedling afraid of spring frosts, so the tobacco seedlings planted in a permanent place with the onset of warmth. The plant feels equally comfortable in areas lit by sunlight, or in partial shade.
Some gardeners keep scented tobacco until next season, when the plant before the frost in the flower pot. The transplanted plant is brought to the house where it is after a short break begins again to blossom and fill the dwelling mouth-watering aroma. With the arrival of spring dug plant return to its original place.
Fragrant tobacco is able to conquer the Amateur gardener not only honey fragrance but large flowers, similar in structure to the gramophone.
To extend flowering, fragrant tobacco, it is necessary to rid the plant of dried flowers. This measure will serve as an intensive formation of new buds.
Sweet pea — fragrant six-foot vines
Among the climbing garden plants pleasant aroma famous for sweet peas. Currently, there are about one hundred species of this plant, and the number of varieties reaches thousands. This varietal abundance, you can find plants with small and large (6 cm in diameter) flowers with various shades of the color palette. Clearly the smell of sweet peas is evident in the early grades. Hybrids raised later, yielding a weaker fragrance, but have high decorative properties.
Six-foot vines, tendrils clinging to support, do an excellent job of vertical gardening arbors, verandas, pergolas, fences, etc. In smaller gardens, this plant is used for shielding areas dedicated to the cultivation of vegetables. Stunted (dwarf) varieties, reaching a maximum height of 30 cm, planted in containers or hanging baskets.
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The tender shoots of sweet peas do not tolerate transplanting, so it is recommended to sow seeds directly in warm soil. In the hole throw three peas, which are pre-soaked in warm water during the day.
Air a wall of sweet peas looks elegant and sophisticated. Under the cover of darkness every flower emits a delicate fragrance that attracts all living things
Mignonette scented time-honoured fragrance
The scented mignonette cultivated in gardens since ancient times. Love scene many novels written in the nineteenth century, set against the backdrop of the sweet and intoxicating scent of mignonette. Modern growers find a place in the garden for planting this amazing plant. Thus attracts gardeners not simple beauty of the inconspicuous greenish flowers of mignonette, and their delicate fragrance in the evening and at night. Although breeders were able to obtain ornamental varieties of fragrant plants with a more attractive color of inflorescences:
RESEDA fragrant — aromatic plants, proven. Prized for its sweet peculiar smell of small flowers.
RESEDA likes open spaces, is well lit by the sun. In dry summers the care of mignonette is plentiful watering. Fertilization promotes intense flowering plants, and regular collection of faded flowers – the emergence of new inflorescences.
Iberis: just a month for fun
How many members of the aromatic plants of iberis has a modest appearance. But the scent of this plant in a short period of flowering, gives an unforgettable pleasure. Only a month in bloom, this annual, however, until the appearance of the first flower since planting seeds is 40 to 50 days. In the gardens are often cultivated two species of this annual plant:
Alyssum sea – flower carpet with the smell of honey
Low-growing annuals, blooming from the first days of summer to late autumn. The plant grows in height (ceiling — 20 cm) and wide, growing up to 30 cm or more. Alyssum grows everywhere, where will put: for flower beds, borders, rockeries and Alpine slides in balcony boxes and pots. This annual can grow even between the stone tiles of the garden paths, filling the pedestrian area of the garden honey aroma.
Alyssum — low-growing annual herb with a strong aroma. Compact bushes grow to form a carpet. Suitable for framing flower beds and borders, and to populate rock gardens.
Flowers of alyssum sea have white or purple coloring that is used in a joint planting. After cosmetic haircuts and abundant watering alyssum is ready for a new wave of flowering. Once planted this fragrant annual, you can not worry about the seeding within two to three years. Alyssum perfectly regenerates.
Representatives fragrant flowers-perennials
For pleasant-smelling perennials, of course, are roses. Beautiful fragrance of these beautiful flowers perfectly complement and set off such herbs as sage, marjoram, Catnip, wormwood, geranium, cuff. These species have long been part of the retinue of the flower of noble birth. When composing preference for multiflowered varieties of polyanthus roses.
The scent of the roses does not require advertising. These perennial flowers were once available only for the elite, and now they can put every grower
To compete for the power of beauty and aroma of roses can only peonies. The most fragrant of them are varieties of Paeonia lactiflora, the aroma of which can be felt at a sufficient distance from the plant. The strength of the fragrance blooming peony depends on the age of the perennial. Affects the intensity of the smell of the air temperature and humidity level. In the evening, the peony flowers are not devoid of scent, but the peak odor gaining closer to noon.
Bush peony the flowering period is an ornament to any garden. Lovely scent plush flower spreading throughout the land, as if inviting me to look at Rafik.
Bred dozens of varieties of peonies, with different flavors:
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Source: diz-cafe.com/ozelenenie/dushistye-cvety-dlya-sada.html

Also fragrant flowers are placed along paths leading to the house, gazebo, outside shower and other garden buildings. Familiar flavors for a long time imprinted in the memory, reminding the person about his native place. Surrounding himself with favourite flowers at the new place of residence, it is possible to overcome nostalgia and to silence the longing for the garden, which had to sell or leave for a long time. Over time, the well-known flavors are added to the new smells, the bearers of which the gardener finds out from friends or in the literature.

Annuals with bright aroma
The beauty of the flowers of annuals is that to enjoy their scents in the year of planting. With the onset of the new season you can change the exposure, experimenting with flavors until, until you find the desired bouquet. What fragrant flowers-annuals often cultivated in gardens and in backyards?
Mattiola antlered or night violet
The inconspicuous appearance of small flowers of matthiola two horns can push a novice gardener. Indeed, beauty is a plant of the cabbage family does not possess. Its strength lies in the spicy sweet smell spreading in the evening hours around a blossoming of tiny flowers. Enchanting smell of Mattioli antlered persists throughout the night. No wonder this annual plant has another common name – night violet.
Flowering Mattioli antlered lasts throughout the summer. Even the first frosts are not afraid of this unpretentious plant. The flowering period of individual 4-petal flower lasts no more than five days, after which the fruit is formed, having the shape of a pod with two distinctive horns that are located on its top.

The inconspicuous flowers of wild Orchid on the background of bright flower garden at dusk begin to smell, filling the air with an unforgettable aroma.
Night violet are sown in early spring directly into the ground. Can the boarding process divided into several stages, maintaining between them at certain time intervals (12-15 days). Despite the fact that mattiola antlered prefers Sunny places, it can be grown in shaded areas of the garden.
Mattiola gray: beautiful blooms and smells
Gray mattiola, which is also called the Wallflowers, is fundamentally different from its two-horned namesake. This plant is valued not only for honey flavor, but for large double flowers that bloom in the form of caps on top of the woody or slightly branched stems. Plant height can reach 80 cm For those who don't like the giants, bred dwarf varieties, with a height up to 20 cm Flowers Mattioli gray can be simple (4-blade) and Terry (70-blade), with the latter able to bloom within three weeks.

Levkoy or mattiola gray is extraordinarily beautiful and wonderfully fragrant. Pleasant scent intensifies in the evening and lasts till morning
Lush double flowers do not produce seeds. The seed material is produced only with simple flowers. Half of the collected seeds can produce plants with simple flowers, and the other half with Terry. Withdrawn varieties of Wallflowers, from which the ratio increased in favor of plants with double flowers. To mattiola gray flowered in the year of sowing, it is necessary in March to sow the seeds for seedlings.
Fragrant tobacco, a delicate scent on the bed and in the pot
Another bright representative of fragrant annuals grown by gardeners. Early varieties of fragrant tobacco was distinguished by long stems and white flowers-gramophones, opening in the evening. It was later withdrawn more compact varieties, which differ from each other not only in plant height, but also the color of the flowers.
Now you can buy sweet-scented tobacco, the flowers of which will be crimson, red, pinkish, or lemon yellow. And in the daytime the flowers are not closed. However, the most pronounced flavor have plants with white flowers. Fragrant tobacco is best grown through seedlings to provide early flowering plants. Seedling afraid of spring frosts, so the tobacco seedlings planted in a permanent place with the onset of warmth. The plant feels equally comfortable in areas lit by sunlight, or in partial shade.
Some gardeners keep scented tobacco until next season, when the plant before the frost in the flower pot. The transplanted plant is brought to the house where it is after a short break begins again to blossom and fill the dwelling mouth-watering aroma. With the arrival of spring dug plant return to its original place.

Fragrant tobacco is able to conquer the Amateur gardener not only honey fragrance but large flowers, similar in structure to the gramophone.
To extend flowering, fragrant tobacco, it is necessary to rid the plant of dried flowers. This measure will serve as an intensive formation of new buds.
Sweet pea — fragrant six-foot vines
Among the climbing garden plants pleasant aroma famous for sweet peas. Currently, there are about one hundred species of this plant, and the number of varieties reaches thousands. This varietal abundance, you can find plants with small and large (6 cm in diameter) flowers with various shades of the color palette. Clearly the smell of sweet peas is evident in the early grades. Hybrids raised later, yielding a weaker fragrance, but have high decorative properties.
Six-foot vines, tendrils clinging to support, do an excellent job of vertical gardening arbors, verandas, pergolas, fences, etc. In smaller gardens, this plant is used for shielding areas dedicated to the cultivation of vegetables. Stunted (dwarf) varieties, reaching a maximum height of 30 cm, planted in containers or hanging baskets.
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The tender shoots of sweet peas do not tolerate transplanting, so it is recommended to sow seeds directly in warm soil. In the hole throw three peas, which are pre-soaked in warm water during the day.

Air a wall of sweet peas looks elegant and sophisticated. Under the cover of darkness every flower emits a delicate fragrance that attracts all living things
Mignonette scented time-honoured fragrance
The scented mignonette cultivated in gardens since ancient times. Love scene many novels written in the nineteenth century, set against the backdrop of the sweet and intoxicating scent of mignonette. Modern growers find a place in the garden for planting this amazing plant. Thus attracts gardeners not simple beauty of the inconspicuous greenish flowers of mignonette, and their delicate fragrance in the evening and at night. Although breeders were able to obtain ornamental varieties of fragrant plants with a more attractive color of inflorescences:
- red-green ("Red Monarch");
- yellowish red ("Waving");
- pinkish-copper ("ruby");
- light green ("Giant");
- dark brown ("Victoria");
- intense red ("Goliath").

RESEDA fragrant — aromatic plants, proven. Prized for its sweet peculiar smell of small flowers.
RESEDA likes open spaces, is well lit by the sun. In dry summers the care of mignonette is plentiful watering. Fertilization promotes intense flowering plants, and regular collection of faded flowers – the emergence of new inflorescences.
Iberis: just a month for fun
How many members of the aromatic plants of iberis has a modest appearance. But the scent of this plant in a short period of flowering, gives an unforgettable pleasure. Only a month in bloom, this annual, however, until the appearance of the first flower since planting seeds is 40 to 50 days. In the gardens are often cultivated two species of this annual plant:
- iberis bitter with white flowers.
- iberis umbellate flat supraveni buds, the shade of which varies from white to purplish-pink color.
Alyssum sea – flower carpet with the smell of honey
Low-growing annuals, blooming from the first days of summer to late autumn. The plant grows in height (ceiling — 20 cm) and wide, growing up to 30 cm or more. Alyssum grows everywhere, where will put: for flower beds, borders, rockeries and Alpine slides in balcony boxes and pots. This annual can grow even between the stone tiles of the garden paths, filling the pedestrian area of the garden honey aroma.

Alyssum — low-growing annual herb with a strong aroma. Compact bushes grow to form a carpet. Suitable for framing flower beds and borders, and to populate rock gardens.
Flowers of alyssum sea have white or purple coloring that is used in a joint planting. After cosmetic haircuts and abundant watering alyssum is ready for a new wave of flowering. Once planted this fragrant annual, you can not worry about the seeding within two to three years. Alyssum perfectly regenerates.
Representatives fragrant flowers-perennials
For pleasant-smelling perennials, of course, are roses. Beautiful fragrance of these beautiful flowers perfectly complement and set off such herbs as sage, marjoram, Catnip, wormwood, geranium, cuff. These species have long been part of the retinue of the flower of noble birth. When composing preference for multiflowered varieties of polyanthus roses.

The scent of the roses does not require advertising. These perennial flowers were once available only for the elite, and now they can put every grower
To compete for the power of beauty and aroma of roses can only peonies. The most fragrant of them are varieties of Paeonia lactiflora, the aroma of which can be felt at a sufficient distance from the plant. The strength of the fragrance blooming peony depends on the age of the perennial. Affects the intensity of the smell of the air temperature and humidity level. In the evening, the peony flowers are not devoid of scent, but the peak odor gaining closer to noon.

Bush peony the flowering period is an ornament to any garden. Lovely scent plush flower spreading throughout the land, as if inviting me to look at Rafik.
Bred dozens of varieties of peonies, with different flavors:
- sweet;
- Apple;
- lemon;
- floral;
- spicy;
- tart;
- musk;
- mint;
- honey, etc.

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P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: diz-cafe.com/ozelenenie/dushistye-cvety-dlya-sada.html