25 free apps that will turn your photos and videos into masterpieces

The website has gathered for you some simple but effective programs to enhance and process your photos and videos. In the list there are apps that allow the use of unexpected and interesting special effects, create amazing beauty pictures and even to shoot a real movie.
Already we foresee that some of them will fascinate you for hours.
Conjure a photo with a double exposure

Enlightсочетает all the basic functions of photo editor — change image dimensions, color correction and exposure to the imposition of filters and labels. It is also possible to mix multiple images, creating a image with a double exposure style photo under the painted oil paintings or sketches and add frames.
- Download on the App Store.

MuseCam photo editor with plenty of professional tools that allow you to change images manually, and to bring them to perfection. Another advantage MuseCam — a huge selection of different filters. There are two pre collection (one color, one monochrome), the rest you can buy.
- Download on the App Store.
Dreamscope allows users to upload images and apply cool filters with unusual effects. In Annex a lot of fancy filters (including computerized nightmares inspired artificial neural networks Google) that will transform your photos into something completely different.
- Download on the App Store.

PaperCamera allows you to create pictures in a drawing or cartoon style. Effects you can apply to your photo gallery or create new images from a new style. If you want to know, what would your world in cartoon you are here. It's funny that even the app's interface looks like it was drawn with colored pencils. The app is not exactly free, but is mere penny, so we decided to include it here.
- Download on Google Play.

B&W Film Emulator is editor black-and-white photographs. He doesn't just make the black-and-white, but allows you to see how it would look uploaded photo if it was taken on a particular black-and-white photographic film, for example TRI-X 400 from Kodak or Fuji Neopan 400. In the app you can set the contrast and shadows and to add vignettes.
- Download on the App Store.

B612 — convenient photo editor for selfie, lets you do... a selfie. And then to process the photos.
- Download on Google Play and App Store.

MSQRD real-time "grimiruetsya under a famous man, a remarkable character or an animal. In this way, you can record a video and send it to friends or put on public display in the social network.
- Download on the App Store.

Defqt resizes photos with the help of numerous geometric effects. Among them — a reflection, a kaleidoscope, adding noise, an overlay of colored geometrical figures and spots, similar to the spray from a can of paint, triangulation and others. Most of the effects available for free, others can buy.
- Download on the App Store.
- D3LTA. Download on the App Store and Google Play.

OldBooth is one of the oldest apps in the App Store to change. Allows you to turn a photo of the user in the original retroperitoneal.
- Download on the App Store.

Prisma is a popular app that allows you to turn any photo into paintings in different styles.
- Download on the App Store and on Google Play.
We have gathered for you the several similar apps, each of which can be found the original filters and functions.
- Ultrapop — fans of psychedelic motifs and pop art. Download on the App Store and Google Play.
- Mlvch (or Malevich). Download on the App Store and Google Play.
- Alter. Download on the App Store and Google Play.
- Artbot. Download on Google Play and App Store.
- Deep Art Effects. Download on Google Play.

Magisto allows you to create short movies or video clips from the colorful videos and photos. The application can add special effects and filters, add music, and share videos in social networks. "Smart" automatic editor is able to analyze the content of photos and videos in your phone and create a beautiful movie.
- Download on Google Play and App Store.

8mm — great "vintage" camera. Director Malik Bendjelloul used the app when shot the film "In search of Sugar Man", which in 2013 won the "Oscar" in the category "Best documentary". The application imposes on the video are the effects (dust, flicker, scratches, grain) to make it appear filmed on old film.
- Download on the App Store.

KineMaster — featured professional editor that supports multiple layers of video, images and text, multiple audio tracks, allows you to adjust the brightness, contrast and saturation, apply video filters and special effects, export videos in Full HD quality and more.
- Download on Google Play.
- iMovie — like the software only for Apple gadgets. In addition, the application can make videos in the style of the trailers for Hollywood films. Download on the App Store.
- VidTrim is app easier, with user-friendly interface. Perfect for those who want a quick result. Download on Google Play.
- AndroVid. Besides a good selection of basic functions allows you to cut one video into several fragments or merge videos into one. Download on Google Play.

Action Movie FX — this app is for those who are jealous of the fame Director of "Star wars" or "X-Men". With the app, you can turn a regular video into a Hollywood movie with special effects: to arrange an explosion or accident, to represent the alien attack or the battle of the transformers, and similar horrors.
- Download on the App Store.
- Action Movie Creator on Google Play.

Artisto is a mobile app for artistic video processing authorship Mail.Ru Group. Can also process photos and make short looped videos, which are played first in normal and then in the opposite direction (Loop). Now there are 17 filters.
- Download on the App Store and Google Play.
And again. (Somebody stop me!)
Photos on the preview Aleshyn Andrei
See also
11 free apps for photo editing
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