20 short-life hacking facts that you did not know about YouTube
Website learned that YoTube actually full of tweaks that can make your interaction with the service useful and fun! 1. Make of SIFCO's video add «GIF» to the reference to the video in YouTube.
You move to the GIF YouTube, where you can set the length of SIFCO, and add a title.
2. Locate the page muzykantaProsto favorite type in the search # imyamuzykanta.
Full albums are arranged in playlists in the section Albums.
3. KaraokeMusixmatch is a free application for the browser Chrome, which puts lyrics to the music video. The annex contains the text of more than 7 million songs in 32 languages.
4. Find out what kind of music igraetMooMa.sh - it is something like Shazam, but for YouTube. This website can identify any song or melody in this video. Just copy and paste the link to the video and see how everything works!
5. Mode teatraEsli press a small rectangle in the bottom right corner of the video, you will enter the "theater».
6. Automatic vosproizvedenieChtoby stop automatic playback, click Autoplay.
7. Check soedinenieProgramma Video Quality Report from Google can show you what quality video supported by your provider.
8. New design YouTubeZaydite on www.youtube.com/testtube and click on Go to the next player. You can test new design YouTube-player, which has a transparent status bar, and it also can be installed any screen size.
9. Watch YouTube on this point televizoreVot Site considers particularly useful! Start the video on your smartphone or tablet and see it on the big screen via the Wi-Fi-connection (all SMART TV can catch the signal Wi-Fi).
To do this, open the YouTube on your mobile device, start the video and find connections in your TV. The main thing is that your devices are connected to the same network of Wi-Fi. The connection is created automatically, but you can do it manually.
10. Share a certain vremeniEsli press Command + right mouse button, you can share video from the set time.
11. Look for deteyPrilozhenie YouTube Kids for iOS and Android provides only the video that you can watch the children.
12. Optimize for slow internetaEsli due to poor internet connection slows down the video, go to www.youtube.com/account_playback and select I have a slow connection. Do not include HD-video.
13. The exact poiskChtoby find exactly those videos that you want, you can add to your request, the following words:
You move to the GIF YouTube, where you can set the length of SIFCO, and add a title.

2. Locate the page muzykantaProsto favorite type in the search # imyamuzykanta.
Full albums are arranged in playlists in the section Albums.

3. KaraokeMusixmatch is a free application for the browser Chrome, which puts lyrics to the music video. The annex contains the text of more than 7 million songs in 32 languages.

4. Find out what kind of music igraetMooMa.sh - it is something like Shazam, but for YouTube. This website can identify any song or melody in this video. Just copy and paste the link to the video and see how everything works!

5. Mode teatraEsli press a small rectangle in the bottom right corner of the video, you will enter the "theater».

6. Automatic vosproizvedenieChtoby stop automatic playback, click Autoplay.

7. Check soedinenieProgramma Video Quality Report from Google can show you what quality video supported by your provider.

8. New design YouTubeZaydite on www.youtube.com/testtube and click on Go to the next player. You can test new design YouTube-player, which has a transparent status bar, and it also can be installed any screen size.
9. Watch YouTube on this point televizoreVot Site considers particularly useful! Start the video on your smartphone or tablet and see it on the big screen via the Wi-Fi-connection (all SMART TV can catch the signal Wi-Fi).
To do this, open the YouTube on your mobile device, start the video and find connections in your TV. The main thing is that your devices are connected to the same network of Wi-Fi. The connection is created automatically, but you can do it manually.
10. Share a certain vremeniEsli press Command + right mouse button, you can share video from the set time.
11. Look for deteyPrilozhenie YouTube Kids for iOS and Android provides only the video that you can watch the children.

12. Optimize for slow internetaEsli due to poor internet connection slows down the video, go to www.youtube.com/account_playback and select I have a slow connection. Do not include HD-video.
13. The exact poiskChtoby find exactly those videos that you want, you can add to your request, the following words:
- «channel», or «playlist»;
- «HD» - for high definition or «3D» - video in 3D;
- insert into your request quotes and signs + / - to add or remove from the search (for example: «beyonce» + «destiny's child» or «beyonce» - «jay-z»). 14. Quick Search lessons fitnesuChtoby easier to find lessons on fitness, visit Youfitness.me. There they are sorted by type and duration.
15. Remove the audio track in MP3.Prosto please visit Peggo.
16. His videopleylistSayt Solon combines a video playlist c YouTube and Vimeo, as well as audio from SoundCloud.
17. Watch a video on top okonFloating YouTube is an application for the browser Chrome, which allows you to fix the YouTube video on top of all other windows.
18. Speed vosproizvedeniyaEsli click on the small gear in the lower-right corner of any video on YouTube, you can select the speed of video playback.
Slow motion, for example, is very useful when viewing instructional videos.
19. Set up privatnostEsli you are registered on YouTube, go to the privacy settings and set the desired checkboxes, so that other users do not know what channels you are subscribed.
20. Shortcuts: K - Pause or losing
J - rewind 10 seconds
L - fast 10 seconds
M - mute
the digit 0 - the beginning of the video
numbers from 1 to 9 - jump by 10% - 90%
"+" - Increase the font
"-" - Decrease font
Bonus: How to download videos from YouTubeEst multiple sites and applications for the browser Chrome, which allow you to download videos from YouTube. Here is one of them:
Save From Net. On this website you can go alone and copy the link to the video or insert a link to the word «youtube» the letter «ss». You will get on the same page.
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